Deadly Addition (Hardy Brothers Security Book 9) (24 page)

BOOK: Deadly Addition (Hardy Brothers Security Book 9)
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“Your word doesn’t mean a lot to me,” Finn said.

“I suppose that should hurt, but it doesn’t,” Sheila said. “I don’t see where you have any other options.”

The sound of cascading sirens filled the air. James glanced over his shoulder, nodding at the police officers getting out of their patrol car and heading in their direction. “I don’t think you have any other options,” he said.

Sheila’s face drained of color. “You called the cops? You narcs.”

“You’re both murderers and thieves,” James said. “We didn’t trust you not to hurt Emma.”

“And you still can’t,” Seth warned, lowering the knife to Emma’s abdomen as the officers approached. “Take another step and I’ll gut her, pigs.”

“What’s the situation?”

The officer speaking to James was one he recognized. “Sergeant Anderson,” James said, keeping his gaze on Seth. “They’re demanding we let them leave. The woman they’re holding is pregnant.” James lowered his voice. “And if we don’t get Emma out of this situation in exactly thirty seconds, my brother is going to lose it.”

Anderson nodded. “Understood.” He took a step forward. “Sir, madam, if you would be so kind as to surrender, we’ll take you into custody and treat you fairly.”

“Oh, that’s rich,” Sheila scoffed.

“If you don’t surrender, then we’ll use force,” Anderson said, focusing on Seth. “And, if that civilian is harmed in any way, I’m going to put you in a cell with the biggest rapist I can find.”

James was impressed with the threat.

Seth balked. “You can’t say things like that.”

“I can say whatever I want,” Anderson said. “When you threaten a pregnant woman in my town, you get what’s coming to you.”

James watched Sheila curiously. He could see her mind working.

“I want to make a deal,” she announced.

“What?” Seth was incensed.

“I want to make a deal,” Sheila said, dropping the suitcase onto the ground and holding up her hands. “I’ll testify against Seth in exchange for immunity.”

“Okay,” Anderson said, motioning for her move in his direction. He watched with impassioned eyes as his partner forced the woman to her knees and cuffed her hands behind her back.

“What?” Emma was crying freely now. “She’s just as much to blame in all of this as Seth.”

Anderson ignored Emma’s outburst. “That leaves you, sir.”

“I don’t see where I have a lot of options,” Seth said. “Maybe I should just gut this bitch – she ruined this all for me, she deserves it – and let you guys shoot me? That’s got to be better than prison.”

“I really wish you wouldn’t threaten to do things like that,” Anderson said. “It makes me ornery.”

“Well, we wouldn’t want that.”

James stilled Anderson before he could reply with a furtive movement of his hand. Something had caught his attention behind Seth. He would’ve recognized that shoulder-length brown hair anywhere. Anderson must have seen Grady, too, because he forced his body into a more relaxed stance.

“Okay, sir,” Anderson said. “How about we compromise? If you move the knife away from the woman’s stomach, I’ll negotiate a vehicle for you to leave in.”

Seth considered the offer. “With her?”


“Why would I possibly believe you?” Seth asked. He was dubious, but he lowered the knife to his side.

“Thank you, sir.”

James realized that Anderson was giving Grady verbal cues.

“Now, let’s talk about my escape,” Seth said. “I want a car, and I want that suitcase.”

“Fine,” Anderson said.

Seth’s eyes widened. “You’re just agreeing? Why would you possibly … ?”

His words were cut short when Grady wrapped his arm around Seth’s throat, grabbing the hand with the knife and pulling it out wide – away from Emma – with his other hand. Seth was so surprised, he released his hold on Emma’s hair. When she felt herself suddenly free, Emma raced forward – and straight into Finn’s waiting arms.

Finn pulled her to him, pressing her face into his neck as he watched Grady slam Seth’s face into the pavement. “I’ve got you sweetheart. You’re okay.”

“You can’t do this to me!” Seth screamed. “That’s police brutality.”

“I’m not a cop,” Grady said. “And you don’t ever touch a member of my family. Ever!”

Seth looked to Anderson, blood gushing from the wound between his eyebrows. “I want him arrested.”

Anderson was nonplussed. “I didn’t see a thing.”


“I really thought they were going to kill me,” Emma said, relishing the way Finn’s hands were running over her body as she soaked up his warmth.

“I would never let that happen,” Finn said, pulling away so he could look her face over. The darkening mark on her cheek didn’t escape his attention. “Did they hit you?”

“Seth did,” Emma said. “It’s okay.”

“Ouch,” Seth shrieked. “Why did you hit me?”

“I didn’t hit you,” Anderson said. “I slipped. You hit that woman on purpose, but I slipped.”

James smirked. He’d always liked Anderson, but he was gaining new respect for the man.

“I want my deal,” Sheila said.

“What deal?” Anderson asked.

“You said you’d give me a deal!”

“I’m a cop,” Anderson said. “I don’t have the authority to give you a deal.”

“This arrest is never going to hold up,” Sheila said.

“Really? Because I have five witnesses here who make me think otherwise.” Anderson wasn’t even remotely ruffled.

Sheila glared at Emma. “You can’t believe a thing she says,” Sheila said. “She’s a liar, and a thief. She purposely seduced my husband when she was a child.”

Anderson shot a questioning look toward James as Finn fought the urge to kill Sheila on the spot.

“Emma is Lance Pritchard’s daughter,” James explained.

Anderson was disgusted. “You’re one rancid piece of work, lady,” Anderson said. “I think you’re going to be very popular on the inside.”

“You can’t threaten me,” Sheila said. “I know my rights.”

“Really?” Anderson asked, arching an eyebrow. “What are your rights? Do you have the right to murder a man? Do you have the right to steal money? Do you have the right to threaten your own child and grandchild? If I were you, I’d just shut my mouth.”

“Well, you’re not me,” Sheila said, shifting her attention to Emma. “You know this was all a mistake, right? I was never going to let Seth hurt you. I was just going along with him until we could get away. He’s vicious. You have no idea how vicious he is.”

Finn tightened his arms around Emma. “Don’t you even speak to her.”

“If you were so afraid of Seth, how come you were trying to break into the accounts with his name on them to steal his money?” James asked.

“I knew it!” Seth was a ball of rage as he tried to get up from the pavement. The other police officer standing next to him slammed him back down to the ground. “Don’t move.”

“I was doing no such thing,” Sheila sniffed.

“We have proof back at the office,” James informed Anderson. “We’ve got everything on her computer. We also have proof she tried to break into our computers. It’s not much, but another charge for this … woman … couldn’t hurt.”

“You’re a dick,” Sheila spat.

“Thank you,” James said.

“Your wife is a bitch, too.”

“I’ll tell her you sent your best.”

Anderson smirked. “We’re going to need statements. Do you want to do them now or later?”

James glanced at Emma. “I’m not sure.”

Finn cupped the back of Emma’s head as he stared into her brown eyes. “I think Emma needs to rest. She’s had a long day.”

“No,” Emma said. “Let’s get it over with. I want to be done with her.”

“And then we’ll order in and rest?” Finn prodded.

Emma nodded, her smile wan. “That sounds nice.”

“Can you come down to the station?” Anderson asked.

Finn nodded.

“Let’s get these two loaded up,” Anderson said. “I think they’re both going to be a joy to process.”

“I have so much dirt on her, you’re going to be begging to give me a deal,” Seth crowed.

“Oh, you’re so pathetic,” Sheila said. “You’re almost as pathetic as my daughter. She honestly believes she’s going to get some fairytale ending here. The guy knocks her up, and instead of asking her to marry him, he asks her to move in. She’s the pathetic one.”

“You just can’t stop yourself, can you?” Finn said. “You get your power by tearing down your daughter. If you ask me, you’re the one who is pathetic.”

“Well, I didn’t ask you,” Sheila said. “It’s the truth, though. You don’t love her. You don’t even want to marry her. Why would you? She’s tainted goods. Her father made sure of that. You’re only staying with her because of the baby.”

In his head, Finn worried that it was the wrong decision, but he pulled the ring box out of his pocket anyway. He wanted Emma to get a win, and he wanted it to happen in front of her mother.

“Seriously, you’re going to do that now?” James asked, surprised.

Finn nodded.

James shrugged. “Go nuts.”

“Do what?” Emma asked curiously.

Finn opened the box so Emma could see the ring, biting his lip when he heard the gasp escape her mouth.

“Is that what I think it is?” Emma asked, her eyes clouding with tears again, just for a happier reason this time.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Sheila said. “He’s only doing it because I goaded him into it. Never forget that, Emma.”

Anderson clamped his hand over Sheila’s mouth to stifle her. “You retroactively managed to get him to buy a twenty-thousand-dollar ring? I don’t think so. Keep your mouth shut.”

“Mandy and I went ring shopping about a week ago,” Finn said, studying Emma’s face worriedly. “I wanted to wait until this was all over. I wanted to give you the perfect night. I wanted to give you a big proposal. I wanted it to be grand.

“What I need most is for you to know that I love you more than anything,” he continued. “I need you to know that I’m always going to love you. There’s no one else for me, and I’m not asking because of the baby. I want you to be my forever. If there was no baby, you would still be my everything.”

Finn dropped to one knee and held up the box. “Emma Pritchard, will you marry me?”

Emma started sobbing as she reached for the ring. She didn’t immediately answer.

Finn exchanged a worried glance with James.

“I think that’s a yes,” James said.

“It would be helpful if she’d say it,” Finn said.

“Yes,” Emma choked out, dropping down onto the pavement next to him. “Yes.”

Sheila rolled her eyes.

Finn slipped the ring onto Emma’s finger and pulled her in for a scorching kiss. The proposal might not have been perfect, but the sentiment was. Emma was finally getting the love – and family – she’d always deserved. It might not have been orthodox, but it was a moment neither of them would ever forget – and that’s why it was, ultimately, perfect.

Neither one of them had a doubt that happily ever after was in their future.

Up Next


Hardy Brothers Security is growing – and they’re taking on a new case in New Orleans.

Because his wife, Mandy, has always wanted to visit the city, James arranges to take her along for the ride. Grady and Finn won’t be without Sophie and Emma either, and the whole vacation becomes a family affair.

While the men are working during the day, the women are playing and having fun.

Unfortunately for everyone, someone thinks Emma has managed to get her hands on something important. The problem is, no one knows what it is.

Between the three young guys who are following them around, and the other odd occurrences plaguing the Hardys, things are spiraling out of control.

Before everything is said and done, Jake and Ally are drawn into the mix and one of the women is kidnapped and held for a mighty ransom.

Can the Hardys solve another crime and keep their family whole?


Deadly Vacation is available for purchase

Author’s Note

I’m a romantic at heart. A true romantic. I love the idea of a happy ending, so much so I have trouble writing a sad one. The world is sad enough. I like escaping in fiction. That’s just me. I like sarcasm and snark – but I’m not sure a sad ending is in me. If you’re looking for an edge like that, you’re probably looking in the wrong place. Just FYI.

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This book is available for lending. Please do so.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

BOOK: Deadly Addition (Hardy Brothers Security Book 9)
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