Daughter of a Monarch (6 page)

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Authors: Sara Daniell

Tags: #action novel, #Romance, #Adventure, #action, #action book, #stephanie meyer, #adventure books, #female heroine, #twilight, #adventure novel, #Fiction, #young adult fiction, #young adult, #strong female characters

BOOK: Daughter of a Monarch
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After she gets the fire going, she motions for me to come over and sit with her on the couch. She hands me a quilt then covers herself with her own. She plays with my hair soothingly.

“You look so much like your father.”

“Mom, just tell me what’s going on. Please,” I ask almost desperately.

She sighs and covers her mouth as tears fill her eyes. She shakes her head at me, trying to smile a little to lighten the mood. She slowly lets her hand fall to her lap, clasping her hands together.

“You’re a secret, A. Or were. The guards and maids know the importance of keeping their princess hidden. Our world has no idea you exist. And neither does Gaia. Or at least they didn’t until now. Fae loving a Versipellis is forbidden. Before you I was the only existing half Fae half Versipellis, except unlike you, I also have mortal in me. It happened by accident. A spell was broken, and when it happened, Versipellis magic was transferred to me. But you? You are a product of a forbidden love. At the time I made my decision, choosing your father and Terre, I didn’t know the risks. Your father kept that information hidden from me until after everything had transpired, and I’m not sure I’ll ever not be angry at him for doing that to me, or to us. Not that it would have changed my mind about him, but I would have never brought a child into it.”

“And what’s going on now? Stop beating around the bush!” I almost shout.

She looks at me, jumping a little at the tone of my voice. “You going to Gaia….Me coming there to find you….Somehow they found out about you, Aislin. You’re not allowed to exist, according to the Terre and Gaia laws.” She looks at the fire and shakes her head. “Your life is in danger, and your father and I will have to pay for what we did. The dangers of being half-and-half is a risk to all.”

“Oh my god, I sound like coffee creamer.” I sigh heavily.

Mom laughs, but then her expression grows grim again. She places her hand on top of mine.

“Promise me you’ll stay far away from Gaia and Terre until we come to some sort of agreement?”

“I promise,” I lie. I have a family there. I’m curious as hell about this Fae blood that runs through my veins. I shouldn’t be mad at Mom and Dad, but I sort of am. Why did they keep me a secret? Why haven’t they just tried to make peace with them when she knew she was pregnant with me? I felt the need to talk with the Fae of Gaia and with the Versipellis of Terre. I’d show them I wasn’t a threat. I was far from it. Just a princess who recently lost control. Okay, so maybe I was a threat.
But that part could be fixed. Right?

Anger builds as I think about Mom and Dad keeping me in the dark about all of this. I look at the fire that’s beginning to dim as I try to suppress my emotions. I’m overreacting.

The fire starts to get larger and larger again. I’m so entranced by the orange and red dancing brightly that I don’t pay attention to Mom screaming at me to stop. I’m brought back to reality when Mom begins shoving her own magic at me, throwing me onto the floor. I rub my head that hit the side of the couch and look up at her. I’m so sick of ending up on the ground today.

“I—I’m sorry,” I stutter out as I look at the damage I created.

I watch as tears fill her eyes as she puts the large fire out with water spilling from her hands. She sits back down once it’s out, placing her head in her hands.

“No, Baby Girl. I’m sorry. We should’ve figured this all out a long time ago. I’ve done exactly what my parents did to me. They kept me in the dark. I know every emotion you’re feeling right now.”

“My magic is doing weird things, Mom. It spins out of control,” I say quietly, changing the subject. “It’s getting worse.”

“I know. You do it when you sleep as well.”


“A, we both need to rest while we wait for your dad.”

“What’s wrong with me, Mom?”

She runs her hands down her face and sighs. “I was hoping nothing, but our worst fear has come true. You’re the half-breed everyone has feared. It’s the reason we’ve kept you hidden.”

“Tell me everything. Please.”


to Dad kissing my cheek that is wet from tears. I dry them with my blanket then reach up to hug him tightly.

“Mom told me about my family in Gaia last night. Will they be harmed because of me?” That question has been consuming my mind ever since she told me about them.

Dad rubs circles on my back. “I don’t think so. But who knows. The leaders of Gaia are pretty pissed, A.”

“Mom said it’s because I’m the first to be born half Fae and half Versipellis.”

“That and they don’t want any more of your kind running around.”

Mom walks into the room and leans against the wall.

“Is this my fault? For going to Gaia?” I asked her.

“Cohen and his son finding out about you wasn’t a good thing. Then I came, and that just confirmed that you were, in fact, mine.”

“But they don’t seem like the type that would rat us out,” I say in confusion.

Mom shrugs. “No, they don’t, but I don’t trust anyone right now. My sister could’ve seen you. I wouldn’t put it past her to tell.”

Dad stands and kisses Mom’s forehead. “I need to head back to Terre and make sure they don’t find out.”

Mom nods. “I’ll protect her.”

“I know.” Dad tells us he loves us both then disappears.

Mom doesn’t say anything. She smiles softly at me then climbs into bed with me. She must have carried me in here, because I don’t remember ever getting off the couch.

Mom lays her head on my shoulder and cries softly. I want to sympathize with her, but instead I wonder what all she is still keeping from me. There has to be more to this story.

When she spoke about our family in Gaia last night, there was so much pain etched in her voice. She missed them. She gave up everything to be with my father. I wondered if she really loved him, or if she stayed with him because of me? Because she got pregnant?

I feel responsible for the mess we are in even though I know it isn’t my fault. I’m an abomination according the laws of the worlds. My head hurts. This is all just too much with such few answers.

Maybe, if I went and spoke to the leaders of Gaia, we could come to some sort of agreement. I’m not too concerned about Terre because Dad and Mom are in rule there. They’d fix it somehow. But I need to go to Gaia. I could fix this. And not to mention, I have family there that I’m sure would be willing to help me.

I quietly get up from the bed after Mom is asleep. I dig around in the closet until I find a suitcase, grab a few things I might need, clasp it shut, and change into something that will suit the warmer climate in Gaia.

Maybe I’m wrong for going, but right now, I’m willing to risk it all to try to fix this mess. I’ll ask for forgiveness later. It’s much easier to ask for that than for permission.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. When I feel the difference in temperature, I open my eyes and look around. The tree branches covered in beautiful greenery sway in the wind, sending a gentle breeze through my hair. 

Hello, Gaia. It’s time we get to know one another.


set the suitcase down. I sit on it as I look around at the field of tall grass. I close my eyes and whisper a spell to lock down the passage between here and Terre. Dad and Mason would figure it out eventually, but it would buy me time to talk to the leaders of Gaia and meet my family. I stand, pick up my suitcase, and start walking.

I walk until I finally find a busy street. I haven’t been around this many people in my entire life.

I smile as I walk even though everyone stares at me like I have four heads. But shit, I feel like I have four heads. My palms are sweaty, and if one of these Fae tries to talk to me, I’m afraid I won’t be able to respond, because I’m socially retarded.
Thank you, Mom and Dad…

I walk up to the person who appears to be the kindest. I clear my throat and think of what to say.

“Excuse me, I’m looking for Harim Cho—I can’t even get out his last name.

The man’s wide eyes stare at me skeptically. “Why are you looking for him?”

“Because,” I look up him, taking in his height, “he’s my uncle.”

“Are you Aislin?”

I look at him oddly. “Maybe…”

Okay, so this was a bad idea.

I go to walk way, but he wraps me in a quick hug, which completely freaks me out, then hurries me down the street so fast I have no time to question his actions.

“Where are you taking me?”

“To your grandmother’s house before you’re seen!”

I stop, digging my heels into the dirt. “No, I’m not going anywhere with you! I asked if you knew Harim and—”

“I’m Harim, Aislin. I’m your Uncle.”

I scrunch my eyebrows and look at him. Too easy. There’s no way the first Fae I find is Harim. However, he and Mom do look a lot alike now that I take a better look at him.

“Prove it.” I cross my arms in front of my chest.

“Seriously? You don’t need to be seen! I need to get you to a safe place!”

I raise a brow. “Then you better hurry up and prove it, because I’m not budging until you do.”

He mumbles something about me being like my mother. “How’s your father, Luke?”

“He’s not that great right now. But you’re going to have to do better than that!”

“Come with me, and I will,” he says with urgency.

I follow with caution. I will blame my poor judgement on my parents. If they allowed me to be around others more then maybe I could judge their motives better. Harim wanna-be seems to be sincere and legit, but who the hell knows. I keep up with his pace.

We come to a house with beautiful landscaping. I smile when I see a white picket fence that wraps around the brick home. The breeze feels familiar, and the salty air smells like a place I’d visited before. Paradise.

A woman who is the spitting image of my mother, except older, emerges from the front door. A tear slips down her cheek the moment her eyes land on me.


I nod. She holds up the bottom of her dress so she doesn’t trip on it as she runs to me. Her arms fling open and secure around me.

“Oh, how I’ve waited to meet you!”

Tears sting my eyes. “I’m not supposed to be here,” I whisper.

She cups my face and laughs. “You’re not, but here you are anyway. Stubborn like your mother and determined like your father.”

“You know my father?”

“Everyone knows the king of Terre.”

“Okay, so I kind of believe you now but still a tad skeptical.” I look at Harim. He chuckles and motions for me to follow him inside.

I look around the cozy home. I walk around and look at the pictures on the wall. It’s covered in pictures of my mother, grandmother, uncle, and my aunt Stella. I assume that was her anyway because she looks just like Mom and is close to her age.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to see Uncle Harim. “Now that you believe me, we should get you back home. You really shouldn’t be here.”

“I can’t go back. Not right now. I have things I need to do before I leave. I need to speak to the leaders of your world.” I continue to look around at pictures on the wall.

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