Daughter of a Monarch

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Authors: Sara Daniell

Tags: #action novel, #Romance, #Adventure, #action, #action book, #stephanie meyer, #adventure books, #female heroine, #twilight, #adventure novel, #Fiction, #young adult fiction, #young adult, #strong female characters

BOOK: Daughter of a Monarch
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Life for Princess Aislin is complicated. Isolated and held prisoner in her own home since birth, she’s now a teenager with growing magical abilities who refuses to be placated.


Demanding answers about her family and heritage, Luke and Holly have no choice but to answer their daughter’s questions when her secret existence is about to be exposed.


But Aislin’s the perfect storm with no cure. Can she find the help she needs before it’s too late?








Copyright © 2015 Sara Daniell

All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written permission of the publisher.


This book is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and dialogue are drawn from the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Published by

Opine Press


Print edition ISBN numbers:

ISBN-13: 978-0692571651

ISBN-10: 0692571655





A Life Unexpected

Cohen’s Tale



An Unfortunate Journey

Anything Goes On A Friday Night








In Creeps The Night

A Winter’s Romance

Tales By The Tree




To my readers…you inspire me.


the hall and peek into my parents’ room to make sure they’re asleep. I hurry back to my room and try to remember the spell my dad used to close the realm passage between here and Gaia. I tap my thigh as I think.

What was that damn spell…

Oh, yeah!

I quickly use my handy talent of breaking codes to release the spell. My dad says I get that from my Uncle Brody, who passed away before I was born.

I smile inwardly as I feel the change in temperature and know I’ve successfully transported myself from Terre to Gaia. I pull the ponytail holder from my wrist and quickly tie my hair in a loose bun. I throw my shoes off and bury my feet in the warm sand.
Man, how I’ve missed this place!

They’d have to be crazy to think I wouldn’t figure out how to return, even though they locked down travel between the worlds
. I walk toward the water, and suddenly feel like I’m being watched.
Surely I haven’t been caught already!
I turn around and see someone walking in the distance. I dart behind a tree and try to breathe as quietly and evenly as possible.

I watch as a male figure emerges from the woods and approaches the water. He has dark hair, and I catch a quick glimpse of his green eyes. He must be one of the Fae my mother has told me about. I try to teleport myself back to Terre, but for some reason, it’s not working.
Well, damn.
I start to panic as he gets closer. I look around for another place to hide, but there isn’t anywhere else to go.

He looks around, and I know he can probably hear my ragged breathing. I’m so nervous that I’m panting like I’ve run a marathon. I do my best to stay hidden behind the tree, but he is getting closer, and I’m shaking like a leaf. I tuck a few strands of hair that came out of my loose bun then put my back against the tree.

He leans his back against the tree I’m hiding behind, and I instinctively hold my breath. It doesn’t take long before I’m starting to feel lightheaded, and in my desperation for fresh air, it rushes from my lungs uncontrollably, completely giving me away. He bolts from the tree, whirling around to look directly at me.

I smile sheepishly and wave like an idiot. “Hi.” This would be less awkward if he wasn’t so attractive.

“Who are you?” he asks, studying my face and stepping closer. His eyes find mine.

“Ummm, it’s probably not a good idea for me to tell you that.”

My parents told me that the people of Gaia don’t like Versipellis, especially when they’re
Gaia. The level of prejudice between the worlds is ridiculous.

He looks confused. He shoves his hands in his pockets and mutters sullenly, “I didn’t think anyone else knew about this place.” He looks out at the water then back to me.

“Me either,” I say, walking out into the moonlight.

He smiles as he gets a better look at me. He stretches out his hand. “I’m Isaac.”

I shake his hand. “And I’m lost.”

He laughs. “I’ll help you find your way home if you tell me your name.”

“Aislin. But you might have a hard time helping me find my way home. Don’t worry. My parents will be here any minute looking for me. You might want to leave now, though, or they will probably kill us both.” I laugh as I sit down in the sand and rest my chin on my hand.

“What part of Gaia are you from?” he asks, sitting down next to me.

“I’m kind of not from Gaia. I’m actually from Terre,” I admit as I use my index finger to draw in the sand.

His eyes grow wide, and then he frowns a little. “Terre?”

I laugh and bat my eyes. “What, are you scared of a little ol’ Versipellis?”

He crosses his arms across his chest and stares at me. “Aren’t your kind and our kind not supposed to cross over to each other’s worlds?”

I shrug my shoulders. “That’s why you should probably leave. When my dad finds me—”

“Aislin!” Well, there’s my mother.

I stand up and wipe sand from my legs. “Hello, Mother.” She has her hands on her hips, and by the look on her face, I’m in deep shit.

“Do you realize what we’re risking by coming here?” She stomps toward me, and I have the sudden urge to run but decide I better stay put if I value my life at all.

I look away from her eyes. “I’m sorry, I—”

“Sorry? Aislin, we have told you
how dangerous it is to come here! I should—Her tirade cuts off abruptly as she becomes alarmed at the sight of Isaac. She studies him intently for a brief moment; then her expression abruptly goes soft.

“Mom?” I’m worried about her mood swing... She’s never this quiet when I’m in trouble. For some reason, seeing Isaac shut her up, and although it’s weird, I can’t peel my eyes from the scene unfolding before me.

Isaac looks scared. My mom slowly closes the distance between them. I laugh a little at his panicked expression. Isaac looks at me with disturbed eyes, and I laugh again. My mom on a rampage would scare even the most fearless of tyrants. I shrug my shoulders and watch as my mother continues to stare solemnly at him.

“What is your name?” she asks in a whisper, only inches from his face.

“Umm, Isaac.” He takes a cautious step back, adding some precious inches to his unoccupied personal space. Another laugh escapes my lips.

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