Daughter of a Monarch (5 page)

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Authors: Sara Daniell

Tags: #action novel, #Romance, #Adventure, #action, #action book, #stephanie meyer, #adventure books, #female heroine, #twilight, #adventure novel, #Fiction, #young adult fiction, #young adult, #strong female characters

BOOK: Daughter of a Monarch
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Standing up, bad idea.

“My dad will kill you if he sees you here! You can’t just show up like this!” I struggle to get out the words and sway a little.

“Whoa, calm down, Princess. I came to warn you,” Isaac says as he steadies me.

I raise a brow. “Why?” I open my eyes and try to focus on him.

“My dad is here. In Terre.”

“Shit.” I rest my head against his chest and groan before thinking better of it. I pull away and apologize quickly.

He laughs. “No big deal.” He rubs my back, and it feels too good to question why this guy I barely know is touching me. “Aislin, I need your help. He won’t listen to me.”

“And what the heck am I supposed to do?” I touch my hand to my forehead. “Man, I feel like shit.”

“He said something about warning her about something, but he wouldn’t tell me about what.”

“Where is he?”

He grabs my hand to help me walk. “This way.”

I dig my heels into the dirt. “No way! I can barely see straight, and I’m struggling to stand with your help! Don’t really feel like solving life problems right now.”

“You don’t have a choice! Walk or I’ll carry you. Either way, you’re coming with me!”

I used what little strength I had to raise my hand and give him the finger. I then went limp against him, and he lifted me into his arms.


dad walking toward the Castle. Isaac hurries with me over to him.

“My dad will kill you! You’ve caused enough trouble between them already,” I snap as Isaac sets me down. I lean against a tree.

Cohen stops and steps toward me.
My god, he’s tall.
“Aislin, I have to see her. You don’t understand.” His voice is desperate. “You are all in danger.”

“The only one that’s in danger is going to be you! Now leave!” I do my best to walk toward him, but only stumble, appearing to be drunk. Once I finally make it to him, I slam my index finger into his chest.
Holy hell, is he made of cement?

My world continues to spin. “Listen here, bud—my words come out slurred, and I’m glad that Isaac takes over.

“Dad, she’s right.”

My knees start to give way, and Isaac catches me.

Cohen looks at me with concern. “Are you all right?”

“I just need to sit down.” Isaac helps me sit, and I rest my head in my hands. “You both need to leave. My dad is forbidding me to see you or have anything to do with Gaia. My dad upset is not a good thing.” I don’t look up at either of them.

“I could care less what your father says. You need help.”

“I’m fine. I just need to sit here a little while longer. Now leave.” Everything starts to become clearer, and I’m thankful when things stop spinning.

“Aislin, I need to speak to your mother and father. This is not debatable. With or without your permission, I’m going to find them.”

I look up at him. “Not today, Cohen. You were the center of their fight last night and—”

“I don’t give a damn. Your father has always been insecure about your mother loving me, but he needs to remember who she chose. Now, I need to see them. There are bigger things to worry about right now than the past.” He starts walking to the castle.

My mouth falls open, and I knock him on the ground with my magic. Horrible idea. Everything is spinning again. I put my head in my hands and groan loudly.

“Don’t you dare speak about my family in that way!” I yell once I muster up the strength to do so.

He stands up and calmly dusts himself off. He smirks. “Is that all you got?”

I bite the inside of my cheek as anger boils in my blood. I narrow my eyes as I look up at him. “Are you challenging me, asshole?”


For that, right from the spot I’m sitting in, I send him plummeting to the ground again. He stands up, and I sense the magic he’s forming. I immediately build my magic off the strength he’s building, making it stronger. Our magic is so forceful; I’m beginning to wonder what exactly we plan on doing with it, because if we hurl it toward one another, we will both be dead. Especially me.

The air starts turning different shades of red, green, and blue. The wind begins to whistle and whip fiercely around us.

“Stop it!” I hear someone yell, but it sounds distant.

I can’t stop. I’ve lost control.
Magic emerges forcefully from every part of me and is headed toward Isaac and Cohen. There’s no stopping it. I watch the fear in their eyes. They both disappear seconds before it touches them.

I fall backwards on the ground and groan as orange light from the setting sun irritates my eyes, making my already pounding headache worse. I feel bile rise up in my throat.

“Care to tell me why on Terre you’d be pulling that much magic?” Cousin Collin demands, standing over me.

He holds out his hand to help me sit up, and I shake my head. “Just let me die here.”

“A!” I hear Dad’s booming voice yell.

“Well, he just realized I ventured away from the castle.” I look up at Collin. “Can I use your hand now?”

He laughs and holds his hand out. I stand but sway a little. He steadies me. “Dammit, A. You can’t pull that much magic! And how did you—”

I hold my head in my hands. “Please, stop talking. It hurts.”

“Aislin!” I cringe in pain when Dad yells again.

“You could use your magic and disappear to your room,” Collin suggests in a whisper.

“I don’t have the strength.” My eyes close, but I force them open again.

He laughs. “All right. Your funeral.”

“As bad as this headache is, I’m okay with that.”

“Aislin Nicole Denton! What the hell do you think you are doing out here?”

“I was practicing,” I lie.

“You’re supposed to be inside, and there was talk amongst the guards that there were two men here!”

I look at Collin. “Collin has been the only one here. He was helping me,” I say with difficulty.

“She’s right, Uncle Luke. It’s been me here the whole time. No need to worry.”

I feel more bile rising and know it’s only a matter of seconds before I puke.

“No need to worry? She damn near killed herself earlier! She needs rest.” Dad looks at me. “A. Home, now!”

“Yes, sir,” I mumble as I start wobbling toward the castle. Dad scoops me up before I tumble to the ground.

“You are hard-headed, just like your mother.”

When we make it to my room, he lays me down in my bed. “Sleep this off, and don’t leave this room. Promise me.”

I nod, clutching my sour stomach. Dad kisses my forehead and leaves my room. I roll over, and the movement is too much. I throw up everywhere.



into the warm water. Bubbles tickle my chin, so I swish them away by moving the water around. I close my eyes, listening to the quiet music play. My grandparents on Earth bought me the Enya CD, and it’s been my favorite since last Christmas.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

I sit up a little in the tub at the sound of feet against the floor in my room.


No reply.

I reach for the towel folded on the edge of the tub and stand. I wrap it around myself and walk carefully to my room. I peak my head through the door and see a figure, but it’s dark in my room, so I can’t make out who it is. I go to scream when they dart at me and cover my mouth, muffling the sound.

I use my magic to teleport myself to my parents’ room. Mom jumps from the chair and throws her book when she sees me.

“Aislin! What in the world are you doing?”

I grip the front of my towel with my shaking hand. I hurry across the room until I’m safely in my mom’s arms. “Someone is in my room!”

She tightens her hold on me. “What do you mean, A?” she asks quietly.

“Unfamiliar magic…I could barely see them. They put a hand over my mouth when I tried to yell.” I keep my voice quiet to match hers.

“We need to find your father! Your Fae abilities are surfacing.”

“What does that mean? I thought you said you didn’t know if I had Fae abilities!”

“I may have told a lie.” She shakes her head.

“May have told a lie?” I yell.

She doesn’t answer. Instead she uses her magic to dress me and hurries with me down the long hall to Dad’s office.

We make it to Dad who is talking with some of the guards. When he sees Mom and me, he hurries over.

“What’s wrong?”

I shiver when water drips from my hair down my back.

“They’re here, Luke!” Mom almost shouts. “We have to protect her! Don’t let anything happen to her! You promised me!”

“What! Who’s here?” I shout.

“A, I need you to calm down.”

Ha! Calm down? Fuck you, Mom, but calming down is impossible. Liars…

Dad gives me a warning stare before I open my big mouth. “There are things we know that don’t necessarily need to be shared.” I start to argue, but he turns to Mom before I can. “Take her to the place we have arranged. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

A tear falls down Mom’s cheek. “Luke, I’m not leaving you here!”

“Go!” Dad yells as his hands start to shake and the muscles in his jaw tense.

Tears pour from her eyes, and if I wasn’t scared before, I am now. I’ve never seen these two act like this—scared beyond belief but also so determined.

Before I can start asking questions, Mom teleports us to somewhere I’ve never seen.


at the cabin-like home. I can see my breath as I exhale.

“Where are we?” I ask as I move away from Mom, wrapping my arms around myself and looking around.

Mom walks over to the fireplace and kneels. She starts pulling wood from a wrack beside it and placing it in.

“Your grandparents’ cabin in Alaska on Earth. We’ll be safe here.” She looks over her shoulder. “Could you please flip the light-switch over there by the bookcase?”

I nod. “Safe from what?” I ask as I flip the light on. I look around at the cozy little room. To my left is the kitchen, and to my right is a hallway.

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