Dangerous Craving (7 page)

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Authors: Savannah Stuart

BOOK: Dangerous Craving
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his hips jerk. His cock had a mind of its own and he didn’t blame it.

Slowly, he pulled his finger out then pushed it back in. Each time he did, she rolled

her hips until they found a perfect rhythm.

She came so fast she took him off guard. Her inner walls clenched tightly as her

hips began to move faster.

“Thomas.” His name was a bare whisper on her lips.


Dangerous Craving

Hearing it tore a growl from him. His name should be the only one she ever said.

And he planned to make that happen.

Taking her clit between his teeth, he gently tugged. The action pushed her right

over the edge.

Now it wasn’t a whisper. It was more like a scream. Her orgasm rushed through

her and he could feel every quiver and tremble of her inner walls.

Her fingers tightened on his head for a moment before she fell back against the

desk, limp and satisfied.

The sight of her stretched out and naked on his desk was making it difficult for him

to keep his original goal in mind. This was about her, not him. As her chest rose and fell

and her aroused pink nipples taunted him, he was hard-pressed to remember that.

With the taste of her pleasure on his lips, he moved until he was an inch from her

face. Her green eyes were wide and her pupils dilated.

A soft smile touched her lips. “Thank you.”

He couldn’t answer. His throat was too thick. When she reached between them and

started grappling with his belt, he did something he hadn’t thought possible. He

stopped her. He might want her but he didn’t deserve to sink himself inside her. To feel

her tighten around him. No, he deserved the torment of a fucking hard-on that

wouldn’t go away.

Those perfect lips of hers parted and a frown marred her face. “What are you


He pressed a soft kiss to her lips. “We need to get back to my place. Whoever sent

that guy is still out there.” He wasn’t worried about that but it worked as an excuse. If

someone had tried to enter his office he’d have scented them coming.


He covered her mouth again. Stroking his tongue over hers, he invaded her mouth

until she was panting and breathless. Finally he lifted his head and quickly


Savannah Stuart

disentangled himself. After he picked up her discarded dress, he fished his phone out of

his pocket and called one of the valet guys to bring his car to the side alley. He wasn’t

going to risk taking Nissa through a crowded club after what had just happened.

As he finished his call he turned to find a dressed Nissa sitting on the edge of his

desk with a confused expression on her face. The look in her eyes told him she didn’t

believe his excuse one bit. At least she wasn’t pushing him. If she did he knew he’d toss

his restraint and self-induced torture aside and take her right on the floor.


Dangerous Craving

Chapter Five

Nissa set her iced tea on the table that separated her from Thomas’ sister-in-law,

Carly. Her husband Nick was out patrolling the house and grounds while his

redheaded wife kept her company. The woman was sweet and surprisingly at ease

around so many supernatural beings. Thanks to Thomas, Nissa knew that she’d only

been turned less than a year ago through the mating process. “I’m sorry your friend had

to leave.”

Carly smiled and waved a dismissive hand in the air. “She’ll be back next month. I

think I’ve almost convinced her to move here.”

Nissa’s eyes widened. “And she doesn’t mind that you’re all…werewolves?”

“Ah, she doesn’t know…
. I plan to tell her…one day.” Carly chewed on her

bottom lip for a moment. “Eventually I’ll have to or she’ll realize I’m aging a lot slower.

I don’t know how she’ll take it. Some days
still don’t believe it. If it hadn’t been for

Nick I don’t know that I’d have handled the transition so well.”

Having a supportive mate made all the difference in the world. Something she’d

never get to experience. Nissa shoved the abrupt thought away. Dwelling on something

that could never be was a waste of time. And if she allowed herself to think about it, the

hole in her heart she’d patched up long ago would rip right back open. Before she could

respond Nick appeared from around the side of the house.

The tall, multi-tattooed shifter nodded politely at her but when his gaze landed on

his mate, his entire face softened. “Hey, sweetie.”

Carly’s cheeks flushed as their gazes clashed and Nissa had to look away. Seeing

two people so in love was another reminder of what she’d never have. It didn’t matter

who she ended up mated to. That person wouldn’t be Thomas. Maybe she’d eventually


Savannah Stuart

learn to care for her intended husband but it wouldn’t matter. Swallowing back a lump,

she stood. “If you guys don’t mind I think I’m going to take a quick nap.”

Carly eyed her curiously. “Are you sure? I was about to make lunch.”

Not trusting her voice, she nodded and strode inside. All morning Thomas’ family

had been stopping by to keep an eye on her and some just to meet her. Though he

hadn’t told her what it was about, he’d had to take care of some business with his

father. He’d certainly made sure she was looked after though. Something that didn’t

surprise her.

As she hurried up the stairs, she found it easier to breathe. After the hot interlude in

Thomas’ office last night he’d been quiet and hadn’t pressured her to share his bedroom

again. The disappointment she’d experienced was sharp.

Even though she knew the memories would torture her later she wanted to feel him

inside her just one more time. When she passed by his room, she paused. His door was

cracked open and his sandalwood scent twined around her, drawing her inside. She

might not have his extrasensory abilities but his whole house smelled like him. It was

subtle and it drove her crazy. Even when he wasn’t around, it felt like he was.

Nissa glanced behind her to make sure no one was there then nudged the door

open farther with her foot. Pushing back the tiny twinge of guilt, she stepped into his

room. Since the two large windows facing the ocean had the blinds pulled up she didn’t

bother with the lights.

Instantly her gaze trained on the king-sized bed. She couldn’t stop the way her legs

clenched together at the sight. The thought of letting him take her on that huge thing

sent a quick rush of heat to her pussy.

Shaking her head, she took a step back, ready to leave, when the painting above his

bed caught her eye.

She froze.
How did he have this? How had he known?
Tears pricked her eyes. Turning

away she started to wipe them from her cheeks but jerked to a halt.

Thomas stood in the doorway.


Dangerous Craving

She flushed under his scrutiny. “I-I’m sorry. I was curious what your room looked


He frowned and covered the small distance between them. With calloused thumbs,

he brushed away her tears. “Why are you crying? Did someone upset you?” The second

question held a surprising amount of underlying anger.

She shook her head and half smiled. “I was surprised by the painting, that’s all. I

can’t believe you have it. No one, not even my mother knows I paint.” Annoyed with

herself, she swiped the rest of her tears away. “I can’t believe I started crying. I’m just

being stupid.”

Thomas’ brow knitted together. “
painted that?”

Her tears dried as his question registered. “You didn’t know?”

He shook his head and his gaze trailed past hers to stare at it. For a moment, his

eyes glazed over. “I bought it because it reminded me of you. Of us.” His words were

barely audible.

The scene was a simple one. A villa right on the sparkling Med with a black wolf

playing in the sand. Maybe playing was a stretch, but the animal lounged on the beach,

soaking up the bright sun. Using oils—her favorite medium—she’d painted it with

in mind. It had taken forever to get the mixed blues and greens of the Mediterranean

Sea correct. Known for its deep hues, she’d struggled with so many drafts but it had

been worth it in the end. In her mind it had been the last time they’d been happy

together and she’d put all her effort and soul into capturing that moment on canvas.

To her horror, more tears pricked her eyes. This time it wasn’t just a few stray ones.

Giant drops rolled down her cheeks with abandon. Though she ordered herself to get it

together, it was a fruitless endeavor. She tensed and quickly headed for the door.

Letting him see her cry this way was the last thing she wanted. He was still looking at

that damn painting anyway. She should have burned it. Seeing it only brought her

more sorrow. After she’d sold it she’d never thought to see it again. It was amazing he

owned it now.


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“Nissa.” His hand on her upper arm stopped her.

Keeping her gaze low, she refused to make eye contact. “What?”

He gripped her chin between strong fingers and lifted her head. Not hard, but with

enough pressure to make her look at him. The expression in his dark eyes was so

concerned it sent a tiny crack through the ice surrounding her heart.

Slowly Thomas leaned forward and brushed his lips over one cheek, then the other.

As he kissed away her tears she had to fight back more of them. Why did he have to be

so sweet, so gentle? She’d known she’d find protection with him but time should have

buried or at least dimmed their attraction.

He started to step back but something primal inside her didn’t want that to happen.

Reaching out, she placed a hand on his chest. When he just stared at her she traced her

fingers down the hard length of his body, feeling all those taut, lean lines until she

reached the hem of his polo shirt. She started to grasp it with the intention of pulling it

off him but he tried to stop her.

She frowned. “So you can touch me but I can’t touch you?”

“I didn’t say that.” His voice was strained.

“You didn’t have to.” She still held on to the bottom of his shirt. When he didn’t let

go, her frown deepened. “My first night here you wanted me in your bed. Has that


He swallowed hard but didn’t respond. That just annoyed her. He’d been all about

this but now that she was offering he was acting like a mute. She swiveled away from

him but instead of leaving, she shut the door and turned back to confront him.

His eyebrows rose slightly. Without giving him time to question her, she grasped

the edge of her dress and lifted it over her head. The halter-style summer dress dropped

to the floor almost soundlessly. Since she’d arrived in Miami she hadn’t worn a bra

much. To torture him or herself, she wasn’t sure.


Dangerous Craving

Slowly, she reached up and cupped her naked breasts. His breath hitched and his

gaze narrowed on her hands cradling herself.

As he stared, he looked mesmerized. And the huge bulge in his slacks made her

smile. She liked that she affected him so obviously.

“What are you doing?” he rasped out.

“If you have to ask…” Simultaneously, she rubbed her thumbs over her hardening


He tore his gaze away from her movements and focused on her face. “What…”

“I want you inside me.” The invitation couldn’t get any more blatant than that.

The movement was slight, but he shook his head. “I don’t deserve you.”

Sighing at his stupid comment, she slid her hands down her sides, over her waist,

and moved to her hips. In a smooth movement, she pushed her thong down until it

pooled around her ankles then kicked it away. If he wouldn’t take charge of this, she

would. “Take off your clothes.”

He shuddered slightly, no doubt at the command in her voice. Her pussy ached so

bad for him, she didn’t care about much else other than feeling his hard length push

deep into her. When he didn’t make a move, she wielded a tiny amount of energy and

zapped his shirt. It quickly disintegrated.

“Shit.” Thomas ran a hand down his washboard stomach and her mouth watered.

“I forgot you could do that,” he muttered.

Instead of responding, she headed for his bed. “If you don’t hurry, I’m going to

start without you.”

As she tried to move past him, he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her tight

against him. Without pause she clutched his shoulders and lifted up, wrapping her legs

around him. The feel of all that raw power and muscle between her legs made her

moan. A man didn’t have a right to be so toned.


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His hands slid down her back until he cupped her behind. Clutching her tightly, he

dug his fingers into her cheeks.

Thomas fought to breathe with Nissa’s breasts pressed up against his bare chest.

He’d tasted and licked them the past couple days but to feel them was heaven. A small

part of him wanted to stop this. She deserved a hell of a lot more than him but he was

selfish. Once she’d stripped off her dress and bared herself completely to him, he’d

known he was lost.

Her desire for him was still as potent as before. The fact that she’d taken this step

without any pressure from him meant they had a chance together.

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