Dangerous Craving (3 page)

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Authors: Savannah Stuart

BOOK: Dangerous Craving
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had been acting odd lately and even though they were close, the hunger for power did

strange things to people. It made her sick to think of her own flesh and blood betraying

her but she knew it was possible. She’d seen it happen before. Far too many times.

The ironic thing was she didn’t even want to be queen. She hated to think that her

sister Kassia had been behind the attempts on her life but she couldn’t think of another

way someone had gotten into her home. Her security was damn near impenetrable and

the intruder had known her security code and somehow gotten around the biometric

scanner. Nothing added up.

“So who’s this…man you’re engaged to?” Thomas asked as he strode into the


He’d gone to put her bags in his guest room and left her sitting at the marble-

topped island in his kitchen.

She thought she’d have more time to gather her thoughts but it didn’t matter. All he

had to do was walk into the room and she forgot to breathe. “Why do you care?” she

snapped. Her haughtiness was her only defense. Let him think she was a bitch. It would

be easier to keep her distance from him.

His dark eyes raked over her from head to toe as he pulled up a seat much too close

for comfort. “I think that should be obvious.”

It wasn’t obvious. Not at all. But she didn’t say that. “Technically I’ve never met

him.” Saying it aloud was worse than she’d imagined. Maybe she should have kept her

mouth shut. She cursed her fair skin as she felt her cheeks warm up.

“You’ve never met him?” The slow way he asked the question made her feel even

more embarrassed.


Savannah Stuart

“He lives in Paris and his family is of the right bloodline according to my mother.”

She could hear her mother’s voice ringing in her ears as she told Nissa who she’d be

marrying next year. Told. Not asked. As usual.
You’re getting too old and when I die I want

to know you will continue
Even thinking of her mother’s words made her cringe.

“So you’re not technically engaged?”

“I’m to be married to him.” She understood what he was asking but her people

rarely did engagements. At least not the royalty. Anyone else could marry or mate with

whomever they wanted. And after next month, that included shifters. The world was

changing and she was thankful the laws were about to be rewritten. It was time to

throw out those archaic rules and regulations. If only her mother would rewrite some of

the standards for the royal line.

“Where are you living now?” The abrupt change of subject surprised her.

“Dublin. I’ve been there for a few years now.”

Something about his expression told her he’d known exactly where she lived before

he’d asked. “Back in Ireland? Why not London?”

“Because that’s where my mother and sister live. Which, I have a feeling you

already knew.” The truth was, she’d been born on the beautiful Emerald Isle almost two

hundred years ago and had always felt safe living there. Well, until recently.

Thomas took a deep breath and his big, annoyingly muscular chest expanded when

he did. She hated that she noticed. She hated that she’d seen it before. And she really

hated that she still fantasized about it. Even if they didn’t have a past, they could never

be together anyway.

“Nissa, I don’t even know how to say this without sounding like an ass but I’m

going to try. I’m sorry for what I said to you a century ago and I’m sorry for turning

you away when you came to see me that day. If I could take it back, I would.”

Her throat clenched at his words but she steeled herself against her building

emotions. She’d wanted to hear this in person for so long, but it was too little too late.

She lifted her shoulders slightly because she didn’t trust her voice.


Dangerous Craving

He continued. “I came after you later when I realized how wrong I’d been. I…shit, I

think I’m screwing this up, but I’m sorry. I know it’s just words but it’s all I have right

now. If there was some way I could make it up to you—”

“It was a long time ago and we were so young. I eventually got over you.” The lie

rolled off her tongue so smoothly she even believed herself. “I received the letters you

sent me apologizing and it’s part of the reason I’m here. I knew you’d help me. So rest

easy, it’s all water under the bridge, okay?” She’d never gotten over him but actually

saying that to his face was too shameful for words.

“It’s not okay,” he growled.

She scowled at him. “What do you want me to say? I’m still angry at you? Well it’s

not going to happen. We were young and naïve. It wouldn’t have lasted so—”

He moved so fast she didn’t have time to react. His mouth covered hers in a harsh,

dominating kiss. She didn’t want to give in to this. To him.

She wanted to push him away. Grabbing at his chest, she fully intended to shove

him back but instead she clutched on to his shirt and held tight.

Her legs opened wider as he positioned himself between her spread thighs. With

her barely-there panties and only his pants as a barrier, she could feel his hardness

pressing against her.

It would be so easy to get rid of the clothing between them. So easy to let him push

deep inside her. To open herself completely to him. But if they crossed that line it would

be that much harder when she walked away.

Instead of pushing back, her fingers splayed against his hard, muscular chest.

him away!
Her inner voice was very noisy but not loud enough. She wanted to curse her

weakness but as his tongue stroked against hers it was hard to care.

The gentle teasing reminded her of how gentle and sweet he’d once been with her.

It was in opposition to the tight hold he had on the back of her head. One of his hands

gripped her so intensely she knew he wasn’t letting her go anytime soon.


Savannah Stuart

His scent was so familiar it made her ache. A long time ago there had been no

barriers between them and everything had been so easy, so fresh and exciting.

But she wasn’t that innocent girl anymore.

She wrenched her head back despite his hold. “Thomas, this is—” She stopped as

he ripped her panties free with his other hand. She’d been vaguely aware of his hand

inching up her thigh but the tearing sound seemed to reverberate against the walls.

He quickly shoved the material to the side as the skimpy strap against her hip broke

free completely. Then he completely cupped her mound.

The feel of his hand against her sensitive flesh made all her good intentions vanish.

A moan tore from her throat as his calloused fingers began rubbing against her folds.

“I’ve wanted to do this for so long.” His voice was a ragged whisper against her


The words and the feel of him speaking against her skin sent a sensuous shiver

curling through her entire body. She wanted to tell him she’d fantasized about this too,

but held back the words.

It didn’t matter. He continued anyway. “I’ve dreamed about having you stretched

out beneath me or wrapped around me like this so many times.”

She swallowed hard at his words. As he lightly scraped his teeth against the

sensitive spot beneath her ear, the spot where he could mark her if he chose, she arched

her back.

When she did, he pushed a finger inside her. He understood exactly what she

wanted without her having to ask. One of his thick, blunt fingers pressed deep inside

her, filling her, and making her want things she had no right wanting.

He didn’t give her time to get used to the intrusion. Thomas pushed another one

into her wet sheath with skilled precision. The stroke was smooth and fast. He held his

two fingers still, letting her body adjust.


Dangerous Craving

It had been so long since she’d been with anyone and the feeling bordered on

painful. Holding his fingers in place, he began a trail of kisses down her neck. Not

bothering to push her dress to the side, he kissed her over the material until his mouth

covered one of her nipples.

She hadn’t worn a bra so there wasn’t much clothing between them. He ran his

tongue around the covered bud until it was rock-hard and pebbled against her dress.

Then he did the same to her other breast.

Clutching his shoulders, she tried to hold on to her control but knew she was losing

that battle.

While he teased and tweaked her nipples, he began moving his fingers inside her.

Slowly at first. The action was smooth and her inner walls clenched around him with

each stroke.

Part of her wished it was his cock inside her, but in her heart she was glad it was

just his fingers. What they were doing was stupid.

“Stop thinking and relax,” he murmured against one of her breasts.

Nissa hadn’t realized he’d been able to sense her distress, but he was right. At this

moment all she wanted was release. To feel something other than the weight of all her

people’s responsibility on her shoulders.

Forcing herself to do exactly as he said, she shoved everything else out of her brain.

Her fingers flattened against his shoulders and she allowed herself the joy of touching

him anywhere she wanted. As he continued pushing deep inside her, she traced along

the muscles and striations in his shoulders and arms. Savoring the feel of him, she

closed her eyes and focused solely on the pleasure.

When his thumb tweaked over her clit, she jerked. Her inner walls started

contracting wildly. She was so close.

Moving away from her breasts, he lifted up so that their faces were barely an inch



Savannah Stuart

“Let go.” The command in his voice sent a thrill through her.

So she did just that. She let go. Covering the tiny distance between them, she met

his mouth with her own as the climax ripped through her. Her kisses were jerky and

wild as pleasure pounded through her.

Like a waterfall, her orgasm broke free with a sudden urgency. Her inner walls

clenched around his fingers as she wrapped her legs tighter around his waist.

As she came down from her high, the only other sound in the room was their erratic

breathing. Even though he hadn’t come, he was still as affected as she.

Slowly, he withdrew his fingers and she immediately missed his touch. Holding on

to her hips, Thomas pulled her farther past the edge of the counter and tighter into his

embrace. He wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his face against her neck.

The action was submissive and totally out of character.

“I’ve missed you, Nissa.” The quiet desperation in his voice threatened to crack the

wall she’d built around her heart nearly a century ago. Why did he have to make this so


Her vocal chords refused to work. She felt the same way but she couldn’t return the

sentiment. Not aloud anyway. If she started thinking about how much he meant to her,

it would be that much harder when she had to leave him.

And leave him she would.

She had a duty to her people and once this whole assassin mess was figured out

she’d have to return to her life. And he had no place in it. No matter what kind of treaty

she signed with The Council, her people would never accept a werewolf as her mate. It

wasn’t as if he was asking anyway. He wanted her physically but he’d kicked her out of

his life once. No matter that she said she’d forgiven him, the truth was, he’d turned his

back on her when she’d been willing to leave everything behind for him.

Her family, her friends, her title.



Dangerous Craving

She actually had forgiven him. She just hadn’t forgotten the pain. And she didn’t

know if she ever would.

“Share my bed tonight.” His intoxicating voice sent a tremble curling through her.

His rock-hard erection pressing into her abdomen left little to the imagination what he

wanted. After what they’d just shared she wanted to please him as much as he’d

pleased her.

However, she stiffened in his embrace. “I can’t, Thomas.”

He jerked back and stared at her with those dark, penetrating eyes. “Can’t or


“I won’t.” Why did her voice have to shake so bad?

When he didn’t respond she had the irrational urge to fill the silence. “There’s too

much going on in my life right now. I just need to regroup, get in touch with those I

know are loyal and figure out who is trying to kill me. This…” She motioned with her

hand between them. “Is too complicated.”

“Let me help you.”

“You are helping me by giving me a place to stay. For the first time in months I can

sleep feeling safe.” She might not get one minute of sleep under his roof but at least she

knew no one would harm her with him around.

“You’d be safer in my bed,” he growled softly.

Maybe physically but not emotionally. She resisted the urge to sigh. “When you

kicked me out of your life—”

He cursed but didn’t back away from her. If anything, his grip around her

tightened. “If you’d let me make it up to you—”

“No. I’m not asking for that. I’m simply saying that when you…when we parted

ways, I realized it was for the best. We’re too different and things would never have

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