Dangerous Craving (6 page)

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Authors: Savannah Stuart

BOOK: Dangerous Craving
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swiveled, she spotted the blade first. Her gaze snapped up to find a man staring at her

intently. The small dagger was gripped tightly in his shaking hands. She blinked as she

saw the look in his eyes. They were glassy, unfocused and it was obvious he’d been

influenced by one of her kind.


He was on a mission. No doubt to hurt her.

An alarming tingle raced through her, telling her the blade was iron. She tried to

take a step back but bumped into someone.

Without taking her eyes off the man, she moved to her right and tried to find

another escape.

“Hey!” A drunk girl slurred something else at her but Nissa ignored it. The crowd

had gotten too thick for her to bring her wings up to protect herself.

Sure she could zap this guy with energy but they were in a room full of people.

And this was Thomas’ club. She couldn’t bring that kind of scrutiny down on him.

Quickly she glanced back toward the stairs. She needed to let Thomas know she

was in danger. He wasn’t there.


Savannah Stuart

Fighting back the bubble of panic pushing up inside her, she shoved her way

through a small group of people.

Glancing over her shoulder, she spotted the man still following. He looked even

worse. As if he were drugged. Which in a way, he had been. His mind had been messed


She knew the influence on him wouldn’t last forever but it could last long enough

for him to hurt her or anyone who got in his way.

Nissa needed to get him away from these humans. If she had to, she’d protect

herself with her powers, but she didn’t think it would get that far. Mindless of the

annoyed cries, she continued shoving her way through the crowd. Once she broke free

she glanced around for Thomas again but he was nowhere to be seen.

Shaking her head, she hurried toward the bathrooms. They were down a long

hallway. As she made her way she looked over her shoulder. Sure enough, the dark-

haired human was still following. His movements were stilted and jerky but he was

definitely following her.

And he wouldn’t stop until the influence wore off. Depending upon how powerful

the spell was, it could be a few hours. Possibly longer.

As she reached the hallway she frowned at the cluster of people standing around.

There was no choice but to use her influence. She cleared her throat. “Go get a drink

right now and don’t come back to use this restroom for the rest of the night.” Her voice

was loud and clear. Command laced her words. Most of the fae had to make eye contact

in order to exert their persuasion but since she was a member of the Gentry, she was

more powerful. Her skills more tuned.

A few women turned to look at her as she spoke and did as she ordered. As they

hurried away from the restroom, the dark-haired, wild-eyed man rushed past them.

“You have to die,” he growled.

“Stop!” She put all the authority she possessed into the word. She didn’t want to

hurt this human but she wouldn’t let him stab her.


Dangerous Craving

He faltered and his grip on the blade slightly loosened. “You have to die?” Now his

words sounded more like a question.

Relief surged through Nissa. The spell was wearing off. All she had to do was

convince him to put the weapon down. “You don’t want to do this. You don’t want to

be here. Why not put the weapon down and—”

She fell back a step as a blur rushed through the hallway and slammed the man

against the wall. It happened so fast she blinked to make sure she was seeing correctly.


One of his hands was wrapped around the stranger’s neck, and his other hand

pinned the guy’s weapon-toting hand against the wall with crushing force. Nissa could

see Thomas’ canines protruding from his mouth. “Did he hurt you?” The question was

guttural, animalistic.

Hurrying toward them, she grabbed Thomas’ arm. “Let him go. He didn’t hurt


He didn’t loosen his grip. “I saw him. The weapon. Tried to get to you. You moved

through the crowd…too quickly.” His breathing was labored and uneven.

She tightened her hold on him. Then she heard the sound of a blade hitting the

floor. “He’s under the influence. Someone did this to him. Let him go.”

As if coming out of a dream, the man in Thomas’ grip started to struggle as his eyes

widened. He began clawing at Thomas’ hand and arm. Nissa knew if Thomas had

wanted to kill the human, he’d already be dead. It was a testament to how much control

he was actually showing.

She brushed a gentle hand down Thomas’ forearm. They needed to let this man go.

Getting any information from him would be impossible. Whoever had influenced him

would have wiped his memory. “Let him go. He’s harmless now.”


Savannah Stuart

After a moment, Thomas’ fingers loosened. The man slid down the wall and

crumbled into a heap on the floor. Choking and coughing, he crawled away. “You’re

crazy, man,” he muttered.

“Get. Out. And
come back here.” Thomas bit the words out with barely

concealed rage and Nissa noticed his canines still hadn’t retracted.

Pushing to his feet, the other man stumbled away faster than she’d imagined


She picked up the weapon by the handle and gave it to Thomas who quickly tucked

it into his belt. Despite her better judgment, she smoothed her hands over his chest.

When she did he looked at her. Really looked.

His dark eyes had started to turn a golden yellow.

She inhaled sharply. He was so close to shifting. This could be dangerous to

everyone. Including him.

Running her hands up his chest, she encircled her fingers around the back of his

neck. “Breathe, Thomas. Do it for me,” she whispered.

Then she leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. With his sharp canines it was

difficult to avoid the points but as she molded against him, she could feel the tension

subside from him. Like the tide being pulled back out to sea, his animalistic side quickly


Well, most of it.

As their lips meshed and his tongue invaded her mouth, his kisses became more

dominating. He grabbed her hips and pulled her tighter. “What were you thinking?” he

murmured against her mouth.

She pulled back slightly to answer. “I needed to get him away from the humans.”

“You could have been hurt.” Now his words were a growl.


Dangerous Craving

Her lips pursed. No, she couldn’t have. He should know that but his animal side

had taken over. It hadn’t cared that she’d been capable enough to take care of herself. It

had seen her in trouble and had wanted to kill.

The fact that he’d shown so much restraint spoke volumes about his abilities. She’d

known he was next in line to be Alpha and now she knew why. Some shifters couldn’t

control their instincts when it came to their females, but he definitely could.

She faltered at the thought. She wasn’t
female. So why did it feel so right to be

crushed to him now?

Her nipples tingled as they rubbed against him. There was too much clothing in the

way though. She wanted to feel his chest against hers.

“My office, now,” he murmured against her jaw as he nipped his way across her


She didn’t even think to protest. “Okay.”

As they made their way through the club she felt as if she were floating. After they

got to his office she thought maybe he’d offer her a drink or give some pretense of

foreplay but she should have known better. He came at her fast.

She stepped back until she ran into the edge of his desk. Thomas didn’t stop his

advance. He caged her in with his size and strength.

Clutching the bottom of her dress, he pulled it over her head with quick efficiency.

She hadn’t worn a bra so the cool air rushed over her. But she barely had time to think

about it before he lowered his head over one of her breasts.

The sudden contact jolted her straight to her core. He murmured something against

her skin but she couldn’t understand what. As he pulled one of her nipples between his

teeth and tugged lightly, heat rushed between her legs.

She wanted to clench them together to ease some of that ache but Thomas

positioned himself between her open thighs. She felt his hard length as he rubbed his

cock against her with jerky thrusts.


Savannah Stuart

It wouldn’t take much for him to push inside her. Despite the loud voice in her

head telling her how foolish it was, she desperately wanted him.

All of him.

Reaching between them, she tried to tug at his belt but he stilled her with one of his

large hands.

Then he pulled his head back from her breast. There was something in his eyes but

she wasn’t sure what it was. Pain, maybe. But that didn’t make sense. Did he want to


She started to ask him but the pressure on her hands increased. He held on to her


“You’re mine, Nissa.” The words were guttural, strained.

She knew it. Deep inside her core the truth was there. While it might not change

their future, she’d always be his.

“I know.” Those two words made his dark eyes flash hungrily. Triumphantly.

Keeping her wrists captive, he slipped an arm around her waist and laid her on the

desk. The smooth wood instantly cooled her back. Holding her wrists above her head,

he began nibbling along her jaw toward her ear.

“If I was a more patient man, I’d wait until we got back to my place and tie you to

my bed. Think of all the things I could do to you.” In the past Thomas rarely talked

when they were intimate, but his words lit her entire body on fire.

The thought of being at his mercy was wildly erotic. Years ago he’d been so

dominating when they’d made love and each time it had been just as hot. She hadn’t

thought she’d like it but sometimes when he just took over it drove her wild.

He sucked her earlobe between her teeth and tugged. “Don’t move your hands.”

His let go of her wrists but she did as he said.


Dangerous Craving

Wordlessly, he held on to her hips and shifted her so that she was stretched out

along the length of his desk. She heard something thud against the carpeted floor but he

didn’t seem to care and she definitely didn’t.

He continued kissing his way down her chest and abdomen, until he reached the

sensitive section of skin right above her mound. He flicked his tongue against her skin,

teasing her just underneath her panties.

She instinctively arched her back. She wanted him to kiss and lick her the way she’d

been fantasizing about for years. Chuckling against her, he grasped the thin straps and

tugged them down her legs.

Blindly, Thomas tossed the flimsy scrap of material Nissa considered underwear

across the room. He didn’t know why she even bothered.

Inhaling her sweet scent, he bit back a groan. Jasmine and honeysuckle. It was so

distinctive he could pick her out in a crowd of thousands.

He leaned forward until he was inches from her pink folds. They glistened lightly

with her wetness. He’d barely stimulated her and she was ready for him. Even if he

couldn’t scent her, he could see it clearly.

When she sat up and threaded her fingers through his hair, he glanced up and

shook his head. “Lie back.”

She paused for a moment then did as he said. Right now he didn’t want to push her

too far too fast, but he did plan to tie her up eventually. He hadn’t been joking about


The thought of seeing her bound to his bed made his cock ache. It felt like a heavy

club pulsing between his legs. But this wasn’t about him. Not right now. Not tonight.

This was entirely about her.

If he had to use sex and pleasure to bind her to him, he’d do it. He couldn’t let her

walk away again.


Savannah Stuart

Instead of stroking her pussy directly, he ran his tongue along the crease by her

inner thigh.

She muttered something incomprehensible but her frustration was obvious. He

continued a path with his tongue and teeth, moving higher over her mound but

completely avoiding her clit and pussy lips.

Her skin was silky smooth and the small strip of blonde hair covering her mound

was just as fine and soft as he remembered.

“Do something,” she finally moaned. Her hips jerked again, pulling another smile

from him.

Moving lower, he slowly dragged his tongue up the length of her folds, making

sure he put more pressure on her clit. She tasted sweet and the sounds she made were

even sweeter.

As he circled the small bundle of nerves, she tunneled her fingers through his hair.

He’d been fantasizing about this for too long and couldn’t bear to tear his mouth away

from her.

More than anything he wanted to pound into her. To slide his cock into her tight

sheath over and over until they were both sated. But he couldn’t. He knew he didn’t

deserve her. After the way he’d turned on her, abandoned her, accused her of lying to

him all those years ago, it was amazing she’d come to him at all. Now he had to prove

he was worthy of her. That he could give her everything she deserved.

Still teasing her with his tongue, he slid a finger into her. She was so tight, making

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