Dalton (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (16 page)

BOOK: Dalton (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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“I spoke with him. He saw Devlin and asked me outright if I was your wife. I told him the truth.
I don’t think he likes me much.” She sits at the table and opens the bag.
“Why?” I sit up and notice her eyes drink in my chest. I can see her throat move as she swallows. She’s never seen me naked. I quickly get up and grab some clothes. I put the shirt on first to cover the marks. I worry less about my cock since she’s felt it enough- never seen it though. After years of being on display I don’t like people seeing me.

“You worry too much about what you look like. You’re very arousing,” she says and her cheeks turn an appealing pink.
“I know. That’s the reason I cover myself.” I walk over to the kitchenette and pull two glasses from the shelf and a carton of apple juice from the refrigerator.
“Did you finally-”

“No.” I cut her off. “Not yet anyway.”

“You have a note on your nightstand.” She points at it.
“You never told me why you think Whitt dislikes you,” I say as I grab the note.
I quickly unfold it feeling like a teenage girl- giddy with excitement. I roll my eyes up when I feel my wife watching me.
This is too weird. I turn my back on her so I can read my note without her reading my face.

Same time- same place

Be naked

You show me yours- I’ll show you mine.


I try to wipe the smirk off my face as I fold the note back up and put it in
the drawer of the nightstand. It’s my first note and I’m going to save it after I read it a few dozen times. I feel guilty as I turn back to my wife. Fuck it- she just fucked my dad.
I sit across from her and dig around in the bag for a glazed donut. I bite into it waiting for her to answer my question.
“He asked my name and I told him. Then he looked me over for a few minutes with a grimace on his face. I don’t think I look that bad. I hope it’s only because he doesn’t like women. He growled something about you being his. Devlin laughed and it pissed him off more. It was an uncomfortable exchange.”
“Wow. Whitt not being a gentleman is a first. He even comes politely.” Bianca looks at me strangely as
I smile. “I’m not kidding. He’
s super polite. I swear he walks around with a
etiquette rule book in his back pocket.
And he
has no issue with a pretty lady,

I drawl.
“You look happy.” She reaches across the table and clasps my hand.
“Well, only until tonight and I have to become Dalton Thompson.” I shiver in dread.
“I meant what I said. Let me be there with you tonight. I can help.”
“I know in theory that you have sex with other people. Theory and
reality are two separate entities
. I don’t know if I can watch or if you can watch
“Sex is different
than a lover, Font. I can watch you in the dungeon. I can’t watch you in that bed. I also refuse to be with you in that bed now.”
“You’re upset with me?” I ask incredulously. “I know you slept with my dad. I could see it in his face.” She flinches at my accusatory tone.
“I meant it
out of
respect. I s
aw him. That’s your bed now. I’
m your wife. I know I don’t do it for you, but I will have a bed separate from his.”

“Do you have a permanent lover?”
“Yes,” she says uncomfortable. “I don’t begrudge you yours. I know you’ve never had one. I also won’t tell you who mine is.”
“Oh, Bianca,” I sigh l
oudly. “Do you think you’
find someone you want enough to leave me- business be damned?”
She looks away hiding her eyes. I don’t question her farther because I don’t want to know
my wife is in love with someone else enough to leave me and our empire.
“Fine, I’m not tortured enough already. Let’s put me in an even weirder position. My lover can watch me fuck my wife in the dungeon
or perhaps
I can watch her get banged by
one of the people whose lives I’ve
with. Fuck, why not? It’s not like I don’t have to watch Whitt fuck someone too. How about you just fuck him before I get the chance? It’s nothing in comparison
to the shit I deal with on a daily basis
. Let’s fuck it up some more. Welcome to Restraint, Bianca, may it be as pleasant for you as it has been for me.” I stand up and smash my cup of juice on the table and watch the liquid spill.

“Dalton,” she says as she touches my arm.
“We have
to do,” I hiss at her. I open my closet and pull out a stack of contracts that we need to sign.
like this is the only thing we’
re good at these days- signing our souls away one signature
at a time.” I punctuate my point by jamming my illegally obtained Notary Public stamp on the contract I just signed.













































Chapter Thirteen


I angrily shower what remains of Whitt’s scent off my skin. I woul
d love to luxuriate knowing he’
s on my skin. But Dalton Anthony Fontaine
doesn’t get to luxuriate in anythi
ng. My wife is in my kitchen po
ring over contracts and set up a mini-office with my laptop. You can’t be the head of an underworld criminal organization wi
thout working your ass off. I’
ve done more than work for this
Who am I kidding? I’
m pissed that she has a lover that she wants so bad
ly that
s willing to leave me. I don’t want her that way, but I want to know who does. It’s disrespectful. I’ve set up my life the way my parents should have theirs. We live separate lives, but maintain a cons
tant line of communication. We’
re partner
in business and we meet in
our bed a couple times a year since I do
n’t live near her. Now that we’
re in the same town it will be a few times a week.

I agree with my father- we need kids. I can’t get that unless I have sex with her. It has been perfect so far. Now some asshole may take it all
away. I want to kill him. She i
s my wife. He can fuck her, but at the end of the day she is mine! She doesn’t know what I’ve had to do to keep her safe. I’ve signed my soul away. I can finally sympathize with my father’s position with my mother.
The thought thrusts me into the past- into a memory better left forgotten.

I move around the f
oldaway bed and notice that we’
re missing a person in the room.
“Where’s Stanton?”
“He left when you came the first time.” My father smirks at me with pride. “Do you like your wife?” He looks at me as if seeing me for the first time.

I surprised myself
too. My mind accepted Bianca as ours and my body wanted to fulfill its biological need. I took my wife three times in rapid succession without stopping in between. I’d love to say it was just Bianca or the fact that after ten years
of lusting after Sebastian
I finally had a taste of him, but
it’s none of those things. It’s what I’
m about to do. It was my first act as a free man.

“Yes, thank
you, F
ather.” He looks pleased that he finally did something right by me. It wrenches my heart.
“Get the fuck out of my office and never step foot in this building again,” I command Pierre. I point at the door and glare at my grandfather. “Take your pet psychopath with you.”
“Oh, look who just became a man.” He taunts me. “I will not leave my own property, besides Jon still needs to collec
t on a debt.” He smirks and it’
s anticipatory.
I feel Sebastian move behind me on the bed. Tony looks like he is about to be ill. The look of triumph on
Jon’s face turns my stomach.
“What are you doing?” I ask Sebby when he unzips his fly. I grab his wrist. “No, you w
ill not do whatever he says. I’
m your Master.” His hand freezes and his eyes widen in fright.
“It was a tough negotiation. But I won Sebastian for fifteen minutes if you were unable to perform,” Jon smugly says.

“Why?” I look at Tony in disbelief.
“The alternative was worse- much worse. He wanted to take your wife if you couldn’t. I didn’t tell you because the pressure to perform would have made it impossible for you.”
“I don’t accept this- any of this. Get the fuck off my property,” I scream at the men.

Jon and Pierre ignore me. Tony pushes away from his desk giving himself room to maneuver. I look a question at him.
Resigned to his fate, Sebastian leans over the bed as Jon stalks over to us. Jon’s eyes find my
wife and he grins down at her.
“Close your eyes, Bianca,” Sebastian orders her.

She immediately clenches her eyelids shut and puts her hands over her ears. I can see tears sliding down her face. I stand frozen in place- shocked. I can do nothing but watch as Jon removes the offending piece of flesh that has violated me countless times.
Sebastian is mine to protect and now Bianca is as well. I will not stand idly by like my parents. When Jon’s hand touches the small of Sebastian’s back and presses
body explodes in fury. He will not take this from Sebastian.
“The only one who has this right is me,” I say in a deadly voice. I look at my hands in surprise. One hand clenches the hair at the top of Jon’s head drawing it back at an angle
. The other hand holds a knife
his throat.
“Where did this change come from, Dalton?” My grandfather asks me as if I’m a toddler who is misbehaving.
“You never touch a Master’s pets,” my Father says. His eyes hold mine. I see the knowledge that he knew I’
d react this way
. Not once did he allow Sebastian to be touched by anyone- oh, he threatened it. I
know why he moved his
he knew this was the event that has culminated since
before I was even born.
s just fantasy bullshit,” is
“You don’t leave your dominance in the dungeon, Pierre. You should know that.” I say while I pull hard enough on Jon’s hair to make him grunt. Pierre laughs at me like I’m just playing around.
“You’re so dominant, Dalton. Look at what yo
u’ve allowed yourself to endure,

my grandfather taunts.
“He did i
t for his Masters. I think he’
s finally let go and is his own man now.
He has too much to lose.
I’d take him seriously, Pierre.” Jon tries to warn his partner. I can feel the vibrations run down the hilt of the knife as he speaks. I firmly press in until I feel his throat indent from the force- just this side of cutting.

“And just who are his masters?” Pierre asks haughtily.
“His parents, you fucking idiot,” Jon hisses through his clenched teeth.
“I’m done stalling. Jon, will you obey from now on?”
I command.
“No, I can’t” his reply zings up my fingers drawing the hairs on my arm to stand on end.
“I own you now. I am you
boss. Will you obey me?” I try one last time.
“You aren’t his boss.”
I can hear the confusion in Pierre’s
“This past year, even though you never left our sides, Dalton took complete ownership of all your property. You own nothing, Pierre. He is your boss now. The last of the paperwork was signed this morning. I signed my property away to him for a wedding gift. That is with the stipulation that I continue to be in charge until I officially retire.” I expected Tony to sound arrogant. He looks sad and worried.
“One last time, will you obey me?” I ask Jon for the third time.
“No, I never will.” Before the word no completely leaves his lips I slice the blade against his throat. He doesn’t scream
he just goes lax in my grip. I’
m not strong enough to hold him. I release my hold on his hair and he crumples to the ground.
“Seb, take Bianca and get to Devlin as fast as you can. Tell Joe I said that he is to guard you both. Do it now.” I say all
this while I cut Jon’s throat and release him to the ground. It takes no more than two seconds.
Pierre is frozen in shoc
k- staring at his dead partner as my people flee the room.
“I had to do it. If he wouldn’t listen to me then I had to end him for humanity’s sake.” I feel no remorse for killing the evil creature at my feet. He has raped and tortured me for years at my grandfather’s bidding. I wouldn’t have killed him for it, except he enjoyed it so much that he made sure there was a reason for me to be punished so he could get his hands on me.
“You will regret that,” Pierre says as he gestures towards Jon with the barrel of his handgun. My eyes go wide when I recognize the we
apon. My chest rises and falls
in rapid succession at the sight.

“I know what’
s coming next.
I will not allow you to kill me,” his voice wavers in fright.
He moves so fast that I can barely track the movements. He fires the weapon with a crack of sound. I see the fire at the end of the barrel as the powder ignites. I blink waiting for the pain to radiate. I hear the thump of a body hitting
the floor.
“There, now you
free of your Master
,” is the last thing I hear as he rushes from the office. He ne
arly collides with Bruno, who’
s running in with his weapon drawn. Seeing Bruno unfreezes me.
“Oh my God
NO!” I shout panicky as I fall to my knees near his head. I pull his head into my lap. My hands move through the air in a panic. I don’t know where to touch him. I don’t know how to make the blood stop.
“I’m proud of you son, no matter how I made it look,” he wheezes out.
“NO!” I shout again cutting off his goodbye. “N
o, you’re going to be fine. I’
ll get you help. I can’t do this without you. I’m not strong enough to deal with all this shit.”

I didn’t want to do the things I’ve done. I had no other choice. Don’t hate your mother because of this. He held your death over us. If we didn’t do as he said he threatened to kill you
and Itsy Bitsy
. The bastard got off on watching us hurt you.” He continues to talk- to tell me his last thoughts.

I kneel in denial- everything is fine. He isn’t going to die. I watch as he moistens his lips with his tongue so he can keep talking. I can see him swallowing the blood that fills his mouth- that slides in a steady stream from the corner of his lips.
“Bruno,” he looks to his second in command. The big man takes his hand and waits while he tries to form words. “You’ve been a loyal servant. Mind Dalton now.”
“Yes, sir, I promise.” I watch as Bruno gets choked up and tries not to cry. “Thank you for taking me in when no one else would have me.”

“If you want a normal life you have to end this with him. Do you understand?” His words rush
out in a torrent in fright. He’
s worried he won’t have enough time to finish what he has to say.
“Yes, I’ll do what needs done.” I solemnly vow to execute my own grandfather.
“Don’t let your mother control you any longer. Make your own decisions- hers are never right. Save your sister from her as well. She may be better once Pierre is out of your lives.”
His hand seeks mine out. I start to cry in earnest. “No,”
I beg. He’
s leaving us.
“I love you son. I never doubt your ability to do the right thing. Take care of our people.” He squeezes my hand and his fingers go lax. Alarm spreads through me. He sputters
up a large amount of blood- he’
s drowning in it.
He tries to speak several times and can’t get the words to form. I push his head up to clear his mouth of blood.
“Tell your mother I love her and forgive her,” he says as he lets go of my hand. He uses the last of his life to profess his love to his wife that
turned her back on him.

I allow myself a few minutes to
grieve and Bruno joins me. He’
s only ten years older than me. My father raised him as a son. I allow him the time as well. We both need it.

“Devlin,” I say into my phone. I fall back onto my ass and stare in shock at my dead father. “I need you. Sebastian is on his way to Kink. He has a girl with him- my wife. I need you to put them somewhere safe. Joe will guard them. I need you to be on alert for Pierre. If he shows up retain him. Watch out he has a gun.”
I listen to the silence on the other end of the phone. Bruno’s sobs are overpowering any and all sound. I begin to wonder if I didn’t hear whateve
r reply Devlin said or maybe I’
m losing it and he never answered the phone. I sit for a minute and as I’m about to hang up he speaks.
“What happened?” His deep voice is calm, but I can hear the underlying terror.
“I slit Jon’s throat when he tried to rape Sebastian. He’s dead. In retaliation Pierre shot my father.” Devlin’s gasp through the phone hurts my eardrum. “Tell my mother her husband is dead. His last words were that he loves and forgives her.” I hang up.
“I’m sorry, Bruno, but we have things we must do. I’ll call the cleanup crew. We need to get rid of Jon before I call in the Feds. I will not dispose of my father like garbage. Even if I get Pierre, I want it known that he was Tony’s murderer.”





























After the weirdest class ever I linger in the hallway to the dungeon. I used to love class. It reminded me of when I was growing up and my mother would give me undivided atten
tion as she taught me the inner-
workings of the club. It’s bittersweet because it also reminds me of Tony.  The older I got the more he taught
the less punishments I received
from his hand. I excelled in learning both the business of BDSM and the underworld. That was why my parents fought for time. They wanted to remake me in their images and they needed time to teach me.

I know it’s illogical, but I’ve forgiven Tony and yet I still blame my mother. This is what drives me
to do my duty with Bianca. She’
s my partner in business and my wife. It doesn’t have to be about love. It has to do with c
ompromise and communication.

m a gay man. I will never produce a chi
ld with the love of my life. I’
m not the territorial sort of person either. My biggest fear is that I will lose Bianca when she falls in love and wants to
make a real life with someone
. I made a promise to myself for Tony: I would give him grandchildren that will continue his legacy. It couldn’t be bastard children and if my wife leaves me they will be. This is why Tony and my mom fought. Pierre wouldn’t allow a divorce so that Tony could remarry and make more children.

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