Dalton (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (12 page)

BOOK: Dalton (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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His fingers brush my arm and I jerk in surprise. My eyes drift shut as he plays with the hairs on my

“You can confide in me if talking about it will help.” He says as he sta
res at the side of my face.
“Do you have several priests? Because talking about it may lift me some, but in the end I’m still going to hell.”
He rolls on his side and settles his hand on the center of my chest. I look at him in surprise. God, he’s so warm- his hand is burning a hole through my shirt. My lashes flutter from the comfort.
“I’m sure you had to do whatever you did. If it was to save another life it w
ill be forgiven,

he promises.

I turn my fac
e to the side and look him dead-
on. This is the most intimate moment of my life. I’m lying on the grass in the
park cuddled up with someone I’
m actually attracted to. I’m sure when reality sets in it’s just a figment of my imagination, but for now I cherish it.
“Your lo
oks suit you,” he whispers. He’
s gazing at me fondly just as his nephew did earlier, but it has a different weight to it.

“I kept imaging what you’d really look like.”
e sighs deeply, “My imagination wasn’t good enough.”
“Why do
the Daniel
of the world
keep looking at me like that?” I smirk at him and turn my face away from his. I watch the clouds even though every nerve in my body is in tune with the man cradled on my side.

Not all- You haven’t met my father yet,” he says with amusement. “
Why did you have sex with Queen last night?”
He asks abruptly.

“Why did Ella call you Dad?” I ask just as abruptly.

“My question first,” he commands.
“Why do you care? You don’t answer my questions, why should I answer yours?” I try for defiant, but it comes out teasing.

Niel and I were raised as brothers, but I’ve always been his father. I am Ella’s father in all the ways that matter. I’m the only one she’s ever known. They’re the two most important people in my life and that’s saying something since I have some incredible people in my life,” he says seriously.

“Lucky you,” I mumble.
“You do too, Dalton. You have more people who care for you than you know,” he says softly. His eyes heat the side of my face. He watches every thought I have flash across my face. He’s using our dominance training against me again.
“Why are you looking at me like that,” I blush underneath his gaze.

You’re gorgeous and I can’t stop looking at you. Niel is my cl
osest confidant. I’m sure he’
s channeling my thoughts.
That’s why he kept looking at you like that.
our turn, why Queen?

“Are you trying to seduce me?” I ask incredulously.

“I wasn’t aware I was merely trying. I thought I was succeeding.” He rises up on his elbow and looks down at me. He blocks my sight of the clouds. No matter where I turn my head he will be in my vision- he surrounds me.

Dalton, I beg you to talk to me.
accent is driving me mad.” He leans forward and presses
his chest to mine. My eyes bug-
out of my head. My mind r
eels with the possibilities he’
s offering. I ache.
“Harrumph,” a male throat makes. “Public,” he warns.

My seducer throws his nephew a look promising pain.
“Why?” He asks again. He backs off slightly
s still in my space

“I don’t know. It was nice not to
have to
whore for my mother. Queen
knew as much of me as I knew of her
It started out as me trying to get information from her to her saying she was taking me off the bench and throwing me into the game.
I have no idea what she’s talking about, but it intrigued me.
I couldn’t finish without extra help, but it was enough to arouse me. She feels like a kindred spirit.”

“So-” I cut him off.
“I don’t want to talk about this right now.” I
cast a look at the kids. They’
re finishing up their snack and pulling out a deck of cards.
“Okay, later.” He gives me a significant look.

“You’re confusing me badly, Whitt.”

“Answer me this,” he whispers in my ear so closely that his lips flutter against the shell of my ear. “Have you
ever been with a woman and had
about the two of you?”

I squeeze my eyes shut tightly and pray. I can’t say it out loud, but I don’t want to lie.

“Yes,” I say with hesitation.
He glares down at me in fury. I start to panic over the look on his face. I don’t know why that upset him so much.
He demands.
“Calm down, Whitt, you’re scaring me.” His face relaxes. He loosens the grip on my shirt and pats the fabric back down from where he twisted it.
“It better not
been Queen,

he hisses in anger.
“Why?”  He looks at me and I know he won’t answer the question.
He repeats.
“My wife,” I croak o
ut. I turn my head away from him
in shame.








I lie
on my bed in shame. I fled the park as soon as I dropped my revelation. The children heard what I said. My sister t
ied to catch up with me as I ran back to Restraint. Only a handful of people know about my wife. I couldn’t stop it fr
om happening and I don’t want to remember.

“My son arrives,” Tony says proudly. The tone in his voice alerts me t
hat I’
m in trouble.

I enter our
fice and take my usual seat at our
desk. I’
ve been
good lately. He has been praising me and I’ve been waiting for the bomb to blow up.

I made him proud the day I was able to take a woman without complaint. It was twenty-one years in the making, but finally his punishments have paid off. I know there is a worse fate than fucking a woman.
He uses my feminine features to his advantage. He whores me out to seduce clients. He doesn’t truly whore me out
, not like my mother
. Sandy is my only companion. I merely entice and tease
for him

We’ve had a good year.
I’ve proven my ability to maint
ain a heterosexual relationship, h
e has allowed me to r
un several of his businesses. I’
m thankful for the work since my mother signed away more of my time. I’m not sure wh
at she’
s going to do when he finally has complete and total control of my being. As it stands now, I only have one day a week at Kink. 

I look around the room as I sit on my side of the large desk- a father-son desk. My father sits next to me. Pierre and a gray haired man I’ve seen around the casino sit on the loveseat. The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end when I see the foldaway bed against the wall. My suspicions are founded when I spy the young woman sitting in the guest chair. I quickly look away. I don’t want to remember her if something horrible is
to happen.

“Sign this,” Tony says as he slides a single sheet of official looking paper across the desk. I would worry except I’ve signed
contracts daily for months. I’
m now the majority owner of all of his businesses as well as Pierre’s.
Their combined criminal empire hinges on their sole male heir- me. I sign the paper Dalton Anthony Fontaine. The last piece my mother holds is my surname. When
Anthony wins me fulltime I will add
Marconi on
my name.

“Are you sure his proclivity won’t get in the way?” The gray haired man asks my father.
I should be annoyed that they’
re talking of me as if I’
m not in the room. I’ve been an inanimate object for two decades, it’s nothing new. I am but a pawn in their life-sized game.
“I assure you it is a nonissue. I have trained him to take to a woman. His extracurricular activities are none of your concern. If he has difficulty I have someone that will guarantee results. I know the first time will be difficult for him. After that he will be fine.” He speaks of me with pride to the other man, but he turns his narrowed eyes in my direction saying

don’t disappoint me!

“Bianca, sign the paper.” The man says to the young woman. I follow her with my gaze as she pads to the desk and signs her name with a flourish. She smiles bashfully at me
. She’
s a tiny girl, she can’t weigh more than a hundred pounds and she barely reaches five feet. Her chestnut hair and warm brown eyes are soothing. I begin to worry when she continues to look at me expectantly and doesn’t leave my side of the desk. I look a question at my father.
Tony sorts through his desk drawer ignoring me. He proudly smiles when he finds the official looking stamp- albeit illegal- and presses it to the paper the girl and I

“Bruno,” he says into his Bluetooth. “I need this filed immediately.”
I look around in confusion when Bruno hurries into the room and takes the paper. He cracks a rare smile my way. “Less than five minutes and it will be official with the government.” He rushes from the room.
“Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Fontaine, may your marriage be fruitful.” I stare at my father in betrayal. My eyes prickle with unshed tears.

“Oh, don’t look at me that way, Dalton. Blame your bitch of a mother
- my wife
. It was her idea. I ga
ve her an ultimatum. Instead of giving me another child she said you would give me a grandchild. Personally I would rather have fucked your mom, but
I needed grandkids anyway. It’
s good for business as well. This is Stanton Green of New York. I’m su
re you recognize the name. We’
ve been trying to secure his section of the country for a
while. Pierre and I thank you, Dalton.”

I stare at my lap and wrench my fingers trying to contain my fury. I gasp as I come to terms with the direction my life has went. My soul shatters from the very people who were supposed to protect me. I don’t know if it can get any worse.
“We just have one more issue to settle and we can get on with our lives
. You need to consummate your marriage with witnesses.”
He looks pointedly at the foldaway bed. 
“NO!” I stand up for myself. I pull my new wife behind me and walk backwards to the door. I have lived through this shit. It’s doubtful she has lived in depravity her entire short life.
“Dalton, would you like to know what is next on my
list? Your mother refuses to act as
my wife. I wouldn’t have hurt her. She could have stayed at her club. I would have done just as you will do with your wife- take her on occasion and lived my life the way I please. I would have had lovers and she could have had her own too. I just required children. Instead I get a gay son who doesn’t have my last name and your mother births a bastard by
stealing her student’s sperm.
” He rolls his eyes and puts air quotes around the word supposedly as he speaks. Yeah, I don’t fucking believe her either.

m not the bad guy here- well, I am,
but you know what I mean. You’
re under some fantasy that I forced your mother in
my bed. She was compliant. Pierre came to my father. Our marriage was performed the same as yours was. Would you like to know why your mother married me? What she got out of it?”
I stare at him in shock. It’s a rhetorical question so I don’t answer.

She wanted the dee
to Kink. She sold herself so
Pierre would sign it over. She willingly participated in your conception- many times. When she found my currency she exploited it. I want children and she refuses. She forces my hand. I don’
t want to up the stakes
she demands I take a
ction or I will look weak. I didn’t
want to force
n on you, but I needed you to be able to fuck your wife or my bloodline dies out. Everything generations of Marconi’s
worked for will be for
if you don’t create the next generation. Blame your fucking mother,” he screams as his fists pound our desk.
“I don’t like hurting you, but I will if I have to, God-dammit. Don’t make me enact what is to come next.” He sobs into his hands. “Please, just consummate your marriage. It won’t hurt. Bianca is an innocent girl. She will submit for you- give you a semblance of control. Most important is that she is willing.”

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