Dalton (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (25 page)

BOOK: Dalton (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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The thought scares the shit out of Kristal. It’s the punishment Queen used to thwart Kristal’s sex addiction.

“You have to chose- him or me?” I ask her. I don’t care what she says. I’ll never fuck another woman unless I want her. And I don’t want Kristal.
“I told you I
like you both at the same time,

she whines. “I’m not going to pick,” she says defiantly.
“It d
oesn’t matter because we don’t want to play
with you
together anymore. We won’t share each other- I mean with each other.”
Whitt’s fuckup is noticeabl
e by the few that know what we’
re doing. I hear a few snickers. “Pick.”
“No,” she cries and flees the room. I feel momentarily bad for what we just did. We didn’t hurt her feelings. She loves attention and two of her lov
ers are fighting over her. She’s upset because she’
s in
a lose
-lose situation and she didn’t know how to get out of it.
“Look what you just did. I thought you were a gentleman. That was cruel.
I’m sure she would’ve just said Alex was the better fuck,

I taunt.

I push his chest with my palms and shove. He doesn’t move. I’m not angry enough to put the force behind it to really do any damage. He laughs at me.
“I think all the muscles tone in your body is in your cock along with all the blood that nourishes your brain,” he laughs out at me.
He picks me up under my armpits and moves me. He looks down at me silently saying
don’t even bother.
won’t win.

“That’s enough,” my mother saves me from myself. I was about to humiliate myself by doing something stupid. I just didn’t know what yet. I was improvising.
“We do not fight over submissives. If she enjoys both of your company so be it. You don’t have to say yes. It is always a negotiation. Calm down and don’t make me reprimand you.” I can see the determined look on her face that she wants us in a room alone with her so she can bitch us
out. I don’t want that. It’s not really a good way to formally introduce your new lov
er to your mother, e
specially if
she tries to punish you both.

“I’m sorry, Master. Please accept my sincerest apologies,” I say to my mother.
“It always sounds like fuck you when you say that, Dalton. I don’t believe your bullshit for a moment. You must have behaved better during your childhood or you wouldn’t be walking around right now.” French invades her speech.

I know that she’
s silently digging me for standing up for myself. I won’t be her
bitch anymore. Sh
e can be my mother, but not my M
“I’m sorry, Master,” Whitt cuts in to diffuse the situation. His gentlemanly demeanor demands
no less. A
nd he’s defending me. “It’s my fault. I got jealous of the time
he spends with him. Kristal used to only play with me and now she wants Dalton to join. I’ll negotiate some terms with her in the future. My apologies, Master.”

“You do that,” my mom says as she glares at Whitt.

She doesn’t like him at the moment. She sees him as t
aking her power away. As if he’
s the one who has
a firm hold
on my leash now. I hold my own fucking leash
thank you very much. I pass it to him while he fucks me and he gives it back when he’s done. My leash doesn’t belong in her hands- no one’s leash does.
“Break it up- everyone go about your business. I’m calling it a night. Come on,” she practically growls at Devlin, Sebastian, and Bianca. All three glare at her back when she turns. I don’t like the look in Devlin’s eyes. It’s the look he used to give Pierre and Tony.

I stride to the hallway and don’t look back. I keep walking up to my apartment. I pause when I hit the stairs. There are two wet spots that shine in the light. I chuckle to myself. That was fucking hot.
I turn to shut the door to my apartment and an arm wedges into the space. I laugh and mock shut the door on his arm a few times and then let him in.
“Thumb-dick, honestly, Font?
Thumb-dick and needing to fake?”
Whitt says as
enters my apartment. My eyes widen as he strips
his clothes
as he walks to my bed. He’s naked in seconds and I’
m ready in an instant. This man drives me insane.
“Well, I’m warring between showing you my technique and sucking the special out of you with my bullshit spewing asshole of a mouth.” I laugh as
crawl on top of him and hold him down. I yank my shirts off and bask in the expression that crosses his face.
“Kiss me, gorgeous.” I say as I lean in for a kiss.
“Nothing will stop me, beautiful.” He flutters the words across my lips.
















“Dalton,” Kristal says in my ear. “I have something for you.” She smiles at me like a Cheshire cat. I lean back in my chair and pull my feet out from beneath my desk so that I may turn towards her. She
hands me a piece of paper that’
s tri-folded. I break the wax seal and my world falls from my feet.


Dalton Anthony Fontaine Marconi

I believe it’s time we meet.
You are cordially invited to be my newest mole

Should you refuse the invitation all your secrets will be revealed

& your lover’s, too

Say hello to my baby brother

~Adelaide Whittenhower~


The note pisses me off. I’ve no doubt it came from Adelaide. I’m not shocked that Kristal gave it to me either. Queen was crazy with worry over Adelaide. Queen’s submissives and roommates are Fate and Kristal. Kristal grew up at Whittenhower Estates. I know these people are connected.
What this note tells me is who is forcing Adelaide- my mother. I don’t know why she’s doing it. But I know why I got this today. I’ve acted independent of her. She sees the look in my face when I scowl at her. She blames Whitt for it. This note is to shut my ass up or Whitt will be

I rise from my desk with a blank mind. My feet carry me to the front of the room. I pull one of the extra chairs that are by the wall and place it in front of the chalkboard. Dexter stops what he’s doing a
looks at me like I’ve lost my mind. Maybe I have.
“HI!” I chirp as I hop on the chair to give myself some added height so the folks in the back of the room can see me.
“I would like everyone to know that I will not be blackmailed, forced, pushed, shoved, and dominated, whored, coerced, threatened, or exhorted to do anything for anyone.”
I notice everyone is looking at
me funny and I realize that I’
m still in Thompson mode speaking in a French accent. I wiggle the wig off my head and throw it in the garbage can. I pop the dull, brown contacts from my eyes and leave them where they fall. I will need neither of these things again. I tear the baggy jeans from my body with disgust and for added measure I pull both my shirts off. I stand before my fellow members of Restraint in my boxers as Font.

“My name is Dalton Anthony Fontaine Marconi. But yo
u will call me Font unless you’
re moaning my name in the throes of passion. I was created in the unholy union between a brothel
and organized crime
. My mother is Olivia Font
aine.” I look to my mother who’s staring at me like she’
s seeing me for the first time. And maybe she is.
“I will never call you Master again
Mother. I will never bow or knee
before anyone again. I’
m my own Master.” I turn away from the tears in her eyes
- tears of fury-
and face the class again. I can’t even contemplate the myriad of expressions marring their faces.
“I was sent her
to keep an eye on Restraint for my mother. Later I was drafted to find your mole. I apologize for my asinine behavior. Please blame my mother for making me into an asshole. I was just contacted by the lovely Adelaide Whittenhower and not for the reason I wanted. I wanted her to draw me into the fold so I could ex
tract information instead I’
m being
blackmailed for my secrets. I will never be blackmailed again.
I want all of you to know that it’
s not Adelaide who is ultimately pulling at my strings. Since the note was to blackmail me into submission, I realize that my former Master was getting annoyed when I wasn’t compliant. She thought she’d found other means t
hat have worked in the past. I’
m not that Dalton anymore, Mother,

I warn.
“I stand before you and
finally do the show and tell that Marcus demanded months ago. I share with
you my deepest and darkest. Without secrets
my mother
has no power over me.”
“I am a whore. I am a murderer. I am a crime boss. I am married. I am a switch. I am in Witness Protection for turning on my competition. I have a contract on my life. If someone is in need of a combined twenty-million dollars for all the contracts on my life please do so to my face and not in a cowardly man
“I am gay. If I
ever see another vagina in my lifetime it will be too soon. Sorry ladies, you all smell nice and are soft with pretty voices and beautiful faces. But there
can be one of us in my bed and that has to be me.”

“I regret this for
one reason and that is because
my decision affects another person. Whether or not she releases their secret because I came clean is anyone’s guess. But I will never be anyone’s bitch again, even for love. I’m sure we have more than one mole. For all I know she is blackma
iling each and every one of us, so I won’t kill the messenger.”

Mini-Whitt,” I say as I toss Niel
the letter. He quickly scans it and hands it one desk over. I watch as Whitt reads the letter. His face burns bright red and his fingers crumple the note as he reads, tearing through the thick expensive paper.
Whitt turns into a shit-storm of fury. He flies out of his chair and picks it up and smashes it into his desk over and over. Loud bangs and screeches of metal as the chair
broken apart and the desk is pulverized. Plastic flies through the air hitting people like shrapnel.

We all stare as he loses his control. His polite air vanishes in the heat of his fury. Every swear word I’ve ever heard uttered is spewing out of his beautiful mouth in a torrent of hate.
Bitch Cunt Whore Bastard Shit Twat Asshole Devil Fuck.
He settles on fuck and it’s screamed over and over.
“Fuck! I’ve ran out of curse
words in the English language. Hurry, g
ive me some in French.” Whitt says to me and I think he is being serious until he starts to laugh. His junior joins him and then they both start to cry. We all look on in shock.

“That fucking bitch, Adelai-” before he can finish the word four clear voices ring out a chant of
May she rot in hell.
Niel, Ava, Whitt, and I simultaneously cover our mouths with our palms and try not to laugh. I blush from embarrassment. My pale skin turns pink. I’ve been spending too much time with my cohorts of Generation Next.

Whitt starts moving towards me with purpose in his eyes. He stalks smoothly a
nd I try not to watch since he’
s gorgeous when he gets that dete
rmined Dom look on his face. I’
m standing on a chair in only a pair of boxers. An erection is a bad idea. The closer he gets the harder I get.
“You’re right, Dalton. Information is power and our secrets give
control over us. Fuck it. It’s time for me to grow up.”

He keeps getting closer as he talks. He walks right up to me and picks me up from the chair. My arms close around his shoulders without thought. He kisses me like a man marking his territory. I had forgotten how hot my last speech got him. If the last speech was epic, this one is astronomical.

“I have to have you,” He murmurs against my lips and starts walking me backward to the door. He stops and looks over his shoulder.
“If you haven’t figured i
t out yet, my secret is that I’
m gay. Dalton is mine. If I find out
anyone touches him without my permission I will slit your throat. I know a guy with a walk-in-cooler, don’t test me.” The heat in his voice leads me to believe he meant every word he just said.











































Chapter Twenty-Two


“Open this fucking door before I break it down,” Olivia Fontaine screams at the top of her lungs.

Our victory speech fun is interrupted the instant Whitt carries me to the bed and locks the door.
“Go the fuck away,” Whitt shouts back. His tone and speech are completely at odds with his usual demeanor. It could be that he’s ripping his clothes off like a crazed animal and she’s interrupting our mating.

“Listen up you little shitheaded Whittenhower, don’t make me go to your Daddy and tell him that huge secret you have. I’m not talking about your fondness for my son’
s cock. He already knows you’re
queer. I’m talking about the coup you have planned
for your birthday,” she seethes
through the door.
“You know
shit, you crazy bitch. Dalton’
s his own man now, so back the fuck off. You can’t abuse him anymore.”
Whitt shouts right back at her.
“He’ll always be mine. I
him. I’ll scream your secret out here, so help me God. If you don’t open that door in the next five seconds I’ll do it,” she screams.
“I’ll take my chances,” Whitt shouts back.

Your wife’
s out here
,” she taunts. “She looks like she’s going to explode.”
“How is that his secret? I know Bianca’s out there with you,” I say in confusion.
“I didn’t say your wife, Dalton,” she stresses.

Whitt’s at the door in a second and he opens it bucked naked. I’m completely naked. The upstairs hallway is packed with everyone from the training room. Twenty people are packed in the tight space staring at us with a mixture of expressions ranging from curiosity to horror. I instantly know that my mother was telling the truth. Whitt and I are in the same boat and he is indeed married.

“Madame Fontaine, please come in. I’ll just be out in the hallway with everyone else- listening,” he says in polite warning.
I pick up his briefs and think better of it. They’re the small sexy kind, not the kind you wear while eavesdropping. I toss him my boxers instead. He pulls them on while I yank on a pair of sweats.

Whitt gives me the most genuinely concerned look as he shuts the door closing my mother in me into my apartment. His expression breaks my heart.

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