Dalton (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (8 page)

BOOK: Dalton (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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I’m speechless. I wanted to read her and she read me instead.

s gasping for breath. My invasion of her personal space is turning her on. I stare at th
e thirty-something female. She’
s tall-
six feet. Her blonde hair is pulled tightly and twisted around her head. It reminds me of what I first did so that Tony couldn’t get a handle on my hair. I gave up and cut it. But no one is pulling Queen’s hair.
A thought flashes in my mind. I lean forward and
kiss her neck tenderly. I don’t do the mouth
with the exception when Whitt demanded it- prick. I nibble on her skin gently and she gasps in pleasure.
why do you pretend to be gay when you’re not?

I nibble her neck and she moans for me.
“Dalton, why do you pretend to be straight,” she fires right back. Jesus Christ, is she a FBI agent, too?

“Do you miss the touch of a man?”
I taunt her.
I release one of her wrists and circle her breast with the palm of my hand. She gasps again and thrusts into my touch.
“Tell me why
you hide and I will reward you,

I negotiate.
“I can’t tell you why I hide,” she says in a panic. “Will you reward me if I tell you the truth?”
She teases me.
“Yes,” I say intrigued.

You know
I’m straight, but I have to pretend I’m gay.” She says in shame. Shame in pretending or shame of everyone thinking she is gay?
“I know how that is,” I laugh without humor.
I look
Queen for a few seconds knowing how to reward her. I also n
eed to show the members that I’
m not the pansy that they saw bawling and hanging onto my submissive in the middle of the classroom.
“Would you like to have sex?” I ask bashfully. My pale skin flames in embarrassment. I wait for her to say no. It would blow her cover while solidifying mine. But why would she want to fuck the asshole- Dalton Thompson?
She shakes her head yes
and smirks at me
She’s up to something, too.

“I think you and I could be good friends,” she declares. “Welcome to the game, Font. The bench was getting crowded,” she says ambiguously.

“What?” I breathe and she shakes her head at me.

I bite my lip thinking of how to progress. My eyes rove the room and fall on my submissive. I don’t want to do this with the minors in the room- worse my sister. I catch his eye and he immediately comes over to us.
“Send the gossip-mongers to my room and come back to me.” I order him and he complies.
“Is he pleasing to you? I will be the one who takes you, but he will help.” His help is for me, but
I don’t supply that fact. He’ll find her beautiful. She’
, but he was always att
racted to their experience. He’
s the innocent one, he doesn’t do naïve girls. Plus Queen is blonde- his favorite.
Again she just shakes her head. I smile knowingly
does she
. It’s almost enough to fill my cock with blood
- something is going down between us and hell if I know what it is
But she was waiting for it.

“Take off your clothes.” I order her. I look around the room and find a yoga mat. What I have in mind requires lying down. I drag the cushioned mat over and position it.
“Lay down on you
r back,” I say to her when she’
s naked. My e
yes take in her landscape. She’
s a beautiful w
oman- ripe and supple. She’
s exactly what a man would love to nibble on, but she doesn’t do a thing for me. I will have to borrow Sebastian’s enthusiasm as I did Whitt’s last night.

I don’t look as this as whoring for my Master. The idea doesn’t bring bile to my throat.
I’m intrigued by the woman. I’
ll find her secrets. First thing tomorrow morning I will call my contacts and know every second of importance that has occurred in her life.
We need to be on equal footing.

Sebastian sees Queen
laying out for his enjoyment and
lust fill his features. I’ve watched him have more sex than I’ve had myself. Most of my experience was with my hand as he found pleasure in the warm
th of a woman or three. Usually he would turn me on so that I could do my
duty for my M
“Strip,” I salaciously order. I can’t keep the heat from my voice. The word came out a mixture of English and French. I’m just thankful that Queen is as enamored with Sebby as I am, so she didn’t notice. I groan loudly when he
exposes his body to our sight. He’
s even better l
ooking than at twenty-one. He’
s filling out. His body is still lanky, but corded with muscles. Alright, this will not be a hardship. I just have to make sure I don’t touch him. If I do, I’ll order him to do very bad things to me.
“Queen, stand,” I demand. “Lay down on the mat, Seb. Lay down on top of him- mouths to genitals,” I say when they move where I order.

Queen gently mounts my submissive and takes his perfect cock in her mouth. My mouth waters at the sight. I’ve never had the pleasure- envy
takes my breath away. I close my eyes to the sound of Sebastian groaning when he makes contact with her warmth.
I feel eyes boring into my back. I turn and see Whitt st
udying us as he thrusts into Kristal. I
turn my back to him. I don’t need him- I lie. I don’t want him to think I do. I will not play whatever game he is trying to start.
I enter a new game with Queen.

I kneel and watch Sebastian an
d Queen devour each other. She’
s mewing in pleasure. The sound doesn
’t annoy me as usual since she’
s driving my submissive insane with need. She sucks his cock like she hasn’t had the taste in eternity.
I’m right there with ya, Queen.
I lick my lips fearing droo
l will pool out. I swallow audibly.
I rest my knees between Queen’s thighs and draw her legs up. I watch as Sebastian’s tongue delves into her lapping up all her juices. He rolls his eyes up to me and they shine with pleasure. I m
issed the look he gets when he’
s riding high.
I turn my back so that no one but Sebby can see
my cock. I pull him out and he’
s already ready for our display. And we are on display. I can feel the excitement in the air as the members and their guests watch a newcomer
, a
Domme who never scenes in
and the asshole engage in a three-way.

I sheath my cock in latex and
rub against Queen’s slick slit. I push in a little testing my resolve. When nausea doesn’t wash over me I plunge in to the hilt. She rears up and screams. I didn’t hurt her- I hope. I thi
nk she liked it. Hell if I know.
I know nothing of the female body.
I’m fully erect this time, instead of just hard enoug
h to enter a woman, maybe that’
s the difference
“Did I hurt you,” I whisper in concern w
hen she stills.
“No, you’re huge
. It hurt, but it was a
good kind of hurt. My lover is big, but dang, Dalton
.” She pushes back on me and sucks Sebastian back into her mouth. I inwardly shrug. Hell if I know what she meant.
I close my eyes and find a rhythm that is pleasing to both of us. The background noise of cries, moans, and the pound of impact toys washes away with the wet sounds and moans of my companions. I gasp when a warm, wet, mouth sucks my ball. I nearly
combust for the pleasure of the sensation.
“Sebastian, don’t tease me. I won’t be able to control myself,” I wea
kly chastise the submissive. I’
d pulled out so that I could gaze at him
from between our bodies
“I’ve missed you. Let me please you. I know how hard this is for you to do.” Sebastian pleads. “I don’t want sex, but let me help you stay happy.” He smirks at me whe
n he says happy- the tease
. My poor attempt at seduction with Queen is apparent in comparison to what a true submissive can do. The cunning look that brightens his face almost has me coming from the sight of it. His need to please has me s
deeply into Queen.
My companions groan loudly as I feel the mouth beneath me go into a frenzy on her pussy and her mouth sucks him in until she meets his pelvis. I don’t move as they writhe under me.

I smoothly thrust. My breath saws in and out in time with my movements. I know Queen is close when her body starts to jerk and her muscles tighten. She starts to
moan in a way that sounds like weeping. Sebby is beneath me groaning as his climax floods Queen’s mouth.

I watch as they both climax, neither of them pushing me off the precipice.

I look over
my shoulder at the person who’
s burning a hole into my back with their gaze.
s no longer engaged. He’
s standing a few feet off to the side of us watching with obvious inter
est. I notice too late that he’
s in the per
fect position to see my cock. I’
m uncomfortable with it. The feeling pushes the pleasure down to a level that removes all need to release.
Whitt raises his hand and rubs the back of his neck in a nervous gesture. My eyes eat the sight of his body. My breath becomes labored as I watch his biceps bulge from his movements. My eyes work their way back up his face and meet his hungry gaze, so filled with need that I moan from the si
ght of it. I don’t know who he’
s craving, but I go into denial and pretend it is me. My release rushes from my balls, but doesn’t find th
e force to exit my body. I’
m stuck at the precipice. The pressure builds to painful levels. My mi
nd, body, and soul know that I’
m mating with the wrong person and it refuses to release.
I scream in frustration. My submissive knows my body so well that he gives me desperate relief. Teeth bite into the pathway of flesh behind my sac
and sink in. I scream for a new reason.
The pressure releases in a torrent out my cock as I fill the latex with my seed.
I collapse from the force of my orgasm. My head rest
the swell of
s ass
and I could
care less. I watch Whitt as he watches Sebastian sooth
my tender skin with his tongue. A
look crosses his face just before he leaves the dungeon.






















Chapter Seven


I catch my quarry in the hallway before she can make it to the safety of Dexter’s room. I
on the
for her to come to me. I’
m a patient hunter, or so I tell myself. In reality I was trying to talk myself out of it or into it, take your pick.

“If it isn’t the incompetent sadist, are you going to Dexter’s room to abuse him some more.” I raise a brow at the shame
that crosses her face. Yes, it’
s wrong to exploit i
t. I know how she feels. But I’
m not Font right now and the asshole demands his payment for the night- we mustn’t disappoint our Master.
“Did you leave many scars? You already scarred the wife why not the husband too?”
I taunt.
She doesn’t answer me. She tries to step away from
me to defuse the situation. I’m thankful that she’
s a small woman or she’d beat me or outrun me
. But she can’t do either of tho
se things. She steps to the side and I angle myself to cut her off. We do this dance several times before she bares her fanged caps at me. I laugh at her- Font, not Thompson. It was rather cute in a pissed off kitten sort of way.

I feel rather bad
that I have to bully her. She’
s very ignorant in the working of her own house. I know she isn’t the mole, but if the mole is watching who else would love Katya fucked with more than Adelaide Whittenhower. Kat is the ultimate target. I haven’t used
her yet. I have the feeling I’
ll have to do it a few times.

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