CUTTER, 4 (Red Sin MC) (7 page)

Read CUTTER, 4 (Red Sin MC) Online

Authors: Alexa Rynn

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Suspense, #90 Minutes (44-64 Pages), #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: CUTTER, 4 (Red Sin MC)
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Chapter Seven



My father walked into the room of the warehouse like he was a man on a mission to hunt someone down and shoot them in the head. And that someone was me. His eyes narrowed as soon as he saw me, no doubt thinking about the goat rope of a fucking mess I’d gotten myself into in the last 24 hours.

I’d gone to get Stone against my father’s word and the committee vote. I’d let my little sister and Grace follow me and end up right in the fucking middle of the whole thing. And to top it all off I’d come back with the wrong man. It was tough to know which part my father was the most pissed off about at the moment.

He looked back and forth between Blaze and me. “I’ll deal with you two later,” he snapped, looking past us like we were invisible to the side of the room where Krusher was lounging on the only piece of furniture in the entire room.

It was the same sofa that Grace had almost been raped on.

Just being in the room pissed me the fuck off.

“Casper,” Krusher said, leaning bored. “Nice of you to finally join us. I was wondering when the real big shots would start to roll in.” He shot me and Blaze a glance. “We all know these two have no real say in what goes down around here, hence why I didn’t feel like wasting my time dealing with them.”

I started to rush toward him but Blaze held me back, shaking his head.

I wanted to punch that smug smile right off his face.

My father crossed the room and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, dragging him up from his seat. “Where is he?” he growled. “Where is your father?”

Krusher smirked. “I’m not sure, let me call his secretary.”

My father pulled his fist back and punched him in the face, causing a huge hunk of blood to start bursting out from the top of his lip. “Where is he, Krusher?” he yelled.

Krusher enjoyed the pain, the same way I would.

My father shook his head and pushed him back down. “Fine, let’s see if a few days without any food or water will change your mind. And if it doesn’t, well… I’m sure The Misfits will be all too happy to take you off our hands. Imagine all the fun they could have with the son of the most wanted man in their brotherhood.” He started to walk away from him. “Besides, if anything I’ve heard about your father is true then it won't be long before he tries to come to your rescue anyway.”

“You aren’t giving me to anyone,” Krusher said as my father got further and further away from him. “In fact, I think I’m going to stick around town for a while, take in the sights. And while I’m here, your brotherhood is going to look after me, make sure nothing bad happens to me or that I don’t fall into the wrong hands if you know what I mean.”

“Is that so? And why the hell would we do a thing like that?” My father asked, amused. “You’re going to cross over to Red Sin now? Try to be a traitor the way your father was?”

I grunted. “Doesn’t surprise me.”

“Oh, God, no,” Krusher said, appalled. “Never, but I do want to stick around for a while. All the club pussy back home is getting a little old if you know what I mean, time to dip my hands in some new pots of gold.” He looked down at his fingernails like he was starting to grow old. “And you’re going to let me do whatever I want around here.”

Blaze glared at him. “Get to the point, asshole.”

“The point,” he said, standing up. “Is that if Cutter doesn’t want anything bad to happen to his precious sister than he’s going to do exactly what I tell him to do for as long as I tell him to do it.”

Blaze’s eyes grew dark. “Fuck you, Heather is safe and sound and she’s going to stay that way.” He took a step toward Krusher and balled his hands up into fat circles. “I dare you to try saying something like that again.”

“Not Heather,” Krusher rolled his eyes. “Cutter’s other sister.”

“Cutter doesn’t have another sister.”

“Yeah, I don’t have another sister.”

Krusher glanced at my father. “You mean you haven’t told him?”

I turned my attention toward my father. “What the hell is he talking about?”

“Oh, no, no.” Krusher laughed, throwing his head back. “Let me! Let me! Allow me to paint you a little picture. Once upon a time in a land very, very close a man and a girl had themselves a little set of twin babies! One was a boy and one was a girl. And they loved the twins dearly, well the father loved the son dearly, the daughter he could have done without. But the mother loved them both dearly, so dearly that when she found out a few years later that she was pregnant again she was thrilled.”

“Dad?” I asked, looking from Blaze to my father.

“And so was the father, until he realize that she had another girl. It got so bad that the mother was starting to become more and more terrified of the father and the dangerous life he lived, and the obsession he had with his son, so one day in the middle of the night she took her twin daughter and left. She wanted to take all of her children but there was no time, for her partner was a dangerous, dangerous man who had a bunch of brothers who would kill her if they ever found her.”

“Shut up,” my father said, shaking his head. “Shut up now!”

“Now this girl, this twin, she’s alive and well towns and towns away from here and right about now three of my men have eyes on her. Eyes that don’t mind watching over her but if something were to go wrong and anything were to happen to me, that could change.” Krusher titled his cocky little smile to the corner of his lips. “So, the question is, Cutter, how much do you care about this twin sister that you never met?”

“Shut up!” My father yelled again. “Stop this! It’s lies! All lies!”

I looked at my father, studying his face and suddenly I felt defeated.

Because I knew my father, I knew his reactions and non-reactions. I knew when he was wrong and when he was right. And most of all I knew when he was lying and when he was telling the truth.

And right now he was lying.

Which meant that Krusher was telling the truth.

Somewhere out there I had a twin sister I’d never met.




Cutter came storming into the room a few hours later like a bat out of hell. His chest was heaving up and down so hard that I could practically feel the rage vibrating off of him.

“Take off your clothes,” he demanded.

“What?” I jumped off the bed, confused.

“Get naked,” he snapped. “I’m worked up and I need to fuck you. Now”

He needed to fuck me now? The thought of him coming inside of me again when I wasn’t on the pill made me sick. Heather had promised me she would tell Cutter if I didn’t before the night was over. I needed to tell him and now before things got too hot and I couldn’t stop myself from letting him take my body anywhere he wanted it to go.

“Cutter, I really need to talk to you,” I told him calmly.

“I’m not in the mood to talk, Grace,” he growled. “I’m in the mood to fuck. And hard.” He ripped his leather jacket off and started to fiddle with his belt buckle. “Get naked and get on the bed then spread your legs apart.”

“Cutter,” I told him sternly. “I can’t. Not until I tell you something.”

“I don’t give a fuck about whatever it is!”

“It’s about your father,” I gasped.

“Really? You’re thinking about my father right now?”

“I did something bad, really bad.”

“Oh, you’re about to do something bad alright,” he said, coming closer.

I held my hands up in the air, keeping him away from me. “I told him I’d give him a grandson if he didn’t hand me over to the misfits and then I destroyed the birth control pills you gave me in a panic!” I said the phrase so fast that it took me a second to realize I’d actually gotten it out.

But the second I saw the look on Cutter’s face it hit me that I had. And that I couldn’t take it back, no matter how bad I wanted to. I couldn’t believe I’d ever done anything to make him look at me like that
like I had betrayed him. I hated myself for it.

“You… you made a deal with my father?”

“I was scared!” I told him desperately. “I didn’t want anything bad to happen to you! And I didn’t want to end up in Misfit custody. I’m sorry, I… I just panicked.”

He backed away from me like he had no idea who I was.

“I was going to tell you sooner! I just… I didn’t know how!”

Cutter looked right thru me. “Who are you?”

I took a step closer to him. “I know you must be upset right now…”

He snickered. “You know I must be upset right now? Are you fucking joking? You have no idea how the fuck I feel right now! You’re supposed to be the one person who has my back throughout all this shit, Grace. How could you… how could you keep something like this from me?”

“I know! I know! I’m so sorry!” I rushed toward him, cupping his face in my hands. “But it’s okay, it’ll be okay. You have Krusher now and you can hand him over to The Misfits and then they won’t need anything from you anymore and your father won't have anything to threaten us with and… and… and you can talk to him. Of course, you can talk to him! You’re his son!” I was stuttering now, terrified.

Cutter looked down at me with a dead look in his eye. “The Misfits aren’t getting Krusher, no one is getting Krusher for a very long time or at least until I get back what he took from me.”

I shook my head. “No. What he took from you? What does that mean?”

Cutter stared past me. “It doesn’t matter. I don’t… I can’t be around you right now.” He yanked away from me and picked his jacket up off the floor, swinging it over his back and heading toward the door.

Tears pricked my eyelids. “Cutter!”

But he ignored me, slamming the door shut in response.

I threw myself onto his bed and allowed my sobs to overcome me.

How could I have been so stupid? Why didn’t I just tell him right away what was going on? Why had I kept it from him for so long? Now it was too late.

The way he had looked at me…

He didn’t want me anymore.

Just like I feared would happen.

Krusher had something on him, something bad. And that meant The Misfits weren’t getting him. So they would come for me, or they would start a war. Either way, things were about to get bad. So bad that Cutter wouldn’t be able to handle it.

And if he did, it was sure to drive him crazy.

I had hurt him.

The one person I never wanted to harm.

I had to do something. I had to find a way to make it right.

The thought of hurting Cutter even more than I already had made me feel sick. He had pride, even though he didn’t want me anymore, he would never hand me over willingly. He would set me free, tell me to run and get the fuck out of town.

And I’d be on my own. Without the man I loved. And The Misfits would come after Red Sin anyway. It would be a war when Cutter didn’t even feel anything for me anymore. If Cutter didn’t want me anymore I wasn’t going to let him go to war over me.

I couldn’t let that happen.

I couldn’t do that to him.

No, I had to go into Misfit territory alone and turn myself over to them.

It was the only way to make things right.

And it had to be done tonight.



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