Cut Cords of Attachment (14 page)

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Authors: Rose Rosetree

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Q&A About “Touch It, Read It”

This is an easy technique—unless you unintentionally complicate the process. Let’s continue your education in the 12 Steps to Cut Cords of Attachment.

I heard the word “sad” but didn’t feel it. What did I do wrong?

Nothing. Information about emotions doesn’t have to be mushy-gushy.

Doing a Before Picture, or seeking other information as part of the 12 Steps to Cut Cords of Attachment, you simply download data through your Gift Set by means of a technique.

Perception does not have to come in any particular way.

My therapist would differ with you. She’s all about, “How did that make you feel?”

Words like “Emotion” can develop a big inner charge due to life experiences you have had. And exploring emotions might have had an altogether different significance for your work with this therapist.

Many of you Courageous Explorers have had experiences around emotions with previous techniques, healing methods, or systems of belief.

Please, let it all go for now. With each technique you learn here, approach it with an open mind. Here, emotion means information like “Happy, scared, angry, sad.”

You do not have to please your therapist when you use a technique of Rosetree Energy Spirituality. You need not please anyone. Just do the steps of each technique. Get the results. Evaluate the results after your session of healing is done.

Should I be embarrassed to have asked about the not feeling?

No way! I’m glad you asked this question because it reveals the downside of trying more than one approach simultaneously. Rosetree Energy Spirituality is its own skill set. Do not add anything else, even if words like “Emotion” mean a lot to you in completely different contexts.

When I did this research, I saw outer space. Is that weird? How could I see in a touch-based technique?

Doing a technique, you bring your full personal Gift Set. Any technique could result in an experience of textures or smells or visuals or hearing or knowing or you name it.

With any of the aura reading techniques in this chapter, you gather information. It’s called “A perception.” Afterwards you do an interpretation, based on the context.

So for you, the interpretation part involves what “Outer Space” has to do with your ability to receive emotionally from others.

Bad enough that my perception was “Hollow and shriveled.” Now I have to interpret this, too? How depressing is that?

Be kind when interpreting, please, not harsh. For instance, you might interpret that, “At this point, receiving emotionally from others has been difficult for me. I haven’t felt comfortable with emotional receiving.”

Aura reading is not a healing. When you research a Before Picture, that doesn’t fix anything. However, you are doing a Before Picture as part of a skill set that is dedicated to helping. Right from cutting your first minor cord, you may find that this skill set heals you a lot.

So trust the process. Keep learning. Especially, please remember: At every one of the 12 Steps to Cut Cords of Attachment, you can afford to be kind to yourself.

Three New Chakra Databanks to Research for a Before Picture

Since you’re preparing to do “Touch It, Read It,” practice the hand position for each chakra location as well as understanding the significance of the chakra databank chosen for research.

1. BELLY CHAKRA—Location: Two inches below the navel

Body part: The fullest part of your belly

For this technique: Place your Hand of Preference, palm towards your torso, about four inches in front of your body, at the fullest part of your belly.

Chakra Databank: Creativity

  • “Creativity” does not only refer to official art forms, like dancing Flamenco or playing the accordion.
  • “Creativity ” means saying and doing things in objective reality.
  • This kind of creativity means doing ordinary things in spontaneous and varied ways, such as how you put your lunch together onto a plate. Or how you eat it.

2. SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA Location: Between navel and breastbone

Body part: Your upper abdominal area, where you have ribs on either side and a soft area in the center of your body.

For this technique: Place your Hand of Preference, palm towards your torso, about four inches in front of your mid-section.

Chakra Databank: Self-Confidence

  • “Self-Confidence” means believing in yourself, finding your side of every story. Many chakra databanks support confidence, self-esteem, etc. This one has an intellectual flavor.
  • This self-confidence involves how you think about yourself as a person. To what degree do you respect yourself, trust yourself, value what you say and do?
  • This chakra databank also impacts how you interpret conversations with other people, how much you think they respect you, trust you, value you.

3. THROAT CHAKRA—Location: Your neck

Body part: Your neck at the front of your body

For this technique: Place your Hand of Preference, palm towards your torso, about four inches in front of your throat.

Chakra Databank: Communication During Conflict

  • “Communication” means expressing yourself, verbally and nonverbally, plus through any art form like writing, dance, or music.
  • “Communication During Conflict” matters because you are wired to speak differently when there is a conflict, compared to friendly chat with a close friend or formal yet pleasant business conversations or enjoyable first-date small talk.
  • Even a little disagreement can count as conflict. Do you tend to speak up or stay silent or what? Clarity, forcefulness, emotional overwhelm—in theory, anything can characterize this chakra databank’s performance right now. The interesting question is, what really happens there, here and now?

Do a Complete Before Picture with “Touch It, Read It”

You can learn so much from doing a Before Picture on yourself. Here is a chance to use “Touch It, Read It” to activate your aura and, simultaneously, learn more about yourself.

TECHNIQUE: “Touch It, Read It” on Three Chakra Databanks

At Step 3 to Cut Cords of Attachment, you may prefer to use “Touch It, Read It.”

For a Before-and-After Picture, you will need to choose three chakra databanks to research. Make a list. If you like, you could keep things simple by always using the following three chakra databanks just described.

Place writing supplies within easy reach, plus your list of three chakra databanks to research. Read through the following instructions, then do them step by step.

1. Close your eyes. Do the
“Get Big”
technique. Think the name, once, of your Divine Being of choice. Know that you are connected in consciousness.

2. Think your
like “I choose to gain more wisdom about myself.”

3. You will research one chakra databank at a time, using your Hand of Preference, palm about four inches in front of your body, at the place corresponding to your chosen databank. Position your hand there and know that you won’t need to
anything in your hand in order for you to get information. The palm of your hand is simply a conduit. Information will flow
your hand.

4. Begin to “Question” while your hand is in place. Ask inside, “What is going on now with [the name of the chakra databank]” (In this example, ask, “What is going on now with my creativity?”)

5. Close your eyes after you ask the question. Let your hand drop. Release the question with two or three Vibe-Raising Breaths. Then return to normal breathing.

6. After 10-20 seconds, notice what you have been experiencing. Put this into words. Write it down, quick and sloppy.

7. For the second part of your three-part Before Picture, repeat Steps 1-7. Research a second chakra databank this time.

8. For the final part of your three-part Before Picture, research a third chakra databank this time, repeating Steps 1-7.

9. Congratulate yourself on completing the perception part of this technique. Open your eyes.

10. Look over what you just wrote.
what each perception could mean about the chakra databank you were reading. Write down that interpretations, of course.

At Step 12, when you do an After Picture, researching the same chakra databanks, employing the same aura reading technique.

Before you go on to the next chapter, enjoy the bonus material that follows—your reward for thoroughness, Courageous Explorer.

Trust Your Personal Gift Set, Your Wisdom

Who is the world’s expert at interpreting what you find in auras? You.

Trust your wisdom and it will grow.

Allowing yourself to read auras daily will accelerate full ownership of your personal Gift Set. You will advance most rapidly at cutting cords of attachment.

Yes, I know. Some famous teachers train their students to be just like them. Supposedly, the more precisely students can duplicate their teacher, the better they are doing. This makes about as much sense as thinking that true beauty for a woman requires that she squeeze herself into a corset or, these days, get cosmetic surgery until she superficially resembles her favorite star.

I have enormous respect for Donna Eden, bestselling author of
Energy Medicine.
This medical intuitive and healer has been described as having a one-in-a-million talent. She has trained thousands of students without once demanding that they imitate her.

Here’s what Donna said when I asked her whether it would be desirable for every aura reader to receive identical information:

“While it might be desirable for everyone to be consistent, and it would certainly make it easier to get this work recognized as having a scientific basis, it is not possible. We all have our own special way of taking in information and we see through our own aura with its unique intensity and personal color scheme—which, of course, causes us to perceive colors differently from one another.

“In the synesthesia of energy perception, some see energy as colors, some see geometrical shapes, some see a glow or variations in brightness, while others hear it, taste it, or smell it. Many feel it. We each have our own filters, which makes it all very interesting, plus it requires us each to be our own authority.”

Donna is right. So when you read auras, trust that you are right, too.

CORD EXAMPLE: Will I Ever Be Able to Express Myself?

Bruce blamed his “bad” Throat Chakra for how awful he felt. He was wrong. One clue came from his own Before Picture:

Throat Chakra Databank for Communication at Work

Communication shutdown.

Throat Chakra Databank for Communication During Conflict.

Communication shutdown.

Heart Chakra Databank for Emotional Self-Awareness (How does it feel to be you right now?)

No emotional experience, except for numbness.

Here were the cord dynamics between Bruce and his mother:

1. Mom: Crabby

2. Bruce: Headache from being bullied.

3. Mom: You are bad, bad, bad.

4. Bruce: I feel criticized.

5. Mom: Delight in son’s pain.

6. Bruce: “Nothing I do changes things. The only way to feel better is to close myself off from how I feel.” (Like an ostrich with its head in the sand, Bruce would wait out the situation.)

7. Bruce: Trying very hard not to hate Mom.

When we discussed the cord items, Bruce had a big aha! Both hatred and denial of hatred were locked into that cord of attachment, repeating 24/7. These negative feelings had Bruce energetically tied up in knots, blocking his Heart Chakra even more than his Throat Chakra.

By the After Picture, Bruce began to feel emotions again. All his problems weren’t solved yet, not by a long shot, but he had become someone who could speak up for himself. More growth would follow.

Your Takeaway

Don’t let aura reading intimidate either your client or you.

Problems at the level of auras can cause difficulties with emotions, communication, health, you name it.

Improvement at the level of auras will give you or your client a better life.

Soon, you will be doing surgery to bring forth that soul beauty. On to Step 4!

Chapter 6
Choose Which Cord to Cut


Step 1. Create a Sacred Space

Step 2. Make an Energy Sandwich

Step 3. Activate the Aura

Step 4. Choose Which Cord to Cut

Distinguish Minor vs. Major Cords of Attachment

To help clients:
Protection When Helping a Client

To help clients:
Assess Stability

To help clients:
Screen out Drama

To help clients:
Preview the Process

Permission to Cut a Cord

To help clients: Preview the Next Steps

Step 5. Locate the Cord

Step 6. Give Permission

Step 7. Remove the Cord

Step 8. Bandage to Rebalance

Step 9. Write the Dialogue Box

Step 10. Discuss the Client’s Logical Consequences with the Cordee

Step 11. Discuss the Client’s Logical Consequences for Other Relationships

Step 12. Assign Homework

Steps 1-3 have prepared you to transform an aura. Now you need to choose wisely which cord to cut at this particular time. Whether you work on yourself or help somebody else, Step 4 is indispensable for facilitating the psychic-level surgery of cutting cords of attachment.

But isn’t it obvious which cord to cut first? Don’t you want to go straight to the most horrendous, nastiest relationship of all?

Slow down, mighty healer! As someone developing this powerful skill set, it’s extremely important to begin with minor cords.

I strongly recommend that you do at least 10 sessions on your minor cords before you attempt to remove a major one. Even better, facilitate cutting 30+ minor cords.

Courageous Explorer, you only get one chance to cut each cord of attachment. Each cord removal represents an opportunity for quality, depth healing. Don’t squander the full potential for healing. Cut a major cord of attachment only when you are very skilled as a healer.

In this chapter, you will learn how to discern whether you do have a cord to a person, and whether you have basic permission to cut that particular cord at this time.

First, though, it’s time to start making two lists, one for major cords of attachment and one for the minor cords. Let’s begin with the latter.

Minor Cords of Attachment

Practice by cutting
not major ones. The healing power, even here, can be immense.

Keep a list of possible candidates, starting now and adding more names later. Include folks from all the following categories on your personal list of likely Major Cords of Attachment.

1. Minor friendships from your adult life that are ongoing right now.

2. Minor friendships from your adult life that you regret having ended.

3. Acquaintances and minor friendship from your adult life, who got under your skin.

4. People who have wasted your time or money, or betrayed your trust in minor ways.

5. Annoying politicians or celebrities who were alive when you first became interested in them.

6. Favorite politicians or celebrities who were alive when you first became interested in them.

7. From work or school: Somewhat irritating folks you have known.

8. From work or school: Folks you have felt close to with mostly positive relationships.

9. Anyone on whom you have had a minor crush but no action.

10. Service providers (e.g., Teachers, doctors, healers, car mechanics) you have liked.

11. Ever raised a child or served as caregiver to an adult? Add to your list all the people who were part of your lifestyle on a regular basis.

12. Ever taken care of a pet? You can’t have cords of attachment to animals, but you sure can have minor cords to folks who have helped or annoyed you as a pet owner.

Minor cord relationships are not necessarily a big deal. They might seem pleasant or unpleasant. However, if you have ever become interested in that person, very likely you have a cord.

Even if you never met the person physically, never shook hands or breathed the same air in a room! These days you could have cords of attachment to folks you met online. Online does not necessarily mean “minor,” either. “Minor” means mild interest, on the whole.

As you learn this new skill set, let your timing be slow before you cut any major cord. Never rush to cut major cords. Begin with the minor ones especially when your long-term goal is to cut major cords. Enjoy how much your life improves just from cutting the minors.

Remember, cutting a cord by this method is permanent, a one-time opportunity. If you were practicing for your first piano recital, would you choose to perform Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No 3 in D minor? Any complicated set of chords/cords is best left until later, when you have had more experience.

Major Cords of Attachment

The following ideas can help you write down a list likely of
very important to (eventually) cut.

You won’t necessarily have names for them all. That’s okay. You can still research a candidate for cord cutting and facilitate cutting that cord. Just refer to the cordee by context, such as “The hit-and-run driver from the accident when I was nine.”

1. Parents, siblings, relatives, plus every other person who lived under your roof while you grew up.

2. If you were adopted, both biological parents (even if you never met them).

3. Any member of your extended family, plus any friend, who either was killed, committed suicide, or has died.

4. All children, including any who were given up for adoption.

5. All developing babies who didn’t make it to term—miscarriages or abortions—whether you were pregnant or you caused the pregnancy.

6. Anyone with whom you have been sexually intimate, even a one-night stand; definitely include the person with whom virginity was lost (even if the circumstances weren’t ideal). Include anyone who pressured you into behavior that made you sexually uncomfortable.

7. Any cult leader, religious figure, or other person with great influence over your life.

8. All friends, significant adults, memorable neighbors up until you were 21 years of age.

9. Anyone directly involved with first cigarettes and first experiments with alcohol and any recreational drugs.

10. Any important doctor, dentist, teacher, therapist, religious influence, or other professional... during your first 21 years... and since you have become an adult.

11. Important relationships from work, both heroes and villains, including employers, co-workers, clients who betrayed you.

12. All bullies from childhood on, including any harsh teachers or others involved in hurtful relationships.

13. Likewise, any person you feel bad about mistreating, whether on purpose or accidentally.

14. Anyone you have known who hurt you significantly through violence, abuse, stealing, other crimes or injustices.

15. For any major accident or trauma, every person you can remember who was involved.

Remember, cords of attachment and spiritual ties begin with your being interested. It could be short-term or long-term, in the room with you or not.

Protection When Helping a Client

Before you discuss cutting a particular cord of attachment with a client, be sure to assess her first. Sure, I know she’s a personal friend or relative, so you trust her. Put that aside for a moment.

Think objectively. Is she emotionally and physically stable enough for this type of work? If not, problems could develop later. Do the smart thing and check.

Sometimes a client isn’t ready for you to cut any cord of attachment. During Step 3, you have read your client’s aura. That should have told you a lot about her stability.

But if you didn’t focus on her stability before, use the following technique now, at Step 4. This assessment can be kept private. Satisfy yourself that this client is stable enough for you to do surgery on her aura.

And, yes, I know we’re only discussing cutting cords of attachment for family members and friends. Maybe they are stable, maybe not. If you don’t like to assess them this way during a session, you are not yet ready to work with clients.

That is deeply personal; don’t push yourself. And no matter how much your significant other wants a session, do not provide one until
feel ready.

TECHNIQUE: Assess Stability Before Cutting a Cord of Attachment

1. Do the “Get Big” technique.

2. Set the intention to tell if your client is stable enough for cutting a cord of attachment.

3. Choose your favorite aura reading technique, like “Touch It, Read It” or “See It, Read It.” Check out these three chakra databanks:

    • Root Chakra Databank for Making Contact with Objective Reality
    • Throat Chakra Databank for Verbal Integrity
    • Third Eye Chakra Databank for Connection to Spiritual Source

4. Supplement whatever you find here with all you have learned so far from your client’s behavior and body language. Does your client seem weepy, prone to rage or extremely fearful?

5. If anything seems like a cause for concern,
do not
attempt to cut any cords of attachment. Use other skill sets you have to help your family member and friend. Or simply end the session by saying that you don’t feel qualified to help.

Never expect warning bells to clang loudly in your session room, like a fire alarm. Warnings will be heard only if you pay attention.

Hyper-vigilance isn’t needed, for a client’s aura can be loaded with turmoil yet stable enough for cord removal. I can assure you, back when Joanna Lester cut all those cords of attachment for me, I was no model of fortitude. However, consider yourself warned if:

  • At the Root Chakra Databank for Making Contact with Objective Reality, your client doesn’t connect much to reality.
  • Or if any Root Chakra Databank shows
    unhealed distress.
  • At the Throat Chakra Databank for Verbal Integrity, beware if your client seems extremely untruthful, slimy, etc. Although stable, he may so hard to satisfy that both of you would be better off with your not working with him. (And yes, your significant other may have this problem. You are allowed to notice it. You had better, if you put yourself in the role of “His healer.”)
  • The Third Eye Chakra Databanks for Connection to Spiritual Source can sometimes reveal deep psychological problems. (And no, you have no obligation to ever tell clients about this. Don’t.)

Can there also be stability problems that show right on the surface of reality?

Definitely! For instance:

  • If your client is drunk or high on non-prescription drugs, don’t cut any cord of attachment at all and ask that, next time, he comes with his regular “naked” aura.
  • If your client expresses wildly unrealistic expectations of what the session will do, don’t cut any cord of attachment.
  • Finally, don’t cut any cord of attachment for a client who has major trouble dealing with reality, e.g., She turns the process of making an appointment into a complicated mess. She arrives late after much turmoil. She can’t manage to sit on the chair in your office without falling off. Hmm, is this beginning to sound like a real-life client? Yep.

Luckily, my session room has a soft carpet.

Basically, any time a client gives you a bad feeling inside, pay attention. Your intuition is speaking. Sometimes intuition may prompt you to avoid scheduling a session in the first place. No fancy explanation is needed. Just say, “I don’t feel I can help you at this time.”

However, a client could be very miserable yet still remain a perfectly fine candidate for a session.

What matters is that, in his own way, he is stable.

Yes, it is a huge responsibility to cut a cord. Don’t let anyone pressure you into doing it. Facilitate healing only if you personally feel comfortable working with this friend or family member.

Screen Out Drama

If a client calls to schedule a session because he’s in crisis, think twice before pulling out your calendar. My policy is to refuse to take on any new client while he or she is going through drama.

And, again, do not allow family connection or friendship to pressure you. Being a friend does not have to mean rescuing.

Why avoid clients in a state of drama? Think about typical life situations where someone might be in crisis:

  • A wife has just asked for a divorce
  • A child has run away from home
  • A husband has started beating his wife
  • An alcoholic spouse hit bottom
  • Bankruptcy proceedings have been initiated

For problems like these, immediate solutions come from taking action in the outer world. No amount of cord cutting will bring back a wayward spouse. Sometimes your would-be client really needs psychological counseling, debt counseling, or the police.

Once you feel satisfied that cutting a cord for a client
be appropriate, make sure that her expectations are appropriate as well.

Refine Expectations

Rosetree Energy Spirituality isn’t physical. It is also relatively new to most clients, so they can have some wild ideas about what to expect. Clients can bring expectations that would be more suitable for a visit to Disney World.

Even the most realistic clients may not be clear about the difference between how a psychic would approach cords of attachment in contrast to a practitioner trained in this skill set of Rosetree Energy Spirituality. Well, here goes my standard explanation:

“In just one session, a psychic could
many cords of attachment in minute detail. This could be really meaningful. And learning about a whole lot of cords at once sounds like a great deal. Still, describing without healing may not be such a great value. At best, this knowledge will contribute to psychological healing, rather than spiritual healing.”

(Courageous Explorer, you will learn more about psychological healing versus spiritual healing at Step 10.)

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