Cursed Fate: Cursed Series #4 (12 page)

BOOK: Cursed Fate: Cursed Series #4
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The sound of footsteps coming down the stairs pulls my attention to the other side of the room. My eyes fall onto Linc as he walks down taking the last step into the room.

“Steve,” he says with shock in his voice.

“Hey, man,” I reply taking a few steps in his direction.

He pulls me into a hug and smacks me on the back a few times. This is going a lot better than I imagined, not like I thought Linc would want to throw punches at me or anything, but I thought…well, I guess I assumed it would be more awkward.

“It’s great to see you, brother. You doing alright?”

Nodding, I take a step back.

“Yeah, I’m good.”

He looks to me with a raised brow.

“You sure? You sorta look like you’re about to shit your pants.”

I laugh while running my hand over the stubble growing on top of my head. Do I really look that nervous?

“It’s been a rough few weeks, to say the least, but I’m ready to move on. I know I may not have handled the accident as I should have. I walked away and hid behind a wall I swore I’d never put up again. I’m not going down that path again, Linc. I swear it. There’s so much more out there for me to allow myself to drown in my sorrows all over again. I have a crew who is my family and an amazing girl by my side. What more could I ever want? Ashley and I’ve spent last night and today talking some things through and I’m feeling better about where I want my life to go.”

With a smirk on his face, he stands tall and crosses his arms across his chest.

“Talking, eh?”

A laugh followed by a puff of air pulls from my lungs as I watch the expression on his face change to one of amusement. Is that all he got out of what I just said? Way to pay attention to detail, asshole.

“Yeah, we talked. She’s really it for me, Linc, and I won’t fuck it up again. If she’s willing to stand by me and help me conquer my issues then I want to make things right for her. I won’t lose her again.”

“That’s good news, man. It’s good to have you back with us. Now to get our final missing link back and the crew will be solid as a rock again.”

“Etty started to tell us her plan, but we never got to the actual part where we get him back here. Do you think she can really do it?”

“I know Etty probably better than any of us. Even in the short time she’s been a part of our lives, I’ve realized that our little blue haired spit fire can get whatever it is that she aims herself for.”

The front door swings open and through my peripheral vision I see Cliff walk into the room.

“Alright, hellions, let’s get our shit together and get that asshat back to Birmingham.”

The girls come walking back into the living room and circle around Cliff, each of them giving him a hug.

“Now our crew is almost complete. Let’s get this plan out and moving so we can bring Dault home once and for all,” Linc says clapping Cliff on the back and gesturing for us all to move into the kitchen. 


Chapter 14

Three Days Later

My heart is pounding through my chest and my eyes are glazed over. As Linc’s sister, Mimi, pulls into her driveway, I feel as though I’m about to pass out.

Linc reaches his arm around me as Steve grabs onto my hand for support. The more and more I think this plan through, the harder it seems to be. We’ve discussed the various scenarios over and over a million times, but the fear of what may actually happen scares me to death.

In just a few short hours, I’ll be seeing him again for the first time in months. We’ve flown to South Carolina in hopes to bring Dault back with us. It’s a crazy ass plan, but one that I have to see through. I can’t bear to live my life without him, he means too much to me. Selfish reasons may be why I want him back in Alabama, but I know I’m not the only one that needs him back in my life. The crew misses him too and if we want to bring Cursed Magic back to life, all of the brothers need to be there to make it happen.

Before leaving this morning, I made sure to call Christian and let him know that I’d be gone for a few days. Through all of this, he has been extremely supportive and understanding. He’s accepted that Dault is the man I love and is pulling for this plan to work.

While talking to him, he had some news of his own that apparently he’s been keeping hush hush. It brought a smile to my face knowing he has finally found someone to return his love. He’s been seeing Jenn, a girl he met a few months back and after all this time they’ve decided to move in together. I’m happy for him…and her. I just wish I could’ve been there for him as he was for me. I know it’s crazy to think we all could be friends again; the crew would probably have my head. Christian really is an amazing guy and deserves to find himself surrounded by people that care about him. Who knows? In time, anything is possible. Until then, I have a mission to partake in and I refuse to leave for home without the man I love.

Dault means the world to me. The short period of time we had together was truly some of the best moments of my life. He’s shown me what a man will do for the one woman he loves.

He changed his ways, for me.

He showed that he wanted to be a better man, for me.

He made promises that no one thought were possible, for me. 

His perfect features are etched in my memory forever, yet I’m so afraid that same blank stare will meet me head on when our eyes connect.

“You okay, Etty?” Linc asks pulling me into him.

Shaking my head, I lean my head into his shoulder.

“We will be with you the entire time, Etty. This isn’t going to be easy for any of us,” Steve remarks before opening the car door.”

“I’m so worried, Linc. What if he doesn’t ever remember us? What if all the memories we’ve shared are gone forever? What if I’ve lost him for good?”

Tears begin to fall down my cheeks as Linc presses his forehead into mine.

“Etty, those are a lot of ‘what ifs’ and there’s nothing we can do but try. Dault loves you with everything he is, he just needs to see you, feel you and he’ll remember you.”

Sitting myself back against the seat, I close my eyes for a brief moment. Yeah, there are a lot of “what ifs” and if coming here was a bad idea, I’ll have no one to blame but myself.

“Come on, girl. Let’s get ourselves situated in the house. After we clean up and get something to eat, we’ll make our way into town.”

Opening my eyes, I reach for my purse and follow Linc out of the car.

For the next few hours, Linc, Steve, and I relax around Mimi’s house waiting for the moment it’s time to leave. I’ve paced the living for so long, that eventually Linc came over to pick me up and plant me on the couch in front of the TV. With his leg placed firmly on top of mine, so I can’t get up, he dials someone’s number and hands me the phone.

“Talk to the girls, get your mind off of things here for a bit,” he says with a wink.

Taking the phone from him, I place it to my ear and wait for an answer.

“Hey, baby,” Jo purrs into the receiver.

With a laugh, I shake my head looking to Linc.

“Hey, Jo, it’s me. Apparently Linc thought I should get some distraction so he called you for me.”

“Haha, what a dork. Sorry about the baby comment, had I known it was you I would have amped up my sweet talk.”

“Yeah, okay, crazy woman. So how are things back home?”

“Good, good, really good. Ashley, Cliff and I are going over to the shop later this afternoon to start cleaning house. We want it all to look brand, spanking new for when you guys get back.”

“Sweet. Thanks so much for doing all of this while we’re gone. I really appreciate it.”

“Shut your mouth, girl. We’re happy to do it. So how are you feeling otherwise? You ready for this?”

I can feel my heart starting to do flip flops in my chest. Am I ready for this…hell no.

“Well, as far as how I’m feeling…your fiancé has me strapped down to the couch. Apparently I was annoying him by pacing through the house so he decided to lock me down,” I retort giving Linc a wicked glare.

“Umm well, you’re lucky I love you and Linc loves you like a sister. There is no way in hell I’d be comfortable hearing that my man has some chick strapped down to a couch…now, come on.”

“Hahaha, please it’s me…and Linc.”

“Exactly, like I said, you’re lucky I love you. Any who, talk to me about what your mind is going through right now. Mine would be racing like a hamster on a caged wheel. I don’t know how you’re so brave, Etty… not like I’m making this any easier. But damn, girl, you have some serious balls and we are all behind you.”

“Ugh, I know. My mind is going a million miles a minute with thoughts on how this is going to play out. His aunt said she’s more than willing to help in any way she can, but this has to be done just him and I. I don’t know if I can bear getting back on that plane without him.”

Tears prick the back of my eyes as I squeeze them shut.

“You got this, girl, just be you. Remind him of everything you’ve shared and he’ll come back to you. He loves you, Etty. We all could see it long before you both did. Dault’s been my best friend forever; he’s never been the way he is with you, not with any other woman. You’re special to him and he’ll remember it, just give him time.”

Her words and encouragement mean the world to me—I just hope she’s right.

Linc lifts his leg from mine and Steve moves to stand.

“It’s time, Etty,” they say in unison.

“Oh God, Jo, it’s time to go…pray for me.”

“I love you, Etty. Call me later tonight if you can.”

“Will do, Jo. Thank you.”

I disconnect the call and hand the phone to Linc.

“You ready for this?” He asks bringing his arms across his chest.





Fuck me
…am I ready for this?

Taking in deep breath, I release the air in my lungs.

“As ready as I’ll ever be…let’s do this.”

Linc drives us over to Kellie’s house in his sister’s SUV. Too many images and thoughts are playing through my mind that I lose track of time staring out the window.

I feel the motion of the car and turn to see the guys getting out. Unable to move, I sit completely still and wait. Hell, I don’t even know if I’ll be able to walk to the door.

The car door opens and Linc extends his hand out to mine.
Come on, Etty, you have to do this…get those legs moving and go get your man.

Reaching out to Linc, I grab his hand and step out of the car. As we walk up to the front porch of the house, I’m flanked on either side by my support team, my boys. Both of them have their arms intertwined with mine and if I couldn’t feel the fact that my legs were moving, I’d imagine that I’m floating. I know I couldn’t be doing any of this without them.

My nerves are shot, my heart is racing, and my palms are a clammy mess. I’ve been chanting silent prayers in my head ever since we boarded the plan and now it’s go time.

Steve steps forward and rings the door bell, my heart in my stomach. The door swings open and there he stands. My eyes scan his appearance starting with the floor beneath him. He’s wearing a fitted red tee-shirt, low rise jeans hanging from his hips, and a backwards black baseball cap. His brilliant blue eyes stare back into mine, his glorious dimples teasing my emotions as he smiles. I feel as if my world is moving in slow motion and I’m in a dream. My mouth is completely dry, I can’t utter a syllable. Good lord, he is a beautiful sight to behold. I can’t fathom that he’s really standing here before me; I’m over taken by my thoughts and emotions while I stare, at the love of my life.

My legs feel weak as Linc and Steve grab a hold of either side of me and my world goes black…again.


Chapter 15

My hold on Etty gets stronger as I feel her body start to go limp between me and Linc. Damn this girl, she’s prepared herself for this moment for months and she passes out on him. Pulling her up to her feet, Linc and I raise both of her arms to support her tiny frame.

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