Cursed Fate: Cursed Series #4 (15 page)

BOOK: Cursed Fate: Cursed Series #4
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Steve – mmm, more…tell me more

Sweet Girl – I’d push your cock all the way into my mouth while sucking….HARD!

Steve – Fuck!

Sweet Girl – mmhmm, then I’d grab your tight balls in the palm of my hand and massage them.

Gahh, she’s good. I can feel my balls begin to tighten with every word she types. My imagination is running wild as my eyes close and I picture her kneeling right here in front of me.

Sweet Girl – touch yourself, Steve…for me

Steve – Oh, baby, I am…are you?

Sweet Girl – what do you want me to touch, baby?

Steve – tits, touch your tits and imagine it’s my hand squeezing them…pinching your nipples before my mouth teases your nipple ring with my tongue.

Sweet Girl – ooohhh yeah, that’s good….really good. I’m getting so wet, Steve. I wish you could feel how wet I am for you right now.

Her words are making me want to scream as I stroke my dick up and down. I started off slow and steady, but the more she provokes me with her texts, the harder my grasp and the faster my pace.

Steve – touch your pussy, Ashley, slide your fingers between your folds and tell me how tight you feel.

Sweet Girl - oh it’s so wet, I’m sliding right in…oh God, it feels so good, Steve. I want you to fuck me with your fingers.

Steve – keep going, sweet girl. I’m so fucking close right now. Finger your pussy like it’s me touching you. Imagine my tongue grazing along the side of your neck. I can hear you moaning into my ears as I nip your sweet skin.

Sweet Girl – Steve, faster, I need it faster.

Steve – Harder, baby, curl your fingers and slide them in as far as you can.

Sweet Girl – oh God, yes….I’m there, Steve….please God yes.

Clutching the phone, I increase my speed as I’m about to fall over the edge. Squeezing my eyes shut, I pump my hand faster and faster imagining that she’s right here along side of me. My cock sliding in and out of her wet pussy while my balls hit her smooth skin. Biting down on my lower lip, I sense her, feel her and smell her as my cum empties into her warmth.

Fucking hell….yesssssss!!!!

Taking a minute to regroup, I wipe the trace of cum onto my pants. Prying my eyes open I look down to my phone and see no response…is she still there?

Steve – baby?

Sweet Girl – huh?

Steve – You still with me?

Sweet Girl – Mmhhmm, that was amazing. It was like you were right here with me.

Steve – Yeah, I only opened my eyes to text you back. Other than that they were closed and you were right here in front of me.

Sweet Girl – I miss you, babe, I love you.

Steve – I miss you too, sweet girl, and love you more than you know.

Sweet Girl – I’m so sleepy, I wish you were here to wrap me in your arms.

Steve – I know, tomorrow…

Sweet Girl – ok, I’ll see you then…call me in the morning.

Steve – will do, Ash, sweet dreams.

Locking my phone, I take off my tee-shirt and attempt to clean myself off until I can get upstairs to the bathroom. Ashley is constantly surprising me and tonight was no different. I’ve never sent a naked photo, hell I’ve never even sexted a girl before…my woman is popping cherries tonight.

Rolling over onto my side, the bright rise of the sun blasts me in the eyes.
Mother fucker.
With the back of my hand, I rub the sleepiness away from my eyes and try to pry them open.

Shit, what the hell time is it?

Turning my head to the night stand I look to the alarm clock. My body bolts from the bed as I read the time, 10:40 in the morning. What the fuck, why didn’t anyone wake me up? Dault’s appointment was at 8:30, there’s no way he’s not back by now.


I scramble off of the bed and quickly pull on a pair of jeans and a
tee-shirt. Pushing open the door, I rush down the stairs to find Linc, Etty and Dault sitting in the breakfast nook.

“Good morning, sleeping beauty,” Etty teases.

“Yeah, about that, why didn’t anyone wake me up?”

“Well ya see, I talked to Ashley this morning and she said you might need a few extra hours of sleep after your phone sex escapade last night,” Etty remarks while wiggling her brows.

My mouth drops open, I’m going to spank the ever loving shit out of that woman.

“Hahaha, dude, the look on your fucking face right now, it’s priceless,” Dault says with a hard belly laugh.

“She fucking told you?” I ask, my mouth still hanging wide open.

“Umm nope, you just did….you sex devil you,” Linc stays moving to stand and clapping me on the back.

“What the…” I retort falling into the chair.

“Busted, boo, you totally just ratted yourself out. I was joking. I haven’t spoken to Ash since yesterday afternoon. Hahaha, we tried waking you a few times, but you were snoring so loud I doubt you even heard us.”

“Y’all are a bunch of assholes, ya know that?” I ask looking at each of them around the room.

“Aww come on, Steve, you have to admit it is kinda funny that you just busted your own load…get it,” Dault says busting out in another fit of laughter.

“Yeah laugh it up, punk asses; just wait till the shoe’s on the other foot. I’ll make you sorry for talking shit now…God damn pricks.”

These people are a bunch of complete idiots, what the fuck did Mimi put in their coffee before she left this morning…dear lord someone get me home before I off one of these three.


Chapter 18

Visiting with the doctors this morning was an interesting experience to say the least. They were fascinated to meet the woman that stole their patient’s heart and are certain that he will, at some point, gain back the majority of his memory.

After providing Linc and I with a list of local physicians and counselors in our area, their biggest piece of advice was to remain patient with him.
, if they only knew how patient I’ve been trying to be over the past few months. I just want my man back and for now, I’ll have to be grateful that he’s finally coming home with me…with us. I know this is going to be a struggle for him, but Dault is anxious and excited to be heading back home to Birmingham.

While standing in line, waiting to board the plane, I feel him move to stand behind me. My stomach contracts, his presence affecting me in so many ways. He’s so close to me that I can feel the heat of his breath on the back of my neck. My nipples instantly harden and my legs feel like rubber. Turning to look over my shoulder, our noses practically touch.

“Hey, you okay?” He asks, the smell of his minty breath filling my senses.

“Yeah I-I’m good,” I stutter in response.

Dear God, Gretchen, pull yourself together, it’s only Dault.

“You sure about that, beautiful? You seem a bit nervous.”

Oh my God, did he just call me beautiful? I feel like a teenaged girl just getting asked to dance in the high school gym. My breath hitches and I have to back away before I can’t fight the urge to kiss him any longer.

“Umm, I’ll be right back. I have to use the ladies room.”

“Wait, Etty…we’re about to board the plane.”

Without turning back to pay him any mind, I rush into the closest rest room. Leaning up against the tile wall, I allow my head to fall back with a thud. I can’t control my ragged breaths and my chest is heaving. He has no idea how much his presence is
driving me mad
. I want so badly to crawl up his body, wrap my legs around his waist, and kiss him…hard. Just seeing him, smelling him, and having him so close is
driving me crazy

I miss the way we used to be and holding back like this is starting to
drive me insane

Before long I’m going to be
driving myself off a cliff
dealing with these emotions.

“Etty,” Linc’s voice calls from outside the bathroom.

Fuck me up the goat’s ass; I have no choice but to come out from hiding.

“Let’s go, woman, before we miss our flight.”

“Ugh, coming,” I reply as I push off the wall and make my way out of the ladies room.

Catching his glare I don’t want to even know what he’s thinking. With his left arm, he wraps me into his embrace as we walk to the gate.

“Can I sit next to you?” I ask in a whisper.

“Next to me? I thought for sure you’d want to sit with Dault,” he replies with a questionable glance.

“I can’t, Linc. If I’m that close to him, I can’t make any promises that I won’t drag him to the bathroom…not exactly how I wanted to earn my mile high club wings.”

“Oh sweet, Etty, you’re too much,” he replies with a loud laugh.

“Not fucking funny, asshole.”

“Haha, okay I’ll be good and yes, you can sit next to me. We’ll just tell Steve to switch with you so that you’re not
too close
to lover boy.”

“Oh my God, Lincoln Minzotto, I hate you right now,” I spit at him. “Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to pretend like I’ve never kissed or touched that man? I’m a complete stranger to him, but for me…all I can think about are the memories of us. I’m lost on him and being
too close
is pulling me over the edge.”

“Okay, I get it. I’m sorry for being an insensitive ass, forgive me?”

Rolling my eyes I push him to walk in front of me.

“Pleeeeeaassse,” he says in an over drawn begging tone.

Damn, these men infuriate me. Shaking my head I follow him through the tunnel leading us to the plane.

Little does he know that I’m not joking. I can already feel the dampness between my legs from that close interaction a few minutes ago. Who knew trying to make the man I love, fall in love with me again would be so sexually frustrating?
Son of a bitch..


Chapter 19

I feel like a love sick puppy dog right now as we drive to pick up the crew. All three of us insisted on being a part of the welcoming committee so we had to drive two cars, but whatever. I think we’re all pretty excited to have Dault back home with us, but most of all, I just want to fall into Steve’s arms.

Our sexting session last night was intense to say the least. Coming apart for him, knowing he was hundreds of miles away, was out of this world. I don’t know about him but that was a first for me…
God, I hope it was a first for him too.

Pulling into the cell phone parking lot, I look to Jo to see if Linc’s messaged her yet.

“Not yet, girl. Keep your panties on.”

“Mmhhmm and I’m so sure when you and Linc finally got together, you were completely fine with not seeing him every day, touching him, and putting your lips all over him.”

“Good lord, Ashley, you’ve wet my panties,” she says fanning herself.

Looking to her with a smirk, she busts out in a fit of giggles.

“Ugh, you’re hopeless.”

“Ahh,” she squeals fumbling with her phone.

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