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Authors: S.B. Alexander

Crushed (3 page)

BOOK: Crushed
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Chapter 4

Settling in with Jason and Lacey was a lot easier than I first thought it would
be. They didn’t really bother me about mom and Rick after the first day I was there.
Mom called Lacey a few times, and tried to get me onto the phone, Lacey would
always tell her that I wasn’t there or that I needed space. Mom stopped leaving
messages for me to call her back after a while.

At first I felt bad, like I should find a way to forgive her. That’s what you
do right? When someone wrongs you, you are supposed to find a way to forgive
them. I couldn’t though. Every time I would start to miss her, I would remember
that smile on Rick’s face when I was saying my goodbyes to her. I started
trying to find a way to push her from my mind. To remind myself like Lacey had
said “if that’s the type of person she has chosen to become, we have no room
for her in our lives.” She’s right. She’s always right.

We went out to eat a lot. Lacey wasn’t big on cooking, she never had been and
she insisted that I was a guest in their home and she wasn’t going to force me
to cook for everyone. I wasn’t going to complain. I loved to cook, but I had
taken a sudden interest in reading the last few months. Lacey turned me onto
Fifty Shades of Grey, insisting that I would never meet any book man as hot as
Christian Grey. I did, I found many other men in books who were similar, Kellen
Kyle, Travis Maddox oh the list went on. I was spending so much money on books,
Jason would laugh at me and started calling me ‘nerd’. Anyone else would have
been offended, but Jason was hilarious, and he kind of had a point.

I was a book nerd. Spending 50 dollars a month on Kindle E-books, I couldn’t
stop. But I liked reading. I loved the romance that other stories offered. I
loved love, I just didn’t think it was something that was ever going to happen
for me. The sex was always hot, the romance was always enough to make you fall
in love with the leading man. There was nothing wrong with getting wrapped up
in a good book.

One night Lacey and Jason were watching a movie on one couch, and I was reading
on the other when a crash outside made us all jump.

“I bet you anything that’s fucking Ryan” Jason said, standing up and heading
towards the front door

I looked over at Lacey and noticed that she looked annoyed.

“Ryan?” I asked

she said finally looking at me “Ryan, um comes here sometimes when Holly is
playing stalker” she sighed standing up

followed her outside to see the black escalade pulled right up onto the
manicured lawn.

Lacey was out the door before I was “What the fuck Ryan, get off my lawn you
know how hard it is to keep it green like this?”

heard laughing between Jason and Ryan, who I hadn’t seen yet.

Of course I knew who Ryan was, everyone knew Ryan Alexander he was one of the
hottest actor’s out there right now. But he was also extremely private. Any
photos of him online were him dressed in a tux at a premier of something he
played in, or when he was dressed down, but face covered hiding from the

didn’t spend much time at Lacey and Jason’s so I didn’t stare at his photos
before I moved in because I knew the story of Ryan Alexander

was a player

was hot

he was a heartbreaking man whore

never slept with the same girl twice, he was rude, Lacey loved him as a brother
in law (almost) but as a client she couldn’t stand being his publicist. Every
time he fucked a girl and left her behind, Lacey would have to do damage
control and make sure that said girl didn’t decide to plant her story on TMZ.

was also clearly drunk from what Jason was yelling

you have no fucking clue, she’s back at it again. She was in my bed naked this
time. I didn’t even notice her until I was naked and climbing in ready to pass
out. This shit has to stop but Alex can’t do anything”

leaned in and explained that Alex was Holly’s brother

Ryan was explaining the issue to his brother, he was making his way towards the
front door, where I was still standing.

was beautiful.

hot, sexy... Sinful...

was gorgeous!

had bright blue eyes, sandy blonde hair and a light beard going on his chin
that looked like he had just been too lazy to shave for the last week. His nose
had a slight curve, where it had been broken in a bar fight late last year when
some guy tried to grab Lacey’s ass.

was tall, about 6’3 taller than Jason who was just slightly over 6’. He was
wearing a sleeveless shirt that showed the muscles of his arm, he was extremely
ripped. Which I knew already, Jason told me that Ryan works out almost
obsessively. It helps him to deal with his stress.

soon as he noticed me, he stopped walking.

face curved up into a half smile


this?” He called over his shoulder not taking his eyes off me. Trailing them up
and down my body, like he was sizing me up, looking to see if I was worthy

I said slightly annoyed at the way he was looking at me “am Lacey’s sister
Emmalyn, and you are?” I asked, trying to mess with him. Clearly this guy liked
to have his ego stroked and that was something that happened often

laughed “I’m Ryan” he raised his hand out to shake mine, but wasn’t paying
attention as he walked forward and tripped, falling into me and causing me to
fall back with him on top of me

normally it takes a few more minutes to get a girl on her back, this is a new
record. You have really nice tits” he said grabbing a cup full.

you fucking kidding me?

dragged my knee up between his legs, his face was busy staring at my books
peeking out through my light tank top that he didn’t even notice I had moved. I
kneed him in the balls causing him to roll sideways onto the floor, groaning
loud and grabbing for his boys

the fuck was that for?” He asked in a slight whisper looking over at me

was for grabbing my boobs like I was one of your stupid whores don’t touch me”
and with that I got up, grabbed my kindle and headed to the guest room.

slammed the door shut right as Lacey and Jason busted out laughing and I heard
Lacey say

my baby, don’t fuck with her Ryan or I will kill you”.

Chapter 5

learned that Ryan would come and stay with Jason and Lacey pretty often. He had
a huge house about 10 minutes down the road, in a gated community for security
reasons obviously. He apparently had security however they didn’t live with
him. Alex also lived in the same gated community, which made keeping Holly out
a bigger chore.

I came out of my room about two hours later and sat on the couch with Lacey,
Jason was sitting on the opposite sofa with Ryan. Ryan was telling them
something, but kept looking over to me. Like he was confused about something.

can’t do it anymore Jason, she needs help and I keep telling Alex and there is
nothing he can do. He keeps saying it’s just a crush but she thinks we are
actually together. I am going to have to look around and find someone to move
in with me. She is driving me crazy, to the point where I don’t even want to go
home anymore”.

gathered from the conversation that Alex who has been Ryan’s best friend since
they were kids also happened to be the son of the President of a powerful
Motorcycle Club in the area called the ‘Reapers’. I remember Lacey telling me
about Alex, he was a really good looking guy but a total bad boy. He had been
given the choice on joining the club or going to college when he was in high
school. He choose to go to college, but was forced to take care of his younger sister
Holly. Holly was in love with Ryan, and a total whore. Lacey hates her, she
tried to sleep with Jason a few times
she and Jason were already

“Why don’t you just file a restraining order on her, or change your locks?” I
chimed in

looked at me, like he was shocked I was talking “I can’t, it’s really
complicated but I can’t.”

Ryan you know you always have a place here. Emmy is here in the guestroom so
you are going to have to take the couch, but it’s not a big deal.” Jason told

Ryan said, still watching me

starving, I’m going to order some Chinese for pick up, Emmy you want the
usual?” Lacey asked me

do you want me to go with you guys” I was a little nervous at being left here
alone with Ryan

she replied “why don’t you sit here and chat with Ryan, Jason and I have some
stuff we need to talk about.”

knew that was code for Jason did something she didn’t like and she wanted to be
alone to yell at him.

they left, I felt awkward sitting there with a guy who kept looking between me
and the TV, like at any moment I was going to jump up and start doing tricks

why do you keep staring at me?” I finally asked him

looked embarrassed that I had noticed and gave me a tiny shy smile

feel bad, for earlier” he said

okay, you were drunk you didn’t mean to fall.” I told him

it’s not okay I’m not usually so forward” he says


not what I hear”


no it’s not true but I am sorry if I made you feel weird you are Lacey’s little
sister I shouldn’t have acted that way”.

he continued “how long are you up here for?”

for good. I had a huge fight with my mom, I am staying here. Starting over” I
told him

was his only remark

I asked

mean, that’s cool” Ryan says

am glad you approve, I wouldn’t want to upset the movie star” I laughed

glared at me then started laughing

sat there watching TV for a while, flipping through the channels

this girl, why can’t you do anything about her?”

paused, looked down at his hands and looked up at me

my best friend is trying to stay out of joining his dad’s club for a while.
It’s no secret that what they deal in is drugs and guns and are growing
rapidly. Alex knows joining is inevitable. The hard part is, if he gets
involved his sister will become a club whore, which to be honest she really
already is, but he’s the only thing keeping her away full time. Alex feels
responsible for her, and he wants her to have a better life. If I went to him
and told him that she was still playing these games he would go to his dad and
his dad hates Holly. That’s part of her issue, he’s hasn’t wanted her since she
turned 17 and started fucking guys left and right, she was blabbing about
things the club needed quiet. Alex knows that he would send her off somewhere
and never give her another thought, so I keep my mouth shut, not for her I
can’t stand her, but for Alex.”

looked at him for a long time before I responded “you are a really good friend,
I wasn’t expecting your answer to be anything like that. I thought you were
going to tell me that you were in love with her once before or something”

I have never been in love with anyone.” Ryan said with a slight irritated tone

I said quickly, feeling like a jerk

it’s not you. I just don’t do the love thing, it’s not for me” He explained

well that’s a really sad way to live” I say

looks at me “well, that’s your opinion. What about you, are you dating”?

I just moved here. I have never really dated anyone... Ever” I tell him

He says sounding shocked

I reply “my dad always told me that I am not to date anyone who doesn’t treat
me like I am the best damn thing in his life. I would have to find someone who
thought I was pretty damn amazing, before I would give him a shot. But it’s
okay... At least I don’t have to deal with heartbreak and disappointment.
That’s pretty much all men are... Except for Jason of course” I tell him,
feeling kind of embarrassed

he pauses “your dad is right, you should wait for a guy who will treat you like
a damn queen, but what about for... well you know sex... do you have to be in
love with a guy to fuck him?” He starts to laugh, but is watching me intently

kind of a dick question don’t you think Ryan? I understand you are willing to
fuck anything with a hole, but I have standards and I don’t just screw anything
that comes my way” I look away from him

my God, you are totally a virgin, I can’t believe you are sisters with Lacey
and have never had sex. Holy shit” He’s laughing hysterically

don’t see the humor in this

Ryan, I’m a virgin, because I haven’t met a guy with a dick big enough to make
my pussy so wet I can’t wait for him to fuck me hard with it” I say in my most
seductive voice. I’m trying to mess with him

sits there mouth open

you can do it?” I start moving towards him

leans in towards me as I continue to talk “do you think you could handle it? Do
you think you could fuck me really well and make my first time amazing, make me
regret waiting so long?”

run a hand down his chest and on my way to his knees I see that he is already
hard as a rock

bust out laughing “oh my god, you thought I was serious!”

looks at me pissed off “are you kidding me right now?”

is all I can say

throws a pillow at me.

continue watching TV for a while, talking about stupid shit back and forth,
Ryan is laying down on the couch now facing me with a blanket over his lap.
Every now and then when I look at the TV I see him reach down and adjust
himself. I know he is still sporting a hard on, and it makes me feel kind of
good. Which I know is wrong... Right?

and Jason come back about an hour later. Jason follows her in, wheeling in a
huge suitcase.

grabbed your emergency case out of the garage, I figured you would want to
shower and shit” Jason tells him wheeling the huge case over to him

keep an emergency suitcase here?” I asked

Jason and Ryan said at the same time

that’s pretty... I mean all because of one girl?” I asked

brother’s looked at one another, clearly uncomfortable

I am going to tell you, since you are staying here now your path will probably
cross Holly Richardson at one point or another. She’s bad news. She is very
very bad news. The only reason that we put up with her, is because Alex is
seriously one of the best guys I have ever met. But if she gets in trouble her
dad will have her killed at some point. He can’t stand her. So Ryan does what
he can to keep her on the straight and narrow and sometimes that means hiding
out here until she moves onto one of the other guys.” Jason says

are rich and famous” I say to Ryan “why don’t you hire bodyguards?”

had them, I do have them. But if one of them gets close to her she screams rape
and I don’t need any more bad press.” Ryan says

that’s really something else, earlier you mentioned getting a roommate would
that really help you?” I ask

she doesn’t really pull her shit around other people. Unless she is use to you,
but I think if she thought someone else was living in the house she wouldn’t
barge in when she pleased and act like the lunatic that she is” he tells me

I see” but I am still really not sure why I feel bad for Ryan, Holly sounds
really horrible, but I feel like if he really wanted to get her to go away he
could totally do that.

realized that I wasn’t really going to understand the big deal until I saw her
in action myself.

BOOK: Crushed
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