Creed of Redemption (S.I.N. Rock Star Trilogy #2) (8 page)

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Authors: S.R. Watson,Shawn Dawson

Tags: #S.I.N. Rockstar Trilogy, #Book Two

BOOK: Creed of Redemption (S.I.N. Rock Star Trilogy #2)
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“Bye, woman,” I say before ending the call. Gus has food waiting for us back at the Yukon. Well, if you can call it that. I see Diesel frowning again until he see that he got a chicken sandwich. We eat on the way to the venue. There is no talking this time because everybody is busy stuffing their face before the SUV reaches its destination.

It is so cool to watch the guys warm up and listen to the way their music sounds in the bigger space. They start with a cover of Nickelback’s
Never Again
and I feel myself getting excited for them. With each beat of the drum and pluck of the guitar strings, elation begins to take over. Diesel’s gritty vocals croon into the mic and I can see the genuine appreciation from Reckless Ambition. When our guys perform, their talent can’t be denied. My body begins to move of its own accord. You can feel the energy when they turn it up a notch. Diesel’s grip on the mic flexes the muscles in his forearm and his tattoo sleeve is sexy as fuck. He rocks back and forth as he delivers the lyrics.

Ivy hops on stage with them and the guys don’t miss a beat. She takes one of the mics and start singing an octave below Diesel.

I just knew he was going to be pissed that she was intruding on their music. Instead, a fucking smile crosses his lips while he sings to her. Their vocals are a perfect blend. She runs a hand through her short red pixie-cut hair as she gets into the lyrics. Diesel steps toward her and manages to grab a fist of the short strands before pulling her toward him in a move so dominant, you can see the shock on his guys’ faces. They don’t know that side of him and he’s showing it to this bitch. I recognize his alter ego that just joined them on stage and I want to throw up. She just continues singing, but it’s obvious that she likes the attention he is giving her. I can’t look away. It’s like a train wreck. I’m too sober for this shit.

“Our guys are fucking amazing,” Lily squeals next to me—oblivious to the jealous daggers I’m throwing at Ivy.

“I know,” is all I can say. I watch as the two continue to flirt. I envy Ivy’s go for what you want attitude. She wants Diesel and she’s making it known. She looks like the kind of woman to get what she wants, too. I can admit she’s sexy. And pretty—still a bitch though. She can have any guy she wants. Why does she have to go after Diesel?

They wrap up the song and everyone applauds.

“You can’t have my back up vocalist, Diesel, you pretty motherfucker you,” Anderson yells up to the stage mockingly.

“That may not be a bad idea,” Mitch chimes in.

“What?” Diesel asks confused.

“Have Ivy, or one of us, join in on one of the cover songs you perform. Not on your original tracks, but on a song we all know. This will add yet another layer to this tour for the fans to see us rocking out together,” Mitch suggests.

“True,” Diesel replies excitedly. “I think that would give us an even bigger edge with our quest for band recognition.” Our guys nod in agreement.

“Done deal,” Anderson assures. “Not tonight for your debut on the road. Maybe our next stop after we’ve had some time to plan which songs you all want us to come in on.”

I guess it would make sense that our guys would be open to sharing their spotlight with Reckless Ambition. That’s going to give them instant credibility and recognition. I’m happy for them.

“Done,” Diesel echoes. “Can’t wait to tell Desiree. She is going to flip her shit. She will love this idea.”

“I love that manhandling you threw in there,” Ivy adds. “We can play off each other just like that during the show too. I think the women will eat that shit up. You will make all their panties wet.”

“I do that anyway,” Diesel winks.

“Cocky much?” Ivy challenges.

“Want to see?” Diesel retorts grabbing his dick. “I bet your panties are wet right now.”

“Whoa, you two,” Anderson says waving his hand. “That’s TMI for the rest of us.”

“Yeah, why don’t the two of you fuck each other’s brains out already,” Mitch laughs. “We all see it coming. It’s like a damn soap opera playing out slowly. Just do it already.”

“Don’t I get a say in this?” Ivy asks in mock disgust.

“Ivy, if you had your say, you would have fucked him last night. We know you and how you are when you want something. Hush, and let us play your wingmen so we can help you get on that,” Mitch jokes.

“I have nothing,” Ivy concludes. “You guys know me too well.”


t’s almost show time. I take a moment to get in the zone. Our dressing room is nearly double the size of what we’re accustomed to and definitely more pimped out. I fix myself a glass of bourbon to still my nerves. I usually don’t get nervous. In Alabama, we were the shit. The audience we’re performing for tonight has never heard us before. Will they like our sound…our original songs? I finish my drink in three gulps. I look around the room and take it all in. Xander and Keyser are talking on the other side of the room. Gable is mindlessly flipping through channels on the TV. Desiree came in about thirty minutes ago to give us the
speech. Now it’s fifteen minutes until we hit the stage. I pour myself two more shots of bourbon.

“You okay, man?” Xander asks, walking over after he sees me on my second drink.

“Yeah,” I reply, taking a swig. There’s a soft knock on the door before it opens. It’s Ivy and the guys from Reckless Ambition coming to wish us luck.

“I still remember our first time performing in front of a huge audience. That was when reality hit that we were really on our way,” Anderson recalls. Ivy surprises me by taking my hand.

“You guys are the real deal, Diesel. We knew the minute Desiree played your demo. We never would have agreed to tour with you guys otherwise. Those fans out there are going to love you,” she reassures. She squeezes my hand and I feel a sense of calm come over me. This is what I needed.

It’s hard to shake years of feeling like a failure. When the man you look up to drills it in your head that you’ll never amount to anything, you start to believe it. I wish my sperm donor could see me now. I bring Ivy’s hand up to my mouth and kiss it. Now I’m ready.

“Thanks, guys,” I say while looking at Ivy. We hear our introduction to take the stage. The guys go ahead of me. The lights dim to make the stage completely dark with the exception of a few spotlights. My guys take their places and within seconds their intro music fills the room. Adrenaline runs through my veins as I begin to feel the music. We’re opening with our rendition of I Prevail’s
Blank Space.
The crowd goes fucking crazy the minute the first lyric leaves my mouth. From that point forward, I’m on. I settle into the performance I usually give. I flirt and tease the women in the front row. I see flashes from cameras going off like crazy. I can’t see Lily or Lourdes, but I know they’re somewhere close.

By the third song, my shirt is clinging to me—dripping with sweat—so, I take it off. The women go fucking insane. Yeah, I know just what I’m doing. I’m sure there is not one dry pussy left. I’ve already had tits flashed at me. We transition into our original music by the fourth song and holy shit do they eat it up.

My guys are on fire tonight. Song after song, the audience gets even more rowdy. Their appreciation for our music is humbling. Everything we’ve worked so hard on is paying off right now. We close out our performance with a song that is so significant to me. I sing Leave it All Behind, leaving it all on the stage. It was the song I wrote for Lourdes. It takes me back to a place where things were good with us. Now I desperately try to think of it as just another song. The lights fade and we make our exit. The crowd is still begging for more. I’d say we knocked it out of the park. It feels fucking amazing. When we get back to our dressing room, Ivy is waiting there.

“You guys fucking killed it,” she praises. “I knew you would.”

“Thanks,” I tell her. Keyser, Xander, and Gable thank her as well.

“Can I see you for a minute?” She motions for me to follow so I do, for now. We stop at a door that has her name on it.

“Look at you all special with your own room,” I tease.

“Yeah. We each get our own room. It’s one of the things we stipulate that we get. We need time to get in the right mind space before a show and prefer to have our own rooms.” She moves aside and let me walk in first.

“Well, it’s definitely a nice set up,” I comment, taking everything in. “But let’s be honest. Did you really bring me to your dressing room to show me how nice it is, or did you bring me here to show me something else?” I’m feeling good right now. She’s caught me in a euphoric mood. I can give her a taste of my dominance so that she’ll see why that alpha female shit she tries with me would never work.

“Umm. Well, I did want to get you alone,” she says walking slowly up to me. She tries to touch me but I move out of reach.

“I didn’t say you could touch me Ivy.” The smile she’s wearing falters.

“Can I touch you?” She looks unsure.

Someone’s finally catching on.

“Turn around,” I command without answering her question. She turns without hesitation. That was the right response. I’m glad because now I get to unleash what I’ve been wanting to do since the moment she walked into that restaurant. I tilt her head to one side so that I can place soft kisses on her neck. “You want me to fuck you before you go on stage, Ivy?” She nods and lets her body melt into mine. This is going to have to be quick because she has maybe ten minutes before the intermission is over.

I bend her over toward her dressing mirror and place her hands on the counter. Her eyes close in anticipation. The bright lights from over the mirrors shine down on us, and I have an idea. “Open your eyes, sweetheart. Watch me give you the dick you’ve been craving.” She obliges and pushes her ass back toward me. I give it a smack before I kneel slowly to peel her tight leather pants down to her ankles. She isn’t wearing any panties. My dick hardens instantly at the sight of her bare pussy from behind. I inhale her essence and begin to throb with want. I grip the side of her thighs and take my time dragging my hands along them. When I’m back to standing, I pull her bare ass against my jean clad cock, letting her feel how hard I am.

Her hooded eyes can barely focus on me in the mirror. I grab her chin to get her to look closely. “You stop watching and I’ll stop fucking,” I warn. “Got it?”

“Yes,” she answers breathily. “Just fuck me. Please, Diesel,” she begs. I reach into my pocket for the condom I knew I would need when she brought me here. I make a show of undoing my jeans. That gets her attention. To her surprise, I’m commando, too. I stroke my dick a few times for her benefit because this motherfucker is already cocked, loaded, and ready to go. I sheath myself to the hilt. I slap her ass once more and she points it toward me. Her pussy opens to receive me and I slide right in. She clenches immediately and the sensation is fucking awesome. I give her a few short strokes first—giving her slow and easy. When she begins to rock her ass against me, I know she is ready for me to go deeper. I grab a fist full of her hair and that is the only warning she gets. I plunge balls deep, enjoying the tightness of her pussy milking me.

“Dieeeeeeeseeeellll,” she screams. “Fuck me harder.” Holy fuck she’s loud. I should have known she was a screamer. I’m going to fuck the alpha right out of her ass. Oh yeah, she submitting now. Hearing her begging for my dick, spurs me on. I give her exactly what she’s asking for. Driving into her over and over again.

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