Creed of Redemption (S.I.N. Rock Star Trilogy #2) (7 page)

Read Creed of Redemption (S.I.N. Rock Star Trilogy #2) Online

Authors: S.R. Watson,Shawn Dawson

Tags: #S.I.N. Rockstar Trilogy, #Book Two

BOOK: Creed of Redemption (S.I.N. Rock Star Trilogy #2)
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“Aye. Where is it?” I look around the stove, but don’t see it. Why can’t I smell what they cooked?

“It’s in the cereal box above the refrigerator.” She places her magazine over her face and laughs her ass off while Keyser and Xander join in.

“That’s real cute,” I say shaking my head. I can’t help laughing along with them.

“She got you, man,” Gable instigates.

“Yeah. I made omelets for your asses yesterday and today we’re eating cereal.” I pull fresh eggs out the fridge to scramble up some egg whites. I’ll have that with some oatmeal. I’m not eating that sugary shit.

“Sorry, Diesel,” Lily says. “Nobody felt like getting in the kitchen to do anything after staying up last night.”

“Where’s Lourdes?” I ask casually.

“Oh, she didn’t stay up with us last night. She was the first to hit the sack so I thought she would be the first one up,” Xander says. “I guess we need to get dressed for our photoshoot that you failed to mention,” he teases.

“Shit, man!” I forgot to tell them about that. I crashed before they returned from the restaurant.

“No worries, dude. Desiree called and bugged the shit out of us early this morning when she couldn’t get a hold of you. Why do you think we’re all up so early?” Keyser gives me a knowing look. I glance at the clock in the kitchen and see that it’s a little after eight. These guys’ idea of early is warped. “We didn’t tell her about the ass you already tapped last night. She would have your balls. Where is she anyway?”

“What? She who?” What the hell is he talking about? I didn’t get any ass last night. Then a light bulb goes off.

“Ivy, fucker. We didn’t see her get off the bus when their limo came for them last night.” Ivy must have left after I did last night and they all assumed she was meeting me. That means Lourdes thinks I smashed Ivy last night, too. Is this why she went to bed early or why she still isn’t up yet? My damn reputation precedes me a little too well, but this time they’re all wrong.

“I don’t know where Ivy went last night, but she didn’t come here. I didn’t touch her.”

“Wow. I just knew you had hit that. She was damn near in your lap trying to give you the pussy, man.” The guys nod in agreement. They have no idea.

“Well, I didn’t bite. I’m going to get ready for this shoot. I suggest you fuckers do the same,” I say, bringing my meal with me.


feel a warm hand nudging me to wake up and nearly hit my head on the top bunk when I sit up startled. “Wake up, Lourdes. We’ll be getting off the bus in roughly thirty minutes,” Diesel informs me. When I see it’s him, I snatch my arm away.

“Yeah, okay.” I grab my phone from the charger next to me to look at the time and to avoid eye contact with him.

“Ivy wasn’t here on the bus last night Lourdes. I didn’t fuck her,” Diesel says before walking away. My shoulders instantly relax with relief. Then I get pissed all over again because why do I even care? The fact that he just told me that means he knows that I do.
. I need to find something to wear. That Ivy chick could wear a freaking paper bag and rock that shit. She didn’t even try to get dressed up for the restaurant. She wore jeans, a T-shirt, and sneakers. She still had Diesel’s attention from the moment she walked into the room. It was so apparent that she had set her sights on him too. They may not have fucked last night, but it is inevitable. Their sexual tension was so strong, it consumed the entire room.

The temperature is bearable today, considering we’re smack dab in the middle of January. I still nearly froze my ass off trying to be cute last night. I’m used to the almost nonexistent winters of the south. My phone’s weather app says it’s fifty-five degrees out so a hoodie and jeans it is.

“Are you ready yet, Lourdes?” Lily calls from the other side of the door. I open the door to see that she’s dressed in cute jeans, a sweater, and ankle boots. “Are you ready?” she asks again.

“Sure am,” I answer. My University of Alabama hoodie and jeans is what I’m sticking with. I have nobody to be cute for. My give a fuck is broken.

“Oh, okay,” she says unwilling to push. “Well, the guys are waiting for us outside in the black Yukon. Desiree sent someone to pick us up.” I nod and we leave without another word. I’m in a funky mood this morning and I can’t shake it. We get into the SUV and the guys are trying to strategize what their album cover should look like. I don’t look any of them in the eye. I head straight back to the third row. I pull my earphones from my pocket and plug it into my phone. I need to drown out my thoughts. Rihanna’s
Needed Me
is the first song to shuffle through. I close my eyes and attempt to get lost in the lyrics. I haven’t been in a funk like this since my initial break up with Diesel. I hate feeling vulnerable—like I’m waiting for the remaining pieces of my heart to disintegrate. I hate giving anyone the power to completely destroy me.

The ride to the photographer’s studio is a short one. Lily nudges me to let me know that we’ve arrived. I didn’t even know she came to sit back here with me. I just assumed she would stay closer to the front with Xander.

“Are you feeling okay?” she whispers.

“Yeah. Just have some stuff on my mind is all. Nothing that’s a concern,” I say, plastering a fake smile on my face.

“Okay. You can always talk to me if you ever need to.” She squeezes my hand before pulling me out with her. Now that the men are out of the car, I get a good look at them. They’re all wearing black t-shirts with jeans. The look is so casual, yet so sexy. My eyes fall on Diesel and I have to look away. His shirt hugs him and I can make out his defined abs. Why does he have to be so damn hot? I give my attention to a pebble on the ground like it is the most interesting thing I’ve ever seen. I kick it around while I wait for them to head toward the studio. Another car pulls up. It’s Desiree. She gets out wearing a red pant suit with matching heels. I guess I’m the only underdressed one but whatever. I’m not cold and I’m comfortable.

“Morning, boys. Lily. Lourdes,” she half ass greets. “This way.” She catches up to Diesel and the two of them talk on the way into the studio, but I can’t hear what’s being said. Whatever it is, Diesel doesn’t seem to be too happy about it. I can see the wrinkle in his forehead from here.
Why is he frowning?

The photographer, Antonio I think his name is, greets us once we’re inside and then shows Lily and I where we can sit so that we’re out of the way.

We still have prime seating though. Antonio’s back is to us, but we can see the guys clearly as they take direction from him. They get into a grove instantly and all you hear is the camera.

“Okay. Diesel I need a few shots with just you.” That wrinkle in his forehead is back. This must have been what he and Desiree were talking about.

“I don’t see why that’s necessary,” he complains.

“I explained that you guys are going to be featured in
Rock Solid
magazine as new and upcoming artists. The band as a whole will be featured as well, but they want some solo shots of you. Don’t bust my balls here, Diesel,” Desiree pleads. “I had to pull some strings for this.”

“It’s okay, man,” Xander assures. “You’re our front man. They just want some shots of all your sexiness. We’re not tripping. You got this, stud,” he jokes, lightening the mood. The guys make smooching noises like they’re blowing him a kiss to which he shoots them the middle finger.

“Okay, let’s do this,” he says to Antonio.

“That’s what I’m talking about,” Antonio says getting hyped. He throws him some shades. “I have an idea. Put those on and then lose the shirt and shoes.”

“Just trust him, Diesel. He’s the best at what he does,” Desiree warns. Antonio pulls back the sliding glass door that leads to a patio overlooking Los Angeles. “Come,” he instructs. He tells Diesel to stand against the railing and do whatever feels natural.

And holy hell does he give us a show. What is it about a man in jeans and bare feet? Diesel is the fucker who destroyed my heart. I’m not even supposed to be on this tour. Yet here I am, lust driven and completely turned the fuck on, as I watch him transition through poses for Antonio. He inches his jeans down just a tad, but enough to expose that vein that sits along his V, where my tongue wants to trace. Memories of his beautiful cock compete with my desire to remain angry with him and it pisses me off. I can’t forget about his deceit. I can’t forget why I promised myself I would never be with him that way again. Just last night, I thought he fucked Ivy for God’s sake. Maybe I just need to get laid. I haven’t been with anyone since him. I’m choosing to believe that he and Sevyn wouldn’t be that dirty to let me sleep with the brother without my consent. That is the only reason I can move forward and give us a chance to be friends again. I will never forget though. It’s going to take time for the anger that rears its head every time I remember the relationship he tarnished, to completely dissipate.

“That’s a wrap, man. You killed it,” Antonio says while playing back pictures through the viewfinder. Diesel just gives him a thumbs up. Desiree thanks the photographer for his time and informs the guys they have one hour to get something to eat before set up and rehearsal at the venue they’re performing at tonight.

“Fuck yeah,” Keyser hoots. “Almost show time on the big stage.” This starts a conversation about the thousands of fans that will be in attendance. Some of their loyal fan base from Hundred Degree’s bar is even making the trip down to see them play their first show. I trail behind them and pull out my phone to call Brooke. She’s between classes so we keep the conversation short. I let her know we made to Cali.

“How are you getting along with Diesel?” She gets straight to the point.

“Decent,” I say in code. “Better than expected.” Brooke takes the hint that I can’t go into specifics.

“Is he there with you now?”

“Yeah. We’re all heading to get something to eat and then they have to get ready for tonight.”

“Gah. I wish I could be there. I’m glad you finally called me though. I thought I was going to have to come find you. I’m happy to hear your holding up and you two didn’t kill each other on sight,” she jokes.

I’m not sure holding up is what I’d call how I’m feeling at the moment, but I don’t elaborate. “You’d like Lily. She’s sweet, but can hold her own.” Lily is walking hand in hand with Xander, but she turns back to look at me when she hears her name. Apparently she was listening, so I’m glad I didn’t say anything too revealing about Diesel and myself.

“I’m glad you have someone to hang out with since I can’t be there. I bet Xander is happy that you two are getting along, as well.” I hadn’t even thought about that.

“The guys are okay. They like playing cards and dominos—real down to earth,” I share.

. I have feeling that will change as soon as they find groupies to bang at every stop. They’ll have some other games they’ll like to play that won’t include you ladies. Well, Lily will get to play with Xander, but that’s going to leave you odd man out unless you find your own piece.” I swear Brooke has no shame.

“Are you encouraging me to become a womanwhore?” I giggle.

“Your ass is forever making up words,” she giggles with me. “Womanwhore? Geez, you’re single. Find some unattached dick. It’s easy for us. Men don’t have a problem with no strings, one night stand fucking.” I swear she’s insufferable.

“You know I can’t just sleep with some random guy,” I whisper into the phone. “I’m not that…sexually free.”

“And note that I didn’t say crap about sleeping. Fuck ‘em and leave ‘em in the city you find them in. You definitely won’t have time to worry about what Diesel is getting up to then,” she adds. I guess I wasn’t fooling her too much. She hit the nail on the head. She knows the underlying source of my worries. I won’t admit it to her though.

“I’m not worried about that anyway. That’s inevitable. I see it coming,” I say in regards to knowing that Diesel is going to definitely fuck someone else. Ivy will be one of them. “Anyway. I know you have class. We’ll talk later. I’ll tell you all about the concert when I call you back.”

“You better,” she tells me. “Talk later. Find you some disposable dick, woman.” She is like a dog with a bone and there is absolutely no reasoning with her.

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