Craving Talon (41 page)

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Authors: Zoey Derrick

BOOK: Craving Talon
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“Oh god.” I groan. Panic rises and my breathing spikes.

“What’s wrong Addison?” He kneels down in front of me.

I hold up the hand that has the ring, my birth control ring, in it. “Where did this come from?”

He shrugs and shakes his head, “I have no clue, where did you find it?”

“In with my hair ties. It’s not for my hair.”

“Then what is it baby girl.”

Oh god. I don’t know if I can tell him, god, I don’t want to discuss this. “It’s nothing.” I say.

“You promised honesty Addison, you’re lying to me right now.”

I start crying, “not lying just, oh god Kyle, this is my birth control.” I bat my eyes to try and slow the flood of tears flowing. Oh god, emotional, crying, bitchy, fuck.

“What do you mean ‘birth control’?” he asks, completely innocent.

I look at him and fight the urge to scream as the panic continues to rise. “It’s called NuvaRing.” I say with a shaky voice, “it goes up there, it’s full of hormones that act as birth control. I put it in and then three weeks later I take it out, I bleed and put a new on in. I need to know how long this has been with my stuff.”

I can see fear and panic rising. “God Kyle, please, no, don’t, damn it, don’t. I need someone to be strong for me right now. Please don’t panic, I can’t, I can’t handle it.”

“Baby-girl, I’m sorry. I just, we haven’t…” he falls onto his butt.

“Kyle, breathe. Please. I…” I have to tell him, “Kyle I have issues with my uterus.”

He looks at me, praying for an explanation. “I’m on birth control only to regulate my periods. Without it, I bleed, maybe twice a year. I have cysts. Do you understand what that is?” He shakes his head. “They’re little bubbles within my uterus that overtime can turn hard. These cysts completely block one of my fallopian tubes, which means eggs don’t pass through. My other ovary only functions about twenty-five percent of the time. Without birth control I have a less than five percent chance of getting,” I swallow hard, “pregnant.”

“So there’s no way…”

“I didn’t say that. I don’t know, it’s all going to depend on how long this has been out of me. Which is why I need Talon. Can you go wake him for me? I don’t think I can move right now.”

I don’t know how he does it, but he manages to pull himself together. He turns off the water behind me and leaves the bathroom.

I can hear him. “Talon, come on big man, Addison needs you to wake up.”

“Huh, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing, she just needs to talk to you, she’s in the bathroom.”

“Okay, give me a sec.” Talon tells him,

I put my head in my hands while I wait for Talon to come into the bathroom. God, Kyle freaked out, I don’t think I can handle Talon freaking out on me too.

“What’s going on angel?”

I take a deep breath. “Do you recognize this?”

I show him the ring. “Yeah, I found it and put it into your hair ties bag.”

Thank god, “When?”

“Oh, um, Vegas I think, when we packed you up.”

Oh fuck. “Kyle, can you bring me my phone, please?”

“Angel, what’s going on?”

“It’s not a hair tie. It’s actually called a NuvaRing, it’s my birth control.” I say softly.

He kneels down in front of me. “I don’t understand.”

“This goes inside of me, it releases hormones into my body, and then after three weeks, I take it out and within a few days I get my period.” Kyle shows up with my phone.

“When were you suppose to take it out?” he asks me.

“Sunday morning, but I couldn’t find it. Then with the Bryan Hayes thing, then yesterday and, I just forgot about it. I was going to have one of you help me, but everything just got so messed up. But I couldn’t find it because it was gone and it’s been gone…” I look at my phone, “for over two weeks.” Panic flies once again.

“But we haven’t used condoms.” I put my hand on his cheek.

“I have problems, in my uterus, my likelihood of getting pregnant is less than ten percent.”

“So you’re not…” I can see the panic I feel reflected in Talon’s eyes.

“I didn’t say that, though I wish I could.” I look back at my calendar, my period usually shows up Tuesday night, or sometime Wednesday. “I need a test, but it might be too early.” The tears flow again when I see Talon with complete panic on his face.

Kyle kneels down behind Talon. “Talon, are you alright?”

He doesn’t respond, he just sits there. His body is radiating panic and ready to freak out. I put my hand on his cheek. “Look at me big man.” He doesn’t look. “Come on big guy, I need you to look at me.” Tears streak down my cheeks. I can’t stand to look at his panicking face, I need him to look at me. “Come on angel, look at me.” Finally his eyes meet mine. “Hi there.” I smile. “You with me.” He nods slightly. “Can you talk to me? What are you thinking?” He looks down again. “No, no, keep looking at me.”

His eyes come up, meeting mine, they’re thick with unshed tears. “I’m scared.” He breathes.

“What are you scared about?”

“I’m not sure I’m ready to be a father.” He says in a whisper.

“Awe, baby, we don’t know that. We don’t know one way or another. Until we know for sure, we cannot panic. Please, I can’t.” The tears flow harder and faster, “I can’t stay strong for the three of us.” I look past Talon to Kyle.

“Talon, no matter what, we’re all in this together.” Kyle says as he rubs Talon’s back. “You’re not in this alone, neither is Addison.”

“What if it’s yours?” Talon asks.

“Honestly, it doesn’t matter to me whether it’s yours or mine, if she’s even pregnant, we’re still all in this together. We’ve made a choice to be a triad, to be a threesome, everything we do involves all three of us, no matter what.” Kyle says. His strength is like a shot of adrenaline straight to my heart.

Talon loosens up a little bit too. “Kyle’s right. We can’t make assumptions until we know for sure.”

“How do we do that?” Talon asks.

I give him a small smile. “I need a pregnancy test.”

“Where do I get one?” He’s eager.

“Breathe big man. I will send Tori or someone else to get one.”

“I’ll go.” Kyle says as he stands up.

“Relax cowboy. There is no guarantee that the result I get today will be accurate. A blood test is preferable, but I don’t want to take the risk of it leaking to the media. So, if we’re going to get one, I’ll need at least two. I’ll take one today and I will try another one on Thursday or Friday. My period usually starts on Wednesday after I take out my ring, but I only had it in about a week before it fell out. So my body is probably screwed up.”

“Okay, let’s get you a couple of tests.” Kyle says.

I nod and look to Talon. “You feeling better?” He gives me a tiny lift of his lip. “I’m going to slide into this nice warm tub. I need to relax.”

“Can I join you?” Talon asks. “I just want to hold you.” He whispers.

I look up to Kyle who nods, “I’ll go talk to Tori.” He says.

“Are you sure?” I ask.

He leans down and kisses my forehead. “Absolutely.” He says and leaves the bathroom.

I reach for Talon’s hand. “Come on.” He stands up with my help. I step over the the side of the tub and stand in the middle. Talon steps in behind me and slides down into the water.

“Come here angel.” He says and I sit down in front of him. He wraps his arms around me, under my breasts and pulls me back, closer to him and he holds onto me like he needs air to breathe. I settle into him, his hold and his touch. Laying my head back on his shoulder.

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Zoey’s Bio:

Zoey Derrick is a Best Selling Author of Contemporary, Erotic, Erotic Romance and Paranormal Romance from Glendale Arizona. She was once a mortgage underwriter and she now writes full time.

She writes stories as hot as the desert sun itself. It is this passion that drips off of her work, bringing excitement to anyone who enjoys a good and sensual love story.

Not only does she aim to take her readers on an erotic dance that lasts the night, it allows her to empty her mind of stories we all wish were true.
Her stories are hopeful yet true to life, skillfully avoiding melodrama and the unrealistic, bringing her gripping Erotica only closer to the heart of those that dare dipping into it.

The intimacy of her fantasies that she shares with her readers is thrilling and encouraging, climactic yet full of suspense. She is a loving mistress, up for anything, of which any reader is doomed to return to again and again.

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