Craving Talon (35 page)

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Authors: Zoey Derrick

BOOK: Craving Talon
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“What? Just because I don’t fangirl over you,” I say to Talon.

He puts his hand over his chest. “I’m offended, you don’t fangirl over me.”

“Oh for crying out loud. I fangirl over you, I just get to fangirl over all the parts no one else gets to see.” I give him a wide eyes ‘so there’ look.

He busts out laughing. “You don’t fangirl, you worship.”

“See, so which would you rather have…” I put my hands up all prissy like. “OHMYGOD it’s Talon Carver…” then I start pawing at him, “or” I get onto my knees and bow to him, kissing the bed, “I’m not worthy.”

He’s still laughing. “Neither,” he says, “I prefer you worshiping me in bed.”

“Oh, I do that too.” I wink at him then go back to my email.

Cami’s email goes on to say that I can commit to a duet with Bryan Hayes, but it cannot be recorded until after my contractual obligations are completed with 69 Bottles. I shrug, it’s fine with me. I won’t pull back from this tour for anything.

“So what’s the plan?” I ask Talon and Kyle when I close up my laptop a few minutes later.

“We should be at the hotel shortly. Mills will get us checked in and take care of all that stuff. We have sound check at two, which isn’t giving us enough time here to get ready before the show.” I look at my watch and it’s after twelve, and I’m starving. “First Avenue isn’t that far from the hotel, so when sound is done we can come back here, or you,” he looks at me, “You can pack up your outfit for tonight and get dressed there.”

“You mean actually use a dressing room for once?”

Kyle snorts a laugh. “Would certainly give you more room. The show starts at six and we do not have Tender Souls tonight. So we have to be ready to roll by five forty-five.”

“I’ll pack up a bag and outfit, I’ll get ready there. I can go jump in the shower now, get my hair dried so I can style it later.” The guys nod. There’s disappointment on their faces. “What?”

They both come at me, tackling me to the bed, engulfing me in a tangle of arms and legs, and they start kissing and licking along my jaw. “Oh no, you don’t.” I feel hands creeping up Talon’s t-shirt. Sliding along my belly toward my breasts. They’re both doing it at the same time like their hands are tied together. They both reach my breasts and find my nipples at the same time and my back arches. “So not fair.”

They twist and tug, then push the shirt higher and they start licking and sucking. Having two mouths, one nipple each, is an intense sensation. My pussy pulses with need and my body shivers in delight. Now that my nipples are in their mouths, their hands slide back down my stomach and into the waist of my pajama pants. “No, no, no,” I whine without conviction. They both suck harder on my nipples and I moan. “Shower…get read…oh forget it,” I groan as one hand makes contact with my clit and the other slides into my sex. Flicking and fucking me to the point of near explosion.

Their actions don’t let up. Fingers moving, tongues licking, mouths sucking. My orgasm ignites on the surface and my blood is racing in my veins. “Fuck.” I jump with a flick on my clit, sensation exploding, orgasm building. “Argh!” I moan and explode, shattering into thousands of pieces under their touch.

Kyle backs up and Talon pushes me onto my stomach. Then I feel someone pulling down my pajama bottoms and I lift my hips to help. Once I am missing bottoms, they lift my hips into the air. Spreading me wide. That’s when I feel the head of Talon’s cock pushing inside of me and I moan. I know it’s Talon because Kyle is crawling onto the bed in front of me with his cock in his hand, stroking it. Just as Talon slides in all the way, Kyle rubs the head of his dick on my lips and I open, sticking my tongue out, I let him take the lead.

Talon is sliding in and out of me, quickly building me back to another orgasm. Kyle takes my cheeks in his hands as he guides himself into my mouth. Something wet and warm hits me on the tight ring of my ass, then I feel Talon rubbing and playing with my hole as he thrusts in and out of my sex.

Being filled in all three holes at once is too much. Kyle continues fucking my mouth, while I suck and swirl at irregular intervals. Talon’s pace increases with his cock and his finger isn’t letting up as he strokes in and out of me. My skin is raging and sensitive, goosebumps form, my nipples harden and my legs stiffen. Both men recognize the signs and step up their pace, desperate to come with me.

I moan around Kyle’s cock, sucking and fucking. Talon’s forward thrusts send Kyle’s dick deeper. I feel full, I feel used, and I feel loved all at the same time. I explode into a body shattering orgasm. I can feel Talon overcome with his own orgasm and my tongue is treated to Kyle’s salty goodness.

Both men pull out of me as I come down from my orgasm. I collapse onto my chest, leaving my ass in the air. That is until Talon stretches out my legs. “We’re not going to wear you out, angel.”

I look at Kyle for reassurance and he smiles, the effect is comforting, telling me that it’s okay. I’m not sure how I feel about that, but I feel the bus make a series of turns and then come to a stop, so I know we’re pulling into the hotel.

I lay there for a little while longer. “I’m spending tomorrow in the bathtub,” I groan as I find the strength to get up. Talon’s shirt is so big that I could walk around in it and nothing else, so I use it to cover myself up. No need to feed the animals any more than I did without even knowing it.

“You can do whatever you want, baby girl,” Kyle says. “We don’t have to be anywhere until Tuesday afternoon. We have the signing at the Mall and then we take off for Chicago right after.”

“That’s right. I’d nearly forgotten. I wouldn’t mind going shopping at the mall though.”

“We figured you might. But that means you can’t spend all day in the bathtub tomorrow. Better to shop without time constraints, right?” He laughs.

“True. Okay, then I’ll just spend three hours in the tub.”

They both laugh. Talon bends down and kisses me on the head. “You can do whatever you want, angel.”

“Good, I’m going to go shower.” I grab my towel from the hook on the wall and head toward the bathroom, nearly running into Tori and knocking her over.

“Oh, hi Tori.”

“Hi Addison.”

“Everything okay?” I ask.

“Fine, just coming to get you. We’re at the hotel.”

“I figured. I was gonna jump in the shower real quick.”

“The rooms are already ready. You can shower there if you want.”

“Oh, um, alright.” I turn back toward the bedroom.

Okay, this is heaven. I’m so glad I decided to shower in the hotel room. Three rainforest style shower heads is like standing in the rain, just much warmer. I had all of my bags, clothes and everything brought up to the room. The guys thought I was nuts, until I told them that I needed to organize some stuff and send clothes to the laundry and dry cleaning since we were going to be stationary for a couple of days.

They don’t argue with me and I see them doing the same thing. They’re also going to be cleaning the bus during these couple of days. It will be nice to have some more clean clothes. I have plenty but my options are running very low.

When I come out of the bathroom, I jump. There is a bunch of stuff lying across the bed. “What the hell?” I walk closer and see that it’s clothes, outfits, stuff I’ve never seen before.

“Kyle? Talon?” I shout, looking over the clothes. I really like what’s lying here, I pray to god it’s from them.

“Yeah, baby girl?”

I point to the bed, “What’s all this?”

He gives me a Cheshire grin. “Well, the silver box is your replacement purple Louboutins. The rest of it is stuff Talon and I bought and had delivered here to the hotel. Pick an outfit for tonight,” He tells me and I look over the clothes.

There is a green plaid shirt with suspenders. With it is a very low cut, square neck black, cap sleeve t-shirt. It would look great with my platform boots. Good thing I shaved.

The one next to it is a red dress with various black stars, devils, and swirls. It’s a spaghetti strap at the top and where the straps come into the dress there are two black bows. This would look amazing with my black pumps.

The one on the other side of that looks like a jump suit, but by looking at it closer, I can tell it is going to be more of a snug fit. There is another layer to it, it’s a lace full length, down to the floor, tank top that goes over the tank top jumpsuit. I like this one the best. And it would look amazing with my black Doc Martins.

“Decisions, decisions,” I say aloud and Kyle laughs. “Well, I don’t know which one I want to wear. Any suggestions? Favorites?”

“I’m bias.” he says straight faced.

“Why’s that?”

“Well, I picked out the red dress. So of course I’m going to say that. Talon picked out the black two piece number and we both liked the skirt.” He shrugs. “It’s going to be chilly tonight.”

I laugh, “So I’m screwed either way?”

He laughs too. “Yeah, probably. But you know we’ll keep you warm. I think Talon has a solution for that,” he says just as Talon comes into the room. He’s carrying a black wool, thigh length peacoat. It has a really large, deep hood on the back.

“This might help. Though the legs might be an issue,” he says laying the coat down on the bed. “Did you decide?”

I shake my head. “Well, we will get them hung up again for you and thrown into the garment bag to take with us. We’re running out of time,” Kyle says, making a point of pointing out my current towel attire.

“Okay, leave the coat. I’ll be ready shortly. I need to blow-dry my hair and find some clean clothes.”

They both come over and kiss my forehead before leaving me to get ready to leave for sound. They take all the clothes with them, except the coat.

Twenty-five minutes later and I’m clad in a pair of flare jeans and a 69 Bottles t-shirt. I forgot that I’d stuck it in there and I figured since we had the fangirl conversation earlier, that I’d go to sound looking like a groupie. Which in a way, I am. I throw on my tennis shoes and throw my make-up, hair stuff, black pumps, platform boots and my Docs into my duffle bag. I don the coat, button it up so they can’t see my t-shirt yet, and throw my duffle and messenger bag over my shoulder before going into the sitting room.

Kyle is the only one there. “Hey panda, you ready?”

“I hope so. If I forgot something, I can send someone back here, right?”


“Where’s Talon?”

“He went ahead with the band. There’s a problem with one of Dex’s drums and it will take him and Talon to get a new head on it.”

“Ah, okay, I’m ready.”

He takes my bags off of my shoulder and throws them over his own, then wraps his arm around my waist, leading me from our suite into the hall where Rusty, Victoria and Casey are waiting for us. They’re all dressed in black with black cargo pants and black t-shirts, which I wouldn’t mention, except for its not their usual show attire. They’re usually in dress pants and t-shirts and a jacket of some type. Casey and Tori are wearing their guns in thigh holsters and Rusty has his tucked into a holster on his belt, where it always is, but not normally so visible.

“What’s the deal with the heavy armor?” I ask.

Kyle bumps shoulders with me, shaking his head. It irritates me, but then Tori answers. “We’re always packing.”

“Why so visible?”

“New procedure is all. We’re trying to be more visible,” Tori tells me.

“Okay then.”

I notice that Casey stays in the hallway and doesn’t come with us. I feel sorry for him, standing by in the hallway all night. The doors are locked. But then I remember what happened on the bus and decide not to feel so bad for him. If we don’t have someone standing by, then anyone in the hotel with a key can get into our room. Both incidents are perfect examples of how people can be bought and then pulled away from their post in seemingly innocent fashion. So instead I take comfort in Casey staying behind.

Once we get back to the lower level, Rusty steps out first, sweeping the hall, then Kyle and me, and finally Tori brings up the rear. I’m not sure about all this stuff. I liked it better when we just were the way we were. But I can’t doubt their due diligence in ensuring safety, problem is, they wouldn’t be doing this with Kyle.

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