Craving Talon (36 page)

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Authors: Zoey Derrick

BOOK: Craving Talon
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“You alright?” Kyle asks me.

“Yeah, I just think this is all a little extreme.”

“Better to be safe than sorry, baby girl. Just let them do their job and try your best to ignore them. The only reason you’re noticing is because you have a better understanding of the danger that you didn’t have before. In all honesty, nothing’s changed. This is how they function around Talon, Dex, Mouse and Peacock.”

“Alright, I will try and remember that, and try even harder to ignore them.”

He smiles and we walk through the hotel door.

“Addison, Addison, Addison,” Flashbulbs, more screaming, more questions.

“What the hell?” I whisper.

Rusty has my door open and I slide in, sliding across, making room for Kyle. It’s not until I’m inside that I realize we’re in a limo and Tori slides in behind Kyle, then goes to sit behind the driver. I can see Rusty walking toward the passenger door and climbing in. As soon as he’s inside, the car takes off.

I look at Tori, “What the hell was that?”

“The hotel location was leaked; at least I’m assuming that’s the case. We will set up for a parking garage return. We didn’t have time to make the change before they showed up.”

“Well, there goes shopping tomorrow,” I grumble.

“Why?” Tori asks.

“I don’t want to deal with this while I’m shopping.”

Tori smiles, “That’s what we get paid for, darlin’. If you want to go shopping, you will go shopping and we will do it quietly.”

Kyle squeezes my thigh, reminding me that he’s there. I look at him. “Whatever you want to do, we will make happen. None of us want to see your personal life affected by this. So we will go shopping tomorrow. Talon will be coming along so we will turn some heads no matter what. We will likely cause a crowd, but we will be doing it.”

I smile at him. “Alright.” I lean over and put my head on his shoulder as we ride to First Avenue.

When we got to First Avenue, Talon fell over with laughter when I took off my coat. Which, of course caused everyone else to look at me too. Dex had a proud smirk on his face. Then the groupie comments started. I just rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at them when it was appropriate. When I told Talon I was just being a fangirl he enveloped me in his arms and kissed me with fervor. Sending my head spinning, my heart racing and my breathing nearly stopped all together. “I like you as a fangirl,” he smirked and went back to helping Dex.

The sound check went awesome. I love the smaller venue. Though it reminds me of a bar, without a bar, it’s pretty awesome just the same. Playing First Avenue is like a rite of passage in the music industry as evidenced by the number of major stars lining the walls back stage. Prince, of course, is nearly everywhere and his presence in evident by my purple dressing room.

I did my hair stick straight tonight. I wanted something different, and I pulled it back into a ponytail that is sitting high on the crown of my head. Because my hair is thick, there is a lot of it cascading down my back and over my shoulders. I decided to go with the red and black dress, not because Kyle picked it out, but because it works great with my hair and I’m rocking my black pumps.

I’m finishing up my make-up with another coat of lipstick when a knock rattles my door. The knob turns. “Addison, there is someone here to see you,” Tori tells me.

“Who is it?”

“He said you’re expecting him.”

“Bryan Hayes?”

“That’s him.” I lean into the mirror, smile, check my hair, and decide that I won’t get much better than this.

“Okay, let him in.”

“I’ll be coming in with you.”

“Does he have security with him?”


“Okay then, but if his security staff stays out, so do you.”

“Addison, I don’t work that way.”

“Tori, he’s Bryan frickin Hayes.”

“Yes ma’am,” she says and I don’t correct her this time. This time it’s warranted; I need to know that she understands who her boss is.

She opens the door to someone who isn’t Bryan, and they step inside. “Ms. Beltrand, I’m Kevin, Mr. Hayes’ bodyguard. If you don’t mind, I’d like to take a quick look around and then I will leave you to Mr. Hayes.”

“Hi Kevin, go ahead.” I stay standing where I am. I let him look around, there isn’t much in the room besides a couch. He does his check and then goes back to the door, nods and then steps aside. Standing in front of him is Bryan Hayes. He looks a lot younger than I imagined based on pictures I’ve seen of him and damn, he’s good looking.

“Ms. Beltrand, I’m Bryan Hayes,” he says as the door behind him is closed.

“Please call me Addison.” He smiles a beautiful smile.

“Good, call me Bryan. It’s a real honor to meet you, Addison.” He extends his hand and I take it.

“I should be saying that about you.” I smile. “I have to say, I’m glad you’re here to see 69 Bottles tonight.”

He laughs nervously. “Oh, I didn’t come for them. I came here to see you and I can tell you right now that the videos don’t do you justice.” He gives me a full, gorgeous smile.


“Listen, I stopped by before the show because I wanted to introduce myself. Our people seem to be pretty excited about my tweet the other day.”

“Did you mean that? What you said?”

He smiles again. “Absolutely. I have my people working on it, but I understand you’re under contract with 69 Bottles. But when the tour is over, you’re a free woman.” He blushes slightly.

“I am, technically, but you do understand that my singing with 69 Bottles was a complete fluke.”

He laughs, “I’ve heard the story, but I don’t care. You have an amazing stage presence for one, and for two, you have an even more amazing voice. Anyone would be honored to have you sing with them. Myself included.”

“I can’t say one way or another, but I can tell you that I won’t think twice about it. I’d be honored. I’m one of your biggest fans.” I blush.

“Really? A sweet rock chick like you enjoys country music?” He cocks his head.

“I like all kinds of music. Including rock and country, but rock is where my heart is. I’ve followed you since you first stepped on the scene. I knew one day you’d become something amazing.” I smile.

“You have good taste then. Listen, I’m going to let you finish getting ready and I’m going to go get into my seat for the show.”

“I appreciate that. I will be in the greenroom after, then I believe we’re headed to an after party. If you’d like to join us.”

He takes a step toward me. “I’ll consider it, but…” he hands me a card, “here’s my email and phone number. Let’s talk some more.”

“Don’t you have people to handle this kind of stuff?”

He smirks. “That’s not why I gave you my number.” He winks, “It was a pleasure, break a leg tonight, Addison.”

“No pressure or anything.”

He laughs, “None at all, you’ll do great.” I extend my hand to him, he takes it, bends down and kisses the back of my hand. “Thanks for seeing me,” he says as he lets my hand go.

“Absolutely, thank you again for coming.”

“Anytime,” he says as he opens the door and walks out into the hallway. Tori sticks her head in.

“You good?” I nod, dumb struck. “It’s five forty-five.”

“Thanks, I’ll be out in a minute.” She closes the door and I fall into the chair in front of the vanity. Breathing heavy. “That was intense,” I breathe then try and pull myself back together.

Once Talon is on stage, after our ritual, I turn to Kyle. “Hey baby girl, you okay?”

“Nervous as shit.”

He laughs. “Why?”

“Bryan Hayes is in the audience.”

“How’d you know?” he asks.

“Because he stopped by my dressing room.”

“Oh.” I can see sadness creep into his eyes.

“Why the long face?” I ask.

“Because he stopped by and we didn’t think to.”

I roll my eyes, “he stopped by to introduce himself, let me know that he’s serious about the duet and that he’s looking forward to tonight’s performance.”

“Well that’s awesome, I guess.”

“Only thing is, he didn’t come to see 69 Bottles, he came to see me.”

“That’s what I was afraid of,” he mutters.

“It wasn’t anything like that, not really. Just that he wanted to see if I’m as good in person as I am on the videos. That’s why I’m nervous,” I tell him. “Wait, are you jealous?” He tries to hide it and fails. “Kyle Black, you can’t be, oh baby, no, it’s nothing like that, not for me. I can’t help it if he likes me, but I can help where it goes and it will go nowhere. I love you and I love Talon and the two of you are what I want. No one and nothing can come between that.”

“He’s a good looking man,” Kyle says.

“You’re better looking. Now explain something to me, you get jealous of Bryan Hayes, but yet you can watch Talon and I having sex, that doesn’t make much sense to me.”

“That’s easy,” he says, “we’re all together. I know that when Talon gets his time, like today, I will get mine later, and vice versa. Plus, we all came into this relationship together, we work together, we sleep together, we love together.”

“Do you love Talon?”

He doesn’t answer right away, making me nervous. “Kyle?”

“Yeah, I do. But I don’t know if he loves me back.”

“That bothers you, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah, it does. It’s different with you. You knew it, probably before I did, that I loved you, but wasn’t ready to say it. I was okay with that. With Talon, it’s different. I love him, I’m in love with him as much as I’m in love with you. I just don’t know how he feels about me.”

“Have you tried talking to him?”

He snorts, “No, that’s not something I know how to bring up with him.”

“Do you need my help?”

He looks over my shoulder. “Maybe, but you’ve got sound coming in. We will talk about it, I promise.” He kisses me chastely. Then whispers, “I love you, panda.”

His voice is so soft, it melts my heart. “I love you.” I kiss him sweetly and he shivers.

“God, I love you so much,” he breathes and our conversation is broken when my mic shows up.

Once I’m hooked up, Kyle starts dancing with me. He’s working on pumping me up for my performance and it’s working with just the right amount of excitement.

They finish up the song right before ‘Your Eyes’ and the band starts in on their subtle, low volume version of the song and the crowd of fifteen hundred people goes nuts.

“And now Minneapolis, the real reason you’re here tonight.” Oh my god, I blush. Kyle laughs. “It’s an honor to introduce to you Ms. Addison Beltrand.” Kyle quickly kisses my cheek and I step out on stage. I wave, and the crowd goes nuts.

“How you doin, Minneapolis?” I say and they scream a little louder. “You ready for some fun?” The crowd starts jumping around and cheering as the band fires up their full volume rendition of ‘Your Eyes’ and Talon and I set the roof on fire.

The show goes on, until I’m called out again for ‘To Be Free’. There is something special brewing between Talon and I on stage tonight and I’m pulled deeper into his voice and his trance as we sing our song. There is a deep, carnal craving that forms in the pit of my stomach. Something I’ve felt before for both Kyle and Talon, but this time, it’s different. With Kyle’s confession of love for Talon, the craving intensified. Talon learned that he was capable of loving me and he does it very well. He’s rough. He’s gentle. He’s strong and driven. No matter how many times I have him, how long I get to keep him; this craving will never go away. I’m suddenly very eager to get back to the hotel.

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