Craving Talon (26 page)

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Authors: Zoey Derrick

BOOK: Craving Talon
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“Mom, I’d like you to meet Talon Carver.”

“It’s a real pleasure to finally meet you, Mrs. Beltrand.”

“Oh call me Lori, please. And it is great to meet you too, Talon. I’ve heard a lot about you.” She smiles sweetly, takes Talon’s hand and pulls him into a hug. It warms my heart to see it. “So if this is Talon, then this lovely young man must be Kyle?”

“Yes ma’am,” Kyle says with a wide smile.

“Oh no, none of that.”

All the guys laugh. Dex makes the first comment, “Well at least now we know why this one hates to be called ma’am.” He laughs, and of course everyone else joins in.

“It’s really great to meet you Lori.”

“Likewise, Kyle. Alright Calvin, Eric and Dex, leave me with these three, I need to talk to to them.” Oh no. I plead with Dex to stay, silently mind you, and I can see the pleasure in his eyes as he and the other guys leave the room. “Now boys, tell me, is she behaving herself?”

“Oh mom, seriously?”

“Yes.” She grabs their hands and brings them back to the couch where she pulls them both to sit. I can see the worry in their eyes as they look at me. I shrug. “She’s a handful that one. I’m so glad she has the two of you to take care of her. She needs good strong hands and you two seem to be doing an amazing job.”

She dotes on them a little longer. She doesn’t bring up Dan, but she does ask Kyle about his mom. Kyle being the good son that he is talks to my mother about his mom with nothing but nice things to say about her. I can tell Talon is a little uncomfortable with the conversation so I go to stand next to him and he wraps his arm around my hips.

My mom surprises me by turning to Kyle, “Doesn’t that make you jealous?”

“Mom.” I scold her with my eyes.

“It’s alright, baby girl. No, Lori, it doesn’t, which is how this whole thing works so well for us. You see, he is about to go on stage for two hours and during those two hours, she is usually standing backstage in my arms. We all get equal time. It’s a work in progress, but it is working out so far.”

My mother smiles wide. “Good, I’m glad.”

“Lori, I hate to cut this short, but I need to go warm up and get ready for the show. Kyle is welcome to stay, though I could use his help. This way you can chat with Addie some more,” Talon says. “If you stay through the show, we will definitely have some time afterward to chat.”

My mom stands up. “I have a better idea. I know you guys have to get on to Des Moines tonight, and you’re pretty busy these next few weeks, so when the tour is over, why don’t the three of you come back to Kansas City for a long weekend?”

Talon and Kyle both smile. “That sounds like an amazing idea,” Kyle says as he stands and my mom’s face lights up.

“Wonderful, then it’s a date. I’ll set it up with Addison.” Both of my very handsome men give my mom hugs and kisses on the cheek as they leave the room.

My mom turns to me. “Don’t let them go.”

“I have no plans to do that. I love them.”

She wraps her arms around me, and despite my being much taller than she is, it is still the most comfortable embrace in the world. “We need to get you to your seat if you want to see the show. When it is over, I’ll send Leroy out to get you and bring you back here.”

“Alright, sweetie, let’s go.”

I introduce my mom to Leroy, who escorts my mom to her seat. I found out the other day that the bands are given so many seats to either give away or do with as they please. A lot of times they end up at radio stations for their giveaways or they’re released for at-the-door sales which always sell out. There are always people who show up hoping for tickets and in some cases we have them. Tonight, we saved one for my mom.

Tender Souls is on stage and they’re actually really good. I like their music and vow at some point during this journey to buy their album. They get a slightly longer set, at thirty-five minutes verses twenty-five. Which is good because they’re great performers and the crowd takes to them. Tender Souls does an amazing job getting them wound up for 69 Bottles.

As they finish up their set, I notice a rather large group of roadies with them and I wonder just how popular they are. Then I wonder idly if it has anything to do with their lead singer. She’s blond, from a box, and has a very school girl look about her. Tonight she’s wearing a short red plaid skirt, much like the one I own, just less buckles, and platform boots. Her top is a shredded t-shirt over a tank top. It’s rather grungy which is odd because their music is more alternative.

When their set is done, the change-over doesn’t take but a couple of minutes before the guys are walking down the hallway toward me. I smile as Dex approaches. “See, I knew I’d grow on you,” he laughs and kisses me.

“Like a bad wart on my ass, you’re growing on me.”

“Oh ouch, you wound me, love.”

“Oh my god, whatever.” I roll my eyes and then Peacock and Mouse hug me and kiss me. “Break a leg, boys.”

They smile and step on stage.

Like clockwork, Kyle wraps his arms around me, holding me to him as Talon saddles up for his kiss. This time he pushes his erection against me and Kyle strokes it. His mouth falls slack and he lets out a silent moan of delight. I shudder. He takes my cheeks in his hands, kissing me with ferocious need. When he pulls back, he looks deep into my eyes. “I love you.” I whisper, unable to stop it.

“Ditto, angel.” He kisses me two more times.

“Go kick some ass.” I rub my nose against his.

“See you on stage,” he smirks and winks.

Kyle’s arms tighten around me and I turn in his arms. I cup his cheeks, pulling my lips to his. I tease his lower lip open with my tongue and slide it inside. Our tongues dance with each other; I’m lit up from within. Ready, willing and wanting to take him right here and now. I pull back. “I love you,” I tell him.

He smiles a very happy satisfied smile. “I love you,” he says back to me and I melt into his arms just as the band picks up with their first song.

The arrangement has been altered for tonight and going forward. We’re going to do ‘Your Eyes’ about thirty minutes into the set, then do ‘To Be Free’ about an hour and fifteen into it. Giving the guys a chance to take a breather and tonight is the debut of ‘To Be Free’. I’m really nervous, but so excited because my mom is in the audience to see it.

Kyle and I dance backstage, enjoying each other’s company while Talon does his thing until the sound guy shows up to set up my microphone. Once I’m all hooked up, the song before mine comes to an end and I can hear Mouse and Peacock teasingly play the chords of ‘Your Eyes’ and the crowd goes wild.

“Ladies and gentlemen, you’re in for a very special treat tonight.” The crowd erupts into cheers of ‘Addison’ and I can see Talon smiling wide. He cups his hand to his ear urging the crowd to get louder. I laugh nervously and Kyle hugs me close. “I can’t hear you,” Talon growls into the microphone. I can see Dex all but laughing behind his drums. “You want Addison?” Talon asks the crowd and their screams reach deafening levels. “Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor and pleasure to introduce to you the one and only Addison Beltrand!”

The crowd erupts again and their energy is palpable. I can feel every ounce of it pouring into my veins as I walk across the stage. I wave to the cheering crowd as I come to stand next to him and he holds me to his hip.

“So what do you say, angel? Should we give them what they want?” he asks me out loud and into the microphone.

“I don’t know, I don’t think they’re excited enough.”

I can’t see much of what’s in front of me, but I can see the stands off to the side and everyone is on their feet, clapping and screaming. Talon gives the signal to the guys and they kick up with the full volume version of ‘Your Eyes’.

Talon starts singing and I feel so animated tonight. I actually feel very comfortable on stage and Talon and I begin to move around. We only come back together for the final chorus, the crowd is singing along with us and it’s crazy and trippy and oh my god, A-Mazing.

We finish out the song and Talon has a very shit eating grin on his face. He kisses me, hot and heavy right on stage and the crowd cheers us on. Finally, he releases me and I leave the stage with a wave and the band picks right up into their next song. I walk right into Kyle’s arms and he holds me close.

“Wow, baby girl, that was amazing. It’s starting to feel natural, isn’t it?”

I nod. “I think so. Either that, or it’s because my mom’s here.”

“Well, whatever it is, capitalize on it because when you’re out there and you’re performing, you light up the stage. Why you never wanted to be a singer is beyond me. But should you decide to make a career out of it, Talon and I will be right by your side,” he says with such pride and love that I can’t help but to kiss him.

Talon and the guys continue their rocking performance and I can tell by watching Talon that he’s jazzed up and more excited the closer we get to ‘To Be Free’. Finally the song right before starts to play and I get a little freaked out. I asked Talon to let me do something special before the performance, I haven’t told him what, but he agreed without a second thought.

They finish out the song and the band clears the stage. They pass Kyle and me and I get a round of high fives as they walk past.

“Alright Kansas City, remember when I told you that I had a special treat for you tonight?” The crowd goes wild. “Please welcome back to the stage Ms. Addison Beltrand.” The crowd goes insane again and I walk on stage to more cheers and screams and the excitement is flowing through my veins again.

“What’s going on Kansas City?” The crowd responds wildly to me talking. “Are you guys having fun tonight?” They scream and holler some more. I look at Talon and he smiles wildly at me. I turn back to the audience. “Talon and I have a very special treat for you tonight. A never before heard treat, just for you, so if you’re gonna video tape this on your cell phones, I pray you have battery life left.” Talon laughs. I can hear him in the feedback, though he’s some distance away from me, grabbing his chair and his guitar. “It is an honor and a privilege to be here with 69 Bottles and an even bigger honor to debut 69 Bottles’ new single in front of a very special woman in my life who is sitting right over here.” I gesture to my left and see her flinch so I know I’ve found her. “This one’s for you.”

I turn back to Talon who is smiling from ear to ear as he starts to strum his guitar. He takes it through the chorus once and then he starts singing. The crowd goes crazy, but settles quickly so they can hear him sing. I can’t stop staring at how beautiful he is with his guitar in front of him. He finishes the first verse and the lights change to me.

Just like we practiced, I sing my part. Singing to the audience who is cheering and dancing. I can see my mom and I smile at her. Then the chorus picks up and Talon and I both sing our parts.

We go back to a verse for him and a verse for me. As I finish my verse I walk toward him and come to stand behind him as we finish out our song together and then Talon takes it home.

When he’s done, the crowd gets impossibly loud as Talon sets down his guitar, stands and grabs my hand, pulling me to the front of the stage. The crowd starts chanting “we want more” and Talon and I look at each other before he looks back to the crowd. “The one and only Addison Beltrand,” Talon says, raising my arm into the air. The crowd’s roaring and my adrenaline is pumping.

I take a bow, and the crowd is crazy, bouncing up and down. Talon kisses me again, spurring them on even more before I back away from him, letting the distance separate us. He blows me a kiss as I duck behind the curtain.

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