Everything Can Be Bought 1: Indecent

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Everything Can Be Bought 1: Indecent

Scarlett Skyes


Published by Scarlett Skyes


Copyright 2013 Scarlett Skyes


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All characters and events are entirely fictional and any resemblances to persons living or dead and circumstances are purely coincidental.  All sex acts depicted occur between characters 18 years or older.

Perhaps I didn’t like French cuisine, or perhaps it was the fact that my heart had just taken up residence in the middle of my throat and it was a struggle just to get air through, let alone food.  I stared over the table at my mom and her new boyfriend, Eric Lockwood, and thought I must look about as white as a piece of paper with a cold sweat as an added bonus.

How could Eric sit there, talking, joking, eating with my mother as if he hadn’t just roughly fucked my virginity away during the car ride over here?  I never would have let him touch me if I had known
was dating my mom, he had pretended to be somebody else!

The seat in the booth was plush, the material of my dress was slinky-soft, but my first time had been anything but gentle and I was nursing a dull ache between my legs that made my breath catch any time I shifted positions.  It was safe to say there had been no love-making… just me getting

To make matters worse, there hadn’t even been the mention of a condom.  I wasn’t on any kind of birth control, why would I be?  I hadn’t been anticipating even receiving my first kiss, let alone what he had unleashed on me.

So now I could practically feel those millions of sperm inside my fertile teen body, just doing what they exist to do, seeking out my eggs, wiggling around trying to get me pregnant.  The heat of his seed was like drinking a cup of hot chocolate, spreading throughout my body.

I was stuck there between the devil and the deep blue sea too.  I couldn’t relax my poor abused pussy, lest our combined sex-juices leak down my leg in this classy restaurant, and on the other hand, wasn’t holding it all in making it more likely that he got me pregnant?  I had no idea.

It wasn’t like my panties would catch anything.  Oh no, even now he had them in his pocket as he clinked his champagne glass with my mother’s.  I could feel the evidence of our, no
, transgression slowly seeping out because, despite my best efforts, I couldn’t hold it all back.

My mother was holding out her glass to me and clearing her throat, apparently I had been addressed in some way.  Without thinking about it, I picked up my glass and touched it to hers without a word, trying to concentrate over the booming in my ears.

“This girl doesn’t take a hint does she?” asked Eric.

I looked back to my mother, my face surely a mask of confusion.  The feeling was only intensified when I tried to comprehend why she was still holding her glass out to me and doing an extremely over-the-top display of looking around nonchalantly.

Then I saw it.  Since she had begun dating Eric, she had been showered with gifts.  New dresses and sparkly jewellery were no longer out of the ordinary for her, so I hadn’t noticed.

Left hand, the one holding the glass, ring finger, a big fat diamond on a gold band.  At that moment, anybody in the room could have been forgiven for thinking that the eighteen year old girl who
been sitting in the booth had been replaced by a simple deer in the headlights.




This couldn’t possibly be happening, surely I was dreaming.  The fire between my legs was as effective as any pinch to the arm could have been though.  This was real.

When I got my mom alone I would tell her, she’d call it all off, and life could go back to, if not ‘the good old days,’ then at least back to normal.  Somehow, I made it through the meal.


My opportunity to talk to my mother didn’t come as soon as I had hoped.  For the first time in their relationship, if you could call it that, he came back to our place and stayed the night.  Eric’s driver helped carry up the huge number of shopping bags from our spending spree that afternoon, putting everything in my room.

I excused myself for the evening and left them alone to watch TV and talk, my heart still beating like I was in full fight-or-flight mode.  If I didn’t manage to calm down I would have a heart attack, so I sat on my bed and took several deep breaths, bringing myself more or less under control.

Eric Lockwood.  Where had I heard the name before today?  It sounded so familiar.  If I was any of the other students at my school I would have just got on the internet and looked him up, but we were dirt poor, I’d have to wait until school the next day.  If I went.

Oh my God… if I didn’t do something, this guy would be my step-dad… and he made me call him ‘daddy’ when he fucked me in the back of his car.  Oh my God.

The thought brought an image to my mind of his huge cock in my hand as I stroked it, and I pushed it aside mentally with all the shame and indignation I could muster.  I was disappointed that I couldn’t muster
… and that I had automatically licked my lips when I pictured the scene.

On the bed with me was a box, sealed with a pretty red ribbon.  I frowned, not recognising it from any of the shopping done that afternoon, and tugged at the bow, which pulled apart with silky ease.

Pulling the top off I looked inside to see a school uniform for my school, with regulation-black shoes, all brand new.  I thought back to all the teasing I’d endured over the years for my second-hand uniforms, all the wrong sizes and completely worn out because it was all we could afford.

My hand reached out to touch it, as if it was the most beautiful Cinderella-Ball-Dress I’d ever seen, but I snatched it back before I made contact.

“No.  No, God dammit.  You can’t buy me, Eric Lockwood.”

I shoved the box on to the floor.


My alarm clock woke me up at 7am sharp, but I was far from ready to meet the day.  Our apartment was small, the walls were thin, but I counted myself lucky to have my own room.

Until the age of thirteen I had shared with my Mom, and last night would have been beyond unbearable if that had still been the case.  Twice I was woken by the sounds of my mom being ravaged every bit as hard as I had been the previous day, even with the pillow over my head blocking her squeals and his assurances that he was going to cum in her ass, I could still hear,
, the thuds of the headboard against the wall.

The arrogance of the man, the sheer unabashed arrogance, was mind-boggling.  How he could be so unconcerned with how I would react was beyond me.  Surely he must know that I would be outraged.

After my shower, I pulled the crumpled heap of my old school uniform out of my backpack, where I had stashed it after my unexpected shopping spree the previous day.  My heart sank when I looked at it.  More than ever it looked like the threadbare, patched, second-hand junk that it was.

It’s not like my head was dunked in the toilet at school or I had the crap beaten out of me, but the popular girls made life hell, there was no two ways about it.  I never knew if it was going to be a neutral day or a crappy day full of subtle or blatant insults, making fun of me, making fun of my mom, belittling my whole life.

The new uniform sitting in the tipped-over box at the foot of my bed was too little too late, such ‘finery’ would have no impact on my social standing at school, not with only a month to go in my entire high school career.  But still… it would be nice to not be asked if I stole my shoes from a homeless person.  My resolution to not wear anything he bought me crumbled like a sand sculpture in a paint mixer.

These days I was normally out of the door before my mom was out of bed because I needed to catch a bus to school and it wasn’t the speediest of journeys.  I prayed that Eric would stay there with her until after I was gone, but it wasn’t to be.

I didn’t even hear him enter the kitchen, I was bent over a cupboard putting the bag of rolled oats away when I heard an appreciative murmur from behind me.

“Mmmhmm, that’s just what I like to see in the morning,” he said.

The new uniform was a comfortable fit, but the skirt was
regulation.  Bent over like that, my legs would have been on display almost up to the creases where my thighs met my ass.  I stood bolt upright so fast I almost felt dizzy.

I turned and saw him standing there leaning against the doorframe like he owned the place.  Against the backdrop of our shabby apartment, his expensive suit and his immaculately groomed features were accentuated like an oasis of wealth in the poverty-desert.

My face went red at the comment, then went an even deeper shade when I felt my heart flutter at the crude compliment.  It wasn’t fair!  How could he make me feel anything but hatred?  Nothing made sense.

I picked up my bag, and tried to squeeze past him without saying anything, feeling his hand give my ass a hard squeeze as I did so.  I gasped and rushed out the front door, a good twenty minutes early for my bus.

Any snarky comments diverted by my pristine school uniform found a new chink in my armour when I hadn’t completed any of my homework for any of my classes that day.  As each teacher reprimanded me, the snickering of the girls became louder and I overheard a few spiteful little comments.

At least the boys weren’t joining in, they were too busy looking at my legs.  One even said I looked nice today.  That was a first.  I wondered how long the work of that beauty clinic I’d been treated to would last.

I went to the library and used one of the computers to look up Eric Lockwood, I knew I had heard the name before.  A little biographical article filled me in.

Most of the country had heard of him as the person who had, fresh out of law school, burned himself with a cup of tea in a fast food restaurant, suing the fast-food multi-national for a huge sum of money.  After that they had to alter the writing on their cups to include a warning about the obvious.

Quite a win for ‘the little guy’ over a corporate monster, but Eric didn’t sit on his ass and retire a rich man.  Oh no.  He went overseas where the fast food giant hadn’t yet updated their packaging, burned himself with another cup of tea, and sued them again.

Of course it raised questions about his motivations but apparently he was so persuasive, so dominant, in the courtroom that he won again.  Since then he’d struck out as a venture capitalist, and absolutely destroyed his direct competition on legal technicalities whenever he decided that his market share wasn’t big enough.

A billionaire shortly after he turned thirty, he’d been absolutely untouchable for more than a decade now.  That was the kind of track record that bred the arrogance, the self-confidence, that I had witnessed first-hand.

And now… here he was right in the middle of my life, he’d taken my virginity and my mom’s hand in marriage.  What else did he want, and what could I do to stop him?


I was still trying to work out what I would say to my mom when I arrived home that afternoon.  I still had a few hours before she returned from work and I hoped she hadn’t handed in her notice yet under the false impression that she was marrying a billionaire.

Entering my room I had every intention of powering through as much homework as I could, regular and penalty homework included, but when I opened the door I saw somebody else was already at my desk, filling in some kind of form.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

Eric turned on the chair and faced me, fixing me with that cold blue gaze that gave me a surprise hot flush as I stood there in the doorway.  For a moment he didn’t answer, just took the opportunity to look me up and down, as if admiring his creation, the poor girl who had been showered with gifts and was now dressed in all new clothes with a new haircut, a whole new style.  He looked at me like he owned me.

“I was just doing some paperwork,” he said, standing up and approaching me.  “Filling in this form for your credit card.  I wasn’t sure whether your monthly limit should be five thousand or ten thousand.  What do you think?”

“I… I don’t want it,” I said, struggling not to think of the possibilities that little piece of plastic would enable.

“Don’t be ridiculous.  No step-daughter of mine is going to live like this,” he said, with a dismissive gesture at the apartment and everything in it.

“Do you really think my mom is going to marry you when she hears what you did?”

“Of course, she knew about it before it even happened.  Do you think there would even be an engagement without you as part of the deal?”


“Oh yes,” he said, stepping even closer in my confusion, “As soon as I saw that picture of the two of you online, I knew I could have everything I wanted.  A beautiful older woman for the public eye, and a tight teen pussy for behind closed doors… and an heir.”

“An heir?”

“Yes.  You’ll surrender your body to me,
, provide me the heir your mother can’t, and in return you’ll get everything you ever wanted, even all the things you couldn’t admit to
that you wanted.”

My mind was reeling.  Surely it couldn’t be possible that my mom
what he had done.  How could she let him fuck me?  Fuck both of us?  Try to get me pregnant
Suddenly I noticed how close he was and his presence, the scent of his expensive cologne, cut into my train of thought.

I stared at his chest, not daring to look up into his eyes.  Having him so near only served to remind me of the previous day when we had been as close as two people could possibly be, my pussy still ached faintly from the abuse he had unleashed on it.

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