CRASH: An Evil Dead MC Story (The Outlaw Series) (40 page)

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gave him another dreamy smile. “Okay.”


The next morning, Crash woke before Shannon. He slipped out of bed and
went to the bathroom. When he returned, his eyes fell on her body as she lay in
the bed on her stomach. She was facing away from him, one leg canted up, the
sheet fallen away, and her body completely bare. His eyes trailed down the
beautiful sensual curve of her body. The gorgeous line of her spine that led
down to the dimples at the small of her back, poised over her perfect heart
shaped ass, down her long, slender legs. Her golden skin in contrast to the
bright white of the sheets, her hair spread out over the pillow. In a spur of
the moment action, he picked up his cell phone from the bedside table and took
a picture of her lying there, so perfectly beautiful.

Still holding the phone, he crawled in next to her. His eyes were on the
photo, and he was smiling when she shifted, turning to look at him through
sleepy eyes. He looked up from the screen and saw the serene expression on her
face as she smiled at him.

“Good morning,” she murmured.

He couldn’t help himself from lifting the phone and snapping another
photo. A close-up of her smiling face. Then he set it on the bedside table and
slid closer to her. “Good morning, Princess.” He brushed a soft kiss on her
lips as his hand stroked over her bare back, down her spine, to the curve of
her bottom.


Shannon’s eyes slid closed again as she enjoyed the feel of his touch,
his hands stroking gently over her skin. His touch was tender, loving and
affectionate without turning sexual. It felt good that they could share this.
That they could be intimate without it being just about sex.

She opened her eyes and looked at him. Crash was turned on his side, his
head propped in his hand, his eyes on his hand stroking her bottom.



“I don’t even know your real name.”

He grinned, and his hand slid up, picking her hand up where it lay on
the pillow between them, and he brought it to his lips, brushing a kiss on the
backs of her knuckles. “Tyler Shaw.”

She grinned back. Her hand reached out, the back of her index finger stroking
down his light beard. “Tyler, huh?”

His hand released hers and drifted down to her thigh, his eyes following
as the backs of his fingers stroked softly from her upper thigh to her knee.

“Angel told me you were married once before.”

“Yup.” His eyes still on her leg.

“Yup? That’s it?”

He met her searching gaze. “You really want to talk about this?”


He grinned when she gave his word back to him. “It was when I first
moved out here. It lasted about three years.”

“What went wrong?”

He shrugged. “I was too young. Too wild. I just wasn’t in family mode.”

“Was she?”

“She wanted kids. I didn’t. She got tired of waiting for me to be

Shannon thought about his words, not responding.

“At least she had the decency to not force that down my throat.”

“Force it down your throat?”

“I’m just saying I respect her for not just turning up pregnant and
making me deal with it, when she knew I didn’t want that.”

Shannon nodded, thinking about how good he was with Melissa, she’d
thought he’d make a great father someday. She’d never expected that he didn’t
want kids.

He looked over at her. “You’re being quiet.”

It was her turn to shrug. “Just surprised, I guess.”

“Surprised? How?”

“I just didn’t expect that. That you didn’t want kids. The way you are
with Melissa, I never would have thought you didn’t want to be a father.”

“Shannon, that was then.”

She looked at him blankly.

“That was years ago. Before Melissa came into my life. Things change.
I’ve changed.”

“So, now…”

“I think about it sometimes. I’m not gonna lie, it still scares the shit
outta me, but I think I’m in a place now in my life where I could see it as a

She rolled to her back and grinned. “You know accidents happen, even if
you’re careful.”

“Not if you remember to take that pill every day, they don’t.” His eyes
bored into hers.

“Crash, even if it’s taken conscientiously, things happen. There are
some antibiotics that can reduce the pills effectiveness and-”

“Yeah, and all that shit’s spelled out in the paperwork that comes with
the prescription.”

She laughed. “I take it you’ve read it all.”

“Damn straight, I have. Haven’t you?”

She nodded.

He studied her for a while. “Don’t be one of those women, Shannon.”

“What women?”

“Women who turn up pregnant without having that conversation with their
partner, without it being what they both want.”

“I wouldn’t do that.”

“Do you want a baby, sweetheart?”

She looked away. “Someday.”

He brought her chin back to him. “Shannon, do you want a baby?”

“I…I hadn’t really thought about it.”

“Then why is this bothering you?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s just hearing you talk about not
wanting kids. I guess it’s making me think about it.”

“It’s making you realize you do want kids.”

She nodded. “I guess.”

“Baby, we get there, I’m not saying never. I’m not saying no. I’m just
saying I want to be part of the decision.”

She huffed out a laugh.

“What’s funny?”

“This conversation. Considering you
told me your real name.”

He grinned. “Yeah.” He studied her, thinking.

“Now what are

“I’m thinking us having this conversation speaks more to where this
relationship is at, than what name you call me does.” He brushed the hair back
from her face. “So, you think I’d make a good father?”

She smiled. “The way you are with Melissa, yes, I think you’d be a
wonderful father.”

His face lit up, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Maybe I just have a
way with dealing with females.”

“Then you’d better hope for a daughter.”

He fell to his back on the bed. “Hell, she’d have me wrapped.”

Shannon rose up on her elbow, smiling down at him. “Around her little

“Speaking of fingers and wrapped, I know where I’d like your fingers
wrapped. Around my dick.” He took her hand and brought it to him, closing her
hand around him. His hand covered hers as she began to stroke him. He grinned.
“So, what else did Angel tell you?”

She smiled, working over him with her hand, stroking him to life and
watching his body tense and react. His breathing deepened, and her eyes watched
his chest rise and fall. She took in the beauty of that muscled chest.

“Shannon?” he prodded.

Her gaze lifted to his. “I’m sorry, what was the question?”

The corner of his mouth pulled up. “
supposed to be the one losing concentration here.”

She grinned back. “Then I must not be doing it right.”

“You’re doing it right. What else did Angel tell you?”

“Not much.”

“I’m not believing that.” His hips lifted, encouraging her hand.

She smiled, giving him what he wanted. “She said you were into me.”

He moved without warning, rolling on top of her and sliding inside her
in one hard thrust. His arms were braced, keeping the majority of his weight
off her as he stared down into her face. “I’m into you pretty good right now.”

“Crash,” she panted. “That’s not what she meant.”

He hovered over her and gave her a slow glide in and out and back in,
staring into her eyes. “Yeah, darlin’.” He dipped his head, brushing a kiss to
her forehead. “I’m into you.” His nose glided along her face until his mouth
was at her ear, where he whispered, “I’m into you so deep, I may never find my
way out.”


Crash pull back and stared down at her.

“Baby,” she breathed, her face softening at his words, and she slid her
hands to his face, pulling his head down and brushing his lips with a gentle
kiss that only flamed the fire that was already building inside him.

An instinctive drive to dominate her surged through him. It was a
compulsion to lead, a need to control. His weight came down on her, and he
deepened the kiss, growling as he caught her hands in his, lacing their fingers
and pressing them to the mattress. She yielded, giving in so sweetly, opening
to him and letting him take.

He tightened his grip on her hands as his body flexed and moved above
her, driving into her slowly, forcefully, powerfully. He held her gaze, and
then as if inexplicably drawn by some instinct, his head dipped as his eyes
were pulled down her body to where they were joined. He watched for several
strokes as he slid in and out of her. “I like watching you take me,” he panted.
“I like seeing those beautiful legs spread open for me, letting me in. I like
watching you give it all to me.”

She moaned, her legs wrapping around him, locking him to her.

He lifted his head, his eyes piercing hers. “Is that mine? Is that all
mine, Shannon?”

She nodded, her gorgeous eyes big, the pupils dilated fully, they, too,
taking him in.

“Say it,” he commanded.

“It’s yours. All yours.”

“You good with that?” he pressed.


“And if I don’t want to give it back, you good with that, too?” he

“Yes, baby. I’m good with that.”

He smiled as he slammed into her. “Better than good?”

“Better than good.” She smiled back. “Always pushing for more, aren’t

He slammed into her again. “That can be a good thing, too, baby.”

“A real good thing,” she agreed.


that afternoon, Shannon walked out of a boutique wearing a cute little super-soft
stretch lace halter top in gold that she’d purchased. It looked nice with the
low rider jeans she bought. She had her other outfit in the bag as she walked
out to the street. Pausing on the sidewalk, she looked down at Crash, where his
bike was parked at the curb.

was asleep on his bike waiting for her to come out of the shop. He lay
backwards, his ass in the seat, his shoulders leaning back against the gas tank
and his legs propped up on the rear fender. His arms were folded, and his eyes
were closed. She couldn’t begin to imagine how he was balanced so perfectly
that he didn’t fall off.

smiled and quickly pulled her camera from her bag and took a photo of him.
Looking down at the screen, she knew it was a good shot and grinned, thinking
she’d have to show it to him later. Tucking the camera back into her bag, she
happened to glance down the street. What she saw had her freezing in place.

men were walking out of a restaurant about a block down. They were dressed in
dark suits and stuck out like a sore thumb. One was average looking, but big
with a goatee. The other was shorter and stockier with a shaved head. Even from
a distance, she recognized them immediately. She’d spent enough time with them
following her everywhere like her own personal shadow. They were Nicklaus’s
men. The men he had constantly keeping track of her. She knew it wasn’t for her
own protection, but rather so he could keep her under his thumb at all times. Somehow
they’d tracked her here. Did that mean they knew about her going to the MC? Did
they know about Crash? Did they know she was with him?

she watched, they got in their black SUV and pulled out, thankfully turning in
the opposite direction.

felt her heart race, and a cold sweat break out all over her skin. A sick
feeling in the pit of her stomach had her staggering a step. She had to get out
of here. She had to get Crash to take her out of here. She glanced down the
street. How could she possibly get Crash to leave town without raising his
suspicions? They’d just gotten here. Her mind scrambled for a way out.

stared down at Crash and bit her lip.


dinner that night, Crash was standing at the counter of the local mom and pop
drug store flipping through a magazine and waiting for Shannon. Finally, she
met him at the counter. With her shopping basket over her arm, she began
unloading the few items onto the counter.

glanced over. What he saw had him pausing mid-page-flip. What the fuck? When
she’d insisted he stop here, he’d assumed it was for tampons or some other
chick shit.


no!” His exclamation had her pausing, the box of hair dye in her hand hanging
in mid-air as she looked at him quizzically.

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