CRASH: An Evil Dead MC Story (The Outlaw Series) (38 page)

BOOK: CRASH: An Evil Dead MC Story (The Outlaw Series)
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He turned her chin, bringing her eyes back to his. “Talk to me.”

She shook her head and countered with a smile, “Shut up and kiss me.”

His eyes searched hers as if he was considering the wisdom of continuing
to press her to talk. Finally, he lowered his mouth to hers, brushing her lips
softly. One soft kiss led to another and another. This time he was good to his
word. His touch was gentle. He took his time, seducing her slowly, patiently.
His touch moving over every inch of her skin.

And this time she was free to touch him as well, and she did. She wanted
to explore him all over, every muscle, every hollow, every tattoo. Slowly, they
both stoked the banking embers back into a hotly burning blaze.

The second time he sank into her, they were face to face, taking in each
other’s every reaction, studying the emotions as they crossed each other’s
face. He seemed to want to savor every touch, every stroke, every sensation.

This time when he shuddered his release, he was looking right in
Shannon’s eyes, and she felt the connection that was beginning to develop
between them deepen and intensify.


Later, as they settled in, Crash could feel Shannon rolling over for
what had to be the fourth time. She just kept tossing and turning in the
sheets. The covers slid off him, and he made a grab for them. “Baby, settle
down. Damn, you’re restless in bed.”

She slugged the pillow. “Sorry, I’m restless.”

“Even after that incredible bout of sex we just had?” He grinned and
teased, “Even after that incredible bout of my awesomeness I just bestowed upon

She smiled and teased right back, “Oh, your awesomeness is pretty
incredible, all right.” Then with more seriousness, she continued, “I just don’t

His movements froze. “What do you mean, you don’t sleep?”

“I don’t sleep.”

His brows shot up. “Ever?”

She shrugged.

He stared at her. “So you mean every night you’ve been lying in this bed
while I’ve been out on the couch, you’ve been in here wide awake?”

She nodded. “I toss and turn and my mind just keeps going over and over
things like an endless loop in my head.” She looked over at him and made a move
to get out of bed. “I’m sorry. I have some sleeping pills I can take.”

He grabbed her arm, stopping her. “Like hell you will.”


Putting his arm around her, he pulled her to him. “C’mere, sweetheart.
Lay your head down on my chest.” He put his palm to her head, guiding her head
down. Her arm wrapped around his abs, and she snuggled against his heat. “Can
you hear my heartbeat?”

She nodded against him.

“Just lay there, and clear your mind of all those crazy thoughts running
around in that pretty head of yours, and just concentrate on my heartbeat.” He
began to run his fingers through her hair, stroking her head, his fingers
occasionally running back and forth across her forehead, as if he were wiping
those thoughts away.

She listened to his heartbeat. Ba-bump. Ba-bump.

“Take a deep breath,” he instructed.

She did. A deep, cleansing breath.

“Let it all go, Shannon. For a few hours, just let it all go.”

She listened to the sound of his deep voice, his soothing deep voice and
felt his chest rise and fall with his breathing.

“No more worries, Princess. Let it all go.”

He continued to stroke her head as his heart beat beneath her ear,
steady and strong, lulling her with its comforting rhythm.

Five minutes later, she was out like a light. He dipped his chin to
glance down at her and smiled.




Crash woke up to the feeling of a soft warm naked female body pressed up
against him. Turning his head, he breathed in the light floral scent of her
shampoo as he nuzzled her head. He came up on his elbow and looked down at her.
Goddamn, she was beautiful, especially all soft and tousled and looking
sexually sated.

It had been a while since he had woken to a woman in his bed. And never
in all his years to one this stunningly beautiful. Sure, he’d had his share of
women, but usually not here, and they almost never stayed the night.

Last night, he’d been rough, taking what he wanted, barely able to
control himself after being so sexually aroused for weeks. And yet, she’d taken
everything he’d had to give, and goddamn if she didn’t seem to like it, to want

But he wanted her to know he could be gentle, too. He wanted to make
sure she knew that her satisfaction was just as important to him. With that in
mind, he brushed a soft kiss to her lips and slid down between her legs. She
moaned and turned her head, but didn’t awaken.

He smiled and nuzzled her, his tongue swiping gently over her. Her leg
shifted. He grasped her cheeks and pulled her to him, holding her still as his
mouth worked over her. She began shifting, thrashing. Her fingers threaded
through his hair, and he looked up her body, his eyes connecting with her
sleepy ones.

“Crash,” she protested, trying to pull away. He held her still.

“Let me, Princess. Don’t pull away.”

She relaxed back and let him have his way, moaning with pleasure at his
ministrations. It wasn’t long before he had her teetering on the sharp edge of
ecstasy. His arms stretched up, his hands closing over her breasts. He took a
nipple in each thumb and forefinger and twisting and pinching, he sent her
hurtling over the edge into a frenzied bliss.

He only gave her a moment’s respite to float back down to earth before
his powerful body slid up over her. Brushing the hair back from her face, he
grinned down at her. “Good morning.”

She smiled back. “Yes, it’s definitely starting off good.”

“You on the pill, Princess?” he asked.

She blinked at the change in topic. “Yes, of course. Why?”

He smiled. “Because I’m wanting to take you bare. I’m clean, I swear.”

She searched his eyes.

“Baby, I’d never put you at risk. I’d never do that to you.”

“All right, I want that, too.”

He kissed her as he lifted and plunged inside of her. He gritted his
teeth. “Fuck, baby. My God you feel incredible. Hot and wet and fucking heaven.”
He began thrusting, his body moving over hers, his muscles flexing with every
long deep stroke. His mouth latched onto the skin below her ear, and he sucked.
Her moaning response drove his thrusts into a more urgent rhythm, his strokes
beginning to accelerate.

“Oh, God, baby. That feels so good,” Shannon moaned beneath him.
“Harder. Please, baby.”

Crash grinned down at her, “Your wish is my command, Princess.” He began
to slam into her, loving the way she writhed against him, meeting him stroke
for stroke.

good. So good,” she was panting beneath him when Crash lifted his head, a sound
catching his attention. His thrusts slowed as he heard the roar of several
bikes thundering up the street.
The windows in the skylight shook with the vibrations of the roar of
angry engines.
paused to listen as the garage door downstairs started to roll slowly up.


The horde rumbled in off the street. The thunder of straight pipes
reverberated through the ground level garage and up through the elevator shaft,
rattling the chain-divider.
felt Shannon stiffen under him.

Someone’s coming.”

shit. And judging by the pipes, I’d say about four someone’s are coming. Give
me another minute, and I will be, too,” he replied with a grin as he increased
the rhythm of his strokes again.

my God. Who is it?”

one person’s got the code, babe. Cole.”

can’t get the elevator down, can he? I mean, it’s locked, right?” A moment
later, they both heard the elevator creak and rattle as it started its descent.


his hurry last night, he’d forgotten to lock it.

thrashed under him, slugging him in his shoulder, hissing, “Crash!”

continued his thrusting, knowing he only had another minute. “Sorry,
sweetheart. I guess I was a little distracted last night.”

you have to stop,” she pleaded as the elevator door slammed open below.

give me another minute, Princess,” he teased with a grin and t
hrusting with deep,
long strokes, he rode her hard.


pounded into her, almost there. He could hear the elevator starting its ascent.
He looked down at her, watching her tits jiggle with every slam of his hips
against her thighs. He was sure the sound of their skin slapping together would
carry through the loft. As the gate of the elevator banged open, he thrust into
her one final time, his release shooting into her as his body went solid above
her, his breathing sawing in and out.

could hear their boots on the cement floor. Christ, did Cole bring the whole
damn crew? As his body collapsed down onto Shannon’s soft body, Crash heard
Cole ordering one of the guys to make coffee.

Shannon hissed in his ear. “Oh, my God.”

baby. You’re fine.” He kissed her on the mouth as he rose above her onto his
elbows, his strong biceps blocking anyone’s view of her tits. The sheet was
down across his lower back. Still buried deep inside her, he nuzzled her neck
and murmured, “Relax.”

heard the paperclips tinkle. Twisting, he looked over his shoulder to see Cole
leaning against one of the four-posters at the end of the bed. One arm stroking
his jaw and the other behind his back, a big grin on his face. “Mornin’,

“I shoulda known you’d come,” Crash replied.

“Like I could stay away.” Cole made a kissy face at him. “And judging by
the sheen on your back, brother, I’d say you just came as well.”

Crash groaned as he slid his cock free of Shannon and moved off her body,
pulling the sheet over her as he rolled to his back. She clutched the sheet to
her chest, her fists clenched. Looking over at her, he pulled one hand free and
lifted it to his mouth, kissing the knuckles. Her eyes were glued to their
visitor. As he watched her, a look of total mortification came over her face.
Crash glanced back at Cole. He’d brought the hand from behind his back and now,
dangling from his hooked index finger were Shannon’s purple lace bra and panty.

“Lose something, sweetheart?”

Fuck. He was gonna kill Cole. Pulling a pillow from behind his head he
threw it at him. “Get the fuck out.”

Cole ducked the pillow. As he straightened, his eyes moved to Shannon,
and he observed softly, “I see you survived.”

“Were you worried about me, Cole? Did you come to check on me?” she

He tossed the lingerie on the bed and winked at her, before his eyes
moved to Crash. “Get out of bed. We got business to discuss.”

“You could’ve called,” Crash replied, one hand dropping to the sheet
covering his cock, and he wiped himself dry.

“I did, shithead. Apparently, you were too busy to answer.”

“Yeah, that should’ve clued you in,” Crash grumbled as he pushed the
sheet back and stood up in all his naked glory. He pulled his jeans on, tucked
himself in, but left the placket undone. As he saw Cole’s smirking eyes move
from him to Shannon, he growled, “That’s all the show you’re gonna get. Get the
fuck out.”

Cole chuckled and walked out.

Crash leaned down, his palms on the bed next to Shannon’s head. His
voice softened, his eyes holding more compassion for her predicament as he gave
her a quick kiss, ordering, “Stay right there. We’re not done yet.”

“You’re joking.”

“Nope.” He brushed another tender kiss on her lips and pulled back. As
he moved out of the room, he pulled one of his folded tee shirts off the top of
the dresser and tossed it to her. Then he walked out of the bedroom. Following
the scent of fresh brewing coffee, he moved to the kitchen.

Green was standing with one hand on the freezer door, studying a box of
frozen waffles in his other hand. “Why does he buy this brand of waffles? I
hate this brand.”

“You know, you could solve that problem by having breakfast in your own
damn house,” Crash replied, moving toward the coffee pot. He pulled the carafe
from the burner and poured himself a mug.

Turning he leaned back against the counter, taking a sip. He squinted
his tired eyes at his visitors, taking in Cole, Red Dog, Wolf and Green. His palm
slid down his bare chest, over his abs to his belly just above the still
unbuttoned jeans, scratching. He yawned listening to their banter as Green tore
into the box and dropped a couple waffles in the toaster.

“They’re making my kid kiss a girl in a school play,” Red Dog was
saying, nursing a cup of coffee.

“They made me kiss a girl once in a school play,” Wolf put in.

“Yeah, but nobody made you sleep with her,” Cole snapped back, not
missing a beat.

“Nope,” Wolf grinned. “Thought that part up all on my own.” He moved
toward the coffeemaker, pouring a cup.

Crash leaned back against the counter, sipping his coffee. He watched
Wolf as he moved to the refrigerator and pulled out some milk, adding it to his
cup. Crash frowned. “What are you doing?”

Wolf looked over at him. “Makin’ a cup of coffee. That okay with you?”

“Since when did you start drinking it light?”

“I don’t.” Wolf grinned. “But Shannon does.”

Crash’s brows shot up. “How the hell do you know how she takes her

Wolf grinned. “Had coffee with her when I brought her the seat.”

“So, you think you’re bringin’ my woman coffee in bed?”

“Well, you appear to be fallin’ down on the job. Guess you don’t know
how to treat a lady.”

“Yeah, like you do.”

“My women never have cause for complaint. I always make sure they are
well taken care of.”

“Somehow I get the feeling Crystal would disagree with that. She didn’t
look too happy with you last night.”

“Women have a tendency to get emotional.”

“Women have a tendency to get emotional when you treat ‘em like crap.”

Wolf tilted his head to the side as if to say ‘don’t even go there’.

“Give me that,” Crash snapped, pulling the mug from Wolf’s hand. He
walked to the bedroom. Moving around the bed, he set the steaming mug down on
the nightstand. Shannon now had the tee shirt on, but she also had the sheet
clutched to her.

Looking up at him, she asked, “Are they leaving?”

He winked at her. “Workin’ on it, babe.” He returned to the kitchen.

“You getcha a morning quickie?” Red Dog asked him with a wink.

Crash glared at him.

“You got time for another.” Red Dog grinned back and offered, “We’ll

“Not real big on rushed sex, Dog,” Crash replied.

“Rushed can be fun. Sometimes me and Mary try to beat the microwave

“That’s gotta be good for
Wolf replied sarcastically

Crash shook his head. “Just stop speaking. All of you.”

Green groaned, touching his swollen face. A puffy bruise showing under
the cut that ran across his upper eye where Crash had split it open with a
couple of elbows to the face last night.

Red Dog looked over at him and growled, “Quit milkin’ this thing.”

“It fuckin’ hurts. Quit bein’ such an asshole about it,” Green snapped

“I prefer to think of myself as gruff, but loveable,” Red Dog responded.

Looking Green over closely, Crash teased him with a grin, “Your face is
blown up like a Puffer fish, Green. Didn’t you read the warning on the
prescription bottle that said ‘alert your doctor right away, these may increase
the risk of certain side effects’?”

“Shut the fuck up, asshole.”

Crash chuckled.

“I see a couple of bruises on
too,” Green replied, nodding toward Crash’s bare torso, where several bruises
showed plainly on his ribs.

“Yeah. You got a couple good shots in, brother. I’ll give you that.”

Red Dog looked over at Green. “Do me a favor. Run down to the bikes and
get me my smokes.”

“I don’t do favors.”

“Come on, Green. This is a chance to redeem your really bad karma.”

“I don’t have bad karma,” Green insisted.

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