CRASH: An Evil Dead MC Story (The Outlaw Series) (39 page)

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Red Dog snorted. “Yeah, right.”

“So, was there a point to this visit?” Crash asked Cole as the toaster
popped up with two steaming waffles. Green moved to get a plate down from the
cabinet and plopped the two waffles down, shaking his fingers out.

“Ow. That’s hot.”

“Make yourself at home, why don’t you,” Crash growled.

Green looked over at him, licking his burnt fingers. “Thanks. I will.”

“Wyatt had some info for Mack last night,” Cole said.

Crash gave Green a final glare, and then he turned to Cole. “Yeah?
What’s that?”

“Devil Kings are stirring shit up.”

“You’re kidding.”

“Nope.” Cole glanced toward the bedroom. Crash knew he was considering the
fact that Shannon could hear them.

“You want to step out on the roof?” Crash offered.

“Nah.” Cole grinned. “You’re busy. I’ll let you get back to what you
were doing.”

“You mean
he was doing,”
Red Dog corrected with a smirk.

Crash glared at Cole. “So, the purpose of this visit was for nothing?”

“Not nothing. Payback for all those early Sunday mornings you rolled up
to the house on me and Angel, brother.”

Crash shook his head and teased, “Angel loves when I visit.”

“She’s cursed you more than once, bro, make no mistake about that.”

Green just sat down at the counter with his plate of waffles.

“Let’s go,” Cole barked.

“What? I haven’t eaten breakfast yet,” Green whined, looking down at his
untouched plate.

“There’s a roll of LifeSavers in my saddle bag. Move!”

“Come on, I haven’t even finished my coffee!”

Red Dog grabbed the coffee can off the counter and pulling the lid off,
he held it out towards Green. “Here, put a pinch between your cheek and gum.”

Cole grabbed Green with both hands in the back sleeve openings of his
cut and jerked him from his barstool, shoving him toward the elevator. “Move!”

“I’m goin’. I’m goin’.” Green shrugged out of his hold.

As the elevator descended, Green shouted back up the shaft. “Hey, by the
way, you’re out of beer.”


picked up Green’s untouched plate of waffles and headed toward the bedroom.
“Breakfast in bed, milady.” He paused. The bed was empty. He glanced over his
shoulder toward the empty bathroom. Setting the plate down on the dresser, he
headed out to the roof.

stood watching the bay bridge, her coffee mug sitting on the ledge of the wall
next to her. His over-large tee shirt falling midway down her bare thighs, and
her tousled long blonde locks tumbling down her back.

approached her from behind. He pressed his chest to her back as he slid his
hands down her arms. When he got to her hands, he took them in his, lacing
their fingers together and wrapped his arms around her, crossing her arms in
front of her. Cuddling her close, his mouth near her ear, he asked, “You okay,
pretty baby?”

nodded against his jaw.

stood that way a long time, neither saying anything. Crash wasn’t sure if
something was bothering her, but he felt the need to hold her, not wanting to
lose that closeness they’d found last night. Finally, he stepped back, turned
her to face him and gathered her close. “C’mere.”

went willingly, burrowing under his jaw, and he enfolded her in his arms, one
hand absently rubbing up and down her back. “There are some things I want to
say to you. Things I need to say to you.”

started to pull away. “Crash, don’t.”

knew she was expecting the standard ‘morning after’ speech. ‘Last night was
fun. Thanks for a good time’. But that wasn’t what he wanted to tell her. He
wanted to talk about important things. Real things. He held tight, not letting
her pull away, not letting her rebuild those walls he’d fought so hard to tear
down. “Quit.”

she started. “We said one night, and I guess we didn’t really think this
through, that I’d still be here the next morning. I’m sure all your women
usually don’t stick around. But here I am, still here. And now I’m sure you’re
rethinking this whole thing. And now it’s going to be awkward and-”

shut up.”


we made was for one night.
That plan went out the window the moment I sank into your sweet welcoming body
last night. You weren’t just some lay, Shannon. You could never be just that.
Do you honestly not feel it? This thing simmering between us…it’s real,
Shannon. It’s fucking real.”

shook her head. “Crash, stop.”

happening between us. At least have the guts to admit that.” She tried to pull
out of his grasp, but he held tight. “We’re gonna have this conversation.”

won the fight. We slept together. That’s all there was to it.”

You wanted me as much as I wanted you. I felt it. I goddamn felt it.”

I wanted to sleep with you. I got what I wanted.” She shrugged. “Don’t make
such a big deal out of it.”

that’s all you wanted? Sex?” She looked at him, her eyes glazing with tears,
and he knew. “I’m not gonna let you pull this bullshit again, Princess.”

what? I’m not pulling anything, Crash,” she insisted.

You are. You think I don’t see what you’re doing? Walls. Fuckin’ walls. Always
throwing up walls between us.” He shook his head. “Not happening, sweetheart.
Not this time. I worked too hard to tear ‘em all down to stand here and let you
build ‘em right back up.”

pulled out of his hold, turning away. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

you do. You know exactly what I’m talking about.”

shook her head, her back to him.

can deny it all you want, but I’m gonna wear you down. And do you know why?
Because I know you, Shannon. And what’s more I understand you. Obviously,
better than you do.”


pulled her around. “Look at me. You and me? Last night? You finally let me in.
Don’t push me away again.” She just stared up at him, and he could see the fear
in her eyes. “Baby, what is it? What are you afraid of? That I’ll jerk you
around? That you’re just another fuck?”

stared at him a long time before admitting with a nod that he’d hit the nail on
the head.

Princess. C’mere.” He pulled her into his arms, his hand cradling the back of
her head. “Never. Never, baby.”

held him, her hands going around his waist.

held her a long time until she finally relaxed in his arms.

shuddered out a long breath and admitted, “I have a hard time trusting, Crash.”


looked up at him and grinned. “Are your brothers still here?”

baby. They’re gone.”

was so embarrassing.”

about that. It won’t happen again.”

sniffled and let out a soft laugh. “You can’t promise that.”

smiled. “No, you’re right, I guess I can’t. But I can do something else.”


you out of here for a few days. Go somewhere just the two of us.”

She pulled back to look at him with an excited smile.

it felt good to make her smile. “Yeah. You ever been to Lake Tahoe?”

shook her head. “You’d take me there? For real?”

laughed. “Yeah. For real.”

go. Let’s go now, Crash.”

baby. But I gotta make a stop at the clubhouse first.”




and Shannon were riding to the clubhouse. They’d packed a couple of changes of
clothes and were going to be on their way out of town as soon as Crash checked
in with Cole. He needed to get the low-down on what trouble the Devil Kings
were stirring up and make sure it was okay if he took off for a couple days.

a mile from the clubhouse, three bikes pulled up on their tail. Crash checked
his mirror. Green, Wolf and Red Dog. About that time, he felt Shannon’s hands
slide up under his tee shirt. She began tickling him. Crash’s bike wobbled as
he jerked in reaction. He heard her giggle in response.

made the turn into the industrial park, heading the two blocks down the
dead-end street to the clubhouse, when Shannon became even bolder. He felt her
hands at the waistband of his jeans, undoing the top button. A moment later, he
felt her reaching inside. With the first stroke of her hand, he almost laid the
bike down.


dropped his left hand from the handle grip and yanked her hand out. And damned
if he didn’t hear her giggle. So, she thought this was funny?

made the turn into the clubhouse and told her over his shoulder, “When I stop
this bike, you better jump off and run, because you are so dead when I get my
hands on you.”

and Angel were sitting in the parking lot, out by the picnic table. A line of
bikes were parked in the lot. All eyes turned to him as he rolled in hot,
flying through the lot.

was already unbuckling her helmet and even before Crash brought the bike to a
stop, she dropped it on the ground and was jumping off the back. Before he
could get the kickstand down, she took off running. Crash jumped off, flinging
his helmet down and took off after her. He chased her around the picnic table
and around the bikes. “C’mere, you little troublemaker!”

second time she ran around the picnic table, trying to keep it between them,
Crash went right up over the top. She squealed and made a dash for it. She
didn’t get two steps before he caught her, tossing her up on his shoulder like
a sack of potatoes. “Your ass is mine now, woman.”

Put me down, you big oaf!” Smack. He cracked his palm on her ass. “Oww!”

up that back-talk and that smart mouth of yours is going to get you in even
more trouble. And believe me, Princess, you’re in plenty already.”


can I borrow your room?” Crash asked as he was passing the picnic table on his
way inside. Cole sent his keys flying through the air. Crash snagged them in
his fist.

put me down!”

sheets are clean, Shannon. I just changed them,” Angel called after them with a

hear that, Princess? Clean sheets. Lucky you,” Crash teased.

me!” she yelled back at him as she hung upside down.

turned his head and sank his teeth into her ass. “Be careful what you wish for,


guys in the lot were all laughing their asses off. Angel pulled her cell phone
out and snapped a picture of Crash with Shannon thrown over his shoulder as he
walked away. She looked at the screen. “Aw, that’s adorable.”

Dog, Wolf and Green dismounted from their bikes and walked over to where Cole
and Angel sat. Cole asked them, “What the hell was that all about?”

were still laughing. “Her hands were all over him, and he was all over the road.
We thought for sure he was gonna lay his bike down,” Wolf supplied.

nodded looking back at the door they went through. “Yup. She deserves an ass
beating for that one.”

Angel protested.

you ever did the same thing, and I almost wrecked us, you wouldn’t sit down for
a week,” he threatened.

smiled and rolled her eyes, not believing him for a minute.

caught the look. “Mama, you think I’m kidding, try me.”


carried Shannon through the bar amid a lot of laughter and ribbing, hoots and
hollers. He continued on up the stairs and down the hall, stopping outside
Cole’s room. He fumbled with the keys and unlocked the door. Carrying her
inside, he dumped her on the bed. She bounced once before landing flat on her
back. “Was that caveman act really necessary?” she snapped.

bet it was, Princess.”


I got a point to make. You don’t pull that shit and get away with it, you
hearin’ me, Shannon?”

looked at the expression on his face. He was really mad. “Crash, I didn’t mean
anything by it. It was just payback for what you did to me this morning. Making
sure Cole saw you on top of me, not letting me up.”

We playin’ that game? What’s next? We gonna start keepin’ score?”


I’m all for having fun—but that shit on the bike just now,” he pointed in the
general direction of the parking lot. “That could have got us both killed. I
ain’t playin’ with you, baby. I’m serious as a heart attack.”

got to her feet. “I-I’m sorry, Crash. I didn’t think you’d be that affected by

didn’t think running your hands all over me and running your hands over my dick
would have an effect on me? Is that what you’re standing there telling me?
Seriously, Shannon?”


got no clue, have you?”

looked at him, frowning.

clue how you effect me.” He moved to her, hooking his fingers in the belt loops
at her hips and pulling her to him, her crotch up against his. “Babe, until
last night…my dick’s been in hell. I’ve been hard for you for two weeks. Since
the day you walked into Marty’s rolling that damn suitcase behind you. You
pulled those damn designer shades off, and I melted right there.”

didn’t even like me when we first met.”

like your stuck up attitude. Didn’t mean my dick didn’t respond.”

a romantic.” She rolled her eyes.

want romance, sweetheart? Or you want real?”

cocked her head to the side. “I’ll pick romance.”


up, and kiss me.”

I can do better than that, Princess.” He picked her up and came down on the bed
on top of her.




hours later, they pulled into South Lake Tahoe. Crash rode up Lake Tahoe Blvd
along the shore. They passed a brewery pub, and he pulled into a motel within
walking distance. They climbed off the bike, and he went in and got them a

minutes later, Crash unlocked the door to their room, and they entered. It was
just a basic, no frills room. He tossed there gear on the dresser and threw
himself on his back on the queen size bed. “C’mere, little girl,” he invited
with a waggle of his eyebrows.

smiled and jumped on top of him.

Damn, babe.”


rolled her under him. “You tired, pretty baby?”

little stiff from being on the bike, but it was a beautiful ride up here.”

it was. How about we go get a bite to eat, maybe try out that brewery? We can
walk there. Then we can come back here, and I’ll ravish your body.” He began to
tickle her.

squealed. “Crash, stop. I give.”

strolled hand in hand down to the brewery pub. There was a nice outdoor area in
front, so they ate outside, enjoying the end of the beautiful day. After they’d
finished, they sat and had a beer watching the traffic go by and listening to
the music that came from the pub.

they strolled back to the motel and took a long hot shower together. Shannon
barely cleared the door of the room, before Crash was pulling her clothes off
and dragging her into the shower. Pushing her back under the steamy spray, he
picked up a bar of soap and soaped her body, his big hands running all over her
slick skin.

bar of soap shot from his hands and dropped to the bottom of the shower

little sucker,” he joked, going to his knees before her. When he got there, she
noticed he’d forgotten all about the bar of soap in his shift in attention to
her belly.

did that on purpose,” she called him on it. “Dropping the soap. I’ll have to
remember that one.”

know I’m going to.” His strong arms encircled her bottom, and he pressed her
close, holding her tight while his mouth trailed over her belly button, her
tattoo and lower.

she called out, grabbing for the curtain rod and the shower head.

got you, pretty girl. I won’t let you fall.” His eyes looked up at her, and she
dropped her arms, her fingers threading through his wet hair.

watched as his eyes moved from her face to her breasts, and her hands stroked
his head lovingly. There was something extremely erotic in having this man
kneeling at her feet, looking up at her so adoringly. She watched his eyes move
to her breasts, and she felt his hands clench her ass, squeezing, kneading.

so goddamn gorgeous, Shannon. Perfect, so perfect, Princess.” His hands stroked
over her wet skin up to her hips, to her small waist, to her rib cage and finally
closing over the soft slick globes of her breasts. His head lifted, his mouth
latching onto one nipple, and her head fell back into the spray of water as the
drawing pull of his mouth shot through her. Water sluiced over her face and
head as the shower poured down on her, trailing down her neck, shoulders and

pulled back, and she looked down to see him shaking the water from his head.
His eyes connected with hers, and they laughed. Then he saw the stream of water
running down over her breasts and pouring off her nipple like some erotic
waterfall, and his mouth moved under it, opening to catch the stream in his
mouth. They laughed, and then suddenly he was on his feet and pulling her from
the shower. He grabbed her up, his arms locked around her thighs and carried
her to the bed where he dropped her on it. He came down on top of her, dripping

of them caring that the bed was getting wet as they rolled around battling for
the upper position. Crash finally let her have it, scooting back against the
headboard and ordering, “Climb on.”

palm went to her hip as she threw her leg over his hips and settled down on him
in one smooth glide. His other hand gripping the headboard behind him, he
ordered, “Ride me.”

hands went to the headboard over his head, and she began rocking against him,
her eyes on his face, watching him as his eyes couldn’t seem to choose between
her breasts bouncing in his face or his dick disappearing inside her. After a
few minutes, his head fell back, and his eyes settled on her face, taking in
her flushed color and the way her breath panted in and out with her exertions.
A sheen of sweat was forming on her body.

grinned. “I like watching you do all the work. It’s sexy as hell watching you
move on me.” She breathed harder, moving more urgently. She was getting close.
His hand moved between them, his thumb stroking over her. “You getting there,


I love watching you when you’re about to orgasm.” He hooked a hand to the back
of her neck and pulled her down, his mouth going to her ear. “You’re so fucking
hot, Shannon. I want to feel that moment when you clench that pussy around me
and come all over me.”

dirty talk was enough to send her bucking over the edge, clutching the headboard
as her body slowly stopped. Her breathing heavy, her arms went limp, and she
fell against him. He caught her to him, his arms enfolding her, holding her
close until the tremors of release subsided.

she was melted all over him, he eased her to her back, keeping their connection
as he rolled on top of her. “Can you feel me, Shannon?”

brushed the hair back from her sweat slicked forehead, his eyes searching hers.


pushed forward, letting her feel that he was still big and hard inside her. He began
to move slowly, gliding inside her, stroking in and out.

moaned under him.

that a good moan or a bad moan, sweetheart?” he asked, his strokes not letting

good. So good,” she panted, breathless. “More. Take me. Take me hard.”

grinned down at her. “All right, sweetheart. However you want it.”

smiled. “I can’t move my muscles. I’m all melty.”

just lay there and enjoy it. Let me do all the work this time.”

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