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Authors: Mychea

Coveted (6 page)

BOOK: Coveted
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I cannot believe you have the nerve to call yourself a friend. Friends don’t have affairs with their best friend’s husband. Friends don’t have a baby by their best friend’s husband. And a true friend doesn’t barge into her best friend’s job and tell her this bullshit in the middle of the workday. You know what Haven? I have had enough. Between you and Kaden, I cannot take anymore. The two of you have made my life one big lie and you know what you deserve each other. Now get the fuck out my office you stupid slutty-ass whore.”

I cannot believe the nerve of that little witch. I came to tell her about her no-good husband, and she acts ungrateful. I turn and leave her office. I hold my head high as I pass Camille, who guiltily backs away from the corner as if she has been eavesdropping.

Ms. Williams would you like a tissue for your face?” She offers me as she tries to keep from smirking.

You know what? I never liked that little ho anyway. I ignore her and continue out the building.

Walking to my car, I think about my actions. Why did I feel like I had a right to do what I did? Naima has always been so gracious towards me and this is how I repay her. I mean a stupid college mistake is one thing, but an ongoing affair is something entirely different. I knew it was wrong but Kaden is so damn sexy and I still want him. Am I so pathetic that I cannot get my own man? I have been chasing after my best friend’s husband all these years. My best friend, I did not even think about that. Our friendship is ruined forever. Who am I going to share all of my childhood memories with now?

I pull the overhead visor down as I ease into my car to get a look at my face and have to laugh at myself. I look an absolute mess. My short hair is standing straight up on my head. She did more damage than I had originally thought with that slap. The whole right side of my face was beginning to swell, and the dried blood on my lip did not help my looks. This day has just gone from bad to worse.

Oh well, I guess I will have to chalk it up to the game. She will forgive me. She always does when we have arguments. I will give her a call later and everything will be fine.

Now I must go and pick up Kaven from school. He is the angel that connects Kaden and me forever.



Damir 4

am with my parents and three siblings, preparing to leave Cedar Hill Cemetery in Suitland, Maryland. It has been a rough morning. Today is the anniversary of the day my baby sister, Alanna, was killed. The pain from losing her has eased up over time, but there will always be a permanent scar that hurts me every now and then. Some days I wake up and I am so sure that I will see her smiling face, or hear her excited, husky voice, but then reality sets in and the anguish takes over. When she really needed me, I was not there to protect her.

The news almost killed my parents. That was their baby girl; the one we were all hoping would be able to find a path for her life. Alanna was always so full of energy and light. You could tell she was the baby of the family…if she was not the classic example of a spoiled brat, then I do not know who was. That is probably the reason why she was the most out of control of all the children. But to know her was to love her.

My baby sister had a set of killer dimples, that she was not afraid to use on you to get something she wanted. I miss her all the time, and life just has not been quite the same since she has not been in it. Life must go on. I cannot halt my life because she is no longer here. One day I will reunite with her, and we will have a good ol’ time catching up with one another. “Until we meet again my sweet Alanna you will always live in my heart…from now ‘til forever…I love you…signing off, your big brother D” I say softly as I reach up and wipe a solitary tear that has escaped from my eye. I lay a single white rose on her tombstone that reads
We may have loved her with all our heart here, but God loved her best, goodbye Angel
. I turn from her grave and walk to my car.

I have an appointment at an event-planning company for a party I am throwing to celebrate my upcoming 30
birthday, and I am on my way to being late. I stayed at the gravesite much longer than I anticipated.

My cell phone vibrates on my hip as I am entering my car. I glance down and see the name Amber flashing across my screen. I debate whether I should pick it up. Amber is a woman that I have been dating for the last year, and while she is a nice woman and all, something is missing. I cannot quite put my finger on it, but I know that she is not the one. She will not be my wifey, which she longs to be. Lately she’s been hinting around about the whole marriage thing. I have been trying to wean her off slowly, however, I do not think I’m making much headway. I look at the phone again, and sigh as I pick it up.

Hey Amber, how’s it going today?”

It’s going okay,” she replied solemnly. “I tried to get in touch with you last night but all I got was your voicemail.”

There is an awkward pause, and it feels as if her sentence is suspended in air.

Well?” she asks.

Well what Amber?” I try to say as politely as possible, keeping the impatience out of my voice.

Well are you going to give me an explanation?”

Do I owe you one?” I could feel my impatience mounting with each passing second.

Well you could at least say something.”

Amber, I saw that you called last night. I apologize for not being able to get back to you but you know today is the two-year anniversary of Alanna’s passing. I really wasn’t in the mood for conversation yesterday.”

Well I was just worried about you and wondering what happened is all. It’s not like you not to call me back.”

Once again Amber, I offer my apologies.”

Well that’s fine. I was actually calling to see if we were still on for dinner tonight?”

Why wouldn’t we be? The reservations have been set.”

I don’t know you just seem so distant lately. Have I done something wrong?

I hear the panic and uncertainty in her voice. Women can be so emotional sometimes. What some men do not understand is that you must handle women’s feelings with care; otherwise, you will have a bonified class-A psycho on your hands.

Amber you have done nothing wrong, and we are still on for dinner. I will pick you up around seven, okay? But right now I have to go. I’m pulling up in front of my next appointment.”

Okay, see you at seven tonight Damir. Kisses.”

Bye,” I say as I close my phone.



I walk into Exclusively Divine Events, and stop dead in my tracks. How could I not? With a face like that
I can envision what the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden must have looked like. She didn’t see me right away; she was leaning on a wall drinking a bottle of Evian with her head tilted to the side, causing a waterfall of jet-black hair to cascade over her shoulder.

She seemed to be engrossed in her thoughts, and I was going to turn away to not interrupt her. I look at her more closely and discover a tear making its way down her cheek. Normally, I still would have left her to work through her own issues, Lord knows that I have enough, but she was so beautiful I couldn’t bring myself to turn away.

Excuse me Miss are you doing alright?” I ask her.

She jumps, startled, as if surprised that someone has noticed her. She quickly wipes her eyes and looks up at me. The slightly tinted, pink-hazel eyes that she turns up to me, have me drowning, and afraid to ask for help. This is without a doubt the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on.

I’m sorry,” she manages a smile and gives a throaty whisper in a voice that is coated with honey. “I didn’t realize someone was watching me. This is very unprofessional. Did you come in today to schedule an event with us?”

Immediately, I have the urge to hurt whoever has hurt her like this. She is obviously hurting and in the mist of it, she manages to give me a smile. I ache for her, something in me wants to protect her from the pain and hold it at bay. I realize that I am staring and have yet to answer her question.

Oh, I do apologize. My name is Damir Collins. I have an appointment here today to discuss the arrangements for my 30
birthday party, and you are?” I ask as I extend my hand for her to shake.

I am being so rude today; please allow me to apologize once again. My name is Naima Vaughn and I am an event specialist here. I do recall having you penciled in for an appointment this afternoon. Would you like to come into my office and discuss your event further?”

I followed her into her office, but discussing my birthday was the last thing I had on my mind. This woman is breathtaking.

Sure, that would be great” I respond to her.

She turns and leads me to her office, and I follow her and enjoy the view. Upon reaching her office, I immediately take notice of the pictures of a pretty little girl, and an equally handsome cuddly baby boy.

Either you’re a photographer or an extremely proud mother,” I say to her.

I tend to say that I’m both. I think anyone with children all of a sudden becomes a photographer. We try to capture all of their precious moments on film,” she laughingly explains to me as her eyes light up.

Damn, she has kids, which means she probably has a husband lurking around somewhere. She was just too beautiful not to. I quickly look at her hands, but see no evidence of a ring.

Well tell them their mother is one hell of a photographer.”

Thanks, I will be sure to do that. Please have a seat,” she offers and waits till I am seated. “So what can I do for you today Mr. Collins?”

Please, call me Damir. Mr. Collins is my father, and he is not here.”

Fine, Damir what can I do for you to make your party a success? Did you want to toss around some of your own ideas or did you want Exclusively Divine Events to do all the work for you, and make your event as effortless for you as possible?”

I just want you to show up is that possible?”

Excuse me?” she says and double blinks, while a shocked look registers on her face and I realize that I have spoken aloud.

I apologize. That thought was supposed to stay in my head, but now that it’s been tossed out there what do you say?”

While I am very flattered, Mr. Collins,” I see she has reverted back to my last name.

Damir,” I correct her.

Damir,” she continues. “I do not know you, and I have two children to attend to.”

The invitation stands, but if I have offered any offense please except my humblest apologies,” I say staring straight into illuminated hazel eyes. “Now back to the business of my birthday. I would like Exclusively Divine Events to work out all the details. Just consult me on things like the menu and music. The theme will be 70s style, and from there you can do whatever you like.”

Ok, Mr.Coll---“

I interrupt her “Damir.”

Okay, Damir. First, you offered no offense. Second, all I need for you to do is complete a questionnaire for us and return it to our receptionist Camille out front, and in a couple of days I will give you a call to come in and sign your contract.”

Sounds good,” I say as I rise out of my chair and offer my hand for her to shake. She reaches to grab it, and I clutch hers a little longer than necessary as I stare into her eyes. “Just in case no one told you today, you are an absolutely remarkable woman. I don’t know what caused the tears I saw earlier, but I know that a beautiful woman like you does not deserve whatever it was. So my offer for the party stands and if you ever need someone to talk to, I am only a phone call away,” I say as I reach into my case and give her my business card. “Damir will await your call.”

Damir,” she says softly. “That is such a unique name. What does it mean?”

It means
to give
Until we meet again Ms. Vaughn.” With that said, I turn and leave.




Naima 5

To give peace.
What a wonderful meaning for a name.
I really like that. Lord knows I need peace and safety in my life right now.
Damir is one sexy man. He stands about 6’2.
He has a nice brown complexion with deep chestnut-brown eyes, and a smile that can make even the bleakest corner shine. Something about him being in the same room with me made me feel so safe, he was the remarkable one.

BOOK: Coveted
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