Coveted (5 page)

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Authors: Mychea

BOOK: Coveted
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Where you think you going?” I ask her.

She tries to conceal her smile and says, “I’m going out a little later. That cool with you?”

Hell no you are not going out in that outfit with anyone,” I tell her. She is covered in Gucci from head to toe. The short hair has been spiked to frame her pretty, brown face. On her throat is a Tiffany necklace. She has on a Gucci skin-tight white halter dress that radiates off her dark skin, a Tiffany charm bracelet and strappy Gucci sandals that lace up her leg. Wherever she thought she was going before she can cancel it, because she is on my dessert menu tonight.

I think its time we put Kaven to bed.” I tell her as I get really close to her and whisper. “Because I am trying to put you to sleep next.”

She giggles softly and says, “I like getting put to sleep.” She turns to Kaven and says, “Come on honey, time for bed.”

We put Kaven to bed and once again, I fall victim to the web that I have weaved for myself, and cannot escape.

I awaken to Haven’s obnoxiously loud snoring and slobber-induced face. She sleeps on her back with her mouth wide open looking like a congested seal. Again, Haven has managed to disgust me and I cannot help but compare her to Naima.

Naima looks like an angel when she sleeps. Whenever I look at her I know what Heaven must be like, which is where I should be now, rather than waking up next to this imitation Troll doll. I silently roll off the bed and proceed to gather my belongs, as not to awaken Haven. Just when I reach the door and think I have made it home free, I hear a rustling from the bed and a raspy voice say, “Hey stranger, where are you going?”

I turn and look at the Troll talking from the bed and say, “Home to my wife I should not be here. What we did was wrong and I’m out.”

WHAT!? So you’re just going to use me like I’m a piece of trash and throw me in the nearest waste basket when you’re done?” The troll screeches from the bed.

Haven it was not my intent to use you. I got caught up in this situation and I should have walked away along time ago. This is completely my fault and I take full responsibility, but I have to go home now, my wife will be worried and wondering where I am.”

The Troll in the bed sniffles, and I cannot believe I am dealing with this. I need to be home with my wife and children. I pause, trying to think of something to say, and realize that there is nothing, so I turn and leave.

On my way home, my cell phone vibrates, indicating that a text message has come through. I flip open my phone and it is from Haven. I open it and cannot believe my eyes…the Troll-looking monster is trying to blackmail me. I read the message glaring back at me.
Either you leave Naima for good, or I’m going to introduce Namiyah and Kalani to their brother; not their god-brother, as they know him
. That sentence plays over and over in my head.




Haven 3

oday is Wednesday - Hump Day as the working class calls it. I am outside Houston’s restaurant waiting for Kaden. He and I have a lunch date. He says that we need to talk things over. I am anxious to hear what he has to say. The other day I know we had words, but the way the night ended, I know he loves me. I don’t know why he keeps trying to avoid the obvious.

He acts as if it is hard for him, and not for me. Does he not know that it is hard to be best friends with the wife of the man that you are in love with? This dilemma is my life. I love Naima I really do, she is like the sister that I always wanted, but you really cannot help who you love. I listen to her talk about Kaden and sometimes I want to throw up, especially when she gets graphic about their sexual escapades, which are rare nowadays. I cannot stand it! Being the good friend that I am, I listen and silently agree with her. He sure does know how to use what God gave him. Oh, I hate her so much! This is what I struggle with day in and day out - my love/hate relationship with Naima.

We have been friends for 22 years, and you would think there are enough men in the world, but I want this one. What made her so special that Kaden just had to have her? I remember it like it was yesterday, us being in high school, her scoping on Kaden. I tried to deter her from him, and vice versa, but he went after her anyway. What does she have that I don’t? Hair that goes all the way down her back? Big deal. Or maybe her caramel complexion? But brown sistas are in, obviously because her man can’t get enough of me. He is always coming back for more.

But it goes deeper than that. The reason that I want things to work out with Kaden is our seven-year-old son Kaven Williams. With my brown complexion, and his dad’s green eyes, he is a secret that Kaden and I share. I am actually surprised that Naima has not figured it out by now. Though Kaven looks like me, he has so many of his father’s personality traits. I think Naima is so busy being the proud godmother that she does not think about it too often, or maybe she is in denial. I never did tell her who the father was, but to be quite honest, she never asked either.

I glance around, notice Kaden walking up, and smile as he approaches. “Hi, stranger,” I say to him.

He gives me a rushed hello and walks in ahead of me. He must still be angry about our last encounter. He gave my name to the host and we follow her to our booth (I called ahead and placed a reservation for us).

How dare you try to blackmail me!” He insists immediately upon sitting down. For the first time I realize that, he is barely containing his anger.

I’m not blackmailing you,” I calmly explain to him. “I am merely giving you an ultimatum. Either you leave Naima for good or I’m going to introduce Namiyah and Kalani to their brother.”

See that’s the shit I’m talking about right there. That doesn’t sound like blackmail to you? Haven when are you going to get it through your head that I am not leaving Naima? She has been my wife for nine years and we have two children together. We have been together since high school, and gone through so many obstacles together. Do you honestly believe in your heart that I would just let her go?”

Yes. I too have had your child,” I remind him. “What has she got going for her that I don’t?”

Why are you doing this? Why are you trying to compete with my WIFE? You knew going into this that it was what it was. So why are you trying to place claim now?”

Just tell me what is so spectacular about her that you can’t leave. If she is so great why are you always so anxious to sleep with me?” I ask, my ego is taking a beating.

Haven let’s be serious. I’m never anxious to sleep with you, you are always throwing it at me and as a guy I take it, plain and simple. It is just sex. Now hear this and hear this good. There is nothing wrong with the way my wife gives it to me, she gives it to me any way I want, when I want. You ask what she has that you do not, and that is class with a capital ’C’. No one will ever come close to Naima. You will never be able to make me feel the way she does. Ever. Now will you please let this go? Let me go.”

I feel like the air has just been depleted from my body. What do you do when you are in love with a married man who happens to be married to your best friend, and says you have no class? You know what you do? You get even. No this motherfucker did not just say that shit to me. Who does he think he is? Okay, if that is how he wants it, he is definitely going to get what is coming to him, and much sooner than he thinks. Fuck him and his wife.

You know what Kaden you are absolutely right. I am letting you go.”

Really?” he says in an incredulous tone.

Hell no
I think to myself, but whatever screw him.

Really. You no longer have to worry about me trying to seduce you, or take advantage of you or whatever. All you need to do is continue to take care of your son and all will be fine,” I say to him.

Yeah, all will definitely be fine. Let’s see how Naima reacts when I tell her that her godson really is the sibling of her two children. Let’s see how Kaden gets himself out of that since he professes to love his wife so much. We will see how long it takes before he comes a crawling back to me, and he will because they always do.

As a matter of fact, I just realized I have plans and I will not be able to have lunch, but please stay and enjoy your lunch and the rest of your day.”
It will be the last meal you enjoy peacefully
I think to myself and stand up.

Oh, you’re leaving? Is that it? Everything okay between the two of us?” he asks.

Kaden everything is fine. No hard feelings. Go home to your wife and children. I have to go.”

With that said, I turn and leave him in the restaurant. I feel the moisture pressing beneath my eyelids.

Tears are threatening to fall, but I refuse to waste any on that man. I cannot believe him; after all these years of hoping and waiting, all of this for nothing.

Well I have something for his ass
, I think as I get into my car. No man will get the best of Haven. Just wait ‘til I am done with him. He will wish he had never fucked with me in the first place. He’ll see. I will show them all.
Now let us pay a little visit to my best friend shall we, the keeper of my man

I pull into the parking lot of Exclusively Divine Events, LLC and park. I sit in my car for awhile to think. Is he really worth all of this? I have known Naima almost my whole life. Does she deserve the way I can change her life in an instant? You know something, this is bigger than she and I. This is about her no-good husband and my no-good baby daddy. I am going to wreck havoc in his world. I love my friend, and she deserves to know just how trifling her man really is.

I open my car door, grab my purse and proceed into the building.

I smile at Camille, the receptionist, as I enter. She is such a mousy little thing, with her small features and small voice. The girl does have brains though, she is just finishing school with a bachelor of science degree from the University of Maryland. I believe that she is leaving soon to pursue a career in finance.

She smiles back at me.

Hello Ms. Williams. How are you doing this afternoon?” she asks.

I’m good Camille, and yourself?”

I’m doing great. Mrs. Fairchild is in a relatively good mood today so she has not been loading me with work. I am always happy when she is happy. Would you like to see her? She has an appointment in about an hour but right now she is free.”

That would be wonderful. Don’t announce me. I’ll just surprise her,” I say as I sneak back to Naima’s office where she has the door closed. Like any long-time friend, I enter without knocking.

She glances up and immediately squeals. Naima jumps up from behind her desk, and runs over to fling her arms around my neck for a hug. “Hey girl! What are you doing here? Oh, who cares? I am just so happy to see you. Where have you been hiding out these days?”

I’ve been around,” I tell her as I gently hug her back. How can she be so happy? It is almost sickening. I came to do a job and be a good friend, and tell Naima about her man, and damnit that is exactly what I am going to do. “Naima we need to talk.”

Oh no, is something wrong? Is everything ok with Kaven? Are you alright?” she says with so much heartfelt concern.

Kaven is fine, I am fine. This is not about either of us. This is about Kaden.”

Kaden?” she repeats as her forehead wrinkles, while she gives me a confused stare. “What about Kaden?”

I don’t know any other way to put this, so I am going to come right out and say it. I am the girl in college that Kaden had an affair with, and Kaven is a product of that affair. We have continued our affair off and on, until last week or so. Kaden has been a real ass lately, professing to be the perfect husband so I thought you should know what a no-good man you have.”

I did not even see it coming. One minute I was standing up, the next I was on the floor. That bitch had the audacity to backhand me clear across my face, busting my lip! I tasted the blood with the tip of my tongue and jump up to tackle the bitch to the ground, but I stopped in my tracks. She was bent over her desk clutching her stomach, she was crying and sobbing uncontrollably.

I feel a small twinge of regret about my decision. I cannot believe that I was selfish enough to let my ego and self-involvement with some man, ruin my best friend’s life. But part of me can’t help but feel a slight stab of satisfaction. Little Miss Perfect has finally had a fall. It is about damn time if you ask me. But maybe, just maybe, I could have done this somewhere else at a different time, in a different way.

Naima, I apologize. This was not the time or the place to tell you this, but as a friend I thought you should know the situation and I was wron—.” She cut me off as she was sliding her wedding band off of her finger and placing it on her desk. I wonder if she is preparing to charge me again. I cautiously put my guard up.

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