Counting Stars (A Donnelley Brother's Novel) (27 page)

Read Counting Stars (A Donnelley Brother's Novel) Online

Authors: Alannah Carbonneau

Tags: #romance, #loss, #adult, #emotional, #love story, #healing, #country boys, #new adult, #country boy city girl, #heart breaking romance

BOOK: Counting Stars (A Donnelley Brother's Novel)
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He chuckled. “Collin
likes water. He instructs white water rafting and river survival.
He actually lives right beside a lake and often spends his days on

“And Kyle?”

“Kyle is quiet, as you
know. He’s a bit more serious and shy.”

“You’re a lot

He shrugged. “I’m quiet
because I generally don’t like people, but Kyle’s just hesitant. He
instructs mountain climbing. Not a whole lot of personal
interaction is needed for that.”

“I suppose not.” I
answered. “Isn’t mountain climbing dangerous?”

“It definitely is. But
if you’re cautious and practical about what you can and can’t do,
then it’s not too bad.”

“What do you mean?”

“People are stupid when
it comes to wanting to feel invincible. Out here, that can get you


“Ever wanted to mountain
climb?” He raised his brows at me.

“I don’t know.” I
glanced out the window at the menacing looking mountains. “I think
it would scare me.”

“There are easy trails
and hard trails. If you want, I’ll take you.”

“You know how to do

“I kinda do everything.
I don’t specialize in anything because I like everything.”

“I see.” I nodded,
chewing on the side of my cheek. “So, you sometimes take out

“Rarely, but sometimes
if I’m really needed, I’ll go out.”


“How so?”

“I think you’d make a
really good instructor.” I announced. “I think people would listen
to you—better than they listen to Collin, I’m sure.”

“Collin may seem like a
non-stop flirt, but he’s very serious about his work.” Logan
assured. “He’s never inappropriate with the people he takes under
his guide. He is however, a regular at the pub in town.”

I laughed. “I’m sure he



Logan’s house
was large and assembled artfully by log. It was remarkably similar
to the main house. I couldn’t imagine living here—I would always
feel as though I was on vacation. It was the essence of peace—this
land, the house, and its surroundings. It was nice.

“Wow.” I mumbled as I
pushed open the car door to step outside. I added under my breath,
“This is insane.”

The house had three
peaks in the roof, lots of windows and a magnificent porch. It was
quaint and spacious all in one. The landscaping was stunning with
an abundance of easy to maintain shrubs and trees and mountain
rocks. The entire property was like an oasis. A large wrap around
driveway allowed us to pull right up to the house next to Logan’s
truck. In the center of the driveway was a large, lush, green
space. There was a stone bench and a small stone table facing the
house. I could only imagine waking up to carry my coffee out here
as I watched the sunrise glimmer over this beautiful house.

Logan appeared beside
me, his hand on my lower back. “What do you think?”

“This is unbelievable.”
I admitted breathily. Rocking back into his touch, I added, “I
don’t even know what to say, Logan, it’s beautiful.”

“I’m glad you like it.”
He planted a kiss against the top of my head. “Come inside.”

Nodding, I allowed him to lead me closer to the house.
I felt slightly dazed as we climbed up the quaint log steps, onto
the porch. There was a wooden chair set that had been painted a
soft shade of green with a table and—
throw pillows.
“Those look new.”

Logan smiled at the
pillows. “Mom’s been out here.”

I laughed. “They go with
the chairs.”

“They do.” He admitted
grudgingly. “I wonder what she’s done to the back porch.”

I giggled. “Made it more
beautiful, I’ll bet.”

Looking down at me, he
mused aloud. “It’s like she expected me to bring you home.”

“You don’t actually
think she was playing match-maker, do you?” I toyed with a lock of
my hair, twisting it absently around my finger.

He shrugged. “I have no
idea.” His hand snaked around my waist. “Come inside and I’ll show
you around.”

Glancing once more
around the porch, I asked. “Does this wrap around the entire

“It does.”

“It’s really beautiful,
Logan.” I said quietly. “I can see now why you would never want to

“So, now you never want
to leave?” He winked and I rolled my eyes.

Playfully, Logan pulled
me into the house. The inside was just as breathtaking. The front
door opened into the living room, which bled into the kitchen and
dining area. It was an open concept floor plan and almost
everything was warm. The wood floor and walls made me feel
comfortable and safe and the furniture was contemporary. It was an
odd mix of old and new, but it worked really nice. The décor had a
touch of femininity that made me wonder, but I assumed that it was
owed to Gracie.

The living room roof was
high and open to the exposed rafters of the ceiling where a railing
encased the second floor landing. The house was massive and
charming all at the same time. A large, wood-burning fireplace sat
in the corner of the living room, completely encased in dark

“Kick off your shoes and
take a look around.” Logan’s hand on the open handle of the front
door tightened. “I’ll go grab our bags.”

I nodded. “Thank

Stepping from my shoes,
I wandered deeper into his house. The living room furniture was all
black leather and there was a warm cream-colored shag rug placed
beneath a stained, craftily carved wooden coffee table. The kitchen
was sizeable and the counter space was a chef’s dream.

I was running my
fingertips against the smooth, cream-colored granite, when I heard
Logan come in through the front door. His eyes found me quickly as
he placed the bags on the floor.

Tipping his head back,
he asked. “What do you think?”

“It’s lovely.” I
assured. “This kitchen is enormous.”

He placed his shoes in
the closet beside mine. “I like to cook.”

“I don’t mind it.” I
answered. “I can’t say I’m amazing, but I’m not horrible,

He grinned. “I look
forward to trying your first home cooked meal.”

“Do you?” I asked,
walking around the counter to meet him.

His hands settled on my
waist as his thumbs slid beneath the hem of my shirt to caress my
skin. “I do.” He lowered his head to place his lips over mine and I
sighed into him. “I really do.”

I smiled against his
mouth, whispering. “Well, tonight we have to enjoy your mom’s home
cooked meal.”

“We do.” He pressed into
me, imprisoning me against the counter. “Later.”

I pushed against his
chest. “Logan, we have to get ready.”

“We have time for

“Later.” I promised. “In
a comfortable bed.”

“On this counter.”

“Maybe.” I kissed him
again. “If we make it to dinner on time.”

He pulled back, linking
his fingers through mine. “Then we’d better get ready.”

I laughed. “You’re

“Hey, you promised
counter sex.”

“I never said I
promise.” I protested as he dragged me along behind him.

At the base of the
staircase, Logan gave my butt a gentle tap. “Get upstairs, city
girl. I’ll bring the packs.”

“Sure thing, boss.”

“I think I like it when
you call me boss.”

“Don’t hold your
breath.” I countered as I ran up the stairs, away from him.

When I got to the top, I
didn’t know where to go, so I just stood there. Logan was grinning
up at me, from ear to ear, as he climbed the steps.

“Nowhere to go, huh,
city girl?”

I folded my arms over my
chest. “It’s not my house, Logan. I don’t know where I’m supposed
to go.”

His eyes darkened and
the muscle in his jaw twitched. He didn’t say anything until he was
standing at the top of the stairs in front of me. Placing the packs
on the floor, he caught my face in his hands, forcing me to look up
at him. “While you are here, Reese, this is your home. There is not
one room in this house that you aren’t permitted to be. Do you
understand me?”

My heart was thrashing
in my chest as I nodded at him. “I understand.”

“Good.” He kissed the
tip of my nose. “Now, lead the way.”

“I don’t know where to

“Open doors until you’ve
found my room.”

“How will I know it’s

He smiled. “You’ll

Turning away from him, I
glanced down the hall. “Kay,” I moved slowly across the space,
placing my hand on the first doorknob. I opened the door and peaked
inside. “A bathroom,” I announced as though he didn’t already know.
The next two doors were bedrooms, but I had a feeling that neither
was his. Moving to the last door, I looked back at him, raising my
brow. “This one’s yours.”

He shrugged. “Open it
and find out.”

I did. And the bedroom
was definitely Logan’s. He hadn’t been here in a month, but it
still smelled like him. Everything was dark in this room. The
sheets and blanket were black and the bedframe was a dark stained
wood. There was a connecting bathroom with a large bathtub and a
standing stone shower. The granite of the countertop matched the
granite in the kitchen. It was nice. I liked it, but if I were
here, there would be a few more colors.

“What do you think?”
Logan asked from where he was leaning against the door.

“It’s dark.” I replied.
“I like it, but I think I’d want more color if it were my

“It’s our room for as
long as you want to be here.” He said quietly. “You can add as much
color as you want.” He seemed to rethink his words. “Accept for
pink. No pink.”

I laughed. “Deal.” I
beamed at him. “I like purple better.”

A growl sounded from his
throat and my heart lurched. “You’re testing me, city girl.”

I covered my mouth with my hand to hide my shit-grin.
“I would

“Get undressed, baby.”
He commanded as he closed the bedroom door. “There’s a hot shower
calling our names.”

I tugged on the hem of
my shirt. “Are you planning to join me?”

“Always.” He winked.
“There’s just something about your body and water. I can’t

“So I’ve found.” I
stripped from my clothing, moving to the bathroom with a seductive
sway of my hips. Behind me, I heard Logan groan.

“You’re trying to tempt
me.” His hands moved around my naked waist, travelling up to cup my

I leaned my head back
into the nook of his shoulder. “Is it working?”

“I’m officially


“If we’re going to make
it to dinner on time, we’re going to have to make this the quickest
shower known to man.”

I pouted. “Oh well,” I
sighed, wiggling my backside against him. “Later, I suppose.”

“You’re killing me.”

Untangling myself from
Logan’s arms, I moved to the shower. Damn, I was one excited girl
to get beneath a stream of hot water.

Dinner at Logan’s
parents house was busy. It wasn’t that it wasn’t relaxing, but it
was just over-stimulating. After a month of communicating only with
Logan, being in a room with five other people was just more than my
mind could handle. To add to the stimulation, I was exhausted.
Regardless of my mental and physical state, I was really enjoying
my time with Logan’s family. He truly had a beautiful family with
so much love and humor. I knew that I would be a fool to ever walk
away from Logan, and in this moment, watching him with his family,
I didn’t think I would ever have the ability to turn my back on my
feelings for him no matter who I was leaving behind in the city.
Logan was right; I could visit my friends and family in the city
whenever I wanted.

“A glass of wine,
Reese?” Gracie asked me from where she was pouring a glass for
herself on the kitchen island. With dinner over, the men were
slowly congregating outside onto the patio with beer, leaving
Gracie and I alone inside.

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