Cosmic Sex (4 page)

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Authors: Karen Kelley

Tags: #Police, #Paranormal, #Fiction, #Romance, #Human-Alien Encounters, #General, #Love Stories

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“I’ve never had sex with a man who had hair on his chest. It feels strange to my touch.” She moved downward, to a jagged scar. “What’s this?”

“Knife wound.”

She looked up as he unfastened his pants. “Someone attacked you with a knife?”

“I’m a cop.” He shrugged as he kicked out of his pants. “Sometimes there are risks.”

“What’s a cop?”

He frowned again. “I protect the city from the bad guys.”

“A code enforcer. I knew we were of the same breed.”

He grinned. A lopsided grin that made her toes curl into the fibers of the carpeted floor.

“No, I’d say we’re different.”

He shoved his underclothes down and kicked out of them. He was right. They were different. She hadn’t made Adam-4 nearly big enough. She suddenly looked up. “Do you vibrate?”

He stepped closer, running his tongue around her ear before dipping inside. “No, but I bet I can make you tremble.”

As she swayed toward him, she had no doubt he would make her tremble and much more. Maybe this was why Mala had looked for more than what Nerak could offer.

There had been something on the documentary, Debbie Does the Sheriff, that had made her want to explore Earth. Now that Kia was experiencing her first earthman, maybe she didn’t blame her so much.

Enough thinking. She didn’t want to think—only feel.

Her arms came up and wrapped around his neck, her lips brushing his jaw. His face had a rough texture, but nice. She ran her hands through his dark hair, liking the thickness, wanting to touch, to explore every inch of him. She’d never really examined Adam-4. She’d made him. There was no reason to assess what she’d created.

But Nick was different. She liked the way he felt. The different planes of his body. The sinewy muscles, the hard ridges—she wanted to check out every inch.

His teeth tugged on her earlobe. She tilted her head so he would have better access.

“I like that,” she told him.

“I know,” he murmured, kissing her neck.


“How what?” He continued to kiss her neck.

“How can you tell I like what you’re doing?”

He leaned back and looked into her eyes. “You’re serious?”

“Yes.” She’d programmed Adam-4, and the unit had performed exactly to her desires. But with Nick, she didn’t know what was coming next. It was a little disconcerting to realize he knew what she wanted without her asking him to perform a certain task.

“It’s not difficult knowing what you want,” he said as he brushed his hand across her nipples.

She closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip as heat spread through her. When he stopped, she thrust her chest forward, wanting more of his touch, but nothing happened.

“Why did you stop?” She opened her eyes, frowning at him.

“You asked how I knew what you wanted. I showed you.” He lightly rubbed her shoulders. She swayed toward him. “Your body language tells me that you want more. The little moans that escape between your lips—all that tells me how excited you are.”

“I should have known. Warriors are trained to be observant. You are a great warrior with much experience, I think.”

“My captain might disagree.”

She moved closer, her nipples brushing across his chest, the hairs tickling, arousing, unleashing emotions dormant all her life and ready to explode free. “Then I think your captain doesn’t know you very well.”

“I’ll tell him you said that.”

“I’m glad we’re going to share our bodies.” She ran the tips of her fingers across his nipples before flicking her tongue over one. He tasted salty, not unpleasant.

She moved behind him, running her hands over his back, cupping his butt. Firm, nice. He groaned, his hands coming around to capture her waist and press her closer.

It was strange the way he reacted to her touch. Adam-4 hadn’t been programmed to respond, only to give her basic pleasure. Nick’s response heightened hers.

She leaned into his back, her body molded against his. They fit together very nicely. She wondered how he would react if she touched his erection.

Sliding her hands down his front, she grasped him. He jerked forward, gasping for breath. His reaction made her itch to do more, to give him more pleasure.

She slipped from his hold and moved to stand in front of him. There was so much that she wanted to see, and she’d never once denied herself. What she wanted right now was in front of her.

His erection stood tall, thick. She trailed her fingers downward and encircled his penis, sliding his foreskin down, then back up. He sucked in a deep breath when she ran her thumb over the tip. It was soft, pliable, while the rest of him was hard.

Her gaze met his. His eyes were glazed, his breathing ragged, as if he were in pain, but the look of rapture on his face told her differently. She slid the skin downward again, then back up.

“Enough,” he growled.


He raised her chin with one finger.

“Who are you?”

She ran her hand down the side of his face. “Does it matter? Have you not had intercourse just to release pent-up emotions?”

“Yeah, I have, but, I don’t know, this is different.”


“Call it another gut instinct.”

“Do you want to stop?” She tilted her head and looked up at him.

“Stop?” He slowly shook his head. “No, I don’t want to stop. Hell, baby, I’m just getting started.” He scooped her up in his arms.

She gasped, her arms tightening around his neck as he carried her into the other room and laid her on his bed. Not as soft as hers, but the way her body was growing warmer by the minute, she didn’t really mind. She’d never wanted Adam-4 the way she wanted Nick. Hunger filled her and she knew if she didn’t get release soon she might be driven insane.

As soon as he lay beside her, she pushed him onto his back and straddled him. Closing her eyes, she rubbed against him, feeling the heat of his hard length against her sex. For a brief moment, she forgot he was beneath her, but then his hands cupped her breasts, letting the weight fill his palms.

She drew in a sharp breath. Never would she have thought to program a companion unit to do two things at once. This alone was worth the trip to Earth.

Nick’s rough hands rubbed against her nipples, sending spasms of pleasure through her. She leaned forward, wanting more, needing more. Nice. This was so nice. Maybe she’d been too closed-minded about interplanetary travel.

She was so lost in the pleasure Nick’s body was giving her that she didn’t protest when he rolled her onto her back, but when he fumbled in a drawer beside his bed, she wondered what he was doing and watched closely. If this was some sort of Earth ceremony, then he’d picked a most inopportune time.

He tore open a packet, then covered himself with an odd-looking sheath. He must’ve realized she was staring at him because he looked up.

“Protection. Never leave home without it.”


He shrugged. “I take chances with a lot of stuff, this isn’t one of them.”

She touched the sheath. His erection quivered. “You can still have pleasure?”

“More than I knew existed.”

The sheath was slick and fit snugly. “Are we going to have sex now?”

He chuckled. “Oh, yeah.”

Then she didn’t care what he put on. He entered her body. She closed her eyes, taking pleasure in his length as he slid inside her moist heat. He filled her, she contracted against him, he moaned.

“Ahh... just like that.” He sank deeper inside her.

She grabbed the bedcover, fisting it in her hands. “This is... good,” she breathed.

Slowly, he moved inside her. Dipping deep, then sliding back out. Her body ached for more. She wrapped her legs around his waist, moving her body to his motion. She watched him, just as he watched her. His pupils dilated. His breathing became more ragged.

Her own breathing became difficult. When she was able to draw in air, his scent filled her: masculine, sex... raw need. She’d never smelled the scent of sex from a male but it touched each of her senses. A kaleidoscope of sensual bliss.

As he increased his motions, she grabbed his shoulders. The friction inside her intensified. Their strained breathing filled the room.

Other noises penetrated the clouds of ecstasy as lights danced above her, but she paid only a second’s attention to the odd occurrences. She didn’t want to lose the momentum of what she felt at this very moment.

When the first wave of her orgasm crashed over her, she caught it close to her, the ripples sliding down her body.

“Oh, God, this is so frigging fantastic!” His body jerked right before he groaned, collapsing on top of her.

As her world came back into focus, she realized he’d had an orgasm. She’d given him pleasure. A thrill she couldn’t describe filled her. She liked knowing she could give as well as receive.

A few seconds passed before he rolled to his side. “Damn, I can’t even take a deep breath. That was incredible. I know this sounds crazy, but for a minute I thought I saw flashing lights and it sounded like every appliance in the kitchen was going on at once. Fuck! I feel so damned electrically charged up right now.” He laughed. “I know, that sounds pretty weird.”

That’s what the noises were. They must have created an electrical current. It would explain the odd lights, too. She wondered if that might be a problem.

And that wasn’t the only one.

She looked at him. He’d said sex with her had been incredible. He was right. She’d never experienced anything like it. That’s what scared her. She’d never been afraid before tonight. Her life had been perfect, her world had been perfect.

“What are you thinking?” He lightly brushed a hand over her breast.

Thinking? How could she think when he touched her like that? This wasn’t good.

“I’m thinking that I’d better find my cousin soon. Otherwise, it will be hard to leave.”

He moved his hand to her other breast, brushing his fingers across her puckered nipple. She arched toward him. How could this be happening? Sex always relieved her tension for months, but already the heat began to flame inside her.

“Who says you have to leave right away?”

She turned on her side, running her hand over his hip. “I swore on the promise stones.”

He nuzzled her neck. “What are promise stones?”

Maybe it was time she told him more about where she was from. He seemed ready to listen. “The stones I brought with me from my planet.”

His hand stilled on her breast. “Your what?”

“Planet. I’m not from Earth. My planet is many galaxies away. It’s called Nerak.”

“Well, hell!” He swung his legs off the bed.

Maybe this hadn’t been a good time to tell him she was an alien.


Chapter 4

Nick should’ve known there was something wrong with Kia. He could count on one finger the number of times he’d had sex this incredible, and that time didn’t count because he’d been a virgin.

He dropped his head to his hands. Man, this really sucked.

“You’re upset.”

He laughed without mirth. “An observant alien.”

“Your laughter holds no warmth.” She sat up in the bed.

“Ya think?” He turned to look at her at the same time the sheet fell around her waist. Ah, God, have mercy. He squeezed his eyes shut.

Don’t think about those luscious breasts and the way it felt to touch and squeeze them.

He opened his eyes, then groaned. She sat without making any kind of move to cover herself. He’d had wet dreams about moments like this. She was killing him.

That was it! She’d been sent here to torture him. Drive him crazy with lust.

“Can you”—he waved his arm—“cover yourself or something?”

“You don’t find me attractive?”

“You know I do, but I damn well won’t take advantage of... of... someone who isn’t all there.” Why did shit always happen to him? It never happened to Sam. Only him.

“What do you mean by ‘not all there’? I assure you that I lost nothing of myself when I entered the atmospheric pull of your planet.”

Amen to that! Kia was all there physically. Man, was she all there!

Ah, crap, this wasn’t good. He’d been twelve the last time he’d cried. He would not fall apart now... but he really felt like crying. Or downing a six-pack. Or maybe both.

When he looked at her again, she’d covered herself with the sheet. “What I meant is that you can’t be from another planet, and since you can’t be from another planet there’s only one explanation left.”

She raised a sardonic eyebrow. Even that gesture looked tempting. He wanted to crawl beneath the covers and tell her it would be okay, that he would help her, that he wouldn’t leave her until he’d figured everything out.

Except that she had the sheet and if he crawled beneath it, he damn sure wouldn’t be thinking about saving her.

“Do you think Earth is the only planet?” she asked. “That’s very presumptuous of you. Your race is actually inferior to mine.”

He combed his hand through his hair. Sam was never going to let him live this one down. Just like he hadn’t let him forget that Elizabeth was the mayor’s niece.

Or the time he’d gotten so plastered he’d awakened the morning after an all-night binge to find himself in bed with the butt-ugliest woman he’d ever seen. It’d scared the hell out of him when he’d rolled over thinking he was waking up next to Angelina Jolie and discovered Sandra Bernhard.

Damn, she hadn’t looked half bad the night before. Sam wouldn’t have even known about her except he’d dropped by Nick’s apartment before Nick could get rid of her. That was the last time he’d drunk that much. He was pretty sure Sam was going to have a field day with this, too.

He stood and yanked on a pair of shorts that were draped over the back of a brown leather chair. Wrinkled, but they looked clean. “Do you remember anything about the last place you were at? I mean before you got to Dallas.”

Maybe if she gave him a little information, he could take her back where she belonged. Damn, there was probably some law against having sex with an... an...

Hell, he didn’t know what she was. He did know what she wasn’t. She wasn’t an alien.

“Is this a test?”

“No, it’s not a test. I’m just trying to get you back to where you belong.”

Both eyebrows shot up. “You are advanced enough that you travel in space?”

“No, I don’t go around flying in outer space, but then, neither do you. I’m sure there’s a state hospital somewhere out there missing a patient.” That’s it, he’d have Sam check to see if there was an APB out for her or something.

As he reached for a shirt, she stood and went to the other room. He couldn’t move, couldn’t ask what she was doing. He was frozen to the spot, his eyes practically falling out of his head.

He could only stare at her fantastic body. It should be a crime for a woman to be built that damn perfect. Luscious breasts and a killer ass. What more could any living, breathing man ask for out of life?

He forced his mouth to close and took off after her.

“Hey, where are you going?”

For all he knew, she was going to open the door and walk out of his apartment. Yeah, and if Mr. Jenkins happened to be in the hall the old man would have a heart attack. He’d damn sure die happy, though.

Nick came to an abrupt halt when he walked into the living room. Kia had picked up her bag and was reaching inside. He could feel the blood drain from his face.

“Okay, now hold on a minute. Put the bag down. Move nice and slow.”

She pulled out a small square box. He breathed a sigh of relief. Damn, he’d just aged ten years. He’d thought she was going after a gun.

“You require proof,” she said. “This is proof.”

“A little black box?” It was worse than he’d imagined. What the hell was it, anyway? A compact? Was she about to powder her nose?

She pointed it at a standing lamp he’d been using as a clothes catcher. It was draped with T-shirts and shorts that he might be able to wear one more time before he forced himself to go down to the basement of the building and do a few loads of laundry.

So, what did she expect to prove?

A red beam shot out from the box. The floor lamp popped and then was gone, clothes and all.

He couldn’t move. He just stared like an idiot at the spot where his lamp had once stood.

“Is that enough proof?”

He dragged his gaze back to Kia. God, she was magnificent as she stood there bare-assed naked and holding a... a... box that had... had... disintegrated the hell out of his clothes-draped lamp.


No, this couldn’t be happening. He drew in a deep breath and tried to rationalize the problem. No answers, nothing. He was drawing a blank. He wasn’t the rational one. Sam always figured everything out, thought ahead...


That was it. Sam had set him up. Damn, why hadn’t he thought of that earlier? Sam was trying to get back at him for the prank he’d pulled last week. Sam had fallen for it hook, line, and sinker.

He started laughing. “Sam put you up to this, didn’t he? What are you supposed to do? Call him up and tell him I fell for your alien story?” He strode behind the bar and into the kitchen and opened the fridge.

“I didn’t know Sam before tonight.”

He grabbed a beer and twisted the cap off, tossing it into the trash as he turned back around. “Okay, there for a minute I did start to wonder. You had me going with the disappearing lamp. How’d you do that?”

He raised the longneck to his lips. There was a light thump on the bottom and the beer disappeared. He was left with puckered lips but no bottle.

Okay, now that wasn’t funny. It’d been his last one. There was an unwritten law you didn’t mess with a man’s last beer.

His eyes narrowed at her.

Sam had really outdone himself. This was no local magician. Nope, she was damn good—in more ways than one.

“I’m not sure when your things will return, but they will. This is a phazer. It’s not meant to harm, only to give someone time to get control of her emotions. On Nerak, where I’m from, we no longer have weapons that destroy.”

“So why didn’t you use it on the biker in the bar?” Answer that one, babe!

“There were too many people around. It’s not wise that others know I’m from another planet.”

He frowned. Good answer. But he still wasn’t buying that she was some sort of alien from another planet.

“Sorry, lady, you’ll have to give me more proof than a little black box.”

“Your penis will also fall off in the morning because we had sex.”

He grabbed his crotch, the color draining from his face. “You’re joking, right?”

She smiled. “My sisters say I don’t have a sense of humor. I think I have a very good one.”

She sighed. “Of course it won’t fall off. But don’t you find it strange that you refuse to believe my weapon is from another planet yet you’ll accept that your penis will fall off?”

He frowned. “That’s not what I was thinking.” He quickly moved his hands.

She raised an eyebrow.

Okay, so maybe he had been thinking that, but hell, his dick meant a lot to him and he damn sure didn’t want it falling off. It wasn’t that he thought she could actually make it disappear, it was just the idea that it could happen.

“Sorry, lady, I’m not buying into your parlor tricks.”

“I told you. I don’t disintegrate objects. I just make them go away for a while.”

“Whatever.” Sam must’ve really shelled out the cash for this little joke. Too bad it was money wasted. He opened the refrigerator again and looked around, finally grabbed a soda, then remembered he had a guest—sort of. “Want one?” He held up the bottle.

“What is it?”

“Oh, yeah, I forgot you’re from another planet.” The lady was carrying this all the way. “This is called a soda. It quenches your thirst.”

“I’d like to try your drink,” she said.

For now, he’d just play along. See if she’d come clean about Sam hiring her. He handed the soda to her. She looked at it as if she was wondering what she was supposed to do now so he took it from her and untwisted the top before giving it back.

Yeah, she was real good. He took a drink of his soda.

She followed suit, then coughed and sputtered. He grabbed a hand towel off the counter. A consummate actress. He gave her the towel.

“It’s strong.” She coughed, wiping at her face, then tilted the bottle again.

After lowering it, she belched loud and long. Damn. Any man would’ve been proud to claim a belch that noisy.

Her eyes grew wide. “Oh. That was an odd feeling.”


“Strangely refreshing. I think I like this.” She smiled.

For a moment, his mind went blank as his gaze drank in the sight of the exquisite creature before him, from her rosy-tipped breasts to the thatch of curls at the juncture between her legs. Damn, she had him wanting her again. Hell, had he ever stopped?

He grabbed a shirt off the back of the sofa and handed it to her. “Do you mind?”

She frowned. “You really have a problem with my nudity, don’t you?”

“Yeah, when all I can think about is having sex, then yes, I have a problem with you walking around without any clothes on.”

“And you don’t want to have sex again?”

“Yes... no.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I need to get a few things worked out before... before... ” What had he been about to say?

Damn, she was making him crazy with lust. Before they had sex again, he wanted to know exactly who he was having sex with. Period.

“I’ve been working all day. Kind of tired,” he mumbled. Let her think what she would.

He moved to the hide-a-bed sofa and opened it. After he grabbed sheets and a blanket, he made it up. The whole time she watched without saying a word. Good, he liked it that way. If he didn’t have to talk, he didn’t have to think.

But that left looking, which he was trying very hard not to do. Man, hot did not even begin to describe how damn sweet she looked wearing his shirt. A shirt she hadn’t bothered to button. It hung open all the way down the middle.

The contour of her breasts tempted him to spread apart the material, take one of her nipples in his mouth, and see how long it took it to get hard, see how long it would take her to start moaning.

His gaze dropped lower to the dark curls covering her sex. She was going to be the death of him. Sam set him up. No doubt in his mind.

“Okay,” he said, ready to escape to the sanctuary of his room and think. He straightened. “You can sleep here tonight and we’ll figure out what to do in the morning.” He pulled the cover back.

“Thank you.”

She said thank you as if she wasn’t used to saying it very often. “The bathroom facilities are down the hall. We passed it... uh... on the way to my bedroom. If you want to shower or something there’re towels in the cabinet. I’ll be in my... uh... room.” He quickly left.

Man, if Sam was pulling a fast one, he’d kill him. And if he wasn’t... maybe it hadn’t been such a good idea to bring Kia here. Sam always told him that his knight-in-shining-armor mentality was going to get him killed one day.

He paused after shutting the door to his room, then he firmly turned the lock. Just for good measure, he took his gun out of the drawer and put it under his pillow. Tomorrow he would take her wherever she needed to go.

A vision of her gone from his life flitted across his mind.

He briefly wondered why the thought of never seeing her again didn’t really hold any appeal. That, of course, was ridiculous. Yeah, they’d had great sex. Burying himself deep inside her had been like plugging himself into an electrical outlet. He came away charged and ready for more. For a minute he’d even thought there’d been flashing lights.

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