Cosmic Sex (10 page)

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Authors: Karen Kelley

Tags: #Police, #Paranormal, #Fiction, #Romance, #Human-Alien Encounters, #General, #Love Stories

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As soon as they went inside his apartment, he carried the bags to the bar and set them down.

“We can have food now?” Kia set her bags beside his, then slipped off her coat. When she turned around to place it across the sofa, something close to a gurgle escaped from him.

There was no damn back to the dress. At least, there might as well not have been, as low cut as it was. It formed to a vee so low that he found himself raising on his toes for a better look.

He really had to get hold of himself, but how the hell could he, when the silvery material clung to every damn curve?

“Nick?” She turned back around and glided toward him.


“Can we eat now?”

He cleared his throat. “Uh, sure.” He reached into the bag and grabbed the first thing he came to—a banana. “Here, this should hold you until lunch.”

When she started to put it in her mouth, he grabbed it back. “No, you have to peel it first.” He peeled the banana, leaving only part of the bottom skin so she could hold it.

She took it, paused, then said, “Thank you.”

Tentatively, she placed the tip in her mouth. “Mmm... ” She closed her eyes, swirling her tongue around the banana, licking up the side. “Wonderful.”

He couldn’t move if he’d wanted to. Her mouth on the banana took on a whole other meaning as she licked and sucked. Damn, he was going to bust out of his jeans watching her eat a friggin’ piece of fruit.

Until she bit the end off and began to chew.


His world-class boner shriveled right up. She might as well have tossed a bucket of ice water on his lower regions.

He drew in a deep breath. “I’ll get the rest of the packages.”

She nodded, still going to town on the banana. This was good, he told himself. She was occupied and he’d have time to get his mind in order.

No sex, no sex, no sex.

Why exactly was it such a bad idea to have sex, anyway? It wasn’t like he ever followed rules—even his own. There was a good reason, though. He just couldn’t quite think what the hell it was right now.


Chapter 11

Kia finished the banana and tossed the outer hull back on the counter. She was still hungry. She pulled out a pretty package.


This would fill her stomach. She carried the bag back to the lounging sofa and got comfortable. Chocolate was good. Better than sex—almost.

What about chocolate and sex at the same time?

Her nipples tightened and began to ache as a burst of heat inflamed her body. Just as quickly, passion’s fire extinguished. An emotion she was only vaguely familiar with ran through her.

Guilt? She didn’t like guilt.

Succumbing to temptation made her feel guilty because she knew how hard it would be to give all this up.

Had Mala tasted chocolate?

Her brow puckered. If Mala had discovered men, sex, water that cascaded over one’s body, and chocolate, it might be impossible to get her to leave Earth.

She unwrapped another bar and chewed slowly, savoring the taste.

What other things had Mala discovered that Kia hadn’t? She could feel the blood drain from her face as a wave of dizziness washed over her. Would she discover more pleasure while on Earth? How hard would it be for her to leave when it was time to go home?

She worried her bottom lip, realized there was chocolate on it, and licked it off. Chocolate was so good. She closed her eyes for a moment and savored the taste of it on her tongue, then sighed when it was gone.

Already she could feel the tug to stay longer—discover everything she could about this marvelous planet. But what about her promise to her sister? Lara would be so hurt if she broke her word. And if she stayed longer, maybe she wouldn’t want to go home at all.

Lara wasn’t the only one who would be affected. All her sisters would have to erase her from their memories. She sniffed. Not fair. She didn’t want to be forgotten forever and ever. Never to have existed.

She jumped to her feet. No, she was a warrior, and warriors were not weak! They didn’t fall prey to temptation. Warriors had more control than the average Nerakian. When it was time to leave, she would go without looking back.

The door opened and Nick strolled inside, dropping his packages onto the lounging sofa, his gaze never leaving hers.

Sweet temptation!

“You have chocolate on your cheek,” he croaked, then quickly cleared his throat.

As long as she was on Earth, why not indulge in the pleasures of the senses? She was a Nerakian warrior, even if it was in name only. She was highly trained, and she would be able to walk away.

This was only research—sort of.

She sauntered toward Nick, her gaze moving over him, liking what she saw. There was something about him that drew her like a powerful magnet. The pull surprised her. His black T-shirt was a little wrinkled, but it fit snug to his muscled chest. And his pants rode low on his hips, begging her to strip them off.

No, he wasn’t at all perfect. He was better than that.

When she stopped in front of him, she wiped the chocolate off her cheek with one finger, then touched it to his mouth.

“Chocolate is good,” she whispered.

His pupils dilated. Then with excruciating slowness, he licked his lips, brushing across her finger before sucking it inside his mouth. She gasped with delight. Heat swirled inside her.

Nick released her finger, and she stroked her hand down the side of his face, relishing how it felt to touch him. His skin was tanned and still smooth from this morning when he’d scraped away his facial hair. She enjoyed the smoothness.

“I wasn’t going to do this,” he rasped.

“What?” Her eyes widened.

“Have sex with you again.”

“But I want you. I’m not good at denying myself.” She slid her hand down the front of his slacks until she came to the object of her desire. She squeezed his erection. There was pleasure on his face.

“Ah, fuck,” he groaned.

“I know this word. Our language is very similar. It means to have sexual intercourse. Yes, that’s what I want, too,” she breathed.

He slid his hand behind her head and jerked her closer. The heat of his hands moved over her bare back. She moaned, her arms going around his waist, moving nearer.

Her sensitive nipples pressed against his chest, while his erection pushed against her lower half. Automatically, she rubbed against him, feeling his heat even through the material of her dress.

A shudder swept over her.

Nick shoved her dress down. It puddled at her feet. He ended the kiss and stepped back, his gaze slowly moving over her, his eyes telling her that he liked what he saw.

“You look good in thigh-high stockings and stiletto heels... and nothing else. Damn good.”

His words sent a rush of excitement over her. “Then you do want to have sex.”

“God help me, but yeah, I want to have sex with you.”

She smiled and raised his shirt, then pushed it off his shoulders. “I think you look damn good, too.” His body was harder than hers—more firm. She ran her hands over the sinewy muscles, the hard ridges.

Leaning forward, she brushed her nipples against his chest. He sucked in a deep breath; her body tingled. She reached for the waistband of his pants, their gazes locked as she tugged the button from the hole, then slid the metal tab down. Her hands shook as she pushed his pants down, then his briefs, freeing him from the restraints of his clothing.

His erection was hard like the strongest metal on Nerak, strong like the warrior he was. She brushed her fingertips over it and watched it quiver. Nick was the stronger warrior, she knew this. Experience would always tell. But she felt very powerful as she slid her hand downward and cupped his testicles, gently squeezing, feeling his body tremble beneath her touch.

He cupped her butt, drawing her closer, rubbing his erection against her mound. She moved her hands to his shoulders, biting her bottom lip as tremors of excitement washed over her.

Rubbing against him created a friction. Her breathing grew ragged as she quickened the pace. He pulled her closer, letting her have her way. But before she had a chance to climax, he pulled back ever so slightly.


“It’s okay, baby. We’ve got plenty of time.”

She drew in a deep, ragged breath, knowing he was right. He would bring her close to the edge many more times before she found the ultimate release, and that would make it all the sweeter.

When the room stopped spinning, she began to touch him again. She flicked a finger over his nipple, watched it tighten before she leaned forward and licked across the hard nub. “You taste salty.”

“You think so?” His words were laced with passion and humor. He was letting her explore his body. She glanced at him and saw the restraint it took for him not to touch her any more than he already had.

Nick had tried to resist, but she’d tempted him. A smidgen of guilt rushed through her. “You were probably right not to want to have sex again.”

He frowned. “Why?”

“Because it will be harder for me to leave. Like the chocolate.”

One eyebrow shot up. “You’re comparing me to chocolate?” He casually brushed his fingers over her nipples, then tugged on each one, rolling the hard nubs between his thumb and forefinger. Liquid heat pooled between her legs.

“Chocolate is very good,” she hissed as he lowered his mouth and drew one tight nipple inside. His restraint hadn’t lasted long but she didn’t care. This was good. He sucked on one breast before moving to the other and giving it just as much attention.

“You don’t have chocolate on Nerak, and sex is just something to relieve stress. Right?”

She nodded.

He moved his hands lower, tracing her hips, lightly trailing them over her abdomen. For a moment, Nick stole her thoughts. It took a conscious effort for her to remember what he’d said. He brushed his fingers through her curls. She nudged her sex against his hand, seeking satisfaction.

“On Nerak sex is the same as taking a food capsule. Each companion unit is programmed by its owner to perform in a certain manner. When climax is reached, the duty is finished.”

“You mean there’s none of this?” He tugged on the fleshy part of her sex.

She gasped, grabbing his shoulders as heat swirled inside her. “No... no. I’m a warrior. Warriors do not indulge in personal gratification. Having sex is only a way to release pent-up emotions.”

“You mean you don’t touch each other?”

“I’m a warrior, and therefore above such things.”

Incredible sensations washed over her. How could she think when he was caressing her like this? Even her thoughts were no longer coherent.

“Then you’ve never had anyone kiss you right here?” He cupped her sex.

Her eyes flew open. “No... I mean... ” Confusion filled her. Confusion... heat, excitement... and lots and lots of heat! “You have done this before?”

He grinned and her heart did a little flip-flop.

Rather than answer, he moved to his knees and she grabbed his shoulders, not even realizing how much she’d been leaning on him. Before she could do much more than catch her balance, he was blowing warm air over her sex. She gritted her teeth. If his breath felt this wonderful, then what would his tongue... his tongue...

He ran his tongue over her sex, then sucked her inside his mouth.

“Oh... oh... Nick... ”

“Let it happen, baby.”

He scraped his teeth over her most sensitive area before sucking her inside his mouth again. His tongue was hot as it swirled around her.

It took a supreme effort on her part to stay on her feet, but she didn’t want him to stop... ever.

He slid a finger inside her and began to move it in and out. Lights swirled around her. The air filled with electricity. Something close to a whimper escaped past her lips.

Her orgasm hit her in waves, rolling down her body, pulsating against her sex. She cried out. Her legs refused to hold her a second longer but she didn’t have to worry because Nick scooped her into his arms and carried her to bed, then gently laid her down. She felt like a puddle, without substance.

Adam-4 had never done this for her. About the best he could do was vibrate, and while that was awesome, it didn’t even come close to this. She doubted if she would be able to move for at least...

After sheathing himself, he nudged her legs open and slowly slid into her depth, but he didn’t move. His heat filled her. Still, he didn’t move. Suddenly she wanted more. She arched toward him and he raised his hips, then lowered into her again.

She sighed.

He kept a slow rhythm. The heat began to build. Her gaze met his and she saw the knowing look in his eyes. Ahh, he knew what he was doing, building her up for another orgasm. As soon as the thought formed, the fire burst into a roaring flame.

She wrapped her legs around his waist and clenched her inner muscles. He sucked in a breath, picking up the pace. Her breathing grew more rapid, matching his. Fire spread through her body and exploded all at once. He cried out and collapsed on top of her.

Her eyes barely noted the fading haze of colors above them. She’d never thought it could be like this. Never this incredible.

He rolled to his side, taking her with him.

“I think you’re more than just a great warrior. I think you’re also a great lover.”

The temptation of Nick was so very bad, and while she was on Earth, Kia planned to discover just how bad he could be.

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