Cosmic Sex (3 page)

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Authors: Karen Kelley

Tags: #Police, #Paranormal, #Fiction, #Romance, #Human-Alien Encounters, #General, #Love Stories

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“Thank you.”

The words were spoken so softly that he barely heard them. No woman had affected him the way this one was doing right now. He wanted to wrap her in his arms, protect her, keep her safe... kiss those pouting lips, caress every inch of her body, have hot, wild sex with her all night long.

Ah, God, he was in deep shit.

Sam’s chuckles didn’t make him feel any better.


Chapter 3

Kia didn’t understand Sam’s laughter. “I don’t think your friend is... ” She sought the word she wanted. “I think your friend’s... crazy. Am I correct?”

The one called Sam abruptly stopped laughing, but then Nick started. When Sam glared at Nick, he stopped. They were very odd men. No wonder the Elders had genetically altered the DNA so only females would be born on Nerak.

“What are you going to do?” Sam asked.

“I don’t know.” Nick’s forehead furrowed into tiny lines.

Was something wrong? She couldn’t imagine what. They had won their war. At least, they had until Nick said they should retreat. But it had seemed their only choice at the time. He was wise to suggest it. He must be a great warrior.

Why wouldn’t he be great, though? He probably used his skills every day while she’d only practiced with companion units. Certainly not the same.

The Elders were correct about men fighting all the time, though. Even Hank had been argumentative. It was exactly as was stored in the archives. Not that there was a lot of information, and most of it was dated, since the Elders had forbidden interplanetary travel.

“We could always take her to the station,” Sam suggested.

“You know damn well they’d... ” He cast a quick glance in her direction. “You know where they’d send her. Can you see her staying in a homeless shelter?”

She had no idea what Nick spoke about, but she liked his voice. It was deeper than her sisters’, and deeper than that of Adam-4. Nick’s words sounded raspy, rough, and they sent tingles over her body. Very unlike the man who’d brought her to this area. She was almost certain Hank’s dialect wasn’t the right one to use after all.

She continued to study Nick. He didn’t look perfect. He had a thin scar near his ear that ran down his jawline, and his nose was a little crooked. He had very black, thick, wind-blown hair. As if he needed to brush it, but she liked it better this way. Nothing about him seemed to fit, but everything seemed to come together quite nicely.

She inhaled a deep breath. And he smelled good. She didn’t know this scent, but it stirred something pleasant inside her.

When he looked at her, he met her stare unflinchingly. Since she had a tendency to intimidate people on her planet, this was quite a unique experience.

And meeting his gaze wasn’t difficult. He had beautiful eyes. Deep brown. They made her feel... strange. The burst of adrenaline running through her veins abruptly changed to liquid heat. Her nipples tightened and were suddenly sensitive to the material rubbing against them.

“I’ll take her to my apartment,” Nick finally said.

“Are you sure?” Sam turned his gaze from the road for a second to stare at Nick.

“Yeah, I’m sure.”

Sam gave Nick a funny look.

“We’re not going to the ranch?” she asked. She really wanted to see Mala and tell her it was time they left. She frowned. But then she would have to find her craft.

“I think the guy who brought you here was a little confused about where you wanted to go” Nick said. “There are a lot of ranches in Texas, but your cousin isn’t on that one.”

Oh. This wasn’t good. How would she ever find Mala? Worse, what if she was stuck on Earth? She glanced Nick’s way. That might not be so bad. She would like to interact with the human for a short time. Purely for research, of course.

“Your apartment?” Sam asked once more.

“I’ll be safe enough.” Nick cleared his throat. “Sorry about tonight.”

Sam sighed heavily. “Who could say I wouldn’t have done the same.”

“Thanks. For backing me up. For everything.”

Too much talking—and riding. She only wished they would get to their destination. Their vehicle apparently couldn’t fly. Her body felt bruised and sore, especially her hand after hitting the man who was being obnoxious. If only Lara were here to mix one of her healing smoothies. Her sister had many talents to make one feel better.

But Lara wasn’t, so she’d have to suffer. At least she didn’t feel quite so alienated now. She watched the one called Nick. It was good that she would meet one of her own kind—a warrior. He would no doubt be able to help her find Mala.

Maybe they would have sex later. Excitement from the battle still ran through her veins. Sex would help to slow her heart rate. Who would have thought using her skills would be so exhilarating?

Sam finally stopped in front of a building and Nick got out. Kia scooted out right behind him. It was good to be able to stand on solid ground again.

Nick leaned into the car and spoke to Sam, talking low enough that she couldn’t hear what he said, not that she was really listening. She was too absorbed in looking around.

A long row of two-and three-story buildings lined the concrete walkway. On the other side of the street were buildings with glass fronts. One displayed clothing. She would’ve liked to walk closer for a better look but Nick straightened and Sam drove off.

“You can stay the night on my sofa. Tomorrow, we’ll find out more about this cousin of yours.”

She nodded and followed him inside the building. This was good. She knew he would not harm her. He’d been in protective mode when he told the man at the bar he should leave her alone. Only the very best warriors had the protective mode.

Besides, she could always zap him with her phazer.

They went inside a small box that shook, then ascended. When the door opened again, they were on another floor.

Ah, a very primitive beaming station of sorts, except it didn’t disrupt one’s cellular structure.

“This way,” Nick said and led her to a door.

She stepped from the station, then watched as the door shut behind her. At least this one wasn’t broken. It had swished shut without even waving her arm. Maybe some things on Earth weren’t as backward as she’d thought.

When she turned around, Nick stood in front of an open door. She hurried to catch up. He motioned for her to go ahead of him, into another room.

“Welcome to my home, such as it is.”

She stepped inside at the same time Nick came in behind her. There was a click, then light flooded the room.

Her gaze moved slowly around the littered space. Articles of clothing hung from every piece of furniture, and he had quite a lot. She sniffed; at least it didn’t smell too bad. Not like Hank or the man in the bar.

She raised her eyebrows at him. Warriors should set an example.

“The maid had the week off,” he murmured. He kicked the door shut and moved around the dwelling picking up his discarded clothing.

“Maid?” Maid, she’d heard of this word. It was someone who took care of you. Companion unit? Did men have companion units on Earth? If his had been gone for a while, then maybe he would have sex with her. She still felt the need to expel energy.

“Yeah, a figure of speech.” He tossed clothes into a corner of the room, then straightened and looked at her. “I don’t even know your name.”

“Kia.” She removed her cape and folded it neatly before placing it inside her satchel and setting it on the floor. When she straightened, his gaze slowly moved over her. Her body tingled with pleasure.

“The couch lets out into a bed,” he mumbled.

“Then you would like to have sex now?” She separated the material of her top and let it fall to the floor, baring herself to the waist.

He started coughing and sputtering. It was as she had thought. Earth was full of disease. Nick suffered from some sort of malady.

“No, I mean, well, hell.” He strode to her and scooped up her top.

“You have moisture on your face,” she observed.

“No, shit.”

She peered closer at his skin, then frowned. “No, I believe it’s just moisture.”

“Funny,” he grumbled, shoving the top at her, concealing her breasts.

She glanced down. “You don’t like my body?”

“I like it just fine.” He placed her hands over her top so it didn’t slip down again.

“But you don’t want to have sex.”

“Who wouldn’t want to go to bed with you?”

“Then we can have sex and relieve our excess energy.” Earthmen were very strange. She only hoped whatever he had wasn’t catching.

“Damn, lady, are you always this forward?”

“Yes. When I’m ready for sex. I haven’t had sex for a few months. There has been no reason, but I would like to have sex now.”

“You just don’t... I mean... oh, screw it.” He took her into his arms, his mouth lowered to hers. Her hands were caught between them.

She hadn’t expected his lips on hers. She assumed they would have intercourse and that would be the end of it. But this unexpected turn was rather nice.

Had this been what Lara meant when she said companion units were cold? Nick didn’t feel cold. Not at all. Maybe she’d been too quick to judge.

His tongue slipped inside her mouth.

Oh! She stepped back, still holding her top. “You stuck your tongue in my mouth.”

He frowned again. “Haven’t you ever French kissed?”

“I’ve never had anyone stick his tongue in my mouth.”

His eyes narrowed. “You have had sex before—with a man?”

“Of course.”

There was such a small technical difference between a companion unit and a human that she didn’t think it important enough to mention.

She’d had sex plenty of times since reaching the age of discovery, just not with an earthman. Maybe she wouldn’t tell him that. Learning she was from another planet might shock him, and she wanted to experience sex first. A comparison with her Adam-4, nothing more.

Not that she expected to get much out of the union, but she would at least be able to tell Lara that men were nothing special.

She would explain she came from another planet later.

“You may stick your tongue in my mouth again.” She opened wide and closed her eyes. He’d closed his when they’d joined lips and she wanted to blend in while she was here.

But he didn’t stick his tongue in her mouth. Instead, he slipped his hand behind her neck and lightly massaged. Oh, that was nice. She closed her mouth. A moan slipped from between her lips. Maybe he was part healer? He massaged very well.

His lips brushed across hers, followed by a sweep of his tongue. Tremors swept over her. Oh, yes! Her lips automatically parted and when his tongue caressed hers, her knees almost buckled. She really liked this French kiss.

He moved back all too soon. She dropped her top. Something much like a gurgle escaped from him. She glanced down at her naked breasts. He really had a problem looking at her nudity.

“Do you want me to put my top back on?”

He shook his head. “No, I just want to look. My God, you’re beautiful.”

For some reason, his words pleased her. Maybe he’d like to see more. Then she would have him undress so she could compare him to Adam-4. After she studied his body, they would do more of this French kiss.

She tugged on her pants and they came away from her body.

He swallowed hard. “Boots and a thong. You’re every man’s fantasy.”

She tugged on the thong and it too was gone, then she sat on his lounging sofa and raised one leg. “Would you pull off my boot?”

He shook his head. “No, I think I want you to leave them on. They’re kind of sexy.”

He knelt in front of her, nudged her knees apart, slipping between them. “Sweet.” He leaned forward, taking her breasts in his hands and massaging, tugging on her nipples.

She gasped. Adam-4 had never... but then, he wasn’t programmed to... A flush of heat stole over her. His hands created tingles of pleasure inside her.

Nick leaned closer, taking one breast into his mouth, sucking, and running his tongue over the nipple. She melted into the lounging sofa. He cupped her other breast, giving it equal attention.

The lights flickered. He moved back and glanced up, then at her. “Power surge.”

Who cared? She just didn’t want him to stop. She arched toward him, wanting more.

“Kia, that’s a pretty name,” he whispered. His gaze slowly moved down, leaving a trail of heat behind, stopping at the thatch of curls between her legs.

“You want to discuss names? Now?” She didn’t think so!

She leaned forward, pulling his mouth against hers, needing to feel his tongue caressing hers again. And while they kissed, she tugged the front of his shirt apart. There were several pinging noises as buttons hit the hard surfaces of the furniture.

He laughed. “Slow down, sweetheart. We have all night.”

She leaned back with a frown. Never had Adam-4 laughed while they had intercourse.

“No woman has ever ripped off my clothes. I think I like it.”

He was forgiven for laughing. She hadn’t intended to tear his shirt. It didn’t come apart like her clothes but she was glad it gave him pleasure. “I wanted to see you naked.”

“If nothing else, I’m obliging.” He stood and removed his shirt the rest of the way but his gaze stayed on her.

Her eyes drank in the sight of hard, tanned flesh. She stood, needing to touch. Reaching forward, she ran her hands lightly over his chest, trailing through the dark hairs.

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