Cop's Passion (29 page)

Read Cop's Passion Online

Authors: Angela Verdenius

Tags: #love, #family, #cat, #sex, #desire, #passion, #cop, #acceptance, #hunk, #pretty, #eros, #handsome, #kitten, #nurse, #siamese cat, #police officer, #dangerous, #muscular, #plussized, #curvaceous, #sexual heat

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“Law-breakers.”’ Maddy shook her head and sighed, then sobered.
“I’m really sorry we’re going to be late.”

“Hey, remember
what you told me when I had to ditch our first date? You
understood. It’s the same with me.” He smiled at her. “Nurses and
cops, huh? Crazy hours and unexpected happenings. Told you we were
a perfect match.”

“That you did.”
She dropped her hand to his thigh and squeezed lightly. “Thank you

“If you don’t
remove your hand, I may have to pull into an alley for a dirty few

“Really?” She
slid her hand higher.

“I don’t think
we should let innocent people see my boner.”

That had her
hand shifting like lightening, and he laughed.

Maddy slapped
his arm lightly. “You are so bad.”

He smirked.
“It’s the company I’ve been keeping.”

The evening
went perfectly, but he couldn’t seem to find just the right moment
to bring out the ring. The movie was a horror feature, which he
knew she’d enjoy. Then they met Alan and his date and chatted for a
short time. Coming home, Maddy was happy but tired and he caught
her trying to hide her third yawn.

“Sorry, baby,”
she murmured as she snuggled up to him while walking up the garden
path. “Busy day.”

He kissed her
on top of her head. “Understood. Want a raincheck on the torrid
night of passion I’d planned?”

“I’m not that

No, she wasn’t,
in fact Maddy was a very willing participant, but within minutes of
finishing making love, she was sound asleep in his arms.

Holding her in
his arms, Mike gazed up at the dark ceiling and thought about the
ring burning a hole in his pants pockets. When would the time to
spring the question be right? Maddy chose that moment to murmur
sleepily and snuggle closer, and he smiled. Not right then, but
soon. Very soon.

He wanted a
ring on his lady’s finger, and it had to be done at a romantic
moment. The perfect moment.


Her personal
mobile phone ringing had Maddy’s eyes narrowing. She hated it. She
hated the mobile phone so much she almost wished she could toss it
out of the window. She’d made the mistake of giving Cindy the
mobile number, only to threaten her nearest and dearest friend with
death if she didn’t stop ringing her for a chat on it.

Flipping it
open, her frown eased when she saw that Mike was the caller. Even
though she smiled, she managed to sound grumpy. “What? This better
be an emergency, Carson, or you’re in big trouble.”

“I wouldn’t be
game to call for any other reason.” She could hear the amusement in
his deep voice.

“So what is it?
Aliens have touched down outside town? Yamaha has commandeered the
house keys? Alan wants a colonic irrigation?”

“A what?”

She grinned.
“Nothing, big bear.”

“You are not to
go near Alan’s anything for anything, understood?”

“Are you

“Hell, yeah. If
anyone’s going to get a colonic irrigation from you, it’ll be

She started to
laugh. “Do you know what a colonic irrigation is?”


“Ask Tim, I’m
sure he’ll be delighted to tell you.” She was laughing so hard now
she had to lean against the door.

“By the sound
of that guffawing, it’s not pleasant,” Mike growled. “And to
suggest I ask Tim means it’s definitely unpleasant.”

“Don’t knock it
until you’ve tried it.” She wiped her eyes and reached for a
tissue. “Oh man.”

“You owe me a
serious explanation.”

“About what a
colonic irrigation is?”

“No. Why you
like to torture me so much.”

“Oh, sweetie,”
she cooed, “it’s because I love you.”

“I always show
my love in a nicer way.”

“What you see
is what you get.”

He was silent
for several seconds before his voice came over huskily. “And boy,
do I love what I’ve got.”

That just made
her all warm inside. “Then I forgive you for calling me on this
stupid mobile.”

She heard him
take several deep breaths on the other end of the phone and

“I’ve a favour
to ask,” he finally said.


“My bike-”

sound-barrier breaker.”

“-is in having
a service, as you know,” he continued without pause.

“We could leave
it there, like, forever.”

“And,” he
ignored her suggestion, “I need a lift home from work.”

“What, Alan
won’t let you ride in his shiny patrol car? He’s so mean. I don’t
think you should play with him anymore.”

“Oh boy, Maddy,
are you in for it when we get home.”

“Is that a
promise?” She almost laughed out loud when he sucked in a deep
breath, only to nearly swallow her tongue when he replied in that
deep, growling voice that always had the power to make her blood
thicken deliciously, “Oh, you betcha.”

“Okay then.”
Grinning, she ran her palm over the steering wheel cover. “What
favour do you want? And remember, you’ll owe me and I intend to
collect. Naughtily, I might add.”

“I’m sitting at
my desk in the cop station supposedly writing out reports, and
you’re giving me a boner.”

Maddy burst out

“You evil
wench. Now listen up, this just might wipe that smile off your

“I’m all

“What time do
you finish today?”


“I thought so.
Same as me. Could you pick me up when you knock off?”

“As long as you
promise not to behave yourself when I do.”


“Finding it
hard to sit?”

“Not as hard as
you will, if you keep this up.” His voice became muffled and she
realised that he had his hand over the mouth-piece while he spoke
to someone.

Humming to
herself, she checked the list of patients she still had to

“So.” Mike’s
voice sounded again in her ears. “Pick me up when you knock-off and
we’ll go to my mother’s place.”

“What?” She sat
up straight. “Your mother’s place?”

“Thought that’d
fix your evil amusement. Yes, she has a box of things she found in
the storage room and wants me to collect it.”

“Really? I’m
actually going to meet your mother?”

correct. I’m about to unleash you on my family.” Amusement was
evident in his tone. “See you later, sweetie.”

Maddy stared
from the mobile phone to the Golden Link Association building right
in front of her. She was finally going to meet Mike’s mother and
she wasn’t even being given time to prepare herself.

Boy, he owed
her big time. She had to admit, though, that she was curious about
his family and as she worked through her patient list, her
curiosity grew.

Managing to
finish all her work in time, it was going on for two forty-five by
the time she pulled up in front of the police station to find Mike
leaning against one of the patrol cars waiting for her. As soon as
she pulled up, he straightened and strode across to the car.
Folding his length into the seat, he leaned across to kiss her

“Wow,” she said
a little breathlessly when she finally came up for air. “Remind me
to do favours for you more often.”

His teeth
flashed in a grin.

Putting the car
into gear, Maddy pulled out into the traffic. “So, your Mum,

“Oh yeah.”

“Anything I
should know?”

“Just be
yourself.” Relaxed back in the seat, he looked sideways at her.
“Nothing to fret about.”

“Oddly enough,
I haven’t fretted at all,” she cheerfully informed him.

“Why am I not

“Because you
know me so well?” At his sudden leer, she flushed a little. “I
mean, apart from that way.”

“Are you


“You are.
That’s so cute.” He pointed. “Take this exit here.”

“Someone wants
to sleep alone tonight.”

“I have no idea
who that could be.”

“So,” she said
again. “Your Mum.”

“My Mum.

“What can I

gracious. The perfect hostess.”

Maddy glanced
at him. “And?”

“Watch the
road. And nothing. My mother is a nice lady.”

“You don’t talk
about her much.”

“I’ve told you
about her and my stepfather. Take the next left.”

“And you
mentioned a stepsister, but that’s it. So now I’m about to meet the
family and I really don’t know a lot about them.”

“You never
asked much.”

“I waited until
you were ready to talk about them.”

“Are you
nervous, Maddy?”

“A little,” she

“There’s no
need.” He gave her thigh a gentle, reassuring squeeze. “My mother
will like you.”

“Does she know
about…you know, us?”

“I haven’t
spoken to her for awhile.” Mike paused and she could feel his

She nodded.

“Does your
family know about us?” He queried. “And turn right here.”

She sighed . “I
haven’t spoken to them for awhile, either.”

“Maybe it’s
time we visited them.”

She pulled into
a quiet street. “Yeah, I guess.”

He rubbed his
jaw idly as they went down the street. “That last bust-up with your
family must have been a doozy.”

“Like I told
you, it was.”

“You never told
me what it was about.” He gestured. “Turn here. This is the
driveway to her house.”

She shrugged as
she pulled into a tree-lined driveway. “It’s not worth talking
about. Not yet, anyway. One day.”


That’s what she
loved about Mike. He was so accepting of her decisions and he never
pushed unless he thought it was necessary. Yeah, she’d tell him one
day, and then she’d take him to meet her family.

The house came
into view, big, double-storied and beautiful, a small mansion.
Several big, expensive cars stood in the driveway and she pulled in
beside them.

He thrust open
the door. “Let’s go.”

She got out and
looked around. “It’s so beautiful.”

“Mum likes her
gardens, only nowadays a gardener does it for her.” He sounded
almost wistful.

“You miss the
old days, don’t you?” She slipped her hand into his.

“Yeah. I still
remember working in the garden beside her, getting our hands dirty.
It was a lifetime ago.”

“Time changes
people.” Maddy gave his big hand a gentle squeeze. “Don’t worry,
Mike. You can get your hands dirty in my garden all you like. It’s
almost time to weed.”

His eyes were
tender as he gazed down at her, and then he gave a deep, soft laugh
and kissed the tip of her nose. “I really love you, Maddy.”

She smiled up
at him and leaned close. “Ditto, you big Neanderthal.”

Humour twinkled
in his eyes as he slipped an arm around her. “Let’s get that box so
we can go home and neck.”

“I do like
where your priorities lie.”

They went up
the wide, elegant staircase and were met at the door by a maid. She
smiled politely and held the door open. “Mrs Bernard is in the
lounge room with visitors, Mr Carson.”

Mike frowned. “Can you tell my mother that we’re here?”

“She requests
your presence in the lounge.”

Feeling his
displeasure, Maddy leaned close and whispered, “If you’re a good
boy and do as your Mummy wants, I’ll reward you.” Slipping a hand
behind him, she gave one of his muscular buttocks a hard pinch.
“Most handsomely, I’ll add.”

He actually
jumped, then shook his head at her, humour chasing the frown from
his face. “You are so bad.”

“The company I
keep.” She winked.

The maid smiled
slightly and strode ahead.

Maddy and Mike
followed, hearing voices coming from one of the side rooms. The
maid stood aside and gestured, and they entered.

A small group
of people sat on the lounges drawn up around a coffee table, which
held an elegant array of saucers of cakes and biscuits, as well as
cups of hot drinks.

A woman stood
up, slim and dainty, and she came forward with a smile on her face.
“Michael. I’m so pleased you came.” Not one grey hair showed in her
elegant coiffed roll, even though she had to be on the far side of

Bending down,
Mike gave her a chaste kiss on her cheek. Straightening, he placed
a hand at Maddy’s’ back. “This is Maddy. Maddy, my mother, Grace

Mrs Bernard
looked at Maddy, her gaze sweeping across her even as she smiled
and held out a small hand. “I’m so pleased to meet you, Maddy.”

No sooner had
Maddy taken the dainty hand in her own than she heard several
surprised gasps.



The voices were
familiar, all right, and her misgivings were proven as soon as she
looked over to meet the gazes of her parents as well as Matthew and




“What are you
doing here?” Mrs Lovett stood and hurried over to kiss Maddy’s
cheek. “My goodness, how do you know Grace?”

“I don’t,”
Maddy stammered. “I know Mike.”

Mrs Lovett’s
gaze went to him and her eyes widened. “Oh.”

Mr Lovett moved
up behind her, his gaze running up and down Mike. It was hard to
know exactly what he was thinking, for his features were politely
blank as he held out his hand. “I’m Madeline’s father, Gary Lovett,
and this is my wife, Mary.”

“What an
unexpected surprise,” Maddy managed as Mike shook her father’s

“But a lovely
surprise.” Mrs Bernard smiled. “Mike doesn’t bring many of his
friends over. In fact, I don’t see enough of him.”

Mike’s face was
unreadable and Maddy could feel the slight tension in him from his
hand at her waist.

She saw her
father glance down to where Mike’s hand rested and she cringed
inwardly as his disapproving gaze slid back up to meet her

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