Cop's Passion (24 page)

Read Cop's Passion Online

Authors: Angela Verdenius

Tags: #love, #family, #cat, #sex, #desire, #passion, #cop, #acceptance, #hunk, #pretty, #eros, #handsome, #kitten, #nurse, #siamese cat, #police officer, #dangerous, #muscular, #plussized, #curvaceous, #sexual heat

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Heat washed
though her, little sparks that ignited and made her pulses beat
erotically, and when Mike took control back of the kiss she could
only go where he led.

One big hand
left her bottom to slide up her back and nape and into her hair,
fisting into the silken strands gently but firmly as he angled her
head to the side. She almost whimpered when he left her mouth, his
tongue lashing once across her lips in a half teasing, half erotic
lick, and then his hot mouth was sliding down the length of her
throat and his tongue laved the pulse that beat so wildly.

His mouth was
hot, decadent, and she couldn’t prevent herself from rubbing her
belly against his shaft, one of her legs gliding against his.

“God, Maddy,”
he groaned. “I need you now.” Lifting his head, he looked down at
her out of hot eyes. “I want you stretched out beneath me, all
naked and lush.”

His words made
her damp with anticipation, but the sight of that primapore patch
glowing like a white warning through the strands of his dark hair
brought her back to her senses.

she gasped, pushing him back, or trying to, her hands braced on his
chest no match for his greater strength.

hell,” he growled, and started to move back, his hand on her bottom
pulling her effortlessly forward.

“No.” She dug
her heels in, only to tumble forward when he tugged suddenly and
she tipped off balance. Falling against his chest, she looked up to
see his wolfish grin, and that grin combined with his dangerous
looks made her heart almost jitter-bug all through her chest.
Grabbing onto his shoulders, she regained her balance and managed
to frown up at him. “No.”

“Why?” He was
still moving backwards and, damn it, taking her with him.

Did the bloody
man not even feel her weight?

It was hard
enough trying to get her galloping emotions under control without
Mike looking like dangerous sin. “Because you’re supposed to be

“I’ll rest
afterwards.” His smile wasn't just sin now, it was pure

“No!” Grabbing
onto the door frame, Maddy managed to jerk them both to a halt.
“Not now, Mike.”


“Unless you
intend to drag me to your bedroom kicking and screaming, the answer
is no.”

He shook his
head at her. “Maddy, I’m fine. Trust me, I-”

“You just got
home from hospital. You’re recovering from concussion. Damn it,
Mike, I don’t want you ending up with a relapse.”

“I’m not going
to relapse.”

“Because you’re
a medical expert, right?” Folding her arms, she frowned up at him.
“I was worried sick about you and I’m not going to let you risk any
problems by not following the doctor’s orders.”

He looked down
at her for several seconds before there was a little softening of
his expression. “You were worried about me?”

“Of course I
was, you lunkhead.” Relieved that he was finally listening, Maddy
shook her head. “Dragging your big Neanderthal hide out of here in
your yellow ducky boxers with Alan was a good indication of that,
don’t you think?”

Hands on his
hips, Mike hung his head while he contemplated the floor.

A little
worried now, she took a step forward. “Are you all right?”

“Just trying to
get myself under control.” He glanced up at her with a twinkle in
his eyes, eyes which still held heat.

Warily she
stopped. Yeah, his eyes might have a hint of humour in them, but
the sexual heat was still burning.

“You can come
closer. I’m not going to jump you.” His grin was slight, dangerous,
and still had a hint of carnality. “Not yet, anyway.”

“I think I’ll
just put the kettle on.” Taking a breath of relief, she swung
around and went to the sink.

She’d only just
grabbed the empty kettle when she sensed him behind her, but she
didn’t have time to even turn before he was pressed against her
back, his mouth at her ear and his breath a hot promise as he
growled, “This is just a rain check.”

“Okay.” She

“Because I will
have you beneath me, naked and writhing.” He thrust once against
her, making her breath catch at the hot, hard brand that was
evidence of his arousal. “Very soon, Maddy. So very soon.”

And then his
heat was gone and she almost dropped the kettle in relief and -
damn it all, yes, disappointment again. She really had to get her
professionalism back in the control seat.

Taking a deep
breath, she managed to glance over her shoulder while filling the
kettle with water in time to see him gather up the bags and leave
the room. Just before he disappeared around the corner of the wall,
he looked directly at her and the promise she saw smouldering in
his eyes was enough to make her insides curl in delicious

Shaking her
head, she plugged the kettle in and leaned against the bench. No
woman who didn’t know him would ever guess at the carnal passion he
had burning deep inside him. She still found it hard to believe
that his carnal passion was for her. It made her hot and giddy all
at once, and if she had to be truthful, it also scared her a

Getting two
cups out from under the sink, she spooned coffee powder into them
while frowning. She knew why it scared her, and she didn’t like the

Once he saw her
fully naked, would that passion disappear?


She looked up
to find Mike studying her as he crossed the kitchen floor holding
the boxers he’d worn in hospital.

“Are you all
right?” Stopping directly opposite her, he reached across the bench
to gently push a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

The gesture was
so familiar, so comfortable, that she couldn’t stop the little
catch of her breath. She smiled at him. “Fine.”

“Want to talk
about it?”

“Nothing to
talk about. Honestly.”

He searched her
face for several seconds before he finally nodded and continued on
to the laundry. Opening the door, he went inside.

Oops. Maddy
waited. And waited. There was only silence, so she poured milk into
the mugs and crossed to the table, placing the mugs opposite each
other on the wooden surface. Sitting down with her back to the
laundry door, she cupped her hands around the warm china and

The door of the
laundry shut and she listened to Mike walk across the room. He sat
down opposite her and when she lifted her gaze to meet his, it was
to find that familiar, forbidding scowl on his brow.

Typically, he
picked up the mug and took a sip without removing that
laser-piercing gaze from her. Replacing the mug on the table, he
leaned back in his chair, folded his arms, and continued to regard
her steadily.

“What?” She
raised her brows.

“Don’t play the
innocent with me.”

“I don’t know
what you’re talking about.”

“Why is that
fur ball still in the laundry?”

“Because that’s
where you left it.”

“For one

“Actually, it
was one day, remember?”

“It’s not
staying here, Maddy.”

“I never said
it was.” Calmly, she took a sip of coffee.

“Just so you
know.” He picked up his mug again.

“I know.”

Scowling, he
sipped at the coffee. “Bloody thing has taken over the wash

“The nights
have been getting colder.”

His eyes

“So,” she said
brightly, “how does it feel to be home again?”

After several
seconds of gazing at her, he suddenly relaxed in his chair and
glanced around. “Good. Very good.”

“I thought I’d
make a casserole for tea.”

His face
brightened. “Okay.”

Nothing like
food to divert a man.


Oh yeah, Mike
sure did like having Maddy around. He relaxed in the lounge on the
sofa with his feet propped up on the coffee table, watching the
motorbike races. Beside his feet stood a cup of hot tea and a
little plate with some homemade cherry slices on it. In the kitchen
he could hear Maddy moving around and the delicious smells coming
from there had his stomach rumbling.

It was such a
homey atmosphere and he couldn’t wait for the day when Maddy was
there all the time, and if he had his way, it wouldn’t be long.

Of course, he’d
have to welcome that blue-eyed cat into his home as well, but for
Maddy he’d put up with Chaz. He doubted Chaz would have any
problems settling in, the weird cat thought Mike was his best
. Then again, maybe Chaz thought every person who
walked through the door was his best friend

contentedly, Mike wiggled his toes. The only thing missing was
Maddy tucked up at his side watching the races with him, but he’d
seen the roll of her eyes when he’d flicked to the sports channel.
His Maddy wasn’t into motorbikes. He’d have to see what he could do
about changing her mind on that particular subject.

She came in
after about a half hour to check on him.

“Want to look
into my eyes?” Mike winked at her. “My mouth? My pants?”

“Good grief.
What happened to that bad-tempered cop who yelled at me for getting
on the roof? And climbing the ladder?”


“You were
off-duty then.”

“Oh. I’m on
sick leave?” He patted the sofa seat hopefully. “Want to hold my
hand and feel my brow?”

“I can see
you’re just fine.” Maddy shook her head, her deep grey eyes
twinkling. “I need to go home and feed Chaz.”

“You could
always bring him over while you stay the night.” His gaze swept
slowly over her, taking in those generous curves, and he knew his
smile was decidedly on the lewd side.

Yep, there went
that delightful flush filling her cheeks. “I’m not staying the

“So how do you
intend to keep an eye on me?”

“I’ll pop over
a couple of times and check.”

All playfulness
fled. “What?”

“I’ll pop in
and check on you.”

Jesus, she said
it so blithely. Mike frowned.

“What?” It was
her turn to ask.

“Let me get
this straight. You’re going to come over during the night to check
on me?”


His frown
turned to a scowl. “No, you’re not.”

“Don’t be such
a macho man.”

“It’s not being
a macho man. Maddy, you’re not going to be coming over here in the
night to check on me.”

“You need-”

“I need to know
that you’re safe. You’re not going out in the dark of night and
trotting over here to check up on me.” When she opened her mouth to
protest, he growled, “No. Emphatically, absolutely, no.”

Annoyed, Maddy
folded her arms, and if she only knew how that movement lifted her
breasts and made his mouth water, but he refused to dwell on that
delightful little musing right now. Not when she as going to be
stupidly careless.

“You need to be
checked overnight.”

“So stay

“I don’t think
that’d be very restful.”

“I’d know you
were safe.”




“Fine.” She
sighed suddenly.

Oh yeah.
Satisfaction flowed through him and he relaxed. “You’re staying
here, then. It’s settled.”

She looked down
wryly at him. “Nice try, but no.”

“Then what are
you going to do?” Leaning back in the sofa, he laid his arms along
the back of the sofa and arched a brow challengingly at her. “I
refuse to have anyone else but you stay over. I also refuse to let
you come over in the dark. You refuse to leave me overnight without
checking on me. So I guess that leaves only one conclusion.” Oh
yeah, one conclusion only, and it meant she stayed in his home, and
not in the guest bedroom either. Oh boy.

“I’ll ring

His mind went
blank. “Excuse me?”

“I’ll phone
you.” The smile on her face was so full of amusement he thought she
was going to laugh outright.

“Are you

“Your choice.”
Unexpectedly, she leaned over and kissed his scowling brow. “And
the only answer.”

He reached for
her. “Not the only answer.”

Stepping back,
she evaded him easily. “Oh no, you don’t. I have to feed Chaz. If
he doesn’t get fed, you don’t get fed.”

“You’re putting
the cat before me?”

“He was the
first man in my life, remember?”

“Yeah, but I’m
first now.”

“You think?”
Laughing, she left the room.

Shaking his
head, Mike turned his attention back to the TV screen. Ladies and
their pets. He’d never understand them. Geez, it wasn’t like the
damned cat was going to starve, she molly-coddled it so much. Then
again, if she was happy, he was happy.

And boy, was he
happy right now with Maddy cooking for him and her presence in his
home and - he sniffed - yep, her perfume faint in the air.

When he heard
Maddy re-enter the house he got to his feet and padded out to the
kitchen to find her setting out the plates.

Dropping a kiss
on the top of her head, he retrieved the cutlery from the drawer
and proceeded to set the table.

“Well trained.”
Maddy pulled the casserole from the oven and the mouth-watering
smell filled the air. “Your mother?”

Mike corrected. “My mother, well…”

Maddy looked at him as she ladled out the contents of the casserole

Mike set the
napkins on the table. “My mother was a real homebody when my Dad
was alive, but after he died and she remarried, she sort of

Maddy set the plates on the table. “Changed how?”

“She married
into a well-to-do family.” Mike glanced around. “What do you want
to drink? I’m afraid I’ve never been into the wine bit, so I can’t
offer you anything fancy.”

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