Cop's Passion (27 page)

Read Cop's Passion Online

Authors: Angela Verdenius

Tags: #love, #family, #cat, #sex, #desire, #passion, #cop, #acceptance, #hunk, #pretty, #eros, #handsome, #kitten, #nurse, #siamese cat, #police officer, #dangerous, #muscular, #plussized, #curvaceous, #sexual heat

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“This is where
you should be,” he was saying. “In the bloody shed, not sleeping in
my bed. Don’t think this changes anything. You’re staying out
here.” She watched him walk back to his veranda. She couldn’t see
him anymore but his voice was still clear. “Well, are you coming in
or not? You’re the one who followed me outside. Now I’m not
standing here holding the door open for you all day while you sniff
the bloody flowers. Right. In. Yes, I’ll give you something to eat.
Shit, you’re a demanding fur ball.”

She grinned.
Yep, the big lug was well and truly hooked with the kitten. He
refused to admit that it slept in his bed, but she’d caught sight
of it sleeping on his pillow. Mike had glared at her, daring her to
say something, but she’d simply looked innocently at him and asked
him how his head felt.

It didn’t take
a fool to notice that he now had a proper litter tray and proper
cat food bowls in the laundry, and tins of kitten food and milk in
his pantry. He even had little bits of raw mince in the fridge that
she’d seen him slip into the cat food bowl.

Mike had a
kitten. Man, she really wanted to tease him about it, but she knew
the best thing was to pretend she didn’t even notice.

Yeah, the big
bear next door was dangerous looking but he had a soft spot for the
helpless. He treated ladies with care, he had a sense of humour
under that forbidding demeanour, and he wanted her.

He didn’t care
about her weight, he didn’t care what she did for a living. Mike
liked her for herself. More than liked, she’d seen it in his gaze.
He’d openly admitted it. He wanted her forever.

It was a dream
she’d long given up on, and here she was allowing old hurts and
other people’s problems with her weight affect her.

Well, Madeleine
Lovett hadn't gotten where she was by obediently following what
everyone else wanted. Hell no, Maddy Lovett had always followed her
own head and heart and done what she wanted, regardless of other’s
opinions, and she wasn’t going to stop now. She’d fixed her own
damned roof, climbed ladders, changed tyres, and faced an angry,
intimidating Neanderthal of a cop, and damn if she wasn’t going to
claim that Neanderthal cop right now.

A knock sounded
on her door and she cursed the timing. Striding through the
hallway, she was just in time to see Mike opening the door and
entering with a scowl on his face. Make that the right timing.

“Damn it,
Maddy,” he growled. “Your security screen is unlocked. I’ve warned
you about that. I-”

His words were
cut off by Maddy wrapping a hand around his nape, tugging him down,
and fastening her lips on his.

She kissed him
hard, deep, her tongue sweeping in to taste his essence.

Mike growled in
appreciation, his big hands clamping on her waist before moving
around to splay over her bottom.

When she lifted
her head, he looked down into her face, his eyes already glittering
hotly. “Oh yeah,” he rumbled. “That’s the way to greet me.”

“Good,” she
replied boldly. “Because I want you naked and in my bed.”

His eyes
widened in shock and she almost laughed. Emboldened by both his
surprise and the heat in his eyes, she twined her fingers in his
shirt, turned around and walked back down the hall.

Mike followed
willingly. More than willingly. He actually crowded her, his big
body hard against her own so that by the time they came to her
bedroom, he pushed her inside and grabbed her shoulders, hauling
her up on tip toes so he could kiss her.

His kiss was
almost desperate, hungry, and he couldn’t seem to get enough of
her, his big hands cupping her bottom and squeezing, pulling her
hard against his hips.

“Wait!” She
tore her mouth from his. “I’m supposed to be seducing you!”

“Sorry.” He
lifted his head and spread his arms. His heavy, muscular chest rose
and fell with every fast, hard breath he took, and his eyes burned
with the pale blue fire of desire. “Go ahead. Seduce me.”

She couldn’t
help it, she started laughing even as she grabbed the bottom of his
t-shirt and drew it up. She had to laugh even more when Mike had to
bend forward so she could draw it over his head.

No sooner had
she tossed it aside and placed her hands on his ribbed stomach than
he groaned and grabbed her. “Raincheck on the seduction, baby. I
need you now.” He was half laughing, half serious.

“You can’t.”
Maddy giggled. “This is my seduction.”

Correct. Your seduction.” His fingers worked fast on the buttons of
her blouse, flicking it open with astonishing speed. “Oh Jesus, a
black bra with pink polka dots. I’m in heaven!”

She shrieked
when he dropped his head and buried his face between her breasts,
and then they were both laughing. Clothes went everywhere as they
pulled and tugged, kissed and wrestled, and then they were skin to
skin, hot flesh to hot flesh, soft curves to hard lines, and all
hilarity disappeared as they looked at each other.

descended in the room, but their awareness of each other was


Maddy realised
that she was naked in his arms and her heart hammered. Mike held
her so closely, so tenderly, his greater height bent over her
protectively, the heat of passion in his eyes.

Passion and
something else, something that caught at her heart and made her
lips part in uncertain hopefulness.

“Maddy,” he
said softly.

That was all he
said and then he was tumbling her back onto the bed, one arm under
her knees to turn her with quick, easy efficiency so that she was
stretched full length on the bed. He came over her, all hard, long,
muscular lines.

She reached up
and gently touched his cheek. “Mike.”

“Maddy,” he
said again.

Dropping his
head, he captured her lips in a kiss so sweet, so tender, that she
was as lost as if he’d plundered the depths with heated

This delicate
desire was so different, yet the same. It wrung her heart, plucked
at hidden strings, and made her feel so protected, so loved, so
cherished that she could only return the kiss with an equal
tenderness, opening her mouth to him, her body, her soul, her very

Caught up in
the lapping tides of desire, she dimly felt his hand burning a
pathway down her side and hip, and further down. A big hand cupped
behind her leg, drawing her thigh up so that she lay with her knee
bent, and then his hand was tracing behind her knee, fingers
leaving tingling paths in his wake.

“So beautiful,”
he whispered huskily against her lips. “So soft, so beautiful. So

His shaft was
hard, a steel brand wrapped in velvet skin pulsing against her

Moving down, he
eluded her when she reached for him. Further down and she held her
breath, arching up only when his hands traced down her sides as he
moved. A hot, damp trail was left by his marauding mouth as he
tasted and kissed his way down her until he reached his goal.

When his lips
brushed her nipples, Maddy moaned and arched higher, seeking more,
and then his mouth was there, sucking one nipple in deep, and she
felt the pull of his mouth all the way to her womb. Every strong
suck, every stroke of his tongue, had desire coursing through her
in hot, tight strings. Dampness between her thighs, heat on her
breasts, strength above her.

It was heady,
exciting, and so erotic she couldn’t think.

He moved to her
other breast, sucking the nipple deep into his mouth, laving it
with his tongue, enjoying feasting on her. A glance down her body
saw the bliss on his face, every hard, dangerous line taut with

There was no
denying that Mike wanted her body, wanted her. There was no denying
that her overly-generous curves were a total turn-on for him.

Opening his
eyes, he looked wickedly up at her before sliding down lower and
lower still, and her eyes widened as his hands slid beneath her
bottom and tilted her hips up.

“Oh Mike,
surely you’re not going to- ahhhh!”

All coherent
thought left Maddy’s mind as he simply claimed her most secret
places for himself. His tongue slid unerringly between the
sheltering lips of her labia to stroke along her perineum. There
was no hesitation in his hedonistic actions. He plundered her
depths mercilessly, tasting her moistness, growling his
satisfaction, licking deep, finding the little clitoris and sucking
on it.

Driving her

Sensation upon
sensation burst upon her and only the big hands holding her hips
and the muscular chest pinning her thighs down prevented her from
writhing across the bed. All she could do was arch and fist the
sheets in her hand and moan.

He licked her,
sucked, tasted, driving her onwards and upwards, pushing her so
high she could feel the summit rushing upon her.

She exploded,
every overwhelming sensation shattering around her in a dark,
erotic splintering. She flew up and over, his tongue and lips on
her sensitive flesh pushing her up again and again, never allowing
her to come down completely.

She still
wasn’t completely down from Eros when suddenly he was there above
her, his eyes looking down into hers, the fire within the pale blue
depths scorching her. Pure carnal lust was mixed with tenderness,
an impossible mix that was such a part of Mike. He looked like sin
personified, dark and dangerous, and he was all hers.

Cradling his
chiselled cheeks in her hands, she drew his face down to kiss him
with all the tenderness and love she could bring to the gesture.
Her heart was so full when she pulled back from him, and she could
only look up at him with everything she was feeling in her

“Oh God,
Maddy,” he said, his voice deep, so deliciously deep and dark.

And then he was
in her, his shaft tunnelling through her sheath, and she felt every
line, every pump, every bit of the engorged flesh as his thickness
glided past the silken walls of her cavern, and his length buried

At first he
made love tenderly, carefully, his hips keeping a slow and steady
thrust as he moved above her, his forearms holding his weight as he
held her hands down beside her, their fingers entwined, and he
feasted on her lips.

She’d never
thought slow lovemaking could be so soul-shattering, but now she
could feel every bit of Mike above her, inside her, around her.
Every powerful muscle as it bunched and flexed, every hard line of
his body as he moved, the hair on his legs and arms rough against
her skin even as the smoothness of his chest pressed to her own
skin. His shaft inside her, ungiving and hard, yet he was so
careful of her. Cherishing her almost.

Every doubt and
fear she had was swept aside by his obvious enjoyment of her body,
the tenderness in his eyes burning with his ardour.

All for

Her own desire
was sweeping higher, her total enjoyment of his body, the delicious
sensations he invoked in her senses, it was a match to kindling. It
was wonderful. Overwhelming. Almost too much.

As if he knew
what she was feeling, Mike leaned down and kissed her tenderly,
just once, and then the light of prurience burned brighter in his
eyes, darkening the pale blue almost magically, she fancied, but
there was nothing fanciful in the change of tempo as he moved
against her.

His hip thrusts
were hard and fast and she could feel the tension in him building.
The flames of desire were hotter, flaring almost out of control as
he started to pump shorter and more mercilessly, pushing at her
almost, pushing so hard, sliding out and slamming back in. He rose
up on his hands, arching back, and she could only marvel at the
bunching of his muscles, the clenching of his jaw as he rode her
with a hunger of which she’d only ever dreamed.

He was like a
dark, erotic fantasy come to life, a fantasy that drew the fire
through her veins and made her burn out of control.

Without thought
she moved up abruptly on one hand, bracing herself as she
straightened her arm and reached for him, catching him around the
nape and dragging him down to take his mouth in a deep, drugging

The dominance
in him came to the fore and with a growl that reverberated through
her, he tipped her back onto the bed, coming down to wrap his arms
firmly around her, holding her down with his weight as he looked
down at her and continued to pump into her.

“You’re mine,
Maddy,” he growled, his eyes burning down into hers. “Always.” One
hard thrust. “Forever.” His hips pulled back and he plunged forward
again, drawing a moan from her. “Mine.” One last, hard thrust, and
he arched up as his seed erupted from him to spurt deep inside her,
searing her walls as surely as if he’d branded her.

His hips pushed
and pushed at her, jerking as another spurt of seed erupted, and it
was that final hot splash that threw her over to shatter once


Maddy had no
idea how long she laid beneath him, but when she came floating down
from that delicious, dreamy sky, it was to find Mike slumped over
her with his face buried in her hair, his breath hot and moist on
her neck.

“Oh, my,” she

He chuckled,
his chest pressing against her. “Oh, hell yeah.” Lifting his head,
he brushed a kiss on her nose. “Oh, Maddy, you can seduce me any

She started to

Mike rolled off
her and stretching luxuriously, Maddy rolled onto her stomach and
looked dreamily toward the curtains billowing softly in the breeze
from the open window.

The bed dipped
and then Mike was lying beside her, snuggled close, one big leg
draped across her thighs and his cheek pillowed on her upper back.
He slid his hand down her spine then started idly tracing a pattern
in the small of her back.

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