Read Convenience and Compatibility Online

Authors: Emily Jones

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #sexy, #seattle, #girlfriend, #boyfriend, #nurse

Convenience and Compatibility (3 page)

BOOK: Convenience and Compatibility
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“Mallory!” I hear to my left. I turn and see
two figures, about half a block away, come towards me. They’re out
of reach from the street light and I can’t make out any features –
or why it is taking so long for them to reach me. I can tell that
one, or both of them, has an uneven gait. Probably one of my
patients has recognized me and wants to say hi.

I get closer and recognize Dean and John – my
heart skips a beat. We stop about five feet away from each other.
I’m transfixed by Dean’s eyes, and yet, there’s something different
about them. I wait while Dean lightly pants, catching his breath.
I’m at a loss for words and just stand there – staring
incredulously. Is this really the guy that I met a few months

“Do you remember me Mallory?” Dean asks, out
of breath. He is slightly bent over a walker, a huge smile on his
face. His voice is both deep and melodic and I’m instantly

“Of course I do.” I glance over at John
standing beside Dean with a grin spread from ear to ear. “Hi

John nods slightly but doesn’t say anything
so I turn my attention back to Dean. “I’m just amazed.” I answer
honestly and stare at him, unable to think of anything else to say.
“What… um, how?” I start, but unable to finish or articulate my
thoughts, I close my mouth.

Dean answers my unfinished questions with a
laugh. “Lots of physical therapy, I have a long way to go yet.” He
looks down at the walker for a moment before he continues. “I won’t
keep you. I just wanted to say thank you.”

I finally find my voice. “You’re welcome.
Although I’m not sure what you’re thanking me for.”

He looks at me with his beautiful eyes, “Can
I take you to dinner tonight and I’ll tell you why?”

All I can manage is a quiet “Yes.” Yes!


I sit in the back
seat of the sedan
with Dean next to me, John up front driving. I was never very good
about knowing the make and models of vehicles. I do know this this
one is expensive; leather seats, tinted windows, lots of chrome and
wood paneling. The luxuries of money usually don’t amaze me, but
I’d be lying if I didn’t say that sitting in this car I’m totally

We chat very little on the drive to the
restaurant. There are a lot of glances at each other and nervous
smiling. Dean’s cheeks are more filled out than the last time I saw
him, his skin has a warmer color, his muscles more defined. He is
wearing a black overcoat and slacks, looking very well put
together. I notice that his shoes are polished with no scuffs on
them and wonder if he didn’t dress up to see me. It’s a silly
thought, one that I can’t help but hope for.

We pull up to a hotel on the water and narrow
my eyes at Dean. Why are we here?

He laughs at my confusion. “They have amazing
food here.”

Oh, now I feel a little stupid.

We’re seated at the table, overlooking the
sound, and I look expectantly to Dean to start first.

“Have you ever been here Mallory?” I shake my
head no and he continues. “My parents used to bring me here when I
was little, not so much in recent years.” He looks down, aware of
the elephant in the room. “Let me tell you what happened.”

Dean starts three years ago. He tells me how
his highschool girlfriend and him weren’t working out – they were
incompatible but had been together for so long that it was easier
to stay together. Dean had decided to break up with her at his 21st
birthday party – a pool party. That’s where the accident happened.
He had fallen and hit his head on the base of the diving board and
the tiles surrounding the pool. I sat silently and sipped my wine
during his explanation. By the time he was done, our entrees
arrived and I had a slight buzz on.

I want to ask him why he would break up with
his girlfriend at his birthday party; this seems odd to me. But I
figure it’s none of my business and ask what next comes to mind.
“Do you remember much of the last three years?”

“Not really, bits and pieces. Head injuries
can be like that.” He pauses, “I do remember meeting you a few
months ago.”

My eyebrows raise. Oh really?

“I’m really glad I met you Mallory. Now tell
me about you.”


I tell Dean about my family; my parents and
sister. “They live in Edmonds, my mother is a retired nurse, my
father a retired professor. My sister is married already with two
kids – she stays home.”

“Is that why you became a nurse? Your

“Partly, I just like taking care of people.
It’s exhausting, but I really love my job.”

“I bet.” Dean smiles and we eat for a few
minutes in silence.

Our eyes meet and Dean opens his mouth, then
closes it, changing his mind.

“What?” I ask with a smile.

Dean looks down, clearly embarrassed. “It’s
just that… well I wanted to say that I’m happy we bumped into each
other tonight and you agreed to come to dinner with me. There’s
something about you Mallory that I’m attracted to.” He glances up,
I assume to gauge my reaction.

“Oh,” is all I can manage, I’m a little
speechless. I want to ask him why he was at the hospital tonight,
but part of me wants to imagine that he came just to see me.

He elucidates luckily before I say something
I’ll regret, “I mean, I’m attracted to you… but also, I feel drawn
to you.”

“Oh,” is all I can say again. I wrestle with
being my usual coy flirt, or just be honest. There is something so
innocent about Dean that I want to be completely honest with him.
“I feel the same way,” I say quietly. My heart is beating way too
fast and I finish my wine, willing myself to calm down. I don’t
usually get so vulnerable with guys I’m dating – and never this
early after meeting someone. But then again are we dating, or just
having dinner? His dreamy eyes are still on mine as I look down at
his lips. I imagine sucking his bottom lip and sigh reflexively.
Dean smiles and my eyes dart back to his. Oh fuck, what am I doing?
Technically Dean used to be my patient and I feel kind of awkward
having these thoughts about him.

I change the subject to mask my

“What were you doing when the accident
happened? Were you in school, or working?” I ask.

Dean looks away, contemplating how to answer.
“Yes and no,” he begins. He takes a drink of his water and
continues. “I was in school just finishing up my Bachelor’s Degree
in Biology, I was Pre-Med. I wanted to be a doctor like my father
and travel the world doing charity work. One of the classes I took
my sophomore year was Intro to Finance. I loved the class and
started playing the stock market. You know, day-trading, short-term
and long-term stocks.” I nod my head in agreement and he

“I found I was really good at it, and not so
good at Biology. I was determined to finish my degree, but I wasn’t
happy. I felt a lot of pressure to continue. Now… I don’t know. I’m
more excited about diversifying my portfolio than anatomy and

“And how is your portfolio after three years
of inactivity?” I tease.

Dean looks down and smiles bashfully. “Pretty
damn good.”

Oh. “What kind of doctor is your father?”

Dean’s face lights up like he’s ready to
laugh. “Gynecology,” he says.

“Oh really?! Interesting.” We both smile at
each other and eat in silence for a few minutes. I steal glances at
his face when I think he’s not looking. Lord, his eyes are
mesmerizing. He catches me and smiles. I realize we are acting like
teenagers out on a first date. I’m so attracted to him I can hardly
think. This is the first guy I’ve been even slightly interested in
since I met Greg. It feels nice and I wonder if this is my
opportunity to get over Greg. I wouldn’t mind being distracted by

“Are you ready?”

“Yes,” Can he read my mind?

Dean types something into his phone and
motions for the waiter. He pays and we make our way slowly out of
the restaurant. Dean explains to me that after periods of
inactivity his muscles are stiff and crampy. I walk slowly besides
his walker, unsure how and if I should help. What I do is watch him
closely and walk a little behind him, just in case he should start
to fall. Always a nurse I guess.

We get out the front door and John is there
waiting, leaning against the sedan. He has his usual massive grin
on his face, but this time something is different. John and Dean
exchange a look as John holds the car door open for me, winking at
me as I get in.

We get in the car and resume our seats from
the previous ride and I wonder what the exchange between the two of
them was about. We sit motionless and in silence until we get to
the freeway. At first I feel just a finger touch my hand on the
seat between us, but then Dean moves his hand on top of mine and
squeezes it gently. Part of me thinks he’s being a little too
forward; I mean, in all honestly I just met the guy. Another part
of me likes his touch and I decide to just go with it.

“Where do you live Mallory?” John asks and I
look over to Dean who is already looking at me. He squeezes my hand
again and I smile as I rattle off the address.

“That’s close to my place.” Oh really? “It’s
been rented these past three years, but I’ll be back there soon,”
he finishes with a smile. I demise he must be recuperating at his
parents place. As if reading my mind he answers my question. “It’s
just easier with the therapy to be at my parent’s house.”

Without asking for directions, John finds my
apartment right away and parks in the parking lot. I think it’s
odd, but maybe he put the address in a GPS when I wasn’t looking
and I dismiss the thought. John hops out of the car and I
anticipate my car door opening but this doesn’t happen. Dean and I
sit looking at each other in silence.

“Thank you for dinner and the ride home.”

“My pleasure.” He squeezes my hand again and
turns in his seat toward me. “Can I see you again?”

I smile, I guess this is a date. “Sure. I
would love that.” I pull my hand from under his grip. “Goodnight
Dean. Thank you again.”

I open the door of the car and turn to leave.
I’m halfway out when Dean grabs my hand. “Wait.” I look at him,
surprised, and sit back down, closing the door.

“Can I?” he asks while his hand reaches for
my hair. He gently touches my face and trails his hand down my arm.
“Mallory?” He asks, breathless.

“Yes?” I reply, barely a whisper in return.
The affect he has on me is apparent; I feel slightly dizzy and time
seems to come to a stop. He’s very good at this and I imagine him
quite the lady’s man before the accident.

Dean leans forward, his face grimacing
slightly as he moves awkwardly, and gingerly kisses my neck. The
kiss is small, simple, and beautiful. He lingers on my neck,
slightly breathing, panting. I can feel the warm moist air
alternatingly making my neck warm and cool. I can’t seem to move,
and I know I should push him away as my thoughts go to Greg, but
instead let out a small groan.

“Goodnight Mallory,” Dean moves away from me,
letting me go.

“Goodnight.” I get out of the car, in a daze,
wondering if I’ve just been dismissed. The way he spoke reminded me
of the way his mother talked to me. I shut the door of the car and
then see John leaning against the wall of the apartment complex.
His arms are folded, a huge smile on his face.

“Goodnight John,” I say as I open the door to
the complex, smiling back. I guess John is not only Dean’s driver
and helper, but also his wing-man.

I walk up to the second floor and down the
hall to my apartment, feeling slightly confused and aroused at the
same time. I fish for my keys in my purse and pull my phone out
first, glancing at the screen. Oh shit. There are three missed
calls from Tara and five texts. I scroll through the texts briefly,
noting how they get more frantic as I open the door.

Chapter 5

Three sets of eyes are on me as I step inside
the apartment. Double shit.

“Mallory, where have you been?” Tara shrieks
at me from the couch.

“I’m so sorry guys,” I manage. What do I say?
Greg is frowning at me and I feel his disappointment from the
across the room. The guilt I feel for staying out too late with
another man is almost not worth the wonderful time I had with Dean.
“I’m so sorry. My phone was on silent, just let me take a quick
shower and then we can go.” I run to my bedroom and shut the door –
I need to buy myself some time. Unsurprisingly Tara comes in after
me and shuts the door behind her. “What the hell Mallory?” she

“Can we talk about it later?” I whisper back?
I consider telling her that I was kept at work, but I can already
tell she knows something is up. Tara is a nurse on the same floor
at the hospital; I bet she called to see what time I left.

I walk around her, her mouth agape, and walk
to the bathroom.

I’m ready in five minutes flat. My hair in
it’s traditional ponytail, not too much makeup applied, jeans,
riding boots, and a white T-shirt. I grab my jacket and a scarf and
walk to the door.

“Let’s go.”

No one says anything as we walk to the car,
the air heavy with a fight between Greg and I. As we get out of the
complex’s front door I glance to where Dean’s car was, only ten
minutes ago. Already he, and our evening together, seem like a
dream. Instinctively I rub my neck where he had nuzzled me. I can
almost feel his mouth still there.

I feel Greg’s eyes on me and look up to see
him studying my face. He knows something is up. He takes my hand
and kisses my palm as we walk to the car. What am I going to say to
him? I know he’ll be expecting the usual sex after going out
tonight. But I also know that I want to see where things will go
with Dean and I can’t have my cake and eat it too. I will have to
end things tonight. Part of me feels a twinge of guilt, knowing he
wants to take our relationship to the next level. But I also know
there is no future for us; he drinks too much, smokes too much pot,
and is ethically absent with his job as a lawyer. And although I
know all of his faults, he will always have a special place in my
heart and I will always care for him.

BOOK: Convenience and Compatibility
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