Read Convenience and Compatibility Online

Authors: Emily Jones

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #sexy, #seattle, #girlfriend, #boyfriend, #nurse

Convenience and Compatibility (9 page)

BOOK: Convenience and Compatibility
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We leave the restaurant and hear the deep
base of music pounding from down the street. Tara and I look to
each other at the same time and I know we have both remembered the
dance club on the corner. We used to come to the place every
weekend one summer a couple of years ago. I raise my eyebrows at
her; going to the club and forgetting myself while dancing sounds
like fun. We both turn to the guys at the same time, asking
permission. For once they agree on something. I can tell that they
are not into it, but submit to our wishes. At least they finally
have something in common.

We walk into the club and it’s hot and moist,
with sweaty men everywhere. It’s kind of gross and I remind myself
to touch as little as possible. The music is intoxicating and I
grab Tara to dance – hoping that the guys will join us.

I lose myself in the music, forgetting Dean,
Adam, and the horrible dinner. After a couple of songs I look
around and only see Tara dancing next to me. I grab her and motion
to her my intentions of finding the guys and getting some water. We
walk around for a few minutes, not being able to locate them in the
crowd of people. The place has suddenly gotten packed and I’m more
than once touched by some clammy, sweaty man. Gross.

Tara stops short and I nearly bump into her.
The look on her face tells me everything and I follow her gaze.
About twenty feet away Dean and Adam look deep in conversation;
polite, yet clearly fighting. I see Adam’s mouth say ‘fuck you’ and
I know Tara has as well as she rushes to his side, and pulls him
away by his arm. Dean looks over to where I am standing and gives
me a half smile. Shit. I should have never brought him here.

Tara and Adam walk out of the club as Dean
and I walk towards each other. I link my arm in his and we follow,
out the front door and to the car. No one is saying anything and we
drive home in silence. Dean isn’t touching my leg, his usual MO,
and I’m scared that he’s upset with me. I wonder what Adam has said
to him, and my mind wanders while my stomach churns on the drive

The agonizing ride seems to last forever, but
we make it to the apartment. Adam and Tara exit the car silently
and I watch them walk into the complex before I look at Dean. I
realize that he hasn’t asked me to come to his place and I turn to
him, expecting him to tell me he doesn’t want to see me again.

Dean turns to me and I search his eyes.

“I’m so sorry about tonight.”

Dean blinks at me, and he looks at me kindly.
“There’s nothing to be sorry about, I was just about to apologize
for the evening.”

I interrupt him, “You don’t need to
apologize, Adam was the asshole.”

Dean leans over and kisses me, his lips
barely brushing mine. His slow, soft kisses move down to my neck.
“Please, come home with me tonight?”

Yes! “Yes!” Did I say that a little too

He moves away. ”I also wanted to ask you if
you would like to go somewhere with me tomorrow?”

I’m intrigued, “Where?”

“Overnight at the coast.”

“I’d love to.”

Dean smiles at me, “Then go get some clothes
for the weekend, we might go hiking. I’ll have you back by Sunday

Oh fuck ya! “I’ll be right back.”

I practically jump out of the car, so excited
for the weekend. I rush in the front door and practically run up
the stairs and down the hall to the apartment. I take a calming
breath when I reach the door. I don’t want to see, or talk to,
either Adam or Tara. I open the door as quietly as possible and
hear them in Tara’s bedroom, talking. They are probably expecting
me to come into the apartment and be pissed and don’t want to talk
to me as well. I creep into my bedroom and feel like a burglar
packing my clothes and gear, as stealthily as possible. I make it
out without them noticing, or maybe they just don’t care. I’m so
overjoyed as I walk down the steps of the complex. Dean is watching
me from the window of the car and I feel so much desire for this
man I barely know. I know that I could easily fall in love with
him. I push away the thoughts of the obstacles, and get into his

Chapter 10


We get to his place and I drop my bag in his
room. It feels weird having my things in his place, but I could
used to it. I head back down to the kitchen where Dean is making
himself a drink.

“Care to join me?”

“What are you drinking there?” I lean over
the counter to smell his drink and wrinkle my nose – Whiskey.

“I can make you something else if you

“No, that’s okay.” I’ve had more than enough
to drink today.

“Come sit with me for a bit.” Dean walks over
to the sofa and sips his drink.

Okay. I’m a little scared that he’s upset
with me, then I remember that Dean invited me to spend the weekend
with him. He can’t be all that mad.

We sit in silence for awhile, Dean’s arm
around me, and watch the lights out the front window. Boats are lit
up in the distance, moving toward and away from the ship canal. The
silence continues as he sips his drink and I wonder if he’s waiting
for me to apologize.

“I’m sorry how the evening sort of got fucked

I look straight ahead when I say this; it’s
so embarrassing that my best friends have treated him so

“Not your fault Mallory. But if it’s alright
with you, I’d like it if we didn’t go out with them again.”

“Of course.” I try to say this without any
emotion, but hear a twinge of sadness in my voice. I can’t help it,
they are my best friends and I want them to like whatever guy I am

“You’re not mad?”

“No. I just feel horrible that I asked you to
dinner and Adam treated you like a criminal.”

“He just cares about you and he thinks I’m a

“What? Really?” I contemplate this; I’m sure
Greg talked to him about seeing me this morning, but how did Adam
come up with this conclusion? “What were you two talking about at
the club? It looked like a heated conversation.”

“Exactly that. And he warned me to stay away
from you.”

What an asshole!

“Well that’s none of his business.”

Dean downs his drink and sets it on the
coffee table. He pulls me across his body so I’m straddling him and
grabs my ass. I smile and lean over to kiss his beautiful lips,
happy that we are not talking about the evening anymore. I gently
suck on him bottom lip until Dean pulls me from him.

“Listen, I’m worried that they are going to
talk you into disliking me… Please, don’t dislike me.”

The begging in his eyes melt me heart and I
kiss him again. This time harder, pushing my tongue into his mouth
and pushing my pelvis into him. Dean moans and wraps my hair around
his hand, pulling my mouth away from his as his other hand pushes
my ass into his cock. His mouth finds it’s way to my neck and he
partly sucks and kisses up to my jaw. I really want him.

“Let’s go upstairs.” I say, not quite asking
because I know I don’t have to.

Dean nods and releases me, following me up to
his bedroom. I take Dean’s hand and guide him to the bed – gently
shoving him down. He falls on the bed and I remove his shoes and
socks. I lock my eyes onto his and take my dress and shoes off.
Purposefully I have put on the sexiest underwear I have – black and
lacy. I think I’ll leave this on for awhile. I crawl up Dean’s
torso and I can tell he likes the underwear. He paws at the fabric,
grabing my ass while making a low groaning noise. I decide I will
torture him a bit. I start by taking off his shirt and under shirt.
I grate my nails on his chest, scratching lightly. Dean tries to
take off my panties and I bat his hand away. I shake my finger at
him like he is a small child. Dean smiles at my playful games, and
I hope he is enjoying this.

I move to his pants, removing them with his
underwear. I position myself at the bottom half of the bed, my
mouth above his penis. I look up and he is staring at me intently –
is that fear or just desire? I start with light touches with my
hand, followed by the tip of my tongue. He lays his head back and
groans. I play with his cock, swirling my tongue around it and
gripping with my mouth.

“Mallory, I’m going to come soon if you don’t
stop.” Dean says with clenched teeth.

I stop and look at Dean; he opens his eyes
and smiles sheepishly.

“Sorry, you’re just so hot and I’m so turned

He pulls me up to him and the intensity
lessens as he kisses me slow and deep. Deans pulls away and props
himself on an elbow. I’m about to pull him back onto my lips when
he starts talking.

“Do you ever think about why things happen?”
He starts tracing his finger around the outline of my bra. “That
bad things happen in order for the good to follow?”

What is he talking about? I think he wants me
to answer yes, but if I have to be honest, the answer is no. “I
don’t know Dean.”

“I think about it a lot lately.” He’s still
looking down at my bra, his finger now finding my nipple, making
small circles around it. His hand stops moving and he looks up into
my eyes. “I’m really falling for you Mallory.” He moves away in an
instant and I’m left in shock. Dean turns out the light and closes
the curtains. It’s pitch black in his room. He walks over to me and
without saying anything, pulls the covers out from under me and
tucks me in. He walks around the bed and climbs in next to me.

Dean lips find mine and he gives me small wet
kisses over my face as I smile, loving the unpredictably of where
he will kiss next. I lie motionless as he reaches his hand behind
my bra, unclasping it and taking it off me. His hand then moves to
my panties, pulling them down until I help him and pull my legs
out. His hand then touches me, going for my clit, making small
circular motions with the tips of his fingers. My legs
instinctively tense as he works me up and I break free from his
kissing – unable to concentrate on so many distractions at once. I
tug on his hair and his mouth goes to my neck, sucking furiously.
Briefly I worry about the hickey I’m sure to have tomorrow, then
I’m lost in sensations. Right now I could give a fuck.

Dean’s hand stops rubbing and moves downward.
He puts a finger inside and moves up to my face.

“I really want to be inside of you. Would it
be safe… without a condom?”

What?! “Yes.” Yes! “I’m on the pill.”

Dean sits up and moves between my legs. He
grasps me under my knees and pulls me towards him. He leans down
almost on top of me, his face feels inches from mine, and enters me
with a grunt. To say that his dick is made for me is an
understatement. The size, the shape, the texture – it is all
perfect. He’s practically lying on top of me, driving his cock into
me. It’s both gentle and animalistic the way he pumps into me. I
feel him at my neck again, then my ear, then to my lips. His kisses
are tender, open and wet. I wrap my legs around him and hold onto
his back, my eyes closed, focusing on my release.

I arch my back in response to his thrusting
and he breaks away from my mouth. He breathes heavily into my neck
as his pumping becomes more frantic. I feel like he may be close
and focus so we can come at the same time. Dean lets out a sound
somewhere between a yell and a groan and I can feel him spilling
into me. This tips me over the edge and I come as well; holding
tight to him as ripples of pleasure engulf me.

Dean falls on me, still inside, and we lay
there until our breathing slows down. I can feel liquid oozing from
me, down my ass and onto the bed.

“Um, Dean, I’m leaking.”

“Oh.” He moves off me and I run to the
bathroom. I leave the lights out and attempt to turn on the shower.
I fumble with the nozzle on the wall, but only get sprayed with
cold water from the ceiling.

Dean comes up behind me, surprising me, by
putting his hand at my waist. I hadn’t heard him come into the room
and I jump a little. He kisses me on the cheek and in no time he
has the water on and we are embracing under the faucet. The hot
water sprays over my head and I don’t even care that the hair I
straightened earlier this evening is getting ruined. Dean’s muscles
flex as I run my fingertips up and down his back. I turn my back to
him so I can wash between my legs – wow, he came a lot! Dean pulls
me close and starts massaging my breasts. He’s insatiable!

“Are you trying to get me dirty again?” I
giggle as he lightly bites my neck.

“Hmmm, not a bad idea.”

“Oh no you don’t. I won’t be able to walk

I move away from his grabby hands and find a
towel hanging on the wall. I dry off on my way to the bed and climb
under the covers. Dean climbs in shortly after me, still damp from
the shower. He pulls me into his arms and within seconds I can hear
his breathing slow down. I’m sure he is asleep. I lay in the pitch
black, my thoughts my only company. What did he mean about things
happening for a reason? Could he have been talking about me? After
what seems life forever, in the darkness I finally find sleep.

My sleep is restless though, and I wake up
many times after having the same disturbing dream. I’m in the arms
of a dark man. We are both naked, about to have sex, but are held
back by something. I’m most disturbed not by the dream itself, but
by the feelings accompanying it. The love I feel for this man makes
any other type of love I’m feeling insignificant. Deep down I know
it’s not Dean.


I wake up to Dean
still wrapped around
me, kissing my neck from behind. It’s pitch black and at first I
think it’s the middle of the night and I’m still dreaming. Then I
realize that I’m pretty rested and that Dean has clothes on, I
think. I move my hand back to touch his leg, confirming what I

“What time is it?”

“Eight.” He is nibbling my ear now. “Time to
get up, sleepy-head. I’ve made you breakfast.” Dean moves away from
me and opens the curtains a bit, letting sunshine fill the room. I
sit up and rub my eyes, pushing the last traces of discomfort from
my dream away.

BOOK: Convenience and Compatibility
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