Conquest (12 page)

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Authors: S. J. Frost

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Conquest
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Jesse gave him bright smile. “And how could I be attracted to you for your celebrity status? The Evan Arden I know is just a wicked sexy guy who hangs out in questionable parts of town desperate to catch a glimpse of the greatest singer he’s ever had the privilege of listening to.”

“I can’t argue with that,” Evan laughed.

Jesse bumped him playfully on the shoulder with his shoulder, then turned back to his food. When the last bites were eaten, Evan lifted the tray and set it on the nightstand. Jesse breathed out a contented sigh and slid down on the bed, lying on his back and stretching out.

Evan reclined on his side and propped his head up on his hand, tickling circles and swirls over Jesse’s chest with his fingertips. “I still think it’s amazing you don’t have a boyfriend.”

“I still think it’s amazing you’re gay. All the times I’ve listened to your music, watched and read interviews with you, I never got the impression you were into guys.” He grinned up at Evan. “I fantasized that you were, though.”

“Now that puts all sorts of beautiful images in my head. I can just envision you lying in bed, stroking yourself, listening to one of my CDs with a magazine I was in open beside you.”

“You don’t think I’m weird for fantasizing about you?” “No. I fantasized about you after I first saw you. I even dreamed about you and woke up to a mess all over my sheets.”

“I hope I lived up to what you dreamed about.”
“You surpassed it.”
Evan bent his head down and kissed him. Jesse weaved his

fingers in Evan’s hair. He heaved his weight up against him to put Evan on his back and rolled on top of him. Evan caught him behind his head and pulled him down harder to his mouth. He thrust his tongue against Jesse’s and arched his hips up to him.

Jesse’s entire body warmed as desire ignited his temperature. He ground his hard cock against Evan’s hidden away in his pants, and the short, high moan that passed from Evan’s mouth to his amped his passion up even more. He braced himself above Evan on both arms, breaking the kiss but keeping their lips touching, and thrust against him as he would if he were inside him.

Evan took in a quick breath, whispering “Jess” as he exhaled.


Jesse grabbed the top of Evan’s pants and started to pull them down.


Evan caught Jesse’s wrist. “Let’s…let’s shower first.”

Jesse fought to refocus from his physical need and met Evan’s gaze. Despite Evan’s attempt to hide it, he saw a flicker of nervousness in his eyes and the slight trembling in his fingers further betrayed him. With defying speed, Jesse’s mind formed an analysis of the enigma under him. For all his success and fame, for all the people who admired and adored him, Evan wasn’t one who trusted easily. And yet, Evan had welcomed him into his home, so did that mean Evan wanted to trust him? From deep inside, he knew the answer was yes, and he would work to prove to Evan he could trust him.

Jesse smiled and rubbed his nose against Evan’s. “Yeah, I haven’t showered since before my gig last night. I’m icky, aren’t I?”

Evan released the breath he’d been holding with a single short laugh. “Neither have I. So I guess we’re both icky.”

Jesse gave him one more light kiss on the lips, then slid off him and the bed. He stood with his back to Evan, using the excuse of stretching his arms over his head to allow Evan an eyeful of the smooth skin of his back and tight curves of his ass. He glanced over his shoulder, and at the open lust he saw in Evan’s eyes, he knew he had succeeded in balancing Evan’s mood again.

“I just have to run out to my truck to get my bag first,” Jesse said.
“I’ll get it for you. You jump in the shower. I have an extra toothbrush in the cabinet under the sink you can have if you want.”
Jesse moved toward the bathroom. “Thanks.”
He found the unopened toothbrush and brushed his teeth, then turned the shower on. When he stepped under the hot flow, every part of him, save one, went limp at the pressure and heat massaging his body. A small groan purred in his throat at how good it felt to be in a shower where the flow was more than a trickle and the hot water didn’t fade in and out every two minutes. He washed his body, then grabbed Evan’s shampoo to wash his hair. While rubbing in conditioner, he heard Evan drop his duffel bag on the bathroom floor.

“Awe, this is so cute. You have all my albums in your CD wallet.”


Jesse cracked open the glass shower door and peeked out, smiling. “Snoop around much?”

Evan held up the wallet as if showing him something Jesse had never seen. “It was under your bag. Look, they’re even right in front before any others. That must mean they’re your favorite.”

“Either that, or I want to get past them quick to the real music,” Jesse teased, ducking back into the shower.

“Ouch,” Evan chuckled. “Let’s see what else you got in here. You can learn a lot about a person from what kind of music they listen to. We have Black Eyed Peas, Pink, Queen, okay those are all good.”

Jesse laughed listening to him.
“Hmm, Mozart concertos. So you are a classical buff.”

“Mozart is my boy,” Jesse said, rinsing conditioner from his hair. “I played classical piano from when I was old enough to sit at the keys until I was fifteen.”

“That explains a lot.” Evan flipped another page and deepened his voice, making it rough, “Metallica!”

Jesse laughed harder, shaking his head at him.
“What the…Dr. Dre,
The Chronic
Jesse opened the door again. “It’s a classic. I have the new

50 Cent in there, too. What? You don’t like rap?”
“No, I love it. I just can’t see your skinny white butt cruising the streets of Chicago with
The Chronic
bumping out of your busted ass pickup truck.”

Jesse forced himself to look serious. “Are you about done now?”


“No, I’m not even halfway through.”

Jesse gave him a playful glare from under his wet hair. “Why don’t you put the CDs down, shut your pretty mouth, and get in the shower.”

Evan placed the wallet on the sink counter and pushed his pants off his hips. “Yeah, I guess I do have some more schooling to do with you.”

Jesse grinned as he watched Evan’s pants fall to the floor. “Just be careful. I wouldn’t want you to fall and break a hip or anything.”

“That’s it! You’re going down!”

Evan jumped in the shower and grabbed Jesse, pressing his lips to his, both laughing through the kiss. He raked his fingers up the back of Jesse’s hair, took a fistful, and yanked his head back to look into his eyes, a smirk lifting one corner of his lips. “If you keep up with your smart mouth, I’ll just have to keep punishing you.”

Jesse bumped his rigid organ against Evan’s. “You have no idea how cocky I can be. And I think you’re a bit of a sadist, anyway.”

“Which works out since I think you’re a bit of a masochist.” “With you I am.” Jesse stepped behind Evan and nudged

him under the flow. He combed his fingers through Evan’s hair to get it saturated, then snatched the shampoo. “But that’s not how I usually am. This one time at a club, I almost ripped out a guy’s nipple ring for trying to get rough with me.”

Evan swallowed the instant jealousy that erupted from his core at hearing of Jesse in an intimate situation with another guy. “Have things like that happened a lot?”

“No. Most guys had to practically spar against my brother just to dance with me. If there’s such a thing as overly overprotective, that’s Brandon. But he means well, so I don’t get upset about it.”

Evan nodded, then stood silent while Jesse washed his hair and massaged his scalp. He felt Jesse’s aroused cock bump against his ass, but it happened so quickly and without a second brush, he knew it had been an accident. For as hard and lustful as he was, Jesse was doing his best to not be invasive on him. The care and respect Jesse showed made his heart ache for him. Even when Jesse had been flaunting like an exhibitionist, the tenderness in his eyes was no illusion, which stunned him since Jesse had every right to be upset at him.

He hadn’t meant to stop him. When Jesse gave him a taste of how hungry and aggressive he would be on top, he wanted Jesse to take him, but years had passed since he let another man inside him and he panicked at giving himself over so intimately. When he was on top, he could still maintain some distance. It was more of an act of serving physical need than emotional.

Except last night, there
been emotion. There had been ever since he first saw Jesse.

As Jesse finished rinsing the conditioner from Evan’s hair, Evan turned toward him and kissed him. Without breaking the kiss, Jesse found the soap and lathered his hands. He rubbed them over Evan’s shoulders, down his back, across his chest and abdomen. With one sudsy hand he gripped Evan’s shaft, with the other his delicate sac, and gently kneaded, pumped, and stroked him clean.

Evan closed his eyes, taking a moment to enjoy the slick pleasuring before claiming the soap and washing Jesse in turn. With reverence filled fingertips, they caressed and explored every curve, each muscle, of the other.

Evan traced a line down Jesse’s spine past his tailbone. As Evan’s touch moved to his hole, Jesse shifted his stance wider. Evan pushed his middle finger inside him. Jesse moaned long and low, and pressed against him, the heat from the shower and Evan’s touch giving him a euphoric rush. He tipped his head back. Water trickled over his face, and through it he felt Evan’s moist breath on his lips.

Evan gazed at him, so wanton, so ready to accept him. Jesse was like no one he ever encountered before. He had no shame in himself, his body, or his emotions. There were no ulterior motives in him. He doubted it was even possible for Jesse to hide his feelings, let alone deceitful intentions. So maybe, it might be okay to open up to him, just a little.

Evan reached around and found Jesse’s hand resting on his back. He slid his hand down and pressed Jesse’s fingers between his ass cheeks. He felt Jesse exhale a fast breath of surprise, but the way Jesse’s cock twitched forward told him how badly he wanted him. He eased his finger out of Jesse.

“Jess,” he whispered, “you should know, it’s been a long time for me.”
Jesse barely heard Evan’s words through the desire pounding a hard rhythm in his body like a thousand bass drums. He took a deep breath to clear his head. “Do you not like it?”

“No, I do.” Evan averted his gaze. “It’s just, it’s difficult for me, sometimes, a lot of times, to…”

Sympathy flooded Jesse as he watched Evan struggle to explain what he had already figured out, that Evan found it difficult to open up to others, physically and emotionally, and he leaped to save him from his discomfiture. “It’s okay. I understand. You’re like me. It’s not easy for you to trust just anyone.” He smiled. “Unlike my brother. You should see some of the losers he’s slept with. If I had a dollar for every time I asked him, ‘What the hell were you thinking?’ I’d be able to buy more Ferraris than you.”

Evan chuckled softly. How was it possible Jesse knew exactly what to say and do to put him at ease? His ability to do so was almost too supernatural to believe. He looked in Jesse’s indigo eyes shining with affection and humor. Adoration for him consumed him, leaving him helpless as he yanked Jesse close and claimed his mouth.

Jesse greeted Evan’s sudden passion with his own. He drifted his lips down Evan’s throat and gently stroked the outside of Evan’s opening with his middle fingertip, waiting for a sign that Evan wanted more. He felt Evan’s rapid pulse in his neck, his chest rising and falling in fast breaths. Evan opened his stance and pushed back toward his fingers. Jesse eased his middle finger halfway into him.

Evan let out a soft groan that took his tension away with the expelled breath. His shoulders relaxed, each knotted muscle untangling at Jesse’s touch.

Jesse thrust his finger into him and studied him, fascinated as he explored his body. Evan felt so intense inside. The gripping tightness of him, the clenching muscles, the wet heat, the silken internal flesh, it all amazed him. He added his index finger and evoked a deep moan from Evan. He concentrated on Evan, memorizing what each caress and stroke of his fingers did so he could deliver the best possible pleasure.

His fingers found Evan’s gland. He watched as Evan gasped, his body flinched in a shock of ecstasy. He looked down between them at Evan’s cock, the slit filled with drops of milky white. He rubbed his thumb over it, smearing the wetness across the soft skin. A throaty groan shook in Evan’s throat. Evan pushed his hips forward, and at the same time, reached back, found Jesse’s hand, and drove his fingers into himself as deep as they’d go. His head fell back on his shoulders as he exhaled a loud groan.

Jesse licked his lips, his own cock demanding to feel what his fingers were.

Evan tipped his head forward, his lips a fraction from Jesse’s. “Let’s go to the bed,” he said, his voice a husky whisper.

Jesse nodded and withdrew his fingers.


Evan turned off the water and stepped out of the shower.

Without bothering to dry off, he took Jesse’s hand and led him to the bed. He grabbed the comforter and top sheet, and flung them toward the foot. As he opened the top drawer of the nightstand, Jesse peeked over his shoulder.
“Holy shit,” Jesse said, peering into the drawer at the lube

sitting on top of dildos and vibrators of various sizes and styles, cock rings, anal beads, and other assorted sex toys. “You could open an adult store.” He picked up a foot-long black dildo of an unnatural diameter. “Wow. I feel a little insufficient.”

“Actually, I never use that one.” Evan picked up a pink flesh colored one with a slender but full width, a near clone Jesse’s organ. “This is my regular.”

“That makes me feel better.” Jesse reached in the drawer and lifted a black silk bondage strap on his index finger. He looked at Evan with a mischievous smirk. “Just when I thought you couldn’t get any more perfect, you turn out to be a kinky boy, too.”

Evan grinned at him. “You know, since my relationships don’t usually stretch beyond a night, I’ve never gotten to play with things like that for fear of freakin’ somebody out by asking them if I could tie them up and tease them with a vibrator. But you’d be willing?”

Jesse hopped on the bed and lay on his back. “I’m willing to play with anything at least once. And we’re going to be moving into our second night together.”

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