Conquest (9 page)

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Authors: S. J. Frost

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Conquest
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“I can’t believe you live in this big house all by yourself. Doesn’t it feel empty or lonely?”
Evan startled inside at the sudden topic change. Jesse hadn’t taken the opening he’d created for him. Things had been going so well and now it felt like Jesse had withdrawn. Uncertain whether to move forward or not, Evan cleared his throat. “Well, like I said, I haven’t been here very long so I’m still getting used to it. But being alone doesn’t bother me. I prefer privacy to an entourage. I’ve thought about getting a dog, if that counts. Or maybe a cat. And who else do you think I would have living here?”
“Don’t you have a few dozen girlfriends?”

Evan shook his head in confusion. “Why would you think I have a lot of girlfriends?”

Jesse shrugged and plucked a few more strings on the harp. “I just remember when you were performing you always had a different woman with you at every award show or big event. So I figured you probably have a lot of,” he turned his eyes to Evan in a meaningful glance, “lovers.”

Evan couldn’t keep his smile at bay. And there it was. The piece holding Jesse back, and of course it would. They had only just met, so obviously Jesse would know Evan the Entertainer better than Evan the Human Being, and the persona he had presented to the world was that of a very straight male, thanks to Greg. In order to keep his sexuality hidden, Greg had insisted he take dates to events where the publicity would be hot. Greg always arranged who his date would be, and the woman, so eager and excited to be on his arm, ended up irritated and disappointed from a long evening of being ignored by him. He didn’t feel it was his responsibility to keep them entertained since if he had it his way he’d go to the events alone, if he showed up at all. Unfortunately, the charade of being seen with so many different women and never having a steady girlfriend branded him with the reputation of a playboy, and he always knew it would come back to haunt him someday. “You’re right, I always did go places with a lot of different

women, but out of all those women, did you ever hear of one referred to as my girlfriend?”

Jesse laid his hands on the harp strings to silence them and looked sharply up at Evan. “No, but isn’t that where the whole being a player comes in?”

An amused grin quirked Evan’s lips. How bold Jesse was, practically demanding to know if he had other lovers, as if already staking a claim to him. He wasn’t used to people acting like this with him. Other men never cared if there was someone else in his life so long as they got their turn in his bed, but Jesse was already making it clear he wouldn’t tolerate anyone else. A pleased sigh passed through Evan, and he decided to answer Jesse’s question.

“Stand up,” he said.
“What?” Jesse asked, confused.
“You want to try and play the violin, don’t you? Stand up

and come here.”

Surprised by Evan’s commanding tone, Jesse wondered if he’d been too pushy in trying to get him to open up about his personal life and had offended him. Now Evan was probably trying to brush it off by focusing on something they could both agree on. Music. Jesse stood and walked the few paces to Evan.

“Turn around,” Evan said.

Jesse stared at him, then slowly turned his back to him. Evan moved behind him and reached around him with the Stradivarius and bow. He put the neck of the violin in Jesse’s left hand, the bow in his right. Jesse froze, caught between being more alarmed at holding the Stradivarius or having Evan so close to him.

“Can’t we use a different violin? I’ll die if I drop him.” “You won’t drop him.”

Evan set the violin against Jesse’s shoulder. Jesse turned his head, placing his chin on the cloth like he had seen Evan do. Evan adjusted Jesse’s fingers on the bow and kept his hand resting lightly over Jesse’s to guide it. He brought his left hand up to the neck of the violin.

“Wrap your hand around mine so you can feel each move I make. Move when I move and we’ll create a harmony together.”

Jesse nodded. Evan’s chest warmed his back, his arms embraced him, his deep voice purred in his ear. It was too much. He felt lightheaded. His awareness narrowed to Evan’s presence and his own erection throbbing with painful hardness.

“Here we go,” Evan said.


He set the bow to the strings. Moving Jesse’s hand for him, he began playing Pachelbel’s Canon once again.

Jesse closed his eyes, surrendering himself to the music, feeling Evan’s gift flow through him. He could read it in Evan’s body, in the slightest of muscle movements, where Evan’s hand and fingers would move next. The music lifted his inhibitions from him, dispelling them into the air with the floating notes.

Evan brushed his cheek against Jesse’s hair and grazed his lips over the edge of his ear. “Jesse,” he whispered, “you should know, I never slept with any of those women.”

Evan’s words began pulling Jesse from his trance.

“They were missing something so very essential for my pleasure.” Evan tipped his head lower and laid a soft kiss on the back of Jesse’s neck. “Do you understand what I’m saying?”

Jesse’s head spun with full comprehension.


“I don’t have lots of lovers. I don’t have even one. Though, I was hoping to change that tonight.”

Evan brought his hips up against Jesse’s ass to let him feel the proof of his words. He dropped his right hand from the bow, silencing the music, and drew his hand down Jesse’s chest to his stomach. He slipped it under Jesse’s shirt and rubbed his bare skin stretched tight across his toned abdomen.

At Evan’s touch, Jesse sighed softly and lowered the violin from his shoulder. His head fell back and to the side. Evan licked up his neck and kissed back down to suck near the curve. As Evan lightly nipped him, Jesse took in a shaking breath and pushed back hard against him.

Turning in Evan’s arms, Jesse wrapped his arms around Evan’s neck, the Stradivarius and bow still in hand. He placed his lips to Evan’s in a warm chaste kiss, savoring the softness of them. He parted his lips at the same moment as Evan, both sharing a breath before their tongues glided together.

Evan wrapped one arm around Jesse’s back underneath his shirt and buried the fingers of his other hand in his hair as he sucked Jesse’s tongue deep into his mouth. Jesse tucked his hips against Evan’s, shifting so their erections met through their jeans. Evan strengthened his hold around Jesse’s lower back and thrust his hips toward him. Jesse pushed back, the friction of their cocks seeking each other out through their clothes made him crave the feel of Evan’s bare skin.

Reluctantly, Evan broke the kiss. He smiled, looking into Jesse’s eyes. “Would you like to see my bedroom next?” Jesse had to order his arms to release their hold on Evan. “More than anything.”

Evan claimed the violin and bow from him, and laid them to rest in the case. He held his hand out to Jesse. “I told you that you wouldn’t drop him.”

Jesse took Evan’s hand. “You probably would’ve stopped kissing me if I would have, so that was my motivation.”

Evan led Jesse out of the music room and through the family room. “Now I know the secret to getting you to do what I want. All I have to do is kiss you.”

Jesse chuckled softly. “Pretty much.”

Evan mounted the stairs in the entrance room. Jesse fell in behind him and gazed at his back, stunned that he was going up to Evan’s bedroom. They walked down a hall to the master bedroom. Jesse’s eyes widened at the sight of the four-poster king-sized bed of dark mahogany cloaked in a thick comforter of royal blue. To him, it looked like a stage built for the most intimate of performances.

Evan yanked Jesse to him and covered his mouth in a passionate kiss. Jesse’s arms went around him. He returned Evan’s kiss with equal fervor, allowing all the desire that had built throughout the night to break free, and pushed so hard against him that Evan stumbled back a step. He eased up a fraction, but only to work the buttons on Evan’s shirt. At each one he tugged loose, his anticipation grew with the thought of feeling Evan’s skin.

As the last button fell open, Jesse drew back from the kiss and settled his hands on Evan’s abdomen lined with muscle, his eyes studying Evan’s exposed flesh. His fingertips traveled up to his defined pectorals. He cupped them in his hands and squeezed against their strength. Though their builds were similar, Evan’s frame fell more toward the small end of medium and he carried more muscle, especially in his chest. Jesse rubbed his hands over Evan’s shoulders and pushed his shirt off, sliding it down his arms. He raised his gaze to Evan’s and returned to his lips.

Evan fell back another step when Jesse pushed hard against him a second time. He broke their heated kiss to lift Jesse’s shirt over his head. He tossed it, and before it hit the ground, he engaged Jesse in another deep kiss. Walking backward toward the bed, he enticed Jesse to follow with their lips together.

He paused to slide out of his shoes, and Jesse kicked his Nikes to the side. At the bedside, he grabbed the top of Jesse’s jeans, pulled the button free, and dragged the zipper down. He wiggled his hand into Jesse’s boxers, the humidity inside and slickness of his swollen cock head telling him that Jesse had been battling his attraction for him all night. He drifted his fingers down Jesse’s organ, getting a feel for its length and diameter, and grinned. Jesse kept himself finely groomed, having only a small patch of silky curls above the base.

Jesse moaned loud as Evan’s strong hand took hold of him, his fingers playing up and down his length with the same skill they had the violin. He hugged Evan tighter and buried his face against his neck. He wanted to touch Evan too, but his body was so desperate for release, he could only cling to him and thrust into his hand.

Evan let him go. He shoved Jesse’s jeans and boxers the rest of the way down. As soon as Jesse stepped free of them, he pushed him hard, knocking him backward onto the bed, and followed by straddling one of Jesse’s legs and placing a knee on the bed on the outside of Jesse’s thigh.

Jesse blinked up at him, shocked by the rough movement, then grinned and propped himself up on his elbows. “You like to get rough, do you?”

Evan reached down to yank Jesse’s socks off. “Sometimes. You?”


“Um, well, you see, here’s the thing…”


Evan paused in unzipping his jeans and looked at him. “You’ve done this before, right?”

“Yeah…well, I’ve never gone all the way with a guy, but I’ve messed around and stuff.”
Evan stared at him in disbelief. The one thing he had disregarded turned out to be the truth, Jesse’s experience was limited. He slid his knee off the bed to stand firmly on the floor. His hands moved from his zipper to his hips. “Maybe we should slow down.”
Jesse grabbed Evan’s wrists. “No. If you slow down, then I’ll speed up.” He went to his back, bringing Evan down with him. Evan remained standing at the edge of the bed and braced himself above Jesse on both hands. Jesse lifted his head and grazed his lips across Evan’s. “You started this, you’re not getting out of it.”
“I think it was an equal endeavor.” Evan leaned all his weight on his left arm and lifted his right hand, combing his fingers through Jesse’s hair. “Just so you know, we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. I’ll stop at anytime, just let me know.”
Jesse smirked up at him. “Does talking fall into that?”
Evan laughed. “Oh, it’s like that is it?”
“Yeah, it is.”

Jesse snatched Evan’s wrist and pulled his arm out from under him. Evan’s chest crashed down on his. Without giving him a second to recover, Jesse clamped him in place with his arms around Evan’s neck and his legs around his waist. Evan managed to take in a surprised breath an instant before Jesse took possession of his mouth and pushed his tongue into it in rhythmic thrusts.

Evan smiled through the kiss. He didn’t realize his little bit of teasing would get Jesse so worked up. All the men he had known, all the countless times he had sex that he thought had been pretty damn good, seemed to pale compared to the way Jesse reacted to his touch. How anyone so gorgeous and passionate hadn’t yet been claimed by another man was beyond him, but he’d call it his good fortune that he hadn’t been, and would make Jesse his. He just needed to get him under control first.

Evan reached back with one hand and caught Jesse’s arm. He pulled it away and slammed it to the bed, pinning it in place by the wrist beside Jesse’s head. He grabbed Jesse’s other arm and did the same.

Jesse gazed up at him, realizing Evan was taking control. He could see the dominance in Evan’s eyes, feel it in the firm grip on his wrists. He was used to being in control in all he did, whether as the leader of Conquest or setting the tone for his encounters with other men, but the thought of giving himself over completely to Evan sent a tremor of exhilaration through him. He wet his lips, swollen from their intense kissing, and loosened the hold his legs had around Evan, spreading them wider for him.

Evan saw in Jesse’s face his surrendering to him, and seeing it drove his passion to a new height. He lowered his head and met Jesse’s lips in a rough kiss. He sent his tongue deep into Jesse’s mouth along with a growling groan.

Evan tugged Jesse’s wrists higher above his head. Jesse broke the kiss with a gasp and jerked his hips up toward him. He pressed Jesse’s wrists to the mattress with one hand and moved his other between them to work open the zipper of his jeans. As he pushed his jeans and black boxer-briefs down, his cock came free and touched Jesse’s.

A high groan escaped Jesse’s throat when he felt the soft skin of Evan’s erection rub against his own. He pulled his arms against Evan’s hold. Evan’s grip tightened. Jesse whimpered softly, raising his hips as much as he could, desperate to feel more of him.

Evan lowered his hips down on him, sliding his cock along Jesse’s. He caught Jesse’s bottom lip in his mouth, sucking on it and raking his teeth over it before he released it and spoke in a throaty voice, “Is there anything I should know?”

It took Jesse a second before he could compute Evan’s words through his desire-drunk senses. “No. I’m clean.” “So am I. But we can still wear condoms if you want to. I don’t expect you to trust me.”


“I trust you,” Jesse said, claiming Evan’s lips again.

The wetness smearing along his cock from Jesse’s told Evan how close Jesse was to climaxing. He released his hold on Jesse’s wrists and slid down his body, kissing from Jesse’s throat to his chest, lingering to tease each nipple, loving the way Jesse writhed and panted with every flick of his tongue. He rubbed his hands down Jesse’s sides as he kissed his flat stomach. He nibbled at the soft skin where Jesse’s leg met his body and brushed his palm up the underside of Jesse’s long shaft. He moved his mouth over Jesse’s cock, letting his warm breath caress him, then slid his tongue up the length and took him into his mouth, going deep to the back of his throat, rejoicing in finally tasting him after a month of starving for him.

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