Conquest (30 page)

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Authors: S. J. Frost

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Conquest
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The door to the control room opened. Jesse glanced to see a man in his early thirties walk in. He looked close to six feet tall with a lanky build, his medium blond hair cut short and spiky. A smile took over Jesse’s face at recognizing the newcomer as Evan’s long time guitarist, Jerry Jeffries. He stood to greet him and noticed JJ’s hazel eyes examining him and the smirk tipping up his lips. He extended his hand, but before he could introduce himself, JJ spoke, his Australian accent thick.

“You’re Jesse Alexander, aren’t you?”
“Yes, I am.”

JJ shook his hand. “I knew it the minute I saw you from how the Mad Genius described you. He said you were a real looker, but he didn’t say you could give a straight man a second of regret for his preferences.”

“Thanks!” Jesse laughed. He caught what JJ had called Evan and gave him a quizzical look. “The Mad Genius?”

“That’s what I named him back in the day since he’s a bit on the batty side when it comes to his music and can be a damn tyrant in how he wants it played.”

“JJ!” Evan bellowed, standing in the doorway between the live room and the control room. Despite his sharp tone, he wore a smile. “Don’t tell him things like that! So far, I’ve been able to hide that I’m not perfect from him.”

Jesse winked at Evan. “It’s okay. I still think you’re perfect.”

The door to the control room opened again with Kenny poking his head through and looking at Jesse. “Hey, are you gonna sit in here all day?” His eyes landed JJ. He paused, then the door flew open the rest of the way as he leaped into the room and thrust his hand out to JJ. “Jerry Jeffries! Dude, you freakin’ rock! I’ve watched you play for years.”

JJ chuckled and took Kenny’s hand. “Thanks, mate, but don’t say years. You’re gonna make me feel old.” He cocked his head in a thoughtful look. “Then you’re a guitar player?”

Kenny nodded enthusiastically. “I’m Kenny Cooper, from Conquest.”

“Oh, then you’re the one who can give me a run for my money, according to him,” JJ said, pointing at Evan with his thumb.

Kenny’s wide gaze on Evan revealed his surprise at such a compliment.

Evan smiled at him, then slapped his hand on JJ’s shoulder. “Since you actually decided you might want to work today, let me play a new ballad I’m working on and see what you think.”

JJ rolled his eyes. “A ballad? What the hell am I here for if you’re gonna do nothin’ but make ballads?”

Evan turned for the live room. “Don’t worry. I got others that kick ass, and I’ve got a guitar solo for this one that’s pure genius. I don’t even know if you’ll be able to play it, it’s so genius.”

JJ leaned toward Jesse, and whispered, “See why I call him the Mad Genius?”


Jesse chuckled and nodded.

Evan took a seat at the piano, interlocked and stretched out his fingers, then settled them on the keys. He allowed silence to fill everyone’s ears. Slowly, softly, he pulled the first notes from the instrument, and let his rich baritone flow,

“I used to fear the sunset,

And the cold dark it would bring. With it came my memories, And a past I couldn’t leave. But your soft breath beside me, Is my shield in the night. And I finally feel safe again, As your heart beats with mine.

If you want to bring me down, Let me hear your sweet voice sing. If you want to see me fall,
Bring your lips to mine again. Your kiss broke my nightmare, Your touch has freed my soul, I finally found the man I’d once been When you gave yourself to me.

Touch me softly,
Let me fall for you. Kiss me sweetly,
Let me be one with you. Hold me strongly,
Let me belong to you. Caress me gently,
Let me never be alone.”

He kept the tempo gentle through the piano’s solo, then raised his sensual voice again,


“Now when the sunset comes,

I welcome it with a smile, Because you’re standing next to me, Your hand enclosed in mine.
My past has left my dreams.
Your kiss has slain my demons. With your tender touch guiding me I’ll return once more.

Touch me softly,
Let me fall for you.
Kiss me sweetly,
Let me be one with you. Hold me strongly,
Let me belong to you. Caress me gently,
Let me never be alone…”

Jesse felt he could finally breathe as Evan’s voice trailed away.
Evan looked up at him. “That’s just a rough version, I’ve got a couple more verses I’m working on, but what do you think?”
Jesse took hold of the P.A. mic. “It’s,” a slow smile curved his lips, “genius.”
Evan laughed quietly and moved his gaze to JJ. “And what about you, you tone deaf bastard?”

“The song’s great. You still sound like a cat in heat, though.”


Evan laughed louder and flipped him off.

Kenny put his hand on Jesse’s shoulder. “I can’t believe I’m the one trying to drag you into working, but we gotta start getting the kinks out of ‘Vanish.’”

“I know.” Jesse stood up, but instead of going to the door that led out, he headed toward the one leading to the live room. He stepped up to the piano and combed his fingers through Evan’s hair. “The song is beautiful.”

Evan caressed Jesse’s upper arm and guided him down. Jesse met his lips in a soft kiss.


JJ nudged Kenny with his elbow. “They always like that?”

Kenny sighed and nodded. “Yeah, it’s pretty sick, really. And I don’t mean it’s sick because they’re both guys. It’d be sick if it was a dude and a chick hanging on each other like that, or two chicks. Well, maybe not if it was two chicks. Hot ones.”

JJ burst out laughing. “I hear that.”

Jesse walked back into the control room. “Alright, I’m ready now.”
Kenny stopped at the door and turned to JJ. “Hey, maybe if you get time, you could come down and listen to us.”

“Awesome!” Kenny said.

Jesse turned up the hall toward the chill-out room. “Did you just meet your kindred spirit?”

“He’s so freakin’ cool! He’s one of the most kickass guitar gods ever! We should all go out tonight to welcome him into town.”

“Yeah, that’d be cool.” Jesse saw they were nearing the chill-out room and hushed his voice. “Has Trish calmed down yet?”

“She was still slamming things around when I left to go find you,” Kenny whispered.

That morning, they had been working on the fast pop/rock track “Vanish,” and the rapid, heavy rhythms were causing Trish more trouble than usual. It seemed like her concentration was everywhere but the song. He tried to be patient, but by her fifth screw-up, he had whirled around and yelled, “What the hell is wrong with you today? Is this your first day on the skins or what?” She hadn’t taken that well, and started whipping her drumsticks at him, pelting him not only with the ones she was using, but the spares sitting beside her. When her cache was depleted, she stormed out screeching “asshole” so loud it reverberated off the walls and window, and he decided they should all take an extra long break.

Jesse turned into the chill-out room with Kenny to find Julian sitting on a couch trying to hide behind a copy of
magazine, and Trish sitting at the small square table in the kitchen area, her right foot thumping a lightning fast stomp of annoyance.

Jesse marched over to the table. “Damn, if you could drum as fast as your foot is going, we wouldn’t be having the little issues we’re having now.”

Julian snorted in an attempt to not laugh and buried his face deeper in the magazine. Kenny scooted a large distance around Jesse, heading for safety at Julian’s side.

Trish slowly turned her head, her green eyes flashing rage.

Jesse stared back at her, his dark blue gaze insistent and unwavering. “Are you going to sit there glaring at me all day, or can we get back to work? We need to get ‘Vanish’ wrapped up.”

Trish looked away from him, defiance dominating her demeanor. “We’ve got others we can work on. I don’t feel like working on that song anymore today.”

“Oh shit,” Kenny mumbled, tucking back into the couch cushions beside Julian, who peeked over the top of his magazine.

“You don’t feel like it?” Jesse said, his tone revealing his disgust. “I don’t give a rat’s ass if you don’t
like it. You made the decision to join this band, and I accepted you. Now if you got a problem being part of this family, then let me know right now. Otherwise, pop a Midol to balance out the bitchiness and let’s get back to work!”

Trish leaped out of her chair and into Jesse’s face. “Arrogant, narcissistic, cold-hearted, ignorant, smart-ass punk!”

Jesse folded his arms across his chest. “I’ll give you arrogant, narcissistic, and smart-ass, and I might be a little bit of a punk, but I sure as hell am not cold-hearted or ignorant.”

“You are! You have no idea what I feel, and if you did, you wouldn’t even give a shit!”
“Since when don’t I care about your feelings? I ask you every day how you’re doing and talk to you about things going on in your life.”
Trish snapped her gaze away, her cheeks flushed pink. “You just don’t get it.”
Jesse frowned in complete frustration. “Well obviously. I’m sorry, Trish, but my female needs skills are a bit lacking. I need you to be real blunt here and just tell me what the problem is.”

Trish looked at him, her bottom lip quivered, her eyes held a pained shine. “I…” she began, then paused. She glanced behind her to Julian and Kenny. They both quickly bent their heads as if looking at the magazine together. She turned back to Jesse’s expectant gaze. She lowered her eyes, blinked a few times, and cleared her throat. “It’s just, I don’t think it’s fair the way you’re so much harder on me than anyone else. You never yell at Julian or Kenny.”

Jesse shook his head, even more confused. “I bitch at Kenny all the time.” He looked around Trish to Kenny. “Don’t I?”

“Yeah, but I’ve learned how to tune you out over the years. Don’t worry, Trish, you will, too.”

Jesse looked back to Trish. “And I’d bitch at Jules too, if he ever screwed up.” He peeked at Julian. “When we go in there, will you do me a favor and mess up so I can bitch at you?”

Julian gave him a two-fingered salute. “No problem.”

Jesse focused on Trish and smiled, lifting his voice to be more cheerful. “See? You’ll get to watch me rag on Jules now. Won’t that be fun?” Before she could answer, he wrapped his arms around her and swayed her back and forth in his embrace. “You should’ve let me know this was the problem sooner. I would’ve found more reasons to bitch at them a long time ago, especially Kenny.”

Trish forced out a single, strangled chuckle and hugged him in return.

“Awe, look who’s pretending to be a man,” Tim mocked from the doorway. “Sorry, princess, but holding a woman just doesn’t suit you.”

Jesse released Trish and whirled toward Tim. “Get your sorry ass out of my face! I’m not in the mood to deal with your bullshit today!”

“Jess,” Kenny said cautiously, rising from the couch and moving toward him.


Julian rose also to assist Kenny.

“Settle down, sweetie,” Tim sniggered. “I didn’t know you’re the type that can only dish it out and not take it. Except for when you’re on your knees, isn’t that right?”

“Fuck you!” Jesse yelled, and lunged for him.

Kenny dove forward and caught Jesse around his waist with Julian leaping to help, but Jesse froze at the sight of Evan appearing in the doorway behind Tim.

Evan slammed Tim on the back with both hands. Tim flew forward, stumbling for balance, and spun to see who had pushed him. As he came fully around, his mouth met Evan’s fist. Tim reeled back from the hit. He caught himself enough to leap at Evan and throw a punch. Evan swept back, allowing Tim’s fist to blow harmlessly by his face, then stepped forward, his right fist speeding for Tim’s left cheek with the momentum of his weight behind it. He connected hard, sending Tim sprawling to the ground.

“Fucking prick bastard,” Evan growled, standing over him. “I gave you the courtesy of a warning, and you decided not to listen. Now get your ass up so we can finish this.”

Greg and JJ ran into the room. Greg rushed to Tim. JJ caught Evan under his arms and around his chest, and hauled him back.
“Well, that temper certainly hasn’t changed,” JJ said.

“What the hell is the matter with you, Evan?” Greg demanded.

Jesse stared in shock at Tim sprawled on the floor, blood leaking from his split lip, then lifted his gaze to Evan. Evan’s eyes were focused on Tim, his gaze still held a lethal threat, though he didn’t struggle against JJ’s hold. For his modest size, Jesse couldn’t believe the force Evan had struck with, the speed and skill of his maneuvers. He realized that he had witnessed for the first time what Greg referred to as Evan’s “very nasty temper.”

Evan moved his gaze from Tim to Jesse. Jesse’s heart pounded faster at the fierce protectiveness he saw.

The moment broke as Tim slapped Greg’s hands away from him. He began to rise, shaky and unsteady, his face filled with vindictive righteousness. “You’re done,” he hissed, blood spattering from his lips. “Kiss your little comeback goodbye. By the time I’m through with you, there won’t be a person in the world who won’t know what you are.”

The threat struck Jesse harder than it seemed to hit Evan. He pulled away from Kenny and Julian, and stormed past Tim to stand in front of Evan. Acting as a shield between them, he faced Tim. “If you want to come after someone, then come after me, you worthless piece of shit! I’m the one you’ve wanted to bring down since day one! Leave him out of our fight!”

“Don’t worry, princess. I plan on taking you down with your queen.”

Jesse felt Evan’s explosion a nanosecond before his movement. Evan broke from JJ’s hold with such force he almost elbowed JJ in the face. He leaped around Jesse. His arm cocked back and shot forward, the hit carrying not only the momentum of his weight, but also the speed of his lunge. Tim lashed both arms up to cover his face. Evan’s fist split the gap between Tim’s arms and nailed him in the mouth a second time. Tim flew backward, crashing hard on his back.

In the instant that Evan attacked, Jesse saw JJ step back, clearly not ready to jump in to stop him again. Greg looked frantic and incapable of moving. He already knew Kenny was no fighter, and he doubted Julian was willing to help stop Evan either. That only left him and Trish, and no matter how fit or strong she was, there was no way she could wrestle Evan under control.

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