Confessions of a Wild Heart (4 page)

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No one.

So when Ase gave a cocky smile and held out his hand, Jase took it without question and followed Ase into the bar.

Ase paid for their entrance fee so Jase paid for the first round of drinks. They danced briefly; Jase got introduced to a few people Ase knew, and had a couple more drinks before they decided to get some fresh air.

Yes, they’d come out to go dancing but they wanted to talk. Of all things. And Jase couldn’t get enough of Ase’s laugh and his sense of humor.

“Do you want to go to another bar? Or we could go round for something to eat?”

Jase shrugged. “I’m enjoying just hangin’ out.”
I want to drag you back to my room and fuck you over every surface.
He decided that was better left unsaid. The way they kept touching each other, their hard-ons had stayed half-staff all night.

“I know a quieter bar. We can ‘hang out’ in there.” He elbowed Jase gently, teasing.

The bar looked similar to pub they’d eaten in the night before, but much gayer. There were rainbow flags everywhere, and guys shamelessly necking in the corner. It made Jase smile a bit to be a part of this, even if just for the night.

He looked up at Ase who’d placed a hand on his on the tabletop after they’d taken a seat. “Thanks for coming out, tonight,” Ase said. “I avoid my cousins, and the people in my photography class are a little… too European, for lack of a better explanation. It’s been a lonely six months. This is nice.” His smile made little butterflies burst in Jase’s chest. Damn, what was this chemistry?

“Thanks for stalking me into submission.”

“Hey!” Ase reached across the table and gave Jase a playful shove.

Jase laughed and picked up a menu from the rack at the edge of the table, happy to see one side was in English. A waiter in short-shorts and a crop top came over, speaking heavily accented English as he took their order for burgers and beer.


“I can’t help you keep bringing me to all the Anglicized joints,” Jase said, with a sniff.

“It’s cute,” Ase said. His cocky grin was enough to set Jase’s cock into overdrive.

The waiter returned with their beer and told them it’d be a moment for their food. Jase enjoyed their contented silence as they sipped their pints and looked at the people dancing on the tiny dance floor in the back room of the bar.

“We could dance if you want,” Jase said, using his mug to point toward the dance floor.

Ase looked over his shoulder then back at Jase. “Up to you. I think this is fine but if you want to do something else, we can.”

“No. No, I’m okay with this,” Jase said.

“When do you leave?” Ase asked.

The thought of going back to his normal life seemed foreign, like bursting a happy bubble. “I fly out early Monday morning. Have to report back to duty that night.”

“Where are you stationed now?”

Jase really didn’t want to think about it but he answered anyway. “Qandahar.” Ase winced, and Jase really didn’t want to think about it, so he changed the subject. “So, what’s with the leather?”

“Oh,” he chuckled. “It was easier to find parking with my motorcycle.”

“You ride?” Jase asked, surprised. Though looking at Ase, he totally seemed the type.

“No. It’s just for decoration.”


“Later,” Ase said, with a smirk and a wink.

“I’ll hold you to that.” He was enjoying this flirting, not worrying about letting his curious side free. Though, he was probably going to have to admit, sooner or later, that it was more than passing curiosity since this was not his first time at the penis rodeo.

Their food came out soon, and they made small talk as they finished up. It was stress-free, talking about Jase’s hometown and plans for when he got out of the Army. Jase had such a nice time, not thinking on anything but good food and great company.
Take each day as it comes. Each experience as it comes.

“So.” Ase leaned in, smirking. Jase huffed a laugh and leaned in too.


“I’d offer to take you back to my place, but it’d probably be rude since it’s not technically my house. Aside from that, my family isn’t exactly cool with the gay thing.”

“Ah, so you’re still in the closet?”

“To the family… Yes, for now. Trying to get through school first, not living with family anymore.”

“I can definitely understand that.” And how. Jase couldn’t imagine there ever being a time his parents would magically be okay, even if he still liked girls. They’d hear the “I like guys, too,” part and he’d be as good as dead to them.

“So,” Ase said, with a flirty smirk. “Would you care to show me your hotel room?”

Jase pretended to think about it, which earned him a swat from Ase. “Say yes, Jase.”

“Yes, Jase.”

“Good enough,” Ase crowed, slapping down euros on the table and pulling a laughing Jase out of the bar by his hand. They walked briskly for a couple blocks until they reached Ase’s motorcycle. When he saw the royal blue and black BMW R 1200GS he was impressed by the beautiful machine.

“Damn. I think I just got harder.” Jase walked around, roaming his hand over the bike. He’d never seen one in person, only in his brother’s magazines. His brother was an antique Harley guy, but even he’d have been impressed with this beauty.

“Yes. I’d saved a good amount of money, and with my
’s military discount on shipping, I decided to buy here while it was more affordable. I’ll have to have some changes made when I get home for it to be street legal, but still, well worth it.”

Jase silently continued his perusal of the machine for a moment when Ase asked, “Do you need a moment? Perhaps you’d prefer taking Matilda home?”

Jase looked at Ase incredulously. “You named your bike Matilda?”

“What? It’s German and English enough to fit just right,” he said, haughtily. “I’m sure you’d prefer something like Bessie.”

Jase crowded Ase, who’d straddled the bike and now sat on the seat. “I’d prefer to talk about what you call your cock.”
Where is this coming from?
Jase was wild with lust. This man, this weekend had him acting completely differently than he normally would.
So glad I came to Germany.
Because he would definitely be taking home good memories.

“Hop on and I’ll tell you,” Ase said, husky promise hanging in the air.

So Jase did.




Chapter 4



JASE’S thighs were still vibrating, knees still wobbly, and balls still humming from the power of the BMW that’d been between his legs during the twenty minutes it took to get back to his hotel in the West End.

He had walked as close to Ase as possible to hide his hard-on as they flew through the lobby of the hotel to the elevators.

His hands shook, he was so turned on. He would swear anyone who saw how he was reacting would think it was his first time again. Ase was all hands, feeling up Jase’s ass and gripping his sides, plastering himself to Jase’s back and suckling on Jase’s ear lobes as Jase fumbled with the key card to his room.

Finally, the door flung open, and the moment it slammed shut, Ase was on him. Ase kissed him from cheek to cheek. He just knew he’d have a hickey tomorrow, the way Ase attacked the spot behind Jase’s ear that drove him in-fucking-sane. No one ever thought to do that, only ever getting it on accident. Ase must have gotten the clue when Jase let out a guttural moan.

“You like that?” Ase whispered in Jase’s ear, before taking the lobe in his mouth and suckling. Fuck. No one had ever done that, and Jase was pissed at every person he’d ever fucked for being such slackers.

Ase pulled back, then attacked Jase’s lips with fervor, nibbling the bottom lip and using his tongue to taste Jase’s mouth. Jase didn’t even care the kiss was sloppy now, because he wanted Ase to crawl inside him and never fucking leave.

Before that thought could take hold and scare the shit out of him, Ase started undoing the buttons on Jase’s shirt without breaking their kiss. When his shirt was fully open, Ase used his hands to rub up Jase’s stomach, up over his sensitive nipples, and brush the shirt off his shoulders.

Jase’s stomach clenched, and goosebumps spread where those large hands touched him. Ase’s hands were strangely soft, softer than most men he’d been with—city boy hands. But the firmness of them was all masculine and right. Ase paused one hand in the center of Jase’s chest and with the other carded his fingers through the little bit of hair on top of Jase’s head. He pulled out of the kiss and with a strong grip used Jase’s hair to pull back his head and lick up his throat.

“Your heart is beating so fast,” Ase said, huskily, quietly.

Jase knew, damn it. He couldn’t speak he was breathing so fast, chest thumping so hard. Ase made a rumbling sound as he licked up Jase’s throat from clavicle to chin, then nibbled back down slowly, hungrily. Jase’s balls pulled up tight, and he almost lost it right fucking there.

Ase leaned back, still holding Jase’s head back. Jase felt his eyes flashing, feeling feral as he struggled to control his body. Ase’s lips were swollen, more full than they were naturally, his face that lovely rouge color. His eyes were half-lidded but still held so much awe as he said, breathily, “Jase, you’re perfect. So perfect.”

Jase felt wild, jerking his head out of Ase’s hold, slamming their mouths together, shoving him back toward the bed. Ase let out a sexy chuckle as Jase pushed off Ase’s jacket, yanked off the V-neck, exposing lightly defined pecs with large, round, brown nipples, and a strong, lean torso.

Jase kissed down Ase’s stomach and was glad to feel he wasn’t the only one losing his fucking mind here, Ase’s stomach muscles rippling and clenching.

When he got to Ase’s jeans, he flicked open the belt with ease, unbuttoned and unzipped the fly. Ase’s proud, circumcised cock rose from his pants. Jase shot a dirty look up Ase’s way. “Wishful thinking?”

“You wish,” Ase said. “You try getting in these skinny jeans with boxers in the way.”

Jase took the large cock in hand, marveling at the head, which was the same rouge color as Ase’s flushed cheeks. He spit and used that to slick the way to stroke Ase. “And you said
was perfect.”

Before Ase could give a smartass reply, Jase took the first cock he’d had in months—even better because it was Ase’s cock—into his mouth. Ase was a little too thick to deep throat, so Jase used his hand and the spit and his mouth to work Ase’s cock. He used his other hand, first to unbutton himself and free his own cock and then stroked himself firmly in time with his strokes on Ase’s.

He moved down to mouth Ase’s balls, one at a time, as he worked the head of Ase’s hard, velvety cock. The smell of Ase was strong and thick there. Jase was practically high from the lust. He couldn’t remember fucking
this badly ever before.

Jase came off Ase’s balls before completely divesting him of his skinny jeans and boots. Then he took of his own jeans, boots, and underwear. “Hold on a sec,” he said. He bound into the bathroom for his shaving kit, pulling out a strip of condoms he’d only hoped he’d need and a bottle of lube.

When Jase returned, Ase was watching him, stroking his cock as he stared at Jase’s body. “You’re so fucking hot.”

Jase dropped the condoms and lube on the bed and moved up to place a kiss on Ase’s lips. Ase gripped the back of Jase’s neck with one hand, his ass with the other, and rutted their cocks together. They grunted into each other’s mouths and humped against one another, tasting and feeling each other with abandon. Jase had not one fucking care in this world other than being with this man right here, right now. Which was telling in and of itself, because Jase had this need to be around Ase. He wanted to be undone by him, to be fucked by him. It went against every naturally ingrained fear instilled by years of his daddy calling him a sissy or watching how he positioned his hands or walked in front of guys in his platoon.

Being with Ase made those fears, the rigid need in him to prove what a fucking man he was, fall away. Even if it was just for tonight. And the heady feeling of giving in to his baser desire to be cared for, to be held and owned, was so intense, making this the best sexual encounter he could remember to this point.

Ase dropped his big hands down to grip Jase’s ass and rolled them over and, with a swift move down, had Jase in his mouth, sucking him like Jase’s cum would be his last meal.

He used a similar technique as Jase, getting Jase’s balls wet with spit. But Jase wasn’t as thick so he was able to go down on him completely, taking Jase into his throat. Jase’s back arched off the bed. “Fuuuuuck.”

He didn’t know if Ase was just that good, if it was their chemistry, or just the complete abandon and lack of give-a-shit he’d applied to their coupling, but no blowjob had ever been so efficient at getting him right to the edge.

“Fuck, Ase. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Stop. I’ll cum.”

Ase came off Jase’s cock and gave him a filthy grin. “I think that’s what I was going for.”

Jase wasn’t sure what made him say it; he’d never
said the words before. “I want you to fuck me.”

Ase’s grin grew wider, still all cocky and full of sex. “Oh, yeah?”

Jase just nodded. Fuck, he didn’t know what he was saying. He’d never bottomed. He’d been with plenty of guys, but he’d always topped. That wasn’t to say he hadn’t used toys. A lot. But he’d never let a guy fuck him. He’d never found anyone he wanted to. Hell, he’d assumed he never would.

But this… This was right. This was one of those nights to make some memories to keep him warm over the next few months. Because, Lord knew when he got home, the chances for nights like this would be next to never.

“Just… take it easy,” Jase said.

Ase eyed him carefully, probably wondering if it was his first time. And Jase didn’t know why he didn’t just say it was, but he’d had enough toys and fingers in his hole to know what he was doing.

He hoped.

And he wanted. No. He
Ase to fuck him.

Ase seemed to make up his mind about something, then hopped back on the bed, rolling up to lie his head on the pillows. He grabbed up the condoms, tossing Jase the lube. “Get yourself ready.”

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