Confessions of a Wild Heart (22 page)

BOOK: Confessions of a Wild Heart
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Ase broke the kiss and pushed Jase back onto the bed, yanking at Jase’s boots, then his jeans. Once Jase was completely naked, he watched Ase hike his skirt up enough to fully expose himself, stroking himself. “You want me to fuck you?”

“A million times since the first time.”

Ase’s eyes heated, the dilated black irises looking much larger with the way Ase’s make up accentuated his eyes.

Ase fumbled in a drawer beside the bed before dropping to his knees and taking Jase into his perfect, hot mouth. Jase stared at the way his cock disappeared between those shiny, pouty, full lips. Two things happened, then. Ase’s lubed finger slid into Jase’s hole, and Jase’s cockhead slid into Ase’s throat.

Jase’s head fell back at the insane overstimulation and he groaned loudly. Ase soon inserted a second finger and kept noisily slurping around Jase’s cock. Jase didn’t remember ever feeling this hard, his whole body quaking like he’d never been touched before.

After making sure Jase was well-lubed, Ase rose back up to plant a sloppy, pre-cum flavored kiss on Jase’s lips. Jase heard the sounds of the rubber, a zipper coming undone and fabric rustling to the floor.

Ase then opened Jase’s legs, and stood naked before him, stroking both their cocks with lube, looking like he didn’t know what to do first.

“Fuck me, Ase. Please.”

Ase didn’t have to be told twice, because he moved between Jase’s legs and pushed his head against Jase’s hole and began to slowly enter him. They both hissed as Ase pushed in and moved deeper inside Jase’s body with small thrusts. When Ase was all the way inside, Jase leaned up on his elbows, grappling for Ase’s shoulders, pulling him down for a kiss. Then Ase started fucking him, long and slow, for what felt like hours. They huffed and grunted, Jase eventually slamming his ass down onto Ase’s thrusting cock.

He’d nearly forgotten what it was like to be filled, full of Ase and wanting more, more, more.

Then Ase’s cock started pegging him right, and his body started jolting with pleasure. He took his own cock in his hand and Ase started thrusting harder. “That’s right, Jase. Cum for me. Bust all over us.”

And Jase did. With a wild grunt, then two, Jase fell back on the bed, body convulsing and tightening as his cock erupted between them. Ase laughed, a free, happy sound peppered with his own grunts as he orgasmed, filling the condom inside Jase.

When they looked at each other, Ase was still smiling, his eyes shining with so much… Ase. It was like that old spark was there again, even if just for now, and Jase loved seeing it.

“That. Was. Awesome,” Ase said, pulling out of Jase and flopping down on the bed next to him.

“Fuck yes. I didn’t even know you could laugh and cum at the same time.”

“You should try it. It’s like I was so happy to empty my balls in you, I couldn’t contain it,” Ase said, a smile in his voice.

Jase rolled toward Ase, giving into his desire to be a little clingy. He’d waited four long years and had to remove his own head from his ass, followed by getting through some pretty serious walls Ase had around him to get to this night. He damn well earned a little skin on skin contact.

Ase pulled the condom off with a snap and leaned up just long enough to toss it into a wastebasket Jase’d seen beside the bed. Then he lay back down and wrapped an arm around Jase’s shoulders as they lay silently, just breathing each other in for a few minutes.

Jase knew there was shit to be said, as Ase had mentioned. But it could surely wait until morning. So he thought of a neutral topic. Well, he hoped neutral.

“So. Drag, huh?”

Ase huffed a laugh. “Yep. Drag.”

“You started in Munich?”

“Yeah,” Ase confirmed. “Remember the night we went out?”

“I’m not likely to forget, Ase.” He put feeling behind the words, earning a gentle squeeze from Ase.

“Me either. Anyway, when you walked up I was talking to a queen?”

Jase thought back on it, remembering what Ase was talking about, another drag queen who dressed in the same style as Ase had tonight, though decidedly with a less Latin flare. “Yeah, I remember.”

“She was my… I guess you’d call her a drag mother, even though I don’t see her much anymore. But it influenced my style a lot. I don’t pad like the girls here. It drives some of them crazy I use so much boy body, but I like to think I’m a modern queen, not a pageant queen.”

“That’s cool?” Jase was assuming.

That earned him another amused huff. “Depends on who you ask. It’s a crazy world, drag. But I love performing. You were right. It was my way of, not really expressing my gender, but more being queer. I like feeling pretty and fierce. I also like showing I’m not ashamed of who I am, and entertaining the fuck out of people.”

Jase didn’t miss the sad note in Ase’s voice. He hated to ask, but “Did you stop in Munich?”

It took Ase a minute to answer. “No. Not really. I mean, I came home and was a good little Catholic boy, told my parents my cousins were mistaken, said my Hail Marys and all. But, uh, let’s just say I started being a bad boy again, and they found out.” He sighed, sadly. “And it was ugly.”


“Can we not, tonight?” Ase sounded so stricken, in so much pain, Jase couldn’t deny him.

“When you’re ready.” Though, he hoped it was sooner rather than later. He wanted to talk more, hopefully about a future, but there was something holding Ase back. It’s like he was waiting for the other shoe to drop since the moment they’d met again, and it made Jase think it
happen sooner rather than later if Ase didn’t out with it, already. But he’d had to come around in his own time, still had some work to do, so the least he could do was give Ase some time.




Chapter 20



JASE woke early the next morning. He was so stuck in the routine of his feeding, mucking, and work schedules, sleeping in was nearly impossible. He’d begged his brother to drop by and handle the feeding this morning, with a promise of an explanation if he could just have that one night.

           At least Jase didn’t have to explain that he was attracted to guys as part of the begging process. But admitting he’d found a guy he was interested in. That could be a… thing.

           Jase’d had enough lying around after an hour or so awake. He’d fished his phone from his pants on the floor, but could only stand playing on the damn thing for so long. He decided he’d get up and make breakfast. He didn’t know how long Ase would sleep, but the man looked absolutely worn out, even in a deep sleep.

           Having slept great himself, he was ready to face the day. He was a little weirded out he’d slept so well with Ase, since he usually couldn’t stand someone else in his bed. When he’d tried to cohabitate with Lacey, he’d slept on the couch more often than not. The only nights he really spent in bed with her involved condoms, and even then he’d ended up awake earlier than he’d needed to be, and not felt particularly rested.

           Those months were not something he wanted to dwell on any more, though. He hoped he might be moving in a better direction with Ase now. And if not, then he’d cross that bridge when they got to it. For now he was feeling too damn good to worry either way. Before any heavy talks or worrying about what came after their amazing sex the night before, Jase thought they both could use a good breakfast.

           Maybe breakfast in bed. That made Jase’s cock perk right the fuck up.

           He went to the fridge to see what he had to work with. All he found was condiments, yogurt, and some fruit. There was nothing but booze in the freezer. The canisters on the counter held granola. The cabinets, more booze. Jase frowned.

           Okay, so he’d noticed Ase drank a lot. He’d even had trouble in town because of it, but until that moment, looking at all the bottles, it hadn’t really dawned on him how
Ase drank.

           He knew there was a grocery store around the corner, within walking distance from the apartment community Ase lived in, so he decided he’d go out and get some things to make a decent breakfast. He spent the time walking wondering whether the drinking was as excessive as he thought. He wasn’t usually one to monitor another adult’s intake, and he himself enjoyed the devil’s brew as much as the next guy.

           Surely, though, he was just overreacting. Ase’d only ever drunk around him when Jase himself was drinking. It wasn’t like the guy was drunk at the hospital.

           He put it out of his mind for the time it took to grocery shop. He tried to think of things he knew Ase liked. He decided to go for a hearty breakfast, though. His stomach was growling and feeling the booze from the night before, and he knew Ase would be feeling it as well.

           Finally back at the apartment, he got the coffee maker brewing and started breakfast. He felt a little bad for just making himself at home. Wouldn’t it suck if Ase’d been more inebriated than Jase thought and woke up thinking,
Mayday! Freak in the house!

           Ase’s phone started ringing in the bedroom. After whoever it was hung up and called again, Jase stuck his head into the room to see if Ase was awake. Ase’s bleary eyes cracked open, phone lying face down on his chest, and waved weakly, but he was smiling.

           “Morning,” Jase said.

           “Morning,” Ase croaked. “Do I smell coffee?”

           “Yessir. And I’m gonna do eggs and bacon, if you don’t mind.”

           “If I don’t mind, he says,” Ase said, his look incredulous. Well, something like incredulous. It was hard to see through the smudged makeup. Jase covered the smile that tried to break out with his hand.

           “I know, I know. Raccoon eyes.”

           “Something like that,” Jase said. “I’ll go start breakfast. You can shower.”

           Jase was so happy to see Ase was in a good mood, he didn’t care if the man showered for a week and called him Suzy Homemaker.

           He went back through to the kitchen and dug for pots and pans in which to cook. A knocking—no, banging—on the door made him start. The shower had started up so he yelled through the apartment, “Want me to get that?”

           “Please. It’s probably just fucking Dustin come to bitch me out for running you off last night.”

           “Well, this should be a surprise, then,” Jase said, under his breath.

           In his clothes from last, Jase felt very walk-of-shame, but at least he was dressed when he opened the door.

           Because it wasn’t Dustin. An attractive, if slightly plump and tired looking Latina woman stood at the door. Behind her a man who looked like a slightly older, shorter, and more portly version of Ase glared at him.
. Must be a brother and sister-in-law. This was awesome.
Meeting the family and we haven’t even discussed a second date.

           “Who’re you?” the man asked.

           Jase frowned at the hostility, though he wasn’t surprised based on his last encounter with members of Ase’s family. “Uh, a friend of Ase’s.” There was no way to not make the next part sound bad so he had to just say it. “He’s in the shower.” He winced inwardly at the pissed off way both of them looked at him.

           “Can you go get him, please?” the woman asked, looking at the man warily, then at Jase, as if she didn’t quite know what else to say.

           “Um. Sure. You’re his brother?” Jase asked the man whose glare was getting just this side of fucking annoying. He wished he had his badge to abuse for just a second.

           “Yes,” the man said, snidely. “Tell him his
and I drove a long way to see him. If he can pull himself away from his busy life doing
knows what.” His look of distaste as he said the latter could not have been any more pronounced than Jase’s look of pure fucking shock must have at that moment.

           “Wife…” Jase wheezed.

           She just watched him evenly.

“Jase, is it Dustin?” Ase’s voice trailed in from the bedroom, coming closer as he padded into the living room just out of view of the door. Jase turned to him, flushing at the hickeys on his bare chest; easily seen with him just wearing a skimpy pair of super short, low-rise boxer briefs.

“What’s up?” Ase stepped a little closer until he could see who was at his door, face falling immediately.

“The other shoe dropping, I guess.” Jase found himself wondering if there was a Spanish word for melodrama. Surely there was, for moments like this, where life played out like a
with its fucked up timing. Though, Jase couldn’t imagine there was ever a good moment to find out you were fucking a married guy.

Ase looked resigned enough, but there was a spark of fight in him that wasn’t completely extinguished when he glanced at his guests. He said to Jase, “I’m sure you were already planning on it, but you should probably go.”

He went to the bedroom and tried to pick up his dignity along with his boots. He managed to put them on, unsure about the dignity part of the effort. He didn’t think his presence was necessary for the fucking explosion that was about to go down in this place. Hell, he might be one of the people who exploded.

“Jase, wait,” Ase said, coming into the bedroom.

“Yeah?” Jase said, hating the fucking way his voice shook so obviously, even uttering only one goddamned word.

“Jase. This is. It’s what it looks like, and it’s complicated. But, better you know.”

What the fuck was Ase saying? His eyes had that weird guardedness to them again, and Jase didn’t quite believe what Ase tried selling. But if he wanted to be a fucking martyr right now, Jase would let him. Jase had no desire to hash this out with Ase’s family in the next room and didn’t think it’d fare well to start a fight with Ase in front of them anyway.

“Sorry,” Ase said, stonily.

“I’m sorry, too.” The question that flickered in Ase’s eye was almost too quick to catch, but Jase answered it anyway. “Sorry you didn’t trust me enough to at least warn me.”

“Jase,” Ase said, probably not thinking Jase could hear it.

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