Complete Works (387 page)

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Otus: Smp. 190b

realities/reality; being; essence; etymology; substance(s)


Paeania: Euthd. 273a; Ly. 203a; Phd. 59b; R. 1.328b

paeans: L. 3.700b

Paeon: Criti. 108c;
see also

pain: Alc. 122d; Ax. 366a, 366d, 368c, 370a, 370d, 371d, 372; Def. 411e, 412b, 412c; Grg. 496+, 497d; L. 1.633d–635d, 3.689a; Ltr. 3.315c; Phd. 60a, 83c+; Phdr. 258e; Phlb. 27e+, 31b, 31d+, 32, 36a+, 40c+, 41d, 42a+, 42c+, 43b+, 43d+, 44a+, 45e+, 47e, 48b, 51a+, 55b; Prt. 354; R. 4.430b, 9.583d, 9.583e; Tht. 156b; Ti. 64+, 69d, 86b

painter(s)/painting: Cra. 423d+, 424e+; Criti. 107c, 107d; Epin. 975d; Grg. 450a; Ion 532e+; L. 2.656e, 6.769a+, 10.889d; Phdr. 275d; Phlb. 39b; Prt. 312d; R. 6.501, 10.596e+, 10.597d+, 10.602d, 10.603b+, 10.605a+; Sph. 233d+, 234b, 235e+; Thg. 126e

pair(s): G.Hp. 299a+, 300e+, 301e+, 303b palaestra: Chrm. 153a; Ly. 204a, 206c+

Palamedes: Ap. 41b; L. 3.637d; Ltr. 2.311b; Phdr. 261b; R. 7.522d

Pallas: Cra. 406d+; Smp. 197b;
see also

Pamphylia: R. 10.615c

Pan: Cra. 408b+; L. 7.815c; Phdr. 263d, 279b+ Panathenaea: Euthphr. 6b; Hppr. 228b; Ion 530b; Prm. 127b

pancratium: Chrm. 159c; L. 7.795b, 8.834a

Pandarus: R. 2.379e, 3.408a

Panopeus: Ion 533a; R. 10.620c

Panops: Ly. 203a

Paphos/Paphian: Epgr. 11

paradox(es): Euthd. 275d+, 293+; Grg. 472d+; M. 80d+; R. 1.348b+

Paralius: Ap. 33e

Paralus: Alc. 118e; M. 94b; Prt. 314e, 320a, 328c, 328d; Virt. 377d–378a

parents: Alc. 126e; 2Alc. 142b–142c; G.Hp. 291d, 292e+; L. 3.680e+, 3.690a, 3.701b, 4.714e, 4.717b+, 5.729a, 6.773d+, 9.868c+, 9.869a+, 11.917a, 11.928d+, 11.929d+, 11.930e+, 11.931b+; Ltr. 9.358a; Mx. 247b; R. 5.461b+;
see also
father(s); mother(s)

Parmenides: interlocutor in
(130a+); Prm. 126c, 127b, 128a, 130a, 130e, 135d+; Smp. 178b, 195c; Sph. 216a, 217c, 237a, 241d+, 242c, 244e, 258c+; Tht. 152e, 180e, 183e

Parnes: Criti. 110d

Paros: Ap. 20a+; Mx. 245b; Phdr. 267a

parricide: L. 9.869a+, 9.872d+

participation: Phd. 100c, 101c; Prm. 129a+, 131a+, 132c+, 157c; Sph. 252a+

passion(ate/s): Def. 413a, 415e; L. 1.645d, 8.835c+, 9.863b, 9.866e+, 9.878b, 11.935a; R. 1.329c, 6.504a, 9.571c+; Ti. 69d+;
see also
anger; appetite(s); desire(s); emotion(s); spirit(s)

patient(s): Grg. 476b+; L. 4.720c+, 9.857c+, 9.865b; Phlb. 27a; R. 3.405c+, 4.437; Tht. 157a, 159+;
medicine; physician(s)

patriotism: Cri. 51; Mx. 246+; Prt. 346a+

Patrocles: Euthd. 297e+

Patroclus: Ap. 28c; Ion 537a; L. 12.944a; R. 3.391b, 3.406a; Smp. 179e, 208d

pattern(s): L. 5.739e; Phd. 76d; Prm. 132d+; R. 2.379a+, 7.540a, 9.592b; Tht. 176e+; Ti. 38b, 39e, 48e;
see also
form(s); model, divine; original, and copy

Pausanias of Cerameis: interlocutor in
(176a+; his speech, 180c–185c); Smp. 176a, 193b; Prt. 315e

Pausanias of Sparta: Ltr. 2.311a

payment: Alc. 119a; Ap. 20a; Ax. 366c; Cra. 384b, 391b+; Def. 415c; Eryx. 394e, 402d; Euthd. 304a+; G.Hp. 281b, 282b+, 285b, 300c; Grg. 515e, 519c, 520c; Hppr. 228c; L. 7.804d, 11.921b+; Lch. 186c+; M. 91b+; Prt. 310d+, 311d+, 328b, 349a; R. 1.337d; Riv. 135c; Sph. 223a, 231d, 233b; Thg. 121d, 127a, 127c–128a; Tht. 167d; Virt. 378b;
see also
wage earner(s)

peace: Alc. 107d, 107e+, 108d, 109a; 2Alc. 144e; Def. 413a; L. 1.626a, 1.628c+, 7.803d+, 7.814e+, 8.829a+, 12.955b+; Stm. 307e

Pegasuses: Phdr. 229d

Peleus: L. 12.944a; R. 3.391c; Thg. 124c

Pelopidae: L. 3.685d; Mx. 245d; R. 2.380a Peloponnesus: L. 3.685b; Ltr. 7.333b, 7.336d, 7.343c, 7.346c, 7.348c, 7.350b; Mx. 235d

Pelops: Cra. 395c; G.Hp. 293b; Mx. 245d;
see also

Penelope: Alc. 112b; Ion 535b; Phd. 84a Penia: Smp. 203b+

Pentelicon: Eryx. 394e

people, the: Alc. 110e–112a; Ax. 369a; L. 3.700a, 6.768b; Min. 318e; Mx. 238d;
see also
many, the (contrasted with the few, etc.); multitude, the

Peparethians: Alc. 116d


perception: Ax. 369e–370a; Def. 411c, 414c; L. 10.902c; Ltr. 7.344b; Min. 314a–314b; Phd. 65, 79; Phlb. 35a, 38b+; R. 6.507c+, 7.523b+; Tht. 151e+, 154b+, 156, 157e+, 159+, 160c+, 163+, 165b+, 166a+, 179c, 181d+, 182e, 184b+, 185+, 191b, 192+;
see also
pleasure(s); sensation; sense(s)

Perdiccas II: Grg. 470d, 471a+; R. 1.336a; Thg. 124d

Perdiccas III: Ltr. 5.321c+

Periander: Ltr. 2.311a; R. 1.336a; Thg. 124c–124e

Pericles: Alc. 104b, 105b, 118c–119a, 122b, 124c; 2Alc. 143e–144b; Grg. 455e, 472b, 503c, 515d+, 519a; Ltr. 2.311a; M. 94a, 94b; Mx. 235e, 236b; Phdr. 269a, 269e+; Prt. 314e, 315a, 320a, 328c, 329a; Smp. 221c, 215e; Thg. 126a; Virt. 376c–376d, 377d– 378a

perjury: L. 11.916e+, 11.937b+, 12.943e; Phlb. 65c; Smp. 183b;
see also

Persephone: L. 6.782b;
see also

Perseus: Alc. 120e

Persia, king of: Alc. 120a, 120c, 120e–121e, 123b–123e; Ap. 40e; Eryx.393d; Euthd. 274a; Grg. 470e, 524e; Ltr. 13.363b; Ly. 209d; M. 78d; Mx. 241d, 241e; R. 8.553c; Sph. 230d; Stm. 264c

Persia/Persian(s): Alc. 120a, 120c, 121c, 121d–122c, 123b–123e; Ax. 371a; Chrm. 158a; L. 1.637d+, 1.642d+, 3.692c+, 3.693a, 3.693d, 3.694a+, 3.694c+, 3.695a, 3.697c+, 3.698b+, 4.707b+; L.Hp. 368c; Lch. 191c; Ltr. 7.332a+; Min. 316a; Mx. 239d+, 241b, 243b, 244d

personal identity: Smp. 207d; Tht. 159b+

persuasion: Alc. 114b–114d; G.Hp. 304b; Grg. 453+, 454e; L. 4.719e+, 4.722b+, 10.885d; Phdr. 260; Phlb. 58a; Sph. 222c+; Stm. 304c+;
see also

Phaeax: Eryx. 392a

, referred to: Ltr. 13.363a

Phaedo: interlocutor in (57a+, 89b+, 102b+) and narrator of (59c+)

; Phd. 117d

Phaedondas: Phd. 59c

Phaedrus: interlocutor in
(227a+) and
(176d+, 194d, 199c; his speech, 178a–180b); Epgr. 4; Phdr. 228+, 234c+, 236d+, 242a, 243d, 244a, 258e, 276e; Prt. 315c; Smp. 176c, 176d, 177a+, 178–180

Phaenarete: Alc. 131e; Tht. 149a

Phaethon: Ti. 22c

Phaleron: Halc. 8; Smp. 172a

Phanosthenes: Ion 541d

Pharmacia: Phdr. 229c

Pharsalus/Pharsalian(s): Sis. 387c, 389e–390a

Phasis: Phd. 109b

Phason: Prt. 310a

Phelleus: Criti. 111c

Phemius: Ion 533c

Pherecrates: Prt. 327d

Pherephatta: Cra. 404c+

Phersephone: Cra. 404c+;
see also

Phidias: G.Hp. 290a+; M. 91d; Prt. 311c+ Phidostratus: G.Hp. 286b

Philaedae: Hppr. 228b

Philaedes: Ltr. 13.363b

Philagrus: Ltr. 13.363b

Philebus: interlocutor in
(18a+, 22c, 28b); Phlb. 11b, 16b, 18a, 22c, 28b, 44b+, 60a, 66d+

Philemon: Thg. 129b

Philemonides: Thg. 129b

friendship; love

Philippides: Prt. 315a

Philistides: Ltr. 3.315e

Philistion: Ltr. 2.314d+

Philolaus: Phd. 61d+

Philomelus: Prt. 315a

Philonides: Ltr. 9.357e

philosopher(s): Ap. 23d; Ax. 371c; Cra. 401b+, 411b+; Euthd. 304d+, 305c+; G.Hp. 281d, 282c+, 283a; Grg. 484d+, 486a+, 508c+, 511e+; L. 10.886, 10.890a, 12.966e+, 12.967; Ltr. 7.328a, 7.335d, 7.340c+, 7.344a; Ly. 214b, 218b; Phd. 61c+, 63a+, 64, 65, 67, 68a, 69c+, 82, 91a, 99a, 114e; Phdr. 248d+, 249+, 250b, 278d; Phlb. 28c, 44b+; Prm. 135d; R. 3.410d+, 5.473c+, 5.475b+, 6.484+, 6.486a+, 6.486d, 6.486e, 6.487a, 6.487d+, 6.489d+, 6.490a, 6.490b, 6.490c, 6.490e+, 6.491a+, 6.494, 6.496+, 6.498e+, 6.499b, 6.500b+, 6.500e+, 6.501e+, 6.503b+, 6.503e+, 7.517c+, 7.519a+, 7.519c+, 7.520c, 7.525b, 7.535c+, 7.537d, 7.540, 8.543a, 9.581e+, 9.582c, 9.592, Riv. 135a–137b, 138d–139a; Smp. 184; Sph. 216b, 216d, 242c+, 246a+, 249c, 253e, 254a, 254b; Stm. 287a; Tht. 155e+, 172e, 173c+, 173d, 173e, 174b+, 174e, 179d+; Ti. 19e;
see also
dialectic(al)/dialectician(s); wisdom/wise

philosophy: Ax. 370d; Def. 414b; Def. 415e; Eryx. 399a; Euthd. 304d+, 304e+, 307; Grg. 481d, 484c+, 487c+; L. 12.967c; Ltr. 2.311e, 2.312b+, 6.323c+, 7.326a, 7.328e+, 7.338d, 7.340a+, 7.341b, 10.358c; Mx. 234a; Phd. 61a, 67, 80, 82, 83, 90e, 97+, 114c; Phdr. 249c, 256; Prm. 135c+; Prt. 342; R. 3.407c, 5.475c+, 6.485a, 6.487d, 6.487e, 6.490e+, 6.493e+, 6.495b+, 6.495e, 6.496b, 6.497a+, 6.498+, 6.500–501, 7.535c, 7.539d+, 10.607b+, 10.618c+; Riv. 132b–133c, 137a–137b, 139a; Smp. 218a+; Tht. 152+, 155d+, 157b, 159+, 166c+, 170a, 172c+, 174c; Ti. 47b;
see also

Philostratus: Ltr. 7.333e+

Phlius: Phd. 57a

Phocylides: R. 3.407a+

Phoenician(s): L. 2.663e, 5.747c; Ltr. 8.353e; R. 3.414c+, 4.436a

Phoenix, son of Amyntor: L. 11.931b; R. 3.390e

Phoenix, son of Philip: Smp. 172b, 173b

Phorcys: Ti. 40e

Phoroneus: Ti. 22a

etymology; intelligence/intelligible; thinking/thought; under7.326b, standing; wisdom/wise

Phrygia(n): Cra. 410a; Lch. 188d; Min. 318b; Phdr. 264c+; R. 3.399a+; Stm. 262e

Phrynichus: Min. 321a

Phrynion: Ltr. 9.358b

Phrynondas: Prt. 327d

Phthia: Cri. 44b; L.Hp. 370c; Thg. 124c

physical culture and training: L. 1.646d, 2.673a, 7.795d+, 7.804e, 7.813a+, 7.813d+; Prt. 315d; Riv. 133e–134e; Thg. 123e;
see also
ath7.521a+, lete(s); athletic competitions and events; body (human/animal); gym10.607b+; nastics

physician(s): Alc. 108e, 107c, 131a; 2Alc. 140b, 146e; Chrm. 156b+; Clt. 409b; Cra. 394c; Eryx. 394e; Euthphr. 13d; Grg. 464d+, 521e+; Just. 375a; L. 4.720b+, 4.722b, 4.723a, 6.761d, 9.857c+, 9.865b, 10.902d, 10.903d; Ltr. 7.330d; Min. 316c–316e; Prt. 313e; R. 1.341c, 1.342d, 3.405a, 3.408c+, 5.459c; Riv. 134e, 136c–136d, 138d; Sis. 390d; Sph. 230c+; Stm. 293b+, 295b+, 298a; Tht. 167a, 167b; Virt. 376b–376d;
see also
Acusilaus; Asclepiad(s); Eryximachus; Herodicus; Hippocrates; medicine

picture(s): G.Hp. 298a; Phlb. 39b+, 40a; R. 6.511e

piety/pious: Ax. 367c, 371c, 372; Def. 412e–413a, 414a–414b; Epin. 980a+, 989+; Euthphr. 4d+, 5d+, 9a; Ltr. 7.331c; Prt. 346a+;
see also

pilot: Alc. 117d, 125c, 125d–126a; 2Alc. 146e; Clt. 410c; Cra. 390c; Epgr. 14; Eryx. 394e; Grg. 511d+; Hppr. 226b; Ion 537c; R. 1.332e, 1.341c; R. 6.488d+; Riv. 136d; Sis. 389c–389d; Thg. 123b, 123d;
see also
captain; navigation; shipmaster

Pindar: Epgr. 12; Grg. 484b, 488b; L. 3.690b, 4.714e; M. 81b+; R. 3.408b; quoted: Euthd. 304b; M. 76d, 81b+; Phdr. 227b; R. 1.331a, 2.365b; Tht. 173e piracy/pirates: L. 7.823e; Sph. 222c; Stm. 298d

Piraeus: Ltr. 7.324c; Mx. 243e; R. 1.327a, 1.328c, 4.439e

Pirithous: R. 3.391c

Pisistratus: Hppr. 228b; Thg. 124d


Pittacus: G.Hp. 281c; Prt. 339c, 341c, 343a; R. 1.335e

Pitthean: Euthphr. 2b

pity: Prt. 323e

placidity of temper: L. 7.791c

plague at Athens: Smp. 201d

planets: Epgr. 2; Epin. 986e+; Halc. 1; L. 7.821b+, 12.966e; R. 10.616e+; Ti. 36c+, 38c+

planting/plants: Hppr. 225b–226a; Just. L. 8.843e; Ltr. 13.361b; Min. 317d; Riv. 134e; Thg. 121b; Ti. 77a

Plataea: L. 4.707c; Lch. 191b+; Mx. 241c, 245a

Plato: Ap. 34a, 38b; Ltr. 1.309b, 1.309c, 2.310b+, 2.311e, 2.312b+, 2.314a+, 2.314c, 3.315b, 3.315d+, 3.316a, 3.316b, 3.316e, 3.317c, 3.319c, 3.350c+, 4.320a, 4.321b, 5.322a+, 6.322d, 6.323a, 6.323b, 6.323c+, 7.324b+, 7.326a, 7.326e+, 7.328c, 7.329b, 7.329c, 7.329e, 7.330a, 7.331a+, 7.333a, 7.333d, 7.338c, 7.338d, 7.339a, 7.339b+, 7.341a+, 7.341d, 7.344d, 7.345a, 7.345c, 7.345d+, 7.347a, 7.347c, 7.348a, 7.349b, 7.349d, 7.350a+, 7.350d, 8.352b+, 8.355a, 9.358b, 11.358e, 12.359c+, 13.360b, 13.360e, 13.361a, 13.361c, 13.362d+, 13.363b, 13.363d+; Phd. 59b

play: L. 2.667d+; R. 4.425a, 7.536e;
children; games

Pleasure (goddess): Phlb. 12b, 22c, 23a, 26b, 28b

pleasure(s): Alc. 122a; Ax. 365e, 366a, 370d, 371d; Clt. 407d; Def. 411e, 415e, 416; Eryx. 405e; G.Hp. 297e+, 299d+, 302b+, 303d, 303e; Grg. 494c+, 495a+, 496+, 500e+; L. 1.633d+, 1.636c, 1.637a, 1.644c, 2.653a, 2.655d, 2.658e, 2.662d+, 2.667b+, 2.668a, 3.689a+, 3.700e, 5.727c, 5.732e+, 5.734, 6.782e, 6.783c, 7.792d+, 7.802d, 8.836e, 9.863b; Ltr. 3.315c, 7.327b, 8.354e; Phd. 60a+, 64d, 69a, 83c+, 114e; Phdr. 237+, 258e; Phlb. 11b+, 12c+, 19b, 21b+, 27e+, 31a, 31b, 31d+, 35+, 36c+, 37c+, 39a+, 40c+, 41d, 42d, 43a, 43d+, 44b+, 45+, 46e+, 47b, 47e, 50a+, 50e+, 51a+, 52a+, 53c+, 60a, 60b+, 60d+, 63e, 65c+, 66c, 67; Prt. 337b, 351+, 352e–357, 358; R. 3.402e+, 4.430a, 5.462b, 5.464, 6.485d, 6.485e, 6.505b+, 7.519a+, 8.561a, 9.572c, 9.580d+, 9.581e, 9.582d+, 9.583b, 9.583d, 9.583e, 9.584b, 9.584e+, 9.586a+, 9.586d+, 9.587; Stm. 288c; Tht. 156b; Ti. 47d, 64+, 69d, 86b+;
see also
appetite(s); de375b; sire(s)

Pleiades: Ax. 370c

many, the (contrasted with the one, etc.)

Pluto: Ax. 371a–371b; Cra. 402d+, Grg. 523b+; L. 8.828c, 8.828d

Pnyx: Criti. 112a

poet(s): 2Alc. 142e–143a, 147b–147d, 148b; Ap. 18+, 22a+, 22c; Ax. 367d, 371c; Chrm. 162d; Epgr. 12; Euthphr. 6b; Hppr. 228b–229b; Ion 533e+; Just. 374a; L. 2.656c+, 2.659c, 2.660a, 2.661d, 2.662b, 2.669c+, 2.670e, 3.682a, 3.700d+, 4.719b+, 7.801b+, 7.802b, 7.811b+, 7.817, 8.829d, 9.858d+, 10.886c, 10.890a, 11.935e+, 12.941b, 12.957c+, 12.964c, 12.967c; Lch. 183a+; Ltr. 1.309d+; Ly. 212e, 214a; M. 81b+, 99d; Min. 320e–321a; Mx. 239b; Phd. 70c; Phdr. 245a, 265b; Prt. 326b, 347c, 347e; R. 1.330c, 1.332b, 2.363+, 2.364e, 2.365e, 2.366b, 2.377+, 2.379a+, 3.391c+, 3.393+, 3.398a+, 3.408d+, 3.413b, 8.568a+, 10.595–597, 10.599a, 10.600a+, 10.600e+, 10.602c, 10.603b+, 10.605a+, 10.606e+; Smp. 205b+, 209a, 209d, 223c; Ti. 19d+, 21c+; Virt. 379d

poetry: 2Alc. 147b–147d; Ap. 22c; Grg. 502c+; Ion 532c+, 533d+; L. 2.659d+, 3.682a, 4.719c, 7.810e, 7.811c+, 7.817, 12.967c; L.Hp. 368c; Lch. 183a+; Min. 320e–321a; Phdr. 268c+, 245a, 265b; Prt. 316d, 325e+, 339a; R. 3.392c–394c, 3.397b+, 3.398a+, 8.568b+, 10.595+, 10.601a+, 10.605d, 10.606, 10.607a+; Smp. 205b+

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