Complete Works (382 page)

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fame: Alc. 124b; L. 4.721b, 8.838d+; Ltr. 2.311b; Riv. 135b; Smp. 208c+;
see also

family: Alc. 115b, 120d–121b, 126e; Dem. 385c, 386a–386c; Euthd. 306d+; Grg. 512c+; L. 3.680e+, 5.740b+,

9.881d, 10.887d+, 11.928d–930b; R. 5.449c+, 5.463+; Thg. 122b; Tht. 174e+;
ancestors/ancestry; children; father(s); mother(s); parent(s); son(s); wive(s)


fate/Fates: Epgr. 3; Epin. 982c; G.Hp. 293b; L. 12.960c; Ltr. 7.337d+; R. 10.617c+;
see also
Adrastea; Atropos; Clotho; Destinies/destiny; Lachesis; necessity

father(s): Eryx. 396b–396c; G.Hp. 297b; L. 11.928d+; Ltr. 6.323d; R. 9.574c; Thg. 122e–123c, 125a, 126e–127d; Virt. 377a–378a;
see also

fear: Ax. 365c; Def. 412a, 412b, 413a, 415e, 416; Euthphr. 12b+; Halc. 3; L. 1.644d, 1.647e+, 2.671d, 3.699c, 7.791b+, 8.831a, 9.870c+; Lch. 198b+; Ltr. 7.337a; Phlb. 40e, 47e, 50c; Prt. 358d, 360b; R. 4.430b, 5.465a+; Tht. 156b; Ti. 42b, 69d

fencing: Euthd. 271e, 273c, 273e; L. 7.813e, 8.833e; Lch. 178a, 179e, 181d+;
see also

fermentation: Phd. 96b; Ti. 66b

festival(s): Def. 415a; Euthphr. 6c; Ion 530a+; L. 1.637b, 2.653d, 2.658a+, 5.738d, 6.771d+, 6.775a+, 7.796b, 7.799a, 7.809d, 7.816c, 8.828+, 11.935e, 12.947a; L.Hp. 363c+; Ltr. 7.349d; Ly. 206d+, 223; Mx. 249b; Prm. 127b; Prt. 327d; R.1.327a, 1.354a, 5.475d; Ti. 21b;
see also
drinking, drinking parties

fevers: 2Alc. 139e–140a; Ti. 86a

fibers: Ti. 85c+

fiction(s): Euthphr. 6, 8; L. 2.672b, 10.886c, 12.941b; R. 2.377e+, 3.386b+, 3.408c, 10.595+; Smp. 195c;
see also
fable(s); myth(ology); poetry; stories/story

fighting: L. 7.795b; Sph. 219c, 225a+;
see also
boxers/boxing; fencing; war

arithmetic(al); image(s); shape(s)

final causes: Phd. 97–98; R. 1.352e+;
see also
cause(s); end(s)

finite: Phlb. 15b–17a; Sis. 389a;
see also

fire: Epin. 981c, 982a+; Eryx. 402a; Ltr. 7.342d; Phlb. 29a, 29c; Prt. 321d; R. 4.435a; Sph. 266b; Tht. 153a; Ti. 31b+, 45b+, 48b, 49b+, 53b–62, 78a

animal(s) (particular kinds)

flatterers/flattery: Def. 415e; Grg. 463b+, 501c+, 527c; L. 11.923b; Ltr. 3.315b, 7.331c; R. 4.426c+, 9.590b; Sph. 222e+

flavors: Ti. 65c+

flesh: L. 6.782c; Phd. 98d; Ti. 61c+, 73b, 74b+, 82c+

floods: L. 3.677a; Ti. 22;
see also

flute, flute-playing: Alc. 106e, 125c– 125d; Cra. 417e; Cri. 54d; Grg. 501e; Halc. 7; Hppr. 226c–226d; L. 2.699e, 3.700e; L.Hp. 374e, 375b; M. 90e; Min. 317e–318c; Phlb. 56a; Prt. 327a+, 347c; R. 3.399d, 10.601e; Sis. 390d; Smp. 176e, 212d; 2Alc. 145d, 145e; Thg. 126e

flux: Cra. 401d+, 411b+, 436e+, 440; Phlb. 43a; Smp. 207d+; Tht. 152e, 156a, 160d, 177c, 179d+, 181d+, 183c;
see also

folly/fool(s): 2Alc. 140c, 142e, 150c; L. 3.688d+, 3.691a, 3.691d; Ltr. 3.315c, 7.336b; Phdr. 231e; Prt. 332+; R. 9.585b;
see also
ignorance/ignorant; madman/madness

food: Alc. 108e; G.Hp. 298e+; Hppr. 226a–226b, 230a–230b, 230e; L. 8.847e+; Min. 317e, 321c; R. 2.369d; Riv. 134c, 134e; Stm. 288e+; Ti. 80d+;
see also
cooking; flesh; diet

foot races:

foreign(ers): Alc. 105b, 119a, 122e, 124b; Cra. 409d+, 416a, 421c+; Epgr. 12; L. 6.758c, 12.949e+, 12.952d+; Min. 315c, 316d, 320a; Thg. 126c; Virt. 376d;
see also
barbarian(s); strangers

Forgetfulness, Plain of: R. 10.621a

forgetfulness: Ltr. 3.315c; Phdr. 250; Phlb. 33e+; R. 6.486c+

forging: Prt. 324e

form(s): Cra. 389+; G.Hp. 289d+, 292d; L. 12.965b+; Phd. 103e; Phlb. 51b+; Prm. 129–135; Sph. 246b+, 248a+, 254c, 260a; Stm. 286d; Ti. 51c;
see also
essence; genus and species; pattern(s); species

fortune: 2Alc. 146e–147a, 148c; Epin. 975e; Euthd. 279d+; L. 2.661b+, 5.732c, 5.741e; Ltr. 8.353d; R. 10.619c;
see also
Destinies/destiny; money; wealth(y)

fraud: L. 11.916d+

freedom: Alc. 119a, 122a, 135c; Clt. 408b; Def. 412d; Grg. 461e; L. 3.694b, 3.698b, 10.904c+, 11.922b–923c, 12.962e; Ly. 209c+; Phd. 99a+; Prt. 319d; R. 8.557b, 8.562c+, 10.617e; Riv. 135b, 135d; Virt. 376d;
see also

friend(s)/friendship: Alc. 109d, 115b– 115c, 115e, 116a, 126c–127d; 2Alc. 142e–143a; Clt. 409d–409e, 410b; 413a–413b, 413c, 416; Dem. 386a–386c; Eryx. 393e; G.Hp. 301b+; Grg. 508a, 510; Hppr. 229b, 229d– 229e; Just. 374d; L. 4.718d, 4.723a, 5.738d+, 5.739c, 5.743c, 6.759b; Ltr. 6.322d+, 7.325d, 7.331e+, 7.333e+, 9.358a; Ly. 207c, 210c, 211e– 222e; Phdr. 232, 240c, 255+, 279c; R. 1.335a+, 5.449c, 5.461b–465, 8.567d+, 9.575e+; Riv. 136c, 138e; Thg. 128d;
see also

end(s), power(s)

funeral(s): G.Hp. 291d, 292e+; L. 4.719d+, 7.800e, 12.947b+, 12.959c+; Mx. 235, 247+; Phd. 115a; R. 3.414a, 7.540b+, 10.614b;
see also
burial; death (treatment of the dead, etc.)

future life:
death (the afterlife, etc.)


gadfly, Socrates as: Ap. 30a

Gadira: Criti. 114b

Gadirus: Criti. 114b

games: Alc. 110b, 110e; Chrm. 174b; Eryx. 395a–395b; Euthd. 277b; Grg. 450d; Hppr. 229e; L. 1.643b+, 1.644d+, 5.739a, 7.797a+, 7.807c, 7.813d+, 7.820c+, 8.828c+, 12.969a; 13.363d; Ly. 206e; Min. 316c; Phd. 110b; Phdr. 274d; R. 1.333b, 2.374c, 4.422e, 6.487b., 7.514, 7.536e, 10.604c; Sis. 387e; Stm. 292e; Tht. 146a, 181a;
see also
play; sports

Ganymede: L. 1.636d; Phdr. 255c

Gelon: Ltr. 7.333a

genealogies: Cra. 402e; G.Hp. 285d; Ti. 22b, 23b, 40e

general(s): Alc. 120c; 2Alc. 142a–142d; Ax. 368d; Cra. 394b; Epin. 975e; Eufraud: thd. 290b; Euthphr. 14a; Hppr. 226c– 226d; Ion 540d+; L. 6.755b+, 11.921d; Lch. 198e+; Min. 321c; R. 7.522d+, 7.525b, 7.526d, 7.527c; Stm. 304e+;
see also
military; soldier(s)

generation and destruction: Phd. 96+

generation(s)/genesis: Epin. 980+; L. 10.904a; Phd. 71, 96+, 101c; Phlb. 27a+; Prt. 320d+; R. 7.525b+, 7.526e; Smp. 189d+; Stm. 271a+; Ti. 37b, 38a, 49–52, 59d, 90e, 92;
see also
becoming; creation

good(ness/s) (good man/men)

gentleness: Grg. 516c; L. 5.731b; R. 2.375e+, 3.410d+, 6.486b

genus and species: Def. 414d, 416; Euthphr. 12c+;
see also
kinds; species

geographers: Phd. 108c

geometer/geometrical/geometry: Cra. 436d; G.Hp. 285c; L. 7.817e, 7.819e+; L.Hp. 367d+; M. 82b–85b, 86e+; Phdr. 274d; Phlb. 51c; R. 5.458d, 6.511c, 7.526c+, 7.528b, 7.534d; Sis. 388e; Stm. 266a+; Tht. 147d+;
see also
mathematical/mathematician/mathematics; mensuration

Geryon: Euthd. 299c; Grg. 484b; L. 7.795c

ghosts: L. 10.910a, 12.959b; Phd. 81;

giants: R. 2.378c; Smp. 190b; Sph. 246a

girl(s): Epgr. 7; L. 7.794c+, 7.804e+, 7.813e+, 8.833d, 8.834d;
see also
children; women

glass: Ti. 61b

Glaucon, famous rhapsode: Ion 530d

Glaucon, father of Charmides: Ax. 364a; Chrm. 154b, 158b; Prt. 315a; Thg. 128e

Glaucon, friend of Apollodorus: interlocutor in

Glaucon, son of Ariston: interlocutor in
(1.327b+, 1.337d+, 1.347a+, 2.357a+, 2.372c+, 3.398c+, 4.427d+, 5.450a+, 6.506d+, 9.576b+); Prm. 126a; R. 1.327a, 1.337d, 1.347a, 2.357a, 2.368a, 2.372d, 3.398c, 4.427d, 5.450a, 5.459a, 5.474d+, 6.506d, 7.531a, 7.533a, 8.548d, 9.576b, 10.608d

Glaucus, Lycian hero: Smp. 218e

Glaucus, sea god: R. 10.611d

Glaucus, skilled craftsman: Phd. 108d

gluttony: Eryx. 405e; Phdr. 238a; R. 9.586a+; Ti. 72e+

etymology; judgment(s); know(ing)/knowledge; reason

Gobryas, Persian sage: Ax. 371a, 372

Gobryas, grandfather of the above: Ax. 371a

god(s): Alc. 103a, 105a–105c, 105d, 105e, 108c–108d, 122a, 124c, 135d; 2Alc. 138b, 141a, 142d, 148a, 148c– 151b; Ap. 26; Ax. 367b–367d, 371b, 371e; Clt. 407a; Cra. 391e+, 397c+, 400d+, 402b, 406c, 408e+, 416c, 425c, 438c; Criti. 107b+, 109b+; Def. 411a, 412e–413a, 414a–414b, 415a, 415b; Epgr. 3; Epin. 977a, 978c, 980+, 983c, 988a+, 991d; Eryx. 398c–398e; Euthphr. 6, 8, 9b, 14–15; G.Hp. 288b, 289a+, 293b; Halc. 2–4, 8; Ion 534; L. 1.641d, 1.643a, 2.653d, 2.665a, 2.672b, 3.682a, 4.709b, 4.716a+, 4.719c, 5.726+, 5.729c, 5.729e+, 5.738b+, 5.741a, 5.745d, 6.771d, 6.783a, 7.792d, 7.807a, 7.818b, 7.821a+, 8.828c, 8.848d, 9.854b, 9.871c, 9.879d, 9.881d, 10.885b–910, 11.916e+, 11.917d, 11.920d+, 11.927b, 11.930e+, 12.941b, 12.948c, 12.955e+, 12.958d, 12.966c+; Ltr. 3.315b+, 6.323d, 8.353b, 8.356d, 8.357c, 13.363b; Min. 314b, 318b–319a; Mx. 237c, 238b; Phd. 62b+, 106e; Phdr. 246e+, 252c+, 273e+, 278d; Phlb. 33b, 65c; Prm. 134c+; Prt. 320d+, 345d; R. 2.362c, 2.364b+, 2.377e+, 2.379–386a, 3.388c+, 3.391c, 3.408c, 8.554b, 10.596d, 10.597d; Smp. 180b, 183b, 188d, 190b, 195c; Sph. 216b, 246a, 265b+; Stm. 269c+, 271d+, 274c+, 275a+, 276a, 276d; Thg. 126a, 130e; Tht. 176b; Ti. 29a, 30+, 38c, 40a+, 51e, 53b+, 55c, 68d, 71e; Virt. 379c–379d;
see also
daemon(s); festival(s); heaven(s); mysteries; prayer(s); religion; spirit(s); temple(s) gold(en): Alc. 122b–122c; Cra. 397e+; Criti. 112c; Dem. 383b; Epgr. 10; Eryx. 394c, 402a, 402b–404b; G.Hp. 289e+, 293e, 301a; Hppr. 231c–231d; L. 3.679b, 4.713b+, 5.742a, 5.743d, 5.746a, 12.955e; Ltr. 1.309c, 6.322d; Ly. 220a; Min. 313a–313b; Phd. 110e; R. 3.415a+, 3.416e, 4.419, 4.422d, 5.464c, 8.547a; Stm. 271b+, 303d; Ti. 18b, 59b; Virt. 378d


: Alc. 116; 2Alc. 138b, 141a–146e, 148b– 148c, 150c–150e; Cra. 384b, 439c+; Def. 411a, 411d, 412e, 413a, 414e, 415b, 415d, 416; Euthd. 278e+, 281; G.Hp. 287c, 296e+, 303e+; Grg. 468, 474d, 497+, 504, 506c+; Hppr. 227a– 228a; L. 3.696b, 4.705e, 5.728a, 6.782e+, 10.896e, 10.900d, 12.966a; Ltr. 7.342d; Ly. 216b, 216d+, 220d; M. 88; Min. 321d; Phd. 65d, 75d, 100b; Phlb. 11b+, 20+, 55a+, 60a+, 62+, 65+; Prt. 332c, 333d+, 352+, 354+, 358; R. 2.379c, 2.380e+, 5.452e, 6.504e+, 6.507b, 6.508b+, 6.509, 7.517b+, 7.518c, 7.526e, 7.534b+, 7.540a, 10.608e; Smp. 201c+, 204e+, 206a, 212a; Tht. 177c+

, ETC.: Alc. 107a–107b, 107d–109d, 115a–117a, 124b, 124e–125c, 127d, 128b–128e, 131b, 132a, 133a–133c, 134a, 135b–135c; 2Alc. 138b, 141a–146e, 146d, 148b– 148c, 149c, 150c–150e; Ap. 28a, 30d, 41; Ax. 369e–370a; Chrm. 156e+; Clt. 407a, 409d–409e; Criti. 110d; Def. 412b, 412c, 412d, 412e, 415b, 415d, 416; Dem. 382d, 385a; Epin. 979c; Eryx. 393e, 395d–399d, 403b, 404c, 405a–405e; Euthd. 279+, 281d+; Euthphr. 15a; G.Hp. 284d+, 291d; Grg. 451e+, 497+, 500c+, 503d+, 526c, 527c; Hppr. 227a–229b, 229e– 232b; L. 1.626e+, 1.631b+, 1.644b, 2.660e+, 2.663a+, 3.696b+, 3.697b, 4.705e, 4.716d+, 5.728a, 5.730d+, 5.731d, 5.739c, 5.742d+, 6.770e, 6.782e+, 7.792b, 7.807b, 9.870a+, 10.900d, 10.908b, 12.951b; L.Hp. 376b+; Ltr. 4.320b, 7.335a, 8.355b; Ly. 214c+; M. 78c+, 88+, 93+; Min. 314d, 317b, 319a, 321b, 321d; Mx. 248a; Phd. 63, 78a, 108, 114; Phdr. 255b; Phlb. 11b+, 22, 39e+, 55a+, 61b+, 65+; Prt. 324d+, 334, 354a; R. 1.347, 1.350b, 2.357b+, 2.363d, 2.364a, 2.367c+, 3.387d+, 3.395e+, 3.400e, 3.409a+, 3.416d+, 5.464b+, 6.491c, 6.495a, 8.543a+, 8.568a, 10.603e+, 10.613a; Riv. 133d–134c, 136b, 136e– 137a, 137c–138a; Sis. 390c–391d; Smp. 212a; Thg. 122e, 127a; Tht. 176b, 177c+; Virt. 376a–379d
see also
hero(es); just(ice); pleasure(s); right(ness/s); virtue(s)

Gorgias: interlocutor in
(448a+, 463a+, 497b, 506a+); Ap. 19e; G.Hp. 282b, 282d; Grg. 447b, 449a–460e, 482d, 487a, 494d; M. 70b, 70c, 71c+, 73c+, 76c, 95c, 96d; Phdr. 261b+, 267a; Phlb. 58a+; Smp. 198c; Thg. 127e–128b;
see also
rhetoric; sophist(s)

Gorgons: Phdr. 229d

Gortyn, in Crete: L. 4.708a

Gortyn, in Peloponnesus: L. 4.708a

government(s): Ax. 370b; L. 3.676c+, 3.683e, 3.694a+, 3.698b+, 4.710e+, 5.739, 7.807b, 8.832c, 12.962d+; Ltr. 5.321d+, 7.326a+; Min. 317a, 317c; Mx. 238c; Prt. 322b+; R. 1.338d+, 1.343b+, 1.345c+, 4.445c, 6.492e, 6.496c+, 6.497b, 8.544, 8.545c+; Stm. 291d+, 294+, 295e, 300c+;
see also
constitution(s); model city; rule/ruler(s); state(s) (political)

grace/Graces: Epgr. 18; L. 3.682a; L.Hp. 374b; R. 3.400d, 3.401a, 7.522a

grammar: Clt. 407c; Cra. 384b, 405d, 431e; Euthd. 276a+; Phlb. 18b; Riv. 132a; Sph. 253a;
see also
dialect(s); etymology

grandeur of soul:

gray: Ti. 68c


Greece/Greek(s): Alc. 104a, 104b, 105b, 111a–111c, 113d, 122e, 123d–123e, 124b; 2Alc. 141a, 141c, 148e–149c; Epgr. 11; Epin. 987d+; Eryx. 392d, 400a; G.Hp. 291a, 291d; L. 1.635b, 3.685b+, 9.870a+, 10.887e; Ltr. 8.353e; Ly. 223; Min. 315c–316d, 318c–318d, 320a; Mx. 242; Phd. 78a; Phdr. 244b; Prt. 337d; R. 5.452c, 5.469b+, 6.494c; Riv. 135c; Stm. 262d; Thg. 126c;
see also

greed: Hppr. 225a–227d, 232c; L. 5.736e; Ltr. 7.335b; R. 3.390e+, 6.485e

green: Ti. 68c

grief: L. 5.732c; Mx. 247c+; R. 3.387c+, 10.603e–606b;
see also

guardians of ideal state: R. 2.375e– 376d, 3.412b–417b, 4.419–425, 5.450c–471, 7.519c–521b, 7.537a– 537d, 7.539e–541b, 8.543a+; Ti. 18a;
see also
helpers; rule/ruler(s)

guardians of law: Ltr. 8.356d+; Min. 320c

guardians of model city: L. 12.964e+;
see also
magistrates; nocturnal council

guardians of orphans:

Gyges: R. 2.359d+, 10.612b

gymnasiums: Ax. 364a, 367a, 372; Eryx. 399a–399b; Euthd. 272e+; L. 6.761c, 6.764c; Ly. 206e; Prt. 326c; Stm. 294d+;
see also
Lyceum; palaestra

gymnastics: Alc. 108b–108e, 118d, 128c; Clt. 407c, 408e–409a, 410d; Cri. 50d; Grg. 464b+, 517e+; L. 1.636b+, 2.653d+, 2.672c, 2.673a, 2.673d, 5.743e, 7.789, 7.795d+, 7.807c, 8.830a+, 8.833a+, 8.839e+, 12.949a; Ly. 212d; Prt. 312b, 326c; R. 2.376e, 3.403d, 3.404a, 3.410a+, 4.424b, 4.441e+, 5.452–457b, 6.504a, 7.521e, 7.535b, 7.535d, 7.537; Riv. 132d, 133d– 134c; Sph. 229a; Stm. 294d+; Ti. 88c+;
see also
athletic competitions and events; boxers/boxing; contests; exercise(s); fencing; festival(s); games; pancratium; physical culture and training; sports; trainers/training; wrestling

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