Complete Works (391 page)

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Authors: D. S. Hutchinson John M. Cooper Plato

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: R. 4.439e+;
see also
high spirit

Thurii: Euthd. 271c, 283e, 288a; L. 1.636b

Thyestes: Cra. 395b; L. 8.838c; Stm. 268e

Timaeus: interlocutor in
(17a+, 27c+) and in

Timarchus: Thg. 129a–129c

time: Def. 411a, 411b, 411c; L. 3.676b+, 12.954c+; Prm. 141a+, 141d+, 151e+, 152b+; Ti. 37d–39e, 47a+

timocracy/timocratic: R. 8.545b+, 8.547+, 8.548e+, 8.549c+;
see also

Timotheus: Ltr. 13.363a

Tiresias: 2Alc. 151b; Ltr. 2.311b; M. 100a; R. 3.386d

Tisander: Grg. 487c

Tisias, rhetorician: Phdr. 267a, 273a+

Tisias, Syracusan soldier: Ltr. 7.349c

Tison: Ltr. 13.363c

Tityus: Ax. 371e; Grg. 525e

tomb(s): Epgr. 14, 15; L. 12.958e; Ltr. 8.356b, 13.361c; Phd. 81d

tombstones: L. 12.958e; Smp. 193a

touch: R. 7.523e

Trachis: Halc. 1

trade(rs/s): Alc. 131a–131b; Ax. 368a–368b; L. 4.705a, 5.741e+, 5.743d+, 8.846d; Prt. 313d; Riv. 135d, 136b–137a, 138d; Sis. 390d; Sph. 219c+; Stm. 260d;
see also

tradition(s): 2Alc. 148d–149b; Criti. 109d+, 111b, 112a; G.Hp. 284b+; L. 3.677a, 3.702a, 4.713e, 6.782d, 7.793a+, 9.872e+, 9.881a, 11.913c, 11.927a; Ltr. 7.335a; Phdr. 274c; R. 3.414c; Stm. 271a+; Ti. 20d+, 22a+, 40d;
see also
custom; fable(s); stories/story; tale(s)

tragedians/tragedy: Clt. 407a; Cra. 408c, 425e; Grg. 502b; L. 2.658d, 8.838c; Ltr. 1.309d+; Min. 318d–318e, 321a; Phlb. 48a; R. 3.394d+, 8.568a+, 10.597e, 10.598d+, 10.602b; Smp. 223d;
see also
poetry; poet(s)

trainers/training: Alc. 107e, 119b, 119e, 131a, 132b; Ax. 366e; Clt. 407b, 407e; Grg. 514; L. 1.625c+, 1.646d, 7.804c, 7.807a, 8.830a+, 8.839e+; Min. 317e–318a; Prt. 326b; R. 3.389c, 3.404a, 6.504a; Riv. 132c, 134e; Stm. 294d+; Thg. 128e; Ti. 89a+; Virt. 378e;
see also
athlete(s); diet; education; gymnastics; regimen

transmigration of souls: L. 10.903d+, 10.904e; M. 81b+; Phd. 70c+, 81, 113a; Phdr. 248c+; R. 10.617d+; Ti. 41e+, 90e+;
see also

travel: L. 12.949e+, 12.951a+

trees: Ti. 77a

triangles: Ti. 53c+, 57d, 58d, 73b, 81b+, 89c tribes: L. 5.745b+, 6.768b, 6.771b+ 11.915c, 12.956c

Triptolemus: Ap. 41a; L. 6.782b

triremes: Ltr. 3.317b, 7.339a

Trojan(s)/Troy: Alc. 112b; 2Alc. 149d–149e; Ap. 28c, 41c; Epgr. 3; G.Hp. 286b; Ion 535c; L. 3.681e, 3.682d, 3.685c+, 4.706d+; L.Hp. 363b, 364c+; Ltr. 12.359d; Phdr. 243b; Prt. 340a; R. 2.380a, 3.393b, 3.393e, 3.405e+, 3.408a, 7.522d, 9.586c; Tht. 184d;
see also

Trophonius: Ax. 367c

true and false man: L.Hp. 365–369

Truth, Plain of: Ax. 371b; Phdr. 248b

truth: Ap. 17b; Ax. 370d, 371b; Cra. 385b+, 391c, 430d+; Def. 413c, 414a, 414b, 414c; Dem. 383c–383d, 384b, 385d–386a; Eryx. 395b–395c, 397d; G.Hp. 284e, 288d; Grg. 505e; Just. 374b–375a; L. 2.663e, 5.730c, 5.738e, 9.861d; Ltr. 2.313b, 4.320b, 7.330a, 7.339a; Min. 314e–315a; Phd. 65, 114e; Phdr. 247d+, 248b+, 249, 259e+, 260, 278a; Phlb. 58d+, 59c, 64e+, 65c+; Prm. 136d; R. 3.412e+, 5.475e, 6.485d, 6.486d, 6.486e, 6.490b, 6.501d, 7.520c, 7.521a+, 7.525b, 7.537d, 9.581b; Sis. 388a, 388d; Sph. 249c, 254a; Tht. 152c, 161c+, 171a+, 173e; Ti. 29c, 44a;
see also
realities/reality; science(s)

tutors: Alc. 121e–122b; Ax. 366e; Ly. 208c, 223

Tynnichus: Ion 534d

Typhon: Phdr. 230a

tyranny/tyrannical/tyrant(s): Def. 415c; Grg. 466d+, 468, 469c+, 510b+, 525d+; Hppr. 229b; L. 4.711b+, 4.712c; Ltr. 1.309b, 1.309d+, 3.315b, 7.326d, 7.327b, 7.329b, 7.329d, 7.331e+, 7.332c, 7.351a+, 8.352c+, 8.353b, 8.353c, 8.354a+, 8.354e; Mx. 238e; R. 1.338d+, 1.344, 8.544c, 8.562+, 8.565d+, 8.566d+, 8.567d+, 9.571+, 9.573, 9.574+, 9.575e+, 9.576b+, 9.577d+, 9.587b+, 10.615e+; Riv. 138b–138d; Sph. 222c; Stm. 276e, 291e, 301b+, 302d+; Thg. 124e–126a; Tht. 174d;
see also

Tyrrhenia: Criti. 114c; Ti. 25b

Tyrtaeus: L. 1.629a+, 2.667a, 9.858e; Phdr. 269a; quoted: L. 1.629a+


ugly: Alc. 107b, 132a; Eryx. 400c; G.Hp. 286c, 288e+, 290c+, 295e

understanding: Euthd. 278a; L. 9.875d, 10.900d, 12.963a+; Ltr. 7.342c; R. 6.511d, 7.523b+, 7.533d+; Sis. 387e–388b, 389d–390b, 391b; Stm. 278d+; Tht. 170+;
see also
know(ing)/knowledge; mind; wisdom/wise


unequal: Phd. 74a–74c; Prm. 140b, 149d+

uniform(ity): Epin. 982b+; Ti. 57e+

unintentional and intentional actions: L. 9.878b;
see also

unity: L. 5.739c+; Phd. 105c; Phdr. 266b; Phlb. 15b+; Prm. 128b, 129c, 142e, 144d+, 157e+, 159c+; R. 4.422e+, 5.462+, 7.524d+; Sph. 245a+;
see also

universal(s): M. 74+; Phd. 100c+, 101c+, 104; Sph. 253d; Tht. 185+

universe: Ax. 371b; Grg. 508a; L. 7.821a, 10.889b+, 10.896e–899a, 10.903b+, 12.966e+; Phlb. 28d, 29e+; Stm. 269c+; Ti. 27c, 31b+, 34b, 48e+, 69c, 90d;
see also
cosmos; earth; heaven(s)

unlike: Prm. 127e, 129a+, 147c+, 158e+, 161a+

unlimited: Phlb. 23c+, 25, 31a;
see also
infinite; finite

Urania: Phdr. 259d; Smp. 187d

Uranus: Cra. 396b+; Epin. 977b, 978d+; Euthphr. 6a, 8b; R. 2.377e

useful: 2Alc. 145c, 146b; Clt. 409c; Def. 414e; Eryx. 396b, 400e–406a; G.Hp. 296d; Riv. 136b–137a

useless: G.Hp. 295e; Ly. 210c; Riv. 136b, 136e–137b

usury: L. 5.742c, 11.921d; R. 8.556b



vacuum: Ti. 60c, 80c L. 1.630c, 1.631d+, 2.667a, 12.943c; Mx. 240d; R. 5.468b+;
see also
confidence; courage(ous)

vengeance: L. 5.728c; Prt. 324b; Def. 415e;
see also

verbs: Def. 414d; Ltr. 7.342b, 7.343b; Sph. 261e+

vice: Alc. 135; L. 5.732e+, 10.906b+; R. 4.444e, 8.560e+, 10.609b+; Sph. 228b; Stm. 307b+;
see also
evil(s); injustice

victories/victory: 2Alc. 151b–151c; Def. 414a, 415d; L. 1.638a+, 1.641c, 1.647b, 4.715c, 5.729d, 7.803e, 7.807c, 8.840b, 8.845d; R. 9.586c+

virtue(s): Alc. 120e, 134b–135c; Ax. 365a; Clt. 407c, 408c–409a, 410b, 410e; Def. 411d, 412a, 412d, 412e, 413b, 413c, 413d, 415a, 415c, 415d; Eryx. 393a, 398c–398d, 404c–405b; Euthd. 274e+; G.Hp. 284a; Hppr. 227e, 230c–232c; L. 1.630a+, 1.631d+, 2.653b, 2.661b+, 2.667a, 3.688a, 3.693b+, 3.696e, 5.730e, 5.732e+, 6.770b+, 7.807c+, 8.831c, 8.835c+, 8.836a, 12.962d+, 12.964b+, 12.965d+; Lch. 190c+, 198a, 199d+; Ltr. 7.327b; M. 70+, 71e+, 73+, 77b+, 78e+, 86d+, 87b, 88c+, 89d+, 96, 100a; Min. 320b; Mx. 239a, 246c+; Phd. 68c+, 69, 82–84; Phdr. 250; Prt. 319e+, 322c+, 323+, 325, 326e+, 327c+, 327e, 329c+, 329e, 330+, 339, 349+, 353+, 356+, 357e+, 359+, 361; R. 1.350d, 1.352e+, 3.401a, 3.402e+, 3.407b+, 3.409d+, 4.427e+, 4.433, 4.435+, 4.441, 4.444e, 4.445c, 6.485+, 6.487a, 6.490e, 6.491b, 6.494b, 7.518d, 8.550d+, 10.619c; Sph. 247b; Stm. 306b+, 307b+; Virt. 376a–376c, 377c–378c, 379a–379d;
see also
excellence; good(ness/s); just(ice); righteousness

visible: Phd. 79; Prm. 130c+, 135e; R. 6.508b+, 6.509d+, 7.517b+, 7.532a+

vision(s): Alc. 133c; Chrm. 167e+; Def. 411c; Ltr. 8.357c; Phd. 111b; R. 6.507c+; R. 7.518d, 7.532a, 7.533c, 7.540a; Sph. 266c; Tht. 153d+, 156b+; Ti. 45c+;
see also
apparition; eye(s); sight

Visitor from Elea: interlocutor in
(216a+) and

void: Ti. 58b;
see also

volume: Ti. 53c

voluntary: Clt. 407d; Def. 415a; Just. 373e–374a, 375c–375d; L. 9.860d+, 9.866e+; L.Hp. 373b+; Prt. 323d+

vowels: Cra. 424c; Phlb. 18b+; Sph. 253a; Tht. 203b


wage earner(s): L. 5.742a; R. 1.346, 2.371e

wantonness: Phdr. 238a

war: Alc. 107d–107e, 108d, 109a–109c, 112b–112c, 115b, 120a; 2Alc. 144e, 145b, 145e; Ax. 367a; Clt. 407d; Criti. 110b, 112d; Def. 412a, 412b, 415c; Euthphr. 7d+; G.Hp. 295d; Ion 531c; L. 1.625e+, 1.626d+, 1.629d, 1.633b, 1.638a+, 4.708b, 4.709a, 6.785b, 7.796a+, 7.803d, 7.804e+, 7.806a+, 7.813e+, 7.814e+, 7.823b, 8.829a, 8.829b, 8.830c+, 8.831b+, 11.921d, 12.942b+, 12.942d, 12.955b+; Ltr. 3.317a, 7.336e+, 7.338a; Mx. 243e; Phd. 66c; Prt. 322b; R. 2.373d+, 2.374b, 4.422c, 4.422e+, 5.452+, 5.466e–471c, 7.537a, 8.547a, 8.548a, 8.551d+, 8.556c+; Sph. 222c; Stm. 304e+, 308a;
see also
Persia/Persian(s); Trojan(s)/Troy

wardens, in the model city:

: L. 6.759a, 6.760b, 6.763c+, 6.779c, 7.794c, 8.844c, 8.845e, 8.847a+, 8.849a, 8.849e, 9.873e, 9.879d+, 9.881c, 11.913d, 11.918a, 11.920c, 11.936c, 12.954b;

: 6.759a, 6.760b, 6.763c+, 6.764b, 8.849, 9.881c, 11.913d, 11.917b, 11.917e, 11.920c, 11.936c, 12.953b;

: 6.760b–763b, 8.843d, 8.844c, 8.848e+, 9.881c, 9.881d, 11.914a, 11.920c, 12.955d
see also

warp and woof: Cra. 388b; L. 5.734e+; Stm. 281a, 282c+, 305e+, 309b

warrior: L. 7.794d+, 12.943c; R. 5.468b+, 5.468e+;
see also
guardians; soldier(s)

water: Epin. 981c, 985b; L. 8.844a+, 8.845d+; Ltr. 7.342d; Phd. 98c, 109c, 111a; Phlb. 29a; Sph. 266b; Ti. 32b+, 48b, 49b+, 53b+, 56, 58d, 60e+

wax(en): Halc. 4; L. 11.933a+; Tht. 191c+, 193b–196a, 200c; Ti. 61c

weak: Grg. 483b+, 488c+; L. 3.690b, 4.714e; R. 1.338d+, 6.491e, 6.495b

wealth(y): Alc. 104c, 107c, 122b–123c, 131b–131c, 134b; 2Alc. 147a, 149a; Ap. 29d+, 41e; Clt. 407b–407c; Def. 415c, 415d; Eryx. 392d–397e, 399e– 400d, 402e–403c, 406a; G.Hp. 291d; L. 3.695e, 3.697b, 4.705a+, 5.728a, 5.728e+, 5.742d+, 5.743a+, 5.743e, 5.744d, 5.744e, 6.773, 6.774c, 7.801b, 8.831c, 8.836a, 9.870a+, 11.913b; Ltr. 3.317c+, 7.331a; Prt. 326c; R. 1.329e+, 1.330d+, 4.421d+, 5.465b, 6.489b, 8.548a, 8.550d+, 8.551b, 8.551d+, 8.553, 8.562a, 8.564e+, 9.591e; Stm. 310b+; Thg. 128a;
see also
class(es) (social/political/economic); property

weapons: L. 8.847d; R. 5.469e+

weaving: Alc. 128c; Cra. 387c+, 390b; Epin. 975c; Grg. 449c; L. 3.679a, 5.734e+; R. 3.401a, 5.455c; Stm. 279b–283b, 309b


weighing: Alc. 126d; Chrm. 166b; Just. 373a–373e; Min. 316a; Phlb. 55e; R. 10.602d

weights and measures: L. 5.746d+

whole: Chrm. 156a; Cra. 385c; Ion 532c+; L. 1.630e, 7.806c, 10.902d, 10.903b+, 10.903d, 10.905b, 12.965d+; Phdr. 270c; Prm. 137c+, 138e, 142d+, 144+, 147b, 148d, 150a+, 153c, 157c+, 159d; Prt. 329d, 349+; R. 4.420b+, 5.466a+, 5.474c+, 5.475b, 6.485b, 7.519e; Sph. 244d+; Tht. 204+; Ti. 30c

wicked(ness): Alc. 134b; 2Alc. 149e; Ax. 371e; Eryx. 393a, 397e, 399a, 399b, 404c, 404e–405b; Euthphr. 12c; Grg. 470e+; Hppr. 225b, 227e, 230c– 232c; Just. 374a, 375d; L. 2.660e+, 10.885d, 10.899e+, 10.905b, 10.905d+, 10.908e, 12.948c, 12.950b; Ly. 214c; Min. 314e, 319a; Phd. 81d, 89e; Prt. 323b, 327c+; R. 1.354, 2.364a, 2.365e;
see also
bad(ness); evil(s); injustice

wile: L.Hp. 364c+, 365b+, 369e+

will, freedom of: L. 10.904c+

will, weakness of: Eryx. 395a; Prt. 352b+;
see also
involuntary; voluntary wills: L. 11.922b–924b

wine: Cra. 406c; L. 1.647e–649b, 2.666a+, 2.671d, 2.672b+, 2.674; Ltr. 13.361a; Ly. 212d, 219e; Min. 320a; Prt. 347c+; R. 5.475a; Ti. 60a;
see also
Dionysus; drinking, drinking parties

wisdom/wise: Alc. 118d, 121e–122a, 123d, 127d, 133b; 2Alc. 138c–139c, 140d–140e, 143a, 143b, 145a–145e, 146c, 147c, 148b, 150b; Ap. 21a+, 23a, 29, 35a; Chrm. 165d+, 170+; Cra. 398c; Def. 411d, 412a, 414b; Dem. 381e; Epin. 973b, 974c, 976c+, 977d, 979c+, 986c+, 989+, 992b, 992d; Eryx. 394a–395d, 398c; Euthd. 275a, 279d+, 282b+; G.Hp. 282c+, 283a, 283b, 287c, 289b, 296a; Halc. 6; Hppr. 228b–228e, 229d; Just. 375c; L. 1.631d, 3.689c+, 3.690b, 3.691b, 3.692b, 5.732a+, 5.733e, 9.863c, 10.886b, 10.897c+, 10.906b, 12.963e, 12.964b+, 12.965a; L.Hp. 366a, 368e; Ltr. 1.310a, 6.322e+, 10.358c; Ly. 210, 212d; M. 74a, 88c+; Min. 314c; Phd. 62–69, 79, 107; Phdr. 250, 275b, 278d; Phlb. 49a; Prt. 309c, 329e+, 332+, 343, 352d, 358c; R. 1.349a, 1.350b, 2.375e+, 4.428, 4.442c, 6.485d, 6.489b, 8.568b, 9.591c+; Riv. 132d, 135b, 135d; Smp. 209a; Sph. 268b+; Tht. 145e, 166d, 167b, 170b, 176b+, 183b; Thg. 121d, 122e–123e, 125a–126d, 128a; Virt. 376c–376d, 377c;
see also
intelligence/intelligible; philosopher(s); philosophy; rational; reason; temperance/temperate; thinking/ thought; understanding; virtue(s)

witch/witchcraft: Grg. 513a; L. 10.909b+, 11.933a+; R. 10.602d;
see also

witness(es): Dem. 383a; Eryx. 398b; L. 8.846b, 11.936e+, 11.937b+, 12.954e+; Thg. 123a–123b;
see also

wives: Alc. 121b, 124a, 126e–127a; Eryx. 396e; L. 6.774c; R. 8.563a; Stm. 272a; Ti. 18c+;
see also
community of women and children; marriage; monogamy; women

wizard(s): L. 10.909b+, 11.933a+; Sph. 235a; Stm. 291a, 303c

women: Alc. 126e–127b; Cra. 418b; Criti. 110b, 112d; G.Hp. 286a; Halc. 2, 4, 7; L. 1.637c, 3.694d+, 3.695d+, 5.739c, 6.780e, 6.781a, 6.781b, 6.781e+, 6.784, 6.785b, 7.794b, 7.802e, 7.804e+, 7.805a, 7.805d+, 7.806a+, 7.813e+, 8.828c, 8.829b, 8.829e, 8.833c+, 8.833e+, 11.930a+, 11.932b; Ltr. 7.349d; Ly. 208d+; M. 99d; Prt. 342d; R. 5.449c+, 5.451d+, 5.453+, 5.455c, 5.455d, 5.456+, 5.458c+, 5.461e+, 5.464b+, 5.466c+, 5.466e+, 5.471d, 7.540c, 8.549c+; Ti. 18c+, 42b, 91a+; Virt. 379d;
see also
bacchanals/bacchants/Bacchic possession; community of women and children; girl(s)

warp and woof

words: Alc. 129b–129c, 130d; Cra. 421d; Grg. 449d+; L. 2.669d; Mx. 236e; Phdr. 263a+, 275, 276, 278a+; Phlb. 39a;
see also
names work: Alc. 127a–127c, 133e; 2Alc. 140b, 140d; Ax. 368b; Chrm. 563b+; Def. 412c, 416; L. 8.841a

world: Ap. 41; Cra. 403; Epin. 977e; Grg. 523b, 525; L. 5.727d, 8.828d, 9.870e, 9.881a, 10.896e–899a, 10.904d+, 12.950b 12.959b+; Phd. 108b, 109d+, 114; Phdr. 249a; Phlb. 30a+; R. 1.330d+, 2.363d+, 2.366a, 3.386b+, 6.498d, 10.614d+; Smp. 192e; Stm. 269c+; Tht. 177a; Ti. 28+, 29e+, 31a+, 33a, 33b, 34a+, 36c+, 37b, 41d, 55c+, 90d;
see also
Hades; multitude, the


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