Complete Works (379 page)

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Authors: D. S. Hutchinson John M. Cooper Plato

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Charondas: R. 10.599e

Charybdis: Ltr. 7.345e

chastity: L. 8.835d+

Chen: Prt. 343a

children: Alc. 110c, 121d–121e, 122c; 2Alc. 142b–142c; Ax. 366d–366e; Clt. 407c, 408e, 409e; Cri. 51c; G.Hp. 286a, 291d, 292e+; Halc. 3–6, 8; L. 1.643b+, 2.653a+, 2.658d, 2.659e, 2.664b, 2.666a, 2.674b, 4.717b+, 4.721c, 5.729a, 6.766a, 6.773d+, 6.774a, 6.775b+, 6.776b, 6.783b+, 6.785a, 7.788, 7.791b+, 7.792b+, 7.793e+, 7.794a, 7.797b+, 7.804d, 7.808d+, 7.819b+, 8.829b, 9.855a, 9.856d, 9.869b, 11.928d+, 11.930d, 11.930e+, 12.963; Lch. 185a, 197a; Ly. 219d; Mx. 247c+, 248d+; Phd. 77e; R. 2.363d, 2.377+, 3.397d, 3.401b+, 3.415b+, 4.423d, 4.425a, 4.441a, 5.449a+, 5.457d+, 5.460c, 5.461a, 5.466e+, 5.467d+, 7.536e, 7.537a, 8.543a, 9.590e+; Smp. 207+, 209; Stm. 272a; Tht. 160e; Ti. 18c+;
see also
boy(s); girl(s); infanticide; infants; young

Chilon: Prt. 343a

Chimera: Phdr. 229d; R. 9.588c

Chios: Euthd. 271c, 288a

Chiron: L.Hp. 371d; R. 3.391c

chorus(es); music(al)

Cholarges: Grg. 487c

chorus(es): Alc. 125d–125e; Grg. 501e; L. 2.654b, 2.665+, 2.666d, 2.672e; Ltr. 2.654a, 13.362a; Thg. 123e;
see also

Chryses: R. 3.392e+

Chrysippus: Cra. 395b

Cimon: Grg. 503c, 515d, 516d, 519a; Thg. 126a

Cinesias: Grg. 501e

Cinyras: L. 2.660e

Cithaeron: Criti. 110d


citizen(s): Alc. 126c–126d, 127c; Ax. 369a; Cri. 50e+; Dem. 385c; Epgr. 12; Hppr. 228c; L. 1.643e, 2.666e, 3.689, 5.730d, 5.737a+, 5.738d+, 5.742b, 5.743c+, 5.744c, 6.754d, 6.759b, 6.770b+, 6.771a+, 6.771e, 7.801e+, 7.807a+, 7.816e, 7.822e+, 8.830a+, 8.832d, 8.840+, 8.842d, 8.846d, 8.847d, 9.877d, 11.919d+, 11.929a; Min. 320a–320b; R. 4.419, 5.462b+, 8.543b+, 8.551e+; Stm. 308d+; Thg. 125e–126a; Ti. 18b; Virt. 376d;
see also
guardians of ideal state

city/cities: Alc. 111c, 122e, 125c, 125d– 127c, 133e, 134b–135b, 135e; Ax. 370b; Clt. 407d–407e, 409d; Def. 413b, 415b, 415c, 416; Eryx. 396e; G.Hp. 285d; L. 3.680e+, 4.704a, 4.705a, 4.712e+, 6.758a, 8.829a; Min. 314c–314e, 317a, 317c, 321b; Prt. 322b+; R. 2.372d, 3.415d+, 4.422e+, 8.551d, 9.592; Riv. 138b, 138e; Thg. 124a, 125e–126a, 126c, 128a; Virt. 379c;
see also
constitution(s); government(s); society; state(s) (political); model city

class(es) (social/political/economic): Criti. 110c, 112b+; L. 5.744c, 6.754d; R. 3.415a+, 4.421a+, 4.433a+, 4.441e, 4.443c+, 5.453b+, 8.551e+, 8.564e+; Ti. 17c, 24a+

class(es) (sorts, kinds, groups, aggregates, genera, etc.);
genus, kinds

Clazomenae: Ap. 26d; Ion 541d; Prm. 126a+

Cleisthenes: Ax. 365e

Cleobulus: Prt. 343a

Cleombrotus: Phd. 59c

Cleopatra: Grg. 471c

Cleophantus: M. 93c; Virt. 377a–377c

climate: L. 5.747d, 6.782a;
see also

Clinias, brother of Alcibiades: Alc. 104b, 118e; Ax. 364a–364d; Prt. 320a

Clinias, cousin of Alcibiades: interlocutor in
(364b+) and
(275e+, 288d+); Euthd. 271a, 273a, 275a+, 275d–282d, 288d–290e

Clinias, father of Alcibiades: Alc. 103a, 104b, 105d, 112c, 113b, 121a, 131e; 2Alc. 141b; Grg. 481d; Prt. 309c

Clinias, the Cretan: interlocutor in
(624a+) and

Clito: Crit. 113d, 116c

Clitomachus: Thg. 129a

Clitophon: interlocutor in
(406a+) and
(1.340a+); Clt. 406a–407a, 410d–410e; R. 1.328b, 1.340a

Clotho: L. 12.960c; R. 10.617c, 10.620e

Cnidus: Epgr. 17

Cnossus: L. 1.625b, 1.629c, 3.702c, 4.707e, 4.712e, 6.752d+, 6.753a, 6.754b+; Min. 319b

Cocytus: Ax. 371b; Phd. 113c, 114a; R. 3.387b

Codrus: Smp. 208d

currency, money

colonization/colony: L. 3.702c, 4.707e, 4.708c+, 5.736a, 5.740e, 6.752d+, 6.754b+, 11.923d, 11.925b, 11.929a, 12.950a, 12.969; Ltr. 3.315d, 3.316b, 3.319b, 7.331e, 7.332e, 7.336a, 7.336d, 8.357a+;
see also
emigration, model city, settlements

Colophon: Epgr. 5

comedy: L. 2.658d, 7.816e+, 11.935d+; Phlb. 48a, 50b; R. 3.394d+, 3.397d, 10.606c; Smp. 223d

comic poets:
comedy, poet(s), poetry, theater



commerce: Grg. 452b+; L. 8.842d, 8.847d, 8.849+, 11.915d+, 11.919d+;
see also
merchant(s), money, trade(rs)

commissioners, in the model city:
wardens, in the model city

commissioners, of Athens (the Eleven): Phd. 59e

common meals: L. 1.625c+, 1.633a, 1.636b+, 6.762, 6.780b+, 6.781c+, 6.783b, 7.806e, 8.839d, 8.842b; R. 3.416e, 5.458c

community of property: Criti. 110d; L. 5.739c+, 7.807b; R. 3.416d+, 4.420a, 4.422d, 5.464b+, 8.543b; Ti. 18b+

community of women and children: L. 5.739c, 7.807b; R. 5.449c+, 5.457d+, 8.543a; Ti. 18c+

competitions, athletic:
athletic competitions and events

conceit: L. 3.701a; Sph. 230b+, 267e+; Tht. 210c;
see also
omniscience; self-conceit

confidence: Def. 412c; L. 1.644d, 1.647a+; Lch. 197b; M. 88b; Prt. 349c+, 350c, 351, 359+;
see also

Connus: Euthd. 272c, 295d; Mx. 235e

conscience: L. 3.699c;
see also

consciousness: Phlb. 34, 43b

constitution(s): Def. 415c; L. 3.676b+, 3.681d, 3.693d, 4.712e+, 4.715b, 5.739, 6.782a, 7.807b; Ltr. 5.321d, 8.355e+; Mx. 238c+; R. 1.338d, 4.420b+, 4.445c, 8.544+, 8.550c+, 8.555b+, 8.557d, 8.562+, 9.576c+; Stm. 271e, 276e, 291d+, 301a+, 302c+;
see also
government(s); state(s); aristocracy/aristocratic; democracy/democratic; oligarchy/oligarchic; tyranny/tyrannical/tyrant(s)

contests: Grg. 501e; Ion 530a+; Mx. 249b; L. 1.646d, 2.657d+, 5.731a+, 6.764d+, 7.807c, 8.828c+, 8.833e+, 8.839e+, 8.865a, 12.947e, 12.949a, 12.955a+; R. 3.404a, 6.504a;
see also
athletic competitions and events; games; sports

contract(s): Cri. 51d+; L. 5.729e, 8.847b, 11.920d+; Ltr. 6.323c+; R. 8.556b

contradiction: Euthd. 285d+; R. 4.436b+, 5.454a, 10.602e

contrary/contraries/contrariety: Def. 416; L. 7.816d, 10.889c, 10.896d; Ly. 215e, 218b; Prm. 129a+, 155a, 159a, 160a+;
see also

convention: Grg. 482e; L. 10.889e; Tht. 172a+, 177c+;
see also

cooking: Alc. 117c; Epin. 975a+; Grg. 462d+, 465b+, 500b, 500e+, 501a, 518b+; Ly. 209+; Min. 316e–317b; R. 1.332c; Thg. 125c; Virt. 376b– 376d

copy and original: Ti. 29b, 31a;
see also
image(s); imitation/imitative/imitators; likeness(es)

Corinth: Ltr. 3.318a; Mx. 244d, 245c, 245e; R. 3.404d; Thg. 124c; Tht. 142a

Corinthus: Euthd. 292e

Coriscus: Ltr. 6.322c, 6.322d, 6.323a

Coronea: Alc. 112c

corruption of youth: Ap. 24+; Euthphr. 2c, 3a+, 5b; R. 6.492a

Corybantes: Euthd. 277d; Ion 534a; L. 7.790d+; Smp. 215e

Cos: Prt. 311b

Cosmos (god): Epin. 977b, 987b

cosmos: Halc. 2, 6; Phlb. 29e;
see also
order; universe; world

Council, at Athens: Ap. 32b; G.Hp. 282c, 304a+; Mx. 234a+, 235e

council, in model city: Epin. 992e; L. 6.756b+, 6.758b+, 6.766b, 10.908a, 10.909a, 12.951d+, 12.961a+, 12.968a, 12.969b;
see also

counting: Epin. 978b+; Just. 373b–373d; Stm. 259e;
see also
arithmetic(al); calculation

courage(ous): Alc. 115b–115e, 121e–122a, 122c; Ax. 365a; Def. 412a, 412c, 416; Epin. 975e; Grg. 495c+; L. 1.630a+, 1.634a+, 3.696b, 5.733e, 10.901e, 12.963c+, 12.963e; Lch. 190d–199e; M. 88b; Phd. 68c+, 114e; Prt. 329e+, 349a–360d; R. 3.386, 4.429c+, 4.442c, 6.486a, 6.487a, 6.490c, 6.494b, 6.503d+; Stm. 306b+, 308a, 308e+, 309e;
see also
confidence; valor

courtesans: Phdr. 240b; R. 3.404d

courts of law:
law courts

covetousness: of honor,
ambition; of wealth,

cowardice: Alc. 115d–115e; Ax. 365b; Def. 416; L. 10.900e+, 12.944e+; Mx. 246b, 246e; Prt. 326c, 359+; R. 5.468a, 6.486b;
see also

craft(s): Criti. 109e; Epin. 974e+; Grg. 448b+, 449a+, 450b+, 451a+, 456c, 462c+, 500a+, 511c, 512c; L. 3.677b+, 8.846d+; Phlb. 55d+; R. 1.332c+, 1.342a+, 1.345b–347a, 4.421d+, 4.429d+, 6.495c+, 7.522b, 7.533b, 10.596b+, 10.601d; Stm. 274c, 303d+; Tht. 146d+, 147b; Ti. 23a+;
see also
art(s)/artist(s); craftsman/craftsmen; skill(s)

craftsman/craftsmen: 2Alc. 145e; Ap. 22d; Hppr. 226c–226d; L. 11.920+; R. 1.340d, 2.370d+, 3.406c+, 5.466e+, 10.596d+;
see also

Cratinus: Ltr. 13.363a

Cratistolus: Ltr. 2.310c

, etymologies in:

Cratylus: interlocutor in
(383a, 427e+)

creation: Epin. 981+; L. 10.888e+, 10.893c+; Prt. 320c+, 269c+; R. 10.596c+; Sph. 265b+; Ti. 28e+, 39e+;
see also
generation(s)/genesis; production/productive

creator of world: L. 10.886–899b; Sph. 265b+; Stm. 269c+; Ti. 28+

creatures: Epin. 979a, 984b+; Prt. 320d

credit: L. 8.849e, 11.915d+; Ltr. 13.361c, 13.362a+

Creon, king of Thebes: 2Alc. 151b–151c; Ltr. 2.311b

Creon of Thessaly: Prt. 339a

Creophylus: R. 10.600b

Cresphontes: L. 3.683d, 3.692b

Cretan(s)/Crete: Cri. 52e; L. 1.624a–626b+, 1.629b, 1.631b, 1.633a, 1.635b+, 1.636b+, 1.641e, 2.660b+, 2.662b, 2.662c, 2.666e, 2.673b+, 2.674a, 3.680c, 3.683a, 3.693e, 3.702c, 4.704d, 4.705d, 4.707b, 4.707e+, 4.712e, 6.752d+, 6.754b+, 6.780b+, 7.796b, 8.834d, 8.836b, 8.842b, 8.847e, 12.950c; Min. 318d–321b; Phd. 58a; Prt. 342a+; R. 5.452c, 8.544c, 8.545b, 9.575d

Cretic rhythm:

crime(s): 2Alc. 143c–144c; Cri. 50b+; Eryx. 396e–397a; L. 9.854b, 9.860d+, 9.864d+, 9.870a+, 10.908c+; R. 1.344a+, 1.348d, 6.491e, 6.495b, 8.552c+, 9.575a

criminal(s): Grg. 525e; L. 9.853b+; Ltr. 8.352c; Phd. 113e+; Prt. 325b; R. 6.491e, 6.495b, 8.552d+, 10.615e

Crison: L. 8.840a; Prt. 335e+

Critias: interlocutor in
(153d+, 161c, 162d+),
(336d+) and
(20d+); Chrm. 153c, 155a, 156a, 157c, 161b, 162e+, 176c; Criti. 106b+, 108c+, 113b; Eryx. 392a, 397b–397c, 399b–399e, 403c, 405b; Ltr. 7.324c+; Prt. 316a+, 336d+; Ti. 20a

Critias, son of Dropides, grandfather of the above: Chrm. 157e; Ti. 20e+

criticism: Criti. 107b+; G.Hp. 286c; Ion 531d+; L. 1.635a; Phdr. 262c+; Prt. 343+; Stm. 299b+

Crito: interlocutor in
(271a+, 290e+, 304c+) and
(63d+, 115b+); Ap. 33e, 38b; Cri. 43a+, 44c, 45a+, 53d; Euthd. 272d, 290e–292e, 304c, 305b, 306d+; Phd. 59b, 60a, 63d, 115b, 115d, 117d, 118a

Critobulus: Ap. 33e, 38b; Euthd. 271b, 306d; Phd. 59b

Croesus: Ltr. 2.311a; R. 8.566c

Crommyon: Lch. 196e

Cronus: Cra. 396b, 402a, 404a; Epin. 987c; Euthphr. 6a, 8b; Grg. 523a+; Hppr. 229b; L. 4.713b+; Min. 315c; R. 2.378a; Smp. 195b+; Stm. 269a, 271c, 272a+, 276a; Ti. 40e

Ctesippus: interlocutor in
(283e+, 294b+) and
(204c+, 211c+); Euthd. 273a, 274b+, 283e+, 285c+, 288a, 294b+, 300d; Ly. 203a+, 206d, 211c+; Phd. 59b

Curetes: L. 7.796b

currency: Dem. 383b; Eryx. 400a–400e; L. 5.742a, 5.746d, 11.918b; Virt. 378d;
see also

custom: Cra. 434e; Just. 372a; L. 1.637d, 3.680a, 3.681b, 6.782, 8.841b, 12.959e; Min. 313b–313c, 316b–317c, 320a; Prt. 337d; Stm. 295a, 298d;
see also
convention; law(s)/legislation; tradition(s)

Cyane: Thg. 125d–125e

cycles in nature: L. 3.677a; R. 8.546a; Stm. 269c+; Ti. 22c+

Cyclopes: L. 3.680b, 3.682a

Cydathenaeum: Smp. 173b

Cydias: Chrm. 155d

: Cra. 392a

Cynosarges: Ax. 364a, 372

Cypris (Aphrodite): Epgr. 17

Cyprus: L. 5.738c; Mx. 241e

Cypselids: Phdr. 236b

Cypselus: Thg. 124c

Cyrene: Tht. 143d

Cyrnus: L. 1.630a

Cyrus: Alc. 105c; L. 3.694c+, 3.695b+; Ltr. 2.311a, 4.320d; Mx. 239d, 239e

Cyzicus: Ion 541c; Ltr. 13.360c


Daedalus: Alc. 121a; Euthphr. 11b+, 15b; G.Hp. 282a; Ion 533a; L. 3.677d; M. 97d; R. 7.529e

daemon(s) (spirits): Ap. 27+; Ax. 371c; Cra. 397e+; Epin. 984d+; L. 4.713d, 4.717b, 5.727a, 5.738b, 5.738d, 5.740a, 7.801e, 8.848d, 10.906a, 10.910a; R. 4.427b; Smp. 202e; Stm. 271d+; Ti. 41a+;
see also

Damon: Alc. 118c; Ax. 364a; Lch. 180c, 197d, 200a+; R. 3.400b+, 4.424c

Danaids: Ax. 371e

Danaus: Mx. 245d

dance(s)/dancing: Alc. 108a, 108c, 125d; Ax. 366a, 371d; Clt. 407c; Epin. 982e; Ion 536a; L. 2.654a+, 2.656e, 2.660b, 2.672e+, 6.771e+, 7.791a, 7.795d+, 7.796b+, 7.798e+, 7.802a+, 7.804b, 7.809b, 7.813a+, 7.814d+, 7.816c, 12.942d; Prt. 347c; R. 2.373b, 3.412b; Ti. 40c;
see also
bacchanals/bacchants/Bacchic possession

Dardania: L. 3.681e, 3.702a;
see also

Dardanus: G.Hp. 293b; L. 3.702a

Darius: Grg. 483d; L. 3.695c+, 3.698c+; Ltr. 7.332a+; Ly. 211e+; Mx. 239e, 240a; Phdr. 258b

Datis: L. 3.698c; Mx. 240a

day(s): Def. 411b; Laws 7.800e, 8.828a, 8.834e, 8.849a+; Prm. 131b; Tim. 39c, 47a


: Alc. 115b–115e; Ap. 29, 35, 37b, 40b+; Ax. 364b–365d, 366c, 367b–367c, 369b–370a, 370e, 372; Ax. 365c–366b, 370c–370e; Def. 412a; Epgr. 14, 15; Grg. 524b+; L. 8.828d, 12.944d+; Ltr. 7.331d; Mx. 234b, 247c+; Phd. 61d–69, 71c, 77e, 80c, 95, 107e; R. 1.330d+, 3.386+, 6.486a; Ti. 81d+

: Ax. 364c; G.Hp. 282a; L. 7.801e, 12.947b+, 12.959a; Min. 315c–315d; Mx. 234c, 236d+, 249a+; R. 5.469c+

: Ap. 41; Ax. 365e–366b, 368b, 369b, 371a–372; Cra. 398b+, 403; Epgr. 2; G.Hp. 282a; Grg. 523b+, 525, 526c, 527c; L. 9.870e, 9.872e, 10.904d+, 11.927a, 12.958e+; Ltr. 2.311c+; Mx. 248b+; Phd. 63–69, 84, 95, 108, 114; Phdr. 249a, 256; R. 1.330d+, 2.363d+, 3.386+, 10.614b+; Tht. 177a

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