Complete Works (380 page)

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Authors: D. S. Hutchinson John M. Cooper Plato

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: 2Alc. 142a; Grg. 512a+; L. 5.735e, 9.854e, 9.856c, 9.859b, 9.860b, 9.862e+, 9.866c, 9.868c, 9.868e, 9.869b+, 9.871d+, 9.872b, 9.872c, 9.873b, 9.874b, 9.877b, 9.881a, 10.908e+, 11.914a, 11.915b+, 11.933d+, 11.937d, 11.938c, 12.941d, 12.946e, 12.952d, 12.955b+, 12.957e+, 12.958c; Ltr. 7.331d, 7.336e, 7.351c, 8.356d+; R. 3.410a; Stm. 297e, 308e;
see also
capital punishment

declamation: Epin. 975d

defilement, incurred by presence at a burial: L. 12.947d;
see also

definition: Def. 414d; Euthphr. 6d; L. 10.895d+; Ltr. 7.344b; M. 71e+, 74+, 79d; Phdr. 263, 237d; Sph. 218c+

deformity, and vice: Sph. 228+;
see also

Delium: Ap. 28e; Lch. 181b; Smp. 221a+

Delos: Ax. 371a; Cri. 43d; Phd. 58a+, 59e

Delphi/Delphic oracle/god of Delphi: Alc. 124a, 129a, 132c–132d; Ap. 20e+; Chrm. 164d+; Epin. 988a; Euthd. 299b; Hppr. 228e; L. 3.686a, 5.738b+, 6.759c+, 8.828a, 9.856e, 9.865b, 11.914a, 11.923a, 12.947d; Ltr. 3.315b; Phdr. 230a, 235e, 244b; Phlb. 48c; Prt. 343b; R. 4.427b+, 5.461e, 7.540c; Riv. 138a;
see also

Delta, Egyptian: Ti. 21e

deluge(s): Criti. 111a, 112a; L. 3.702a; Ti. 22a;
see also

demagogues: L. 10.908d; R. 8.564b+; Sph. 268b;
see also

Demeter: Ax. 371e; Cra. 404b; L. 6.782b

demigods: Ap. 27; Epin. 985b; Ti. 42a+;
see also
daemon(s); power(s); spirit(s)

democracy/democratic: Ax. 368d– 369b; L. 3.693d, 4.710e; Ltr. 5.321d, 7.326d; R. 1.338d+, 8.544c, 8.555b+, 8.557b, 8.557d, 8.557e, 8.558c+, 8.561, 8.562e, 8.563c, 8.564c+, 9.572c+, 9.587c; Stm. 291d+, 292a, 302d+, 303b

Democrates: Ly. 204e, 205c, 208, 209a

Demodocus: interlocutor in
(121a+, 127b+, 131a); Ap. 33e; Dem. 380a; Thg. 121a–122a, 122e–123a, 127b–127e, 128c

Demophon: Ly. 207b

demos, Athenian: Alc. 132a; Grg. 481d+, 513b

Demos: Grg. 481d+, 513b

desire(s): Cra. 403c; Def. 411e, 413c, 414b, 415d; Eryx. 405e; Grg. 496d; Hppr. 229e, 232b–232c; L. 3.689a+, 6.782d+, 11.918d; Ly. 218a, 221; Phdr. 237d+, 251, 253d+; Phlb. 34c+, 35b+, 41c+; Prt. 340b; R. 4.430b, 4.437d+, 8.558d+, 8.561c, 9.571c+; Smp. 191+, 200+; Tht. 156b; Ti. 69d+;
see also
appetite(s), love, passion(ate/s); pleasure(s)

autocracy/autocrat; monarchy; tyrannical/tyranny/tyrant(s)

Destinies/destiny: L. 7.799b, 10.904c; R. 10.617e; Stm. 272e; Ti. 41e;
see also
Adrastea; Atropos; Clotho; fate/Fates; Lachesis; necessity

Destiny, law of: Phdr. 248c+;
see also

destructions, of human life in past: Criti. 109d; L. 3.677a; Stm. 270c+; Ti. 22c+

Deucalion: Criti. 112a; Ti. 22a

discrimination or separation, art of

dialect(s): Old Attic, Cra. 398b, 401c, 410c, 418b+, 420b, 426c; Cean, Prt. 341b+; Doric, Cra. 409a; Eretrian, Cra. 434c; Lesbian, Prt. 341c, 346e; Theban, Ltr. 7.345a, Phd. 62a; Thessalian, Cra. 405c

dialectic(al)/dialectician(s): Cra. 390c+; Epin. 991c; Euthd. 275+, 293+; G.Hp. 301d; Grg. 448d, 471d+; L. 10.891d; 10.892d+; Ltr. 7.343d+; M. 81e+; Phd. 101e; Phdr. 265d+, 266, 270d+, 276e, 277b+; Phlb. 15d+, 16c, 17a, 57e+, 59a; Prm. 135d+; R. 5.454a, 6.499a, 6.511, 7.532a, 7.533c, 7.534, 7.536d+, 7.537d+, 7.538c+, 7.539a+; Sph. 216b, 227a+, 235b, 240a, 253d; Stm. 258b+, 261–268c, 286a, 286d, 287c; Tht. 161e, 165e, 167e;
see also

dialogues: Ltr. 2.314c, 13.363a

thinking/thought; understanding

Diaprepes: Criti. 114c

judge(s); juries/jury/jurymen

dictator: Def. 415c;

diet: L. 2.659e+; R. 8.561d;
see also
appetite(s); regimen; physical culture and training; trainers/training

difference(s)/different: Euthphr. 7e+; Phdr. 252c+, 261e+; Prm. 143b+, 146b+, 153a; R. 1.329d, 5.454b+; Sph. 254e+, 257b+, 259a+; Tht. 186a; Ti. 35a+;
see also
opposition(s); other(s)

: Def. 413d;
etymology; good(ness/s); judgment(s); just(ice); punishment; right(ness/s); righteousness

Dinomache: Alc. 104b, 105d, 123c

Diomedes: 2Alc. 150d; R. 3.389e; Smp. 218e

Dion, Athenian orator: Mx. 234b

Dion of Syracuse: Epgr. 3; Ltr. 2.310b+, 3.316c+, 3.317e+, 3.318e, 4.320a, 4.320d, 7.323e+, 7.326e+, 7.327a+, 7.327c+, 7.328b, 7.328d, 7.329c, 7.330a+, 7.333a, 7.333b, 7.334a+, 7.334e, 7.335c, 7.335e, 7.336e+, 7.336c, 7.336d, 7.338a, 7.338b, 7.339b, 7.345d, 7.346b+, 7.347b, 7.347c+, 7.349e, 7.350b+, 7.351a+, 7.351d+, 8.352b, 8.355+, 8.357a, 13.361d, 13.362e

Dione: Smp. 180e

Dionysiac: L. 1.637b, 7.790e; R. 5.475d

Dionysius I: Ltr. 2.313a, 7.327b, 7.332a, 7.332c, 7.333a, 7.348a, 8.353a+, 8.354d, 8.356a, 8.356b, 8.356c, 8.357c, 13.362b

Dionysius II: Ltr. 1.309a, 2.310d, 2.312a, 2.312c, 2.313a+, 2.314c, 2.314d, 3.316c+, 3.318b, 3.318c, 3.319b, 4.320d, 7.328a, 7.329b, 7.329d, 7.330a+, 7.332d+, 7.333b+, 7.334e, 7.335c, 7.338a+, 7.339b+, 7.340a+, 7.341a+, 7.344d+, 7.345b+, 7.346a+, 7.347e, 7.348a, 7.348e+, 7.349d+, 7.350b, 8.356b, 13.360a, 13.360d+, 13.361c, 13.362a+

Dionysodorus: interlocutor in
(274e+, 283b+, 293e+); Euthd. 271c, 273a, 273c, 273d, 274c, 276c+, 283a, 285d+, 293e+, 297a+, 298d+

Dionysus (the god): Ax. 371e; Cra. 406b+; Grg. 472a; Ion 534a; L. 2.653d, 2.657d, 2.665a, 2.666b, 2.670+, 2.672a, 2.672b, 3.700b, 7.812b, 8.844d; Phdr. 265b; Phlb. 61c; Smp. 177e

Dionysus, a schoolteacher: Riv. 132a

Diopompus: L. 8.840a

Dioscuri: Euthd. 293a; L. 7.796b

Diotima: interlocutor in
(201e+; her speech, 203b+); Smp. 201d–212b

discrimination or separation, art of: Sph. 226c+; Stm. 282b


display: Sph. 224b

disputation: Euthd. 275d+; M. 75c+; Phdr. 261c+; Prt. 337b; Sph. 225c;
see also

dithyrambic poetry: G.Hp. 292c; Grg. 501e+; L. 3.700b; Phdr. 238d; R. 3.394b

god(s); religion

diviners/divination: Alc. 107b; Ap. 39c; Def. 414b; Euthphr. 4c+; Ion 538e; L. 11.913b, 11.933c+; Min. 314b; Phdr. 244c; Phlb. 67b; Sis. 387e, 388b, 390b; Smp. 188b+; Stm. 290; Thg. 131a; Ti. 71e+;
see also

division: L. 3.684d+; Phd. 101; Phdr. 265d+, 273d+; Phlb. 16d+; Sph. 219+, 253b+; Stm. 258b+, 258e, 259d+, 260d+, 261d+, 262b+, 262d, 263+, 279b–283b, 285a+, 287b+

division of labor: L. 8.846d; R. 2.370, 2.374, 3.394e+, 3.397e, 4.423d, 4.433+, 4.435b, 4.441e, 4.443c+, 5.453b

divorce: L. 6.784b, 11.929e+


Dodona: L. 5.738c; Phdr. 244b, 275b

animal(s) (particular kinds)

Dorian mode: L. 2.670b; Lch. 188d, 193d; R. 3.399a

Dorian(s)/Doric: Cra. 409a; L. 3.682e, 3.684e, 3.685e, 3.702a; Ltr. 7.336c, 7.345a; Phd. 62a

Doris: Ltr. 2.313a

dowries: L. 5.742c, 6.774c+; Ltr. 13.361d+

belief; etymology; judgment(s); opinion

Draco: Ax. 365e

dragon’s teeth, story of: L. 2.663e;
see also

dream(s): Chrm. 173; Cri. 44; L. 10.910a; Phd. 60c, 60e; R. 2.383a, 5.476c, 7.533b+, 9.571e+, 9.574e; Tht. 157e, 158b+, 201d+; Ti. 46a, 72a

drinking, drinking parties: Ax. 371d; Eryx. 405e; L. 1.639d+, 1.641c+, 1.642a, 1.645d, 1.649d+, 2.652, 2.667b+, 2.671c+, 2.673e+, 6.775c+, 6.782e, 6.783c; Min. 319e–320a; Smp. 176d;
see also
drunken(ness); intoxication; wine

drones: L. 10.901a; R. 8.552, 8.554b+, 8.555d+, 8.559c, 8.564b+, 8.567e, 9.573a+

Dropides: Chrm. 157e; Ti. 20e


drunken(ness): Euthphr. 4c; L. 1.637a+, 1.640e+, 1.645e+, 2.671b, 6.775b+; Min. 320a; Phdr. 238b; R. 3.398e, 3.403e, 9.573c;
see also
drinking, drinking parties; intoxication; wine


dyeing/dyes: L. 8.847c, 12.956b; R. 4.429d+

dynastic government: L. 3.680b, 3.681c+


Earth (goddess): L. 5.740a, 10.886a, 12.958e; Smp. 178b, 190b; Ti. 23d+, 40e


: Ax. 371b; Criti. 109d, 113c; Def. 411c; Mx. 237b, 237e; Phd. 97e, 99b, 108e+; R. 3.414d+; Stm. 269b, 271a+; Ti. 33b+, 34a, 38d, 39b+, 40c;
see also

: Epin. 981c; L. 10.889b, 10.891c+; Phlb. 29a; Ti. 31b+, 48b, 49c, 53b+, 55e+, 60b+, 60e+;
see also

Ecbatana: Epgr. 13

Echecrates of Phlius: interlocutor in
(57a+, 88c+, 102a)

Echecrates, son of Phrynion: Ltr. 9.358b

eclipse: Ax. 370b; Phd. 99d

education: Alc. 106e, 111a, 118b, 119b, 120e, 121e–122b, 123d, 124c; Ap. 20; Ax. 366d–367a; Chrm. 159c, 160a, 161d; Clt. 407c–407d; Cri. 45c+, 50d; Def. 416; Epin. 973d; Euthd. 276+, 306e; G.Hp. 283e+; Hppr. 228c–228e, 229c; L. 1.641c+, 1.643b+, 1.644b, 1.647d, 2.653a+, 2.654a+, 2.656d+, 2.659d, 2.660a+, 2.660d+, 2.666e, 2.672e+, 3.694c+, 5.747a+, 6.765d+, 7.788+, 7.790e+, 7.795d+, 7.801d, 7.804d+, 7.808d+, 7.810e+, 7.812b+, 7.813c, 7.817e+, 7.819a+, 8.829d, 8.835a, 11.936a, 12.951e, 12.953d, 12.967e+; Lch. 179+, 185+; M. 93+; Min. 319c, 320b, 320c–320e; Mx. 237b; Prt. 312b+, 313, 320a+, 324d+, 325c+, 326a+, 328a, 339a; R. 2.376d+, 3.391c+, 3.397b+, 3.398c+, 3.399a+, 3.401b+, 3.403, 3.408b+, 4.424e+, 4.429c+, 5.451d+, 5.466c+, 6.491d+, 6.498b+, 6.503e+, 7.518b+, 7.519a, 7.521d+, 7.526b+, 7.531d, 7.532d, 7.536d+, 7.536e, 10.600a+, 10.606e+; Riv. 135d; Sph. 229b+; Thg. 122b, 122e, 126e, 127e, 130c; Tht. 206a, 207d+; Ti. 44c, 87b; Virt. 377b–378a;
see also
lyre; payment; reading; school(s)/schoolmasters; sophist(s); teacher(s)/teaching; wrestling; writers/writing

effluences, theory of: M. 76c+

Egypt/Egyptian(s): Criti. 108d, 113a, 114c; Epin. 987a; Euthd. 288b; Grg. 511d+; L. 2.656d+, 2.660c, 5.747c, 7.819b+, 12.953e; Mx. 239e, 241e, 245d; Phd. 80c; Phdr. 274c, 275b; Phlb. 18b; R. 4.436a; Stm. 290d+; Ti. 21c, 21e, 23d+, 25b
apparitions; image(s); likeness(es); shadows

Eileithuia: L. 6.784a

etymology; voluntary

Elasippus: Criti. 114c

elder(s): L. 3.680e+, 3.690a, 3.692a, 4.714e, 4.721d, 9.879c, 11.917a; R. 3.412c, 5.465a;
see also
old age; senate

Elea(tic): Sph. 216a, 241d+; Phdr. 261d

Stranger: interlocutor in
(216a+) and

election: Ax. 369a; L. 6.753, 6.755b+, 6.756, 6.759+, 6.760b+, 6.763e, 6.765, 6.767d, 12.945b+

elements: Cra. 422a+, 434b; Def. 411c, 414e; Epin. 981c, 984b+; L. 10.889b, 10.891c+; Phlb. 29a, 30a+; Sph. 266b; Tht. 201e+; Ti. 31b+, 34c+, 48b+, 49b+, 51a+, 52d+, 55d+, 56d+, 58a+, 82a+


Eleusis: Ax. 371e; Mx. 243e

Eleven, the:
commissioners of Athens

Elis: Ap. 19e; G.Hp. 281a, 287c, 288c, 292e; L.Hp. 264b, 363d; Prt. 314c, 315b+

embroidery: R. 3.401a

emerald: Phd. 110d

emigration: L. 12.949e+

, or ‘dances of peace’: L. 7.816c

emotion(s): Grg. 481c; Phd. 83d; R. 10.606;
see also

Empedocles: M. 76c; Sis. 389a; Tht. 152e

enchantment(s): Euthd. 290a; R. 2.364c;
see also
magic(ian); sorcery; spells

end(s): Grg. 467c+; L. 7.807c+; Lch. 185d+; Ly. 219c+;
see also
final cause(s)

endurance: Alc. 122c; Def. 412b, 412c; L. 1.633b+, 12.942d; R. 3.390d

Endymion: Phd. 72c

enmity: Euthphr. 7c+; Ltr. 3.318e, 7.337b; R. 8.547a;
see also
faction; hatred; strife

enoplios: R. 3.400b

envy: Ap. 18d; Def. 416; G.Hp. 282a; L. 5.731a+; Mx. 242a;
see also

Eosphorus: Halc. 1

Epeius: Ion 533a; L. 7.796a; R. 10.620c

Ephebes: Ax. 366e

Ephesians/Ephesus: Ion 530a, 533c, 541c+; Thg. 129d; Tht. 179e

Ephialtes: Ax. 368d; Smp. 190b

ephorate: Alc. 121b; L. 3.692a, 4.712d; Ltr. 8.354b

epic: Ion 530a+, 535b+; L. 2.658b+, 8.834e; R. 3.394b+, 3.396e;
see also
poetry; poet(s)

Epicharmus: Tht. 152e; quoted: Ax. 366c; Grg. 505e; Just. 374a

Epicrates: Phdr. 227b

Epidaurus: Ion 530a

Epigenes: Ap. 33e; Phd. 59b

epilepsy: L. 11.916a+; Ti. 85a+

Epimenides: L. 1.642d+, 3.677d+

Epimetheus: Prt. 320d+, 321b+, 361c+

etymology; know(ing)/ knowledge; learn(ing); science(s)

appetite(s); desire(s); etymology; passion(ate/s)

equal(ity): Grg. 483c+; L. 5.744b+, 6.757, 6.757b+; Mx. 238e+; Phd. 74+, 78d; Prm. 131d, 140b, 149d+, 161c+, 164a, 165a; Prt. 337a; R. 8.557a, 8.561b–563;
see also

Er, tale of: R. 10.614b+

Erasistratus: interlocutor in

Erasistratus, grandfather of the above: Eryx. 392a

Erastus: Ltr. 6.322c, 6.322d, 6.323a, 13.362b

Erato: Phdr. 259d

Erchia: Alc. 123c

Erebus: Ax. 371e

Erectheus: Alc. 132a; Criti. 110a

Eretria(ns): Cra. 434c; Epgr. 9, 13; L. 3.698c+, 3.699a; Mx. 240a+

Erichthonius: Criti. 110a

Eridanus: Criti. 112a

Erineum: Tht. 143b

Erinyes: Ax. 371e

Eriphyle: R. 9.590a

eristic: Eryx. 395a; Euthd. 293+; Ltr. 7.343d+; Phd. 101e; Phlb. 17a; R. 5.454a, 6.499a, 7.539b; Sph. 216b, 225d+, 259c+; Tht. 165b+, 167e;
see also
dialectic(al)/dialectician(s); disputation; fallacies; sophist(s)

Eros: Cra. 398d, 420a; Phdr. 252b, 265b+;
see also
Love (the god)

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