Read Complete Book of Wedding Vows Online

Authors: Diane Warner

Tags: #Family & Relationships, #Marriage, #test

Complete Book of Wedding Vows (59 page)

BOOK: Complete Book of Wedding Vows
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Groom: "From this day forward, we will cherish each other as husband and wife."
Bride: "We will hold each other with mutual esteem and love."
Groom: "We will bear with each other's infirmities and weaknesses."
Page 129
Bride: "We will comfort each other in sickness, trouble and sorrow."
Groom: "We will pray for each other and encourage each other."
Bride: "We will surprise each other with the joy, wonder and miracle of marriage."
Groom: "We will be warm to each other with affection and laughter."
Bride: "Our love will bear all things and believe all things."
Groom: "Our love will hope all things and endure all things."
Bride: "Our love will outlast everything."
BOOK: Complete Book of Wedding Vows
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