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Authors: Jan Springer

Colter's Revenge (25 page)

BOOK: Colter's Revenge
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Ashley smiled mischievously and shook her head.

Oh yeah, she was definitely up to something. “Didn’t think so.”

“And I didn’t appreciate the way you pumped my nipples and figged me and left me all hot and bothered all those times back at Pleasure Palace.”

“Kind of thought you’d enjoy that.”

“Oh, don’t get me wrong, Outlaw Lover. I did enjoy all those naughty things you did to me, but when you start something, you really should follow through the way a woman truly craves.”

“Perhaps you should show me how I should follow through next time?”

“You’re getting the picture,” she giggled. Reaching into the bag with her chocolatecovered fingers, she dug out a pair of scissors.

“Um, do I want to know what those scissors are for?”

“To undress you of course.”


“Then what?” His voice sounded strangled, aroused.


Jan Springer

“You’ll see.”

She leaned over him. Her succulent body heat lashed against him in such lusty waves it had him gritting his teeth and his heart beating a mile a minute. He couldn’t help but tense when the cool blade of the scissors slid against his chest and she began to cut away his cotton shirt.

“That’s my favorite shirt,” he complained as she splayed the two sides apart revealing his chest.

“So, pay me back later.”

“You bet I will.”

“How about these pants? They your favorites too?”

“Yes,” he lied.

“Good, double payback.”

His belly quivered as she slid one blade of the scissors inside his pants and against his skin.

“Better watch out, Starry Eyes. Payback’s a bitch.”

She winked. “I’m counting on it.”

A moment later, she peeled the tattered remains of his pants away.

“Careful down there,” he warned as the blade slid against his swollen cock. The crunchy sound of her scissors cutting through his cotton briefs split the air.

“Very careful,” she agreed.

He heard her suck in her breath as she peeled the underwear aside and his swollen, purple cock ran up at full staff. The angry scratches—compliments of Cheri—were lashed back and forth over the pulsing veins.

“Very nice,” she whispered. He was surprised there was no jealousy in her voice as there had been the first time she’d seen Cheri’s territorial markings on him. Instead, sparkling lust shone in her eyes and the pink tip of her tongue darted out of her slightly parted mouth as if she were pondering doing something totally delicious. And he’d guessed right. A moment later she was smearing cool chocolate icing up and down his shaft and over the scratches. Her soft, sensuous touches made his balls tighten painfully, made him growl his appreciation.

“Feel good?”

He nodded, his gaze transfixed to the generous curves of her breasts as she leaned over. Warmth zipped through his flesh as she licked the chocolate-covered tip of his cock with her luscious tongue.

“It’s going to get even better.”

She reached into the bag and his eyes widened as he heard the sharp clink of metal.

“This Y-clamp cock strap is going to keep your nipples nice and taut and your erection strong and hard for me.”


Colter’s Revenge

“Um, I don’t think I have a problem with being hard whenever I’m with you, Starry Eyes,” he chuckled.

She continued to drag out the chain. Eventually it divided into two chains with the nipple clamps on the ends.

“I will exact my sexual revenge and get some questions answered.”

“Questions answered? What questions?”

When he saw the other end of the chain, spotted the chrome metal ring with the ball she’d used as the clitoral stimulator, he knew he was in trouble.

“Oh no, you don’t!” he hissed.

“Oh yes, my sweetheart. And your wife has even given me her blessing. Not to mention we’ll have until tomorrow all by ourselves to play, so you can make as much noise as you want because the house is empty.”

“They wouldn’t leave me here at your mercy.” Even as he said it, he knew they would. His brothers knew how hard he’d fallen for Ashley back in the Wars and he wouldn’t put it past them to have suggested this entire forced seduction to Ashley.

“Mac, Luke and Callie have left for the next state to pick up a part for the tractor. They’ll stay overnight with friends. Cade was conveniently called away on a bounty hunting job, which leaves you totally at my mercy.”


“What about Blade?”

“He can join us when he shows up.”

A roar of arousal pummeled him at the thought of watching Ashley squirm between the two of them again.

“As you said, revenge is a bitch, sweetheart,” she cooed as she pulled a ball stretcher from the bag.

Double Shit!
Think fast, Outlaw!

“I mean we have to keep an eye out for Blade. He’ll be coming with word about Tyler. I’m going to have to give him the cure, the research papers.”

“Everything is under control, my sweet. Don’t worry about anything. Cade told me where he put the cure and papers.”

“Cade’s not one to trust easy. How did you convince him to tell you where the cure is?”

“Actually I had nothing to do with it. Callie can be pretty persuasive. Especially with the threat of withholding another piece of chocolate cake.”

Colter chuckled. “We all have a major weakness for chocolate cake.”

“So I’ve been told.” Her gentle fingers branded him as she held his cock with one hand.

“What else did Callie tell you?” He breathed into the sensual sensations of having her fingers wrapped around his cock.


Jan Springer

“Well…” she scooped a finger of chocolate icing off the cake and smeared it slowly around his skull tattoo.

“She said that you give out the cutest little moan just before you come.”

His cock pulsed around the cock ring and his balls felt as if they were about to burst.

“I told her I already knew that from personal experience.”

“You did, did you?”

“Yes, we had quite a nice chat over tea and chocolate cake.”

“You did save some for me, didn’t you?”

“Of course. There is one last piece and I had to hide it from your brothers or they would have devoured it…now just relax and let all your worries disappear, and rest assured I’ll be gentle…for now. I know all about how a man’s cock and balls are extremely sensitive and should be handled with care especially while aroused…and you certainly are aroused.” Ashley grinned. Her warm fingers wrapped around his swollen testicles none too gently.

He winced as pain zipped through his balls and into his belly.



“Liar,” she whispered as she gently pulled his scrotum downward and maneuvered the ball stretcher around each swollen ball and fastened the binding in place. He groaned at the erotic way his testicles throbbed from the pressure.

“Oh that looks absolutely delicious. Now, for the next step.”

Her fingers trailed sensuous, featherlike brushes up over his abdomen and then up his belly until she reached his nipples. Index fingers from each hand looped through his nipple rings and she twisted and pulled and flicked until his nipples ached and became tender, hard beads. She snapped the clamps over each nipple and ring, engorging them both in a slow, erotic burn that sent a shiver of excitement pulsing through his cock and stretched balls.

“I’ve been dying to do this to you. To get the answers I’ve been curious about,” she whispered. One hand wrapped around his penis and she gently squeezed him. “Nice and rock-hard. Just the way I want my cock.”

“Getting a little possessive, are we?” he found himself chuckling as the cool clink of chains dribbled over his belly and lower abdomen.

“Very. Especially after what Callie said about you.”

“Oh? And what’s that?”

He expected jealousy to spark her eyes at his question. There was none. Obviously whatever hostility had been there last night when Ashley had seemed defiant against Callie was now gone.


Colter’s Revenge

“Ladies don’t tell on each other.” She grinned as she fiddled with something on the cock ring.

“Sounds like you two have bonded.”

“She’s a very nice lady. I can see why you would do her the favor of Claiming her.”

“What are you doing with that cock ring?”

“This clit stimulator on it doubles as a screw. Twist it and it’ll make the band larger to fit over your cock. Like this,” she slid the cool ring over his engorged cock and nestled it close to his root. Then she started twisting the clit stimulator. The band grew tighter and tighter until just the tiniest burst of pain made him shift his hips nervously.

“Easy, Starry Eyes,” he warned.

“What’s the matter, don’t you trust me?” her eyes glittered teasingly as she gave the chain a yank.

He gasped as sparks of pain zipped through both his nipples as well as the base of his cock. His cock turned a darker shade of purple.

“I know what I’m doing, sweet thing. Your cock and balls are safe with me…only as long as you cooperate and answer my questions.”

Oh jeez.

The mattress shifted beneath him as she climbed on. She stood over him and spread her legs on both sides of his hips, giving him an awesome view of her luscious breasts as well as the stars dangling off her labia clamps. Her pussy lips were even puffier and pinker than a moment before. He watched as she ran her finger over her engorged clit. Her eyes closed. Her lips parted.

His cock pulsed.

Oh man. What a freaking tease.

She moaned her arousal.

His heart picked up speed, furiously pounding against his chest. Slurpy sounds ripped through the air as her finger dipped into her moist sheath. He found himself cursing as he pictured his cock disappearing inside her tight hole or her velvety vaginal muscles clamping around his throbbing flesh.

“Oh this feels so good,” she whispered.

The sweet little bitch knew how to torture him. “Ashley…”

Another erotic moan shot fire through his veins. If his cock and balls weren’t tied up, he would have come on the spot at the sound.

Her finger kept sliding over her red swollen clit then slipping inside her pussy. She rode her hand harder, faster, her hips swiveling with the arousal until she cried out her release.

Oh man! What he wouldn’t do to join her.

For a moment, the only sounds were their combined rapid breaths bursting through the air. Her face was flushed a gorgeous pink and her full breasts rose and fell with her 145

Jan Springer

every inhalation, her nipple rings glistened in the late afternoon sunshine streaming through the windows. Her eyes flickered open and she gazed down at him with those intimate starry eyes he remembered so well.

“Now…that the appetizer is out of the way…let’s get down to business, shall we?”

“How about giving me a little appetizer first?”

“Uh-uh. Answer my questions first.”

Colter sighed with frustration. “What do you want to know?”

She sat down on his lap. Her long shimmering hair streamed down in front of her like a black veil covering her breasts from him. Her flesh was hot and wet on his thighs as she carefully avoided his cock with her pussy. He sucked in a breath as she reached over and scraped her nails along the knuckle-sized tattoo he’d had done after they’d denied him personal help to find Ashley. A tattoo he’d gotten as a reminder to never trust S.K.U.L.L.

“Who are these skull people?” she whispered, her voice full of curiosity as she leaned her head close to his chest.

His gut tightened at her question. “You don’t want to know about them.”

“A little information might get you a mouthful of that cake,” her cute little rosebud mouth pursed over his left, clamped, ringed nipple. Warm, sweet waves of her breath washed against his chest as she parted her lips and sucked the tiny clamp, silver nipple ring and his nipple into her mouth, pulling to this side of sweet pain. Oh shit, that felt good.

Too good.

“Tell me about them,” she said after lifting her mouth away.

“I shouldn’t, Starry Eyes.”

“Please trust me. I really want to know everything about you.”

“I quit them and they are out of my life. I want nothing to do with them.”

“And yet you went into Pleasure Palace to get that cure for them and to help your brother. They must still be important to you. I could see how concerned Blade was when he found us together.”

She let go of the ring and her hand snuck over the tattoo and headed for parts south. The instant her fingers cupped his vulnerable testicles he knew he would be telling her anything she wanted to hear if she decided to squeeze too hard.

“Maybe I should add some more scratch marks to your sac? I’m sure I could do more damage than Cheri.”

“I’m sure you could, but would you want to? Pain would render me useless.”

The tip of her pink tongue peeked out of her mouth. Such a beautiful tongue.

“Then perhaps you should participate in telling me?”

Her hand tightened around his testicles and she squeezed. None too gently.

“You could say I have you by the balls…literally.”


Colter’s Revenge

Shit! Ouch!

“All right, you win. On one condition.”

“Name it.”

“I want to know your secrets. What’s been bothering you? Why the nightmares?”

He swore her face paled a shade or two. Noticed her jaw twitch ever so slightly. His questions irritated her, but she barely showed her annoyance as she threw him a forced smile and tossed her head back to get her black bangs out of her eyes.

“You talk first.”

The pressure around his swollen testicles eased as she loosened her grip and he found himself breathing a little sigh of relief.

“What does this skull stand for?”

Ah damn.

“I thought we just covered that.”

“You covered it. I still want to know.”

“It’s a part of my past I’m not very proud of. You don’t need to hear it.”

“I’d never judge you, Colter. Please believe me when I say I would love you no matter what.”

Oh boy. The love word. A fuzzy warmth sifted through him.

BOOK: Colter's Revenge
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