Colter's Revenge (24 page)

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Authors: Jan Springer

BOOK: Colter's Revenge
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Having her being pleasured by other men was another story though. He knew ménages were her ultimate fantasy and, truth be told, he’d truly enjoyed watching his woman getting pleasure at another man’s hands. Watching Blade arousing her and pleasuring her back during the Terrorist Wars had been such a satisfying experience for Ashley, he’d seen it written all over her face when she’d been double penetrated.


Jan Springer

Last night he’d seen a similar look on her face when he’d mentioned her being in Callie’s position with his brothers pleasuring her. Her face had flamed with such a lovely hue of red he knew she wanted a ménage again, maybe with more than just Blade this time around.

The shower curtain was moist beneath his fingertips as he slowly slid it aside and—

The stall was empty!

Before he could turn, he felt the cuff snap around his left wrist and heard Ashley’s satisfied giggle as her soft, warm curves pressed against his backside.

“It’s my turn now, Outlaw,” she whispered in a sexy bedroom tone of voice that made his heart pick up an excited pace.

Her warm breath tingled against his ear and he found himself not resisting arrest, so to speak, as she tugged on the long chain she’d obviously retrieved from where it had been tangled through the headboard of his bed.

He noticed she wore his black suit jacket again as she leaned over and shut off the shower then led him out of the bathroom back into the bedroom. The suit enhanced her long, luscious legs and gave him an enticing peek of her deliciously rounded ass as she climbed onto the bed and looped the chain and other cuff through the bed spindles. When she yanked on the chain a little he obliged and lay down on the bed, quite anxious to participate with this playful side of her. When she was finished looping the chain, she came to stand in front of him again. He didn’t even think of resisting when she clamped the other cuff around his wrist.

Being her hostage this time around was only fair, and he found himself loving the lust glowing in her bright blue eyes as she stared down at him. She looked so damned cute with that satisfied smirk on her flushed face. Her long black hair was tangled and wet, giving her a seductive bad-girl appearance.

Although Colter had never personally used the cuffs with the attached chains on Callie, he knew Luke had.

Even though four of them had Claimed her, Luke was Callie’s number one husband and Callie only allowed him to do the kinky stuff to her. Delicious delights he hoped Ashley would allow him to do to her someday.

“Thought you were in the shower,” he said as he anxiously awaited her next move. Would she zip open his pants and take his engorged cock into her hot little mouth? Or would she strip him and do other naughty things to him?

“I was hoping you’d think that,” she purred, and suddenly headed for the door. Shit! He hadn’t locked it behind him.

“Hey! Where are you going?”

“Don’t worry, I won’t run away.”

She couldn’t even if she wanted to. His brothers and Callie wouldn’t let her go. They knew how much he wanted to protect Ashley, his stupid behavior last night had only shown them how much.


Colter’s Revenge

“Not when I’ve got you as my captive this time around,” she tossed over her shoulder. “You know I really was expecting breakfast in bed. But I can see that isn’t going to happen. So now that you’ve pissed me off, I’ll just have to leave you here to stew over your rude behavior for last night and this morning.”

Son of a bitch!

“Ashley! Get your ass in here and get these cuffs off me or there will be hell to pay.”

Her answer was the bedroom door slamming shut behind her.

“You are going to pay, Starry Eyes. You’re going to pay big time,” Colter muttered beneath his breath as a slip of excited lust brushed aside his anger at being so easily duped by her. He’d give her breakfast in bed all right, but not the kind she was expecting.

* * * * *

“That sounds like the alarm clock smashing against the door,” Ashley said cheerfully as a loud crash followed her into the sunny kitchen. She found herself thoroughly enjoying the shocked expressions on the faces of the Outlaw brothers and the woman named Callie when they gazed up from the scrumptious-looking cake they’d been devouring.

“Good morning,” Callie said softly. “Would you like some breakfast?”

“Actually I wouldn’t mind having some of that cake. The smell has been teasing me all morning long. I haven’t had chocolate in years.”

“Have a seat and help yourself. I’ll make you some tea.”

“Thanks,” Ashley seated herself across from the Outlaw brother named Cade and a delicious shiver raced up her spine at the dark, agonizing way he was watching her. Oh boy! This one looked like he was starved for sex. She snapped her gaze back to the delicious-looking chocolate cake.

“I warned Colter you wouldn’t take any of his shit,” the man she remembered as being introduced to her as Luke said.

“He should have listened,” Ashley said as, without hesitation, she wrapped her fingers onto one gooey iced chunk of the cake and picked it up. Damn! It sure smelled good!

Tasted even better.

She moaned and closed her eyes the instant the sweet, dark chocolate exploded against her taste buds.

“Absolute heaven.”

When she opened her eyes, she found the Outlaw brothers staring at her. Interest and appreciation not to mention carnal lust brewed in Mac and Cade’s eyes. She remembered Colter mentioning they hadn’t had sex since they’d found out Callie was 137

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pregnant. The brother named Luke, on the other hand, was frowning at her and shaking his head.

“Cheri Blakely isn’t going to give up until she finds you and Colter, you realize that, don’t you?”

Leave it to an Outlaw to ruin her first experience with chocolate in one hell of a long time.

“I know. I won’t be staying long.” Just until she could contact Blade and have her bodyguard released, along with obtaining a guarantee she would get first crack at the vaccine for her daughter when it became mass-produced. While she waited, maybe she’d even exact a little revenge on Colter.

“Don’t you men have something else to do with your time?” Callie cut in. “Luke, I need you to go and buy some sugar.”

“Sugar? We’ve got enough sugar—”

Callie’s firm look stopped him cold. “Okay, will do.” He stood quickly, taking his wife’s hint.

“And don’t you two have a field to finish plowing?” she said to Cade and Mac, who were still busily staring at Ashley as she licked the sweet chocolate icing from her fingers.

“I think we get the message,” Luke chuckled as he nodded to his two brothers who stood. In a flurry of movement they joined him and headed out of the kitchen.

“House alarm is set,” Luke called out, and then a moment later the front door slammed shut.

Silence ensued.

But not for long.

From the rear of the house another loud crash followed.

“That could have been a chair being hurled against the wall or maybe it was the antique clock.” Callie chuckled as she set a pot of tea and a cup down in front of Ashley.


“What do you think he threw?”

“Considering he can’t reach anything except whatever is beside the bed…”

Ashley enjoyed the way Callie’s eyes rounded in surprise. “You cuffed him to the bed?”

“That’s right. Just returning the favor.”

“Oh boy, he’s going to be really pissed off if you leave him there.”

“He’s already pissed off,” Ashley said as she licked the rest of the gooey chocolate off her fingers and grabbed the mug.

“Two spoons of sugar and some cream, just the way you like it,” Callie replied as Ashley took a tentative sip and tried hard not to give in to the relaxing feeling she was getting around this woman.


Colter’s Revenge

No, she wasn’t just a woman. She was Colter’s wife. She’d do well to remember that.

“How’d you know that’s how I like my tea?” she asked as she took a larger sip of the delicious tea.

“Colter told me some things about you.”

She almost choked as the liquid went down the wrong way.

“Are you okay?” Concern splashed across Callie’s face.

Ashley nodded and put down the mug. Suddenly she didn’t want to eat the cake or have tea anymore.

“Exactly what did he say?” Oh sweet heavens, she couldn’t believe she’d just asked that question. What in the world had Colter told his wife about her?

“Just that he was very upset at the way things were left between you two in Iraq.”

Hmm. Colter had a guilty conscience perhaps? But that didn’t make sense. He sure hadn’t acted guilty when he’d snapped that collar around her neck, figged her and all those other naughty things he’d done.

“I’m sure we’ll get along fine as long as he doesn’t try to dominate me anymore.”

“You mean dominate you outside of the bedroom.”

Oh, my God! She couldn’t believe Colter’s wife was talking to her this way. Callie laughed. Her eyes absolutely sparkled and Ashley decided she liked this woman.

“Listen, I don’t want to stand in the way between you two. I know legally I’m Colter’s Claimed wife but if he wants out to be with you, I certainly understand. It’s just, well…we’d have to get a replacement husband.”

“I can’t believe you say this so casually.”

Callie frowned. “It’s the way it is now.”

“But how can you accept this…this arrangement so easily? Doesn’t it bother you to have four husbands forced upon you?”

“They weren’t forced upon me. I came into the arrangement willingly. I suppose Colter told you that I spent five years incarcerated as a guinea pig?”

Ashley nodded.

“After being locked up like that and then escaping, only to discover the government invoked this Claiming Law, which forced me to hide yet again…well, I’m not one for living in fear and constantly looking over my shoulder like some of the women are choosing to do. I just wanted to settle down and continue my life, and so I allowed myself to be Claimed by the man I love along with three of his brothers. It’s that simple.”

“Wish I could see it that way.”

“It’s actually quite a lovely arrangement. The sex life was absolutely phenomenal. Having four men making love to you, pleasuring you, making you climax over and 139

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over again. Especially the Outlaw Lovers, they do know how to make a woman feel fabulous.”

“Outlaw Lovers?”

“My nickname for them.”

“Oh, I see. How…interesting.” That’s how she considered Colter. Her Outlaw Lover.

To Ashley’s surprise, she didn’t feel an ounce of jealousy that this woman and Colter had had sexual relations. Actually, she found herself rather envying Callie’s casual attitude toward her circumstances.

“Leave me a piece of that chocolate cake! Or there will be hell to pay!” came Colter’s shout from the back of the house.

“I could think of a few things I could do to him with chocolate cake.” Callie winked, and Ashley couldn’t stop herself from laughing.

* * * * *

“You’re really missing a delicious chocolate cake by sleeping the day away.”

At the teasing sound of Ashley’s voice Colter opened his eyes and blinked. He didn’t know how long he’d been in this bondage position on the bed with his wrists shackled because he’d fallen asleep. From the low slant of sunshine splashing through the windows, he’d say it’d been at least a few hours.

Moving his head, he inhaled sharply at the gorgeous sight of Ashley standing in the open doorway. She’d changed out of the suit jacket and now wore a provocative seethrough pale blue floral teddy. Oh boy, she looked so hot!

The teddy had luscious peek-a-boo side slits held together by flirty strings showing off the creamy curves of her generous breasts as well as her waist, hips and her silky thighs.

His cock swelled with appreciation.

With a low dipping V-neck, the teddy didn’t have any cups to cover her breasts but the delicate material cradled the underneath of her luscious curves like hands, making her gorgeous mounds look almost twice their size. Star-shaped silver nipple shields allowed her recently pierced nipples to poke through the appropriate holes.

“You like?” she teased as she left the door open and held a huge, icing-covered, chocolate slice of cake in her hand. In the other hand, he spied a small sack as she came to stand beside the bed where she’d made him her hostage.

“Like is a hell of an understatement.”

“You can thank your wife for being so generous with her things. She made this lovely outfit herself from a tablecloth. The nipple decorations, which I must add she has 140

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quite an assortment of, Luke makes from tin out in the barn when you and your brothers are working in the field.”

“So that’s what he’s doing with his free time.” Lucky dog!

“And these are homemade too…”

A surge of heat pounded through his veins when she lifted one leg and placed her foot on the side of the bed, giving him an erotic view of a skimpy thong and a breathless opening in the material at her crotch. He swallowed tightly at the sight of the puffy pink pussy lips stretching through the opening. Large silver-shaped star weights dangled on tiny chains from each clamped labia.

He blew out a breath. Was it suddenly getting hot in here or what?

“I’ve never seen this…outfit. I had no idea Callie and Luke were playing so much while we were working.”

“I don’t know if I should be pleased or angry that you had no idea these items existed.”

“She only allowed Luke to…”

“I think I get the picture. No wonder you were so hot to try those delicious toys out on me back at Pleasure Palace.”

She leaned over and placed the chocolate cake and the small bag she’d come into the room with on the nearby table. Then she returned her attention to him.

“I really didn’t appreciate the way you tied me down last night. Teasing me with possibilities of ménages. Not letting me get my satisfaction from that gorgeous bulge pressing against your briefs.”

“Would an apology suffice?”

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